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#211879 Ring of Gaxx

Posted by Child on 23 June 2005 - 11:10 PM in Delusions of the Mind

Or perhaps Kangaxx might have been an unfortunate victim of the ring, with he renaming himself to something containing 'gaxx' out of obsession of the ring.


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One ring to rule them all...

#211668 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 22 June 2005 - 11:48 AM in Planescape: Torment

Rastor simply clipped away a post that was trying to pick up a quarel with something said half-a-year ago (for which I am quite greatful).  Providing that I have seen little to no materials from you in the past half-a-year, I have reached the conclusion that you have no interest in working on it; I am not partriculary fond of people wasting my time so I will be reluctant to resume this cooperation. I am currently too preoccupied with fulfilling my obligations to Corthala Romantique, BG1NPC and Kivan of Shilmista SOA to be able to work on anything else. Upon completion of these three projects I will be chosing between this mod, Kivan of Shilmista ToB and and Out of Mulhorand (AE) to work on in addition to Midnight Visitor. I cannot say which one it is going to be atm.

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As regards to my lack of work, see your PM. Sorry....I wondered what the dead post was for...fair enough...

#211667 Raise Dead

Posted by Child on 22 June 2005 - 11:46 AM in Dragon Age Series

Or just use the option that Raise Dead drains one level permanently untill more xp is gain.

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I think Archmage's idea is better, simply because, if it drained ability scores, I know I wouldn't actually ever use Raise Dead.....I try and buff my chars as much as possible....so that would make it silly...

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I concur. It won't be so costly, but it would be a sacrifice nonetheless.

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Altho, from playing NWN, tbh I would just load anyway...even the smallest of XP losses made me wince....

#211618 Raise Dead

Posted by Child on 22 June 2005 - 03:49 AM in Dragon Age Series

Or just use the option that Raise Dead drains one level permanently untill more xp is gain.

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I think Archmage's idea is better, simply because, if it drained ability scores, I know I wouldn't actually ever use Raise Dead.....I try and buff my chars as much as possible....so that would make it silly...

#211617 Portal Keys (May contain SPOILERS)

Posted by Child on 22 June 2005 - 03:32 AM in Planescape: Torment

theres also another one in the bit before the buried Village, there is a portal in the northern part of the map (you'll have to look I'm afraid) the key is a

Cranium rat tail :thumb:

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Oh yeah, he's right...very top NE corner, in the underground passage to the buried village....u get the club of nettles and a few oither spiiffy items there :D

#211610 Ring of Gaxx

Posted by Child on 22 June 2005 - 01:09 AM in Delusions of the Mind

Actually, it would be almost worth to make these changes to the BG2 version... it could become a most interesting (although less useful) item that way. :rolleyes:

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Can someone post a copy of the original rules/description?

#211433 no monks

Posted by Child on 20 June 2005 - 11:43 AM in Dragon Age Series

Tell that to a Knights Templar, they where actually fighting monks and probably the closest thing to a fantasy paladin. There where also other orders of fighting monks.

Well... they certainly were quite far from the fantasy paladins, killing women, children and men in the name of god. They were wrong to do that of course, but not all of them even believed that they did some good, many just wanted to get power and riches by being a templar. So, quite far from Keldorn...

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They wern't really monks anyway. not proper monks. Not according to the Rule of St Benedict. I guess that just means they are not Benedictine monks, but seeing as the Benedictine rule has been the established mode by which all monk orders are established since the 9th century...
Knight Templars were more like knights who had devoted themselves to god. They had a chapter hosue, but their primary role was as a knight, not as monks. They fought for Christianity, rather than having a primary role of extolling God..which makes them more heavenly peacekeepers than monks.

(I guess AS level Medieval history in monks comes in handy for some things, anyway...)

#211425 Tamoko Mod

Posted by Child on 20 June 2005 - 09:01 AM in IE Mod Ideas

The Tamoko pic is really nice (if only because Devon Aoki is kinda cute...)..and it is pretty hot stuff as a baldurisation...but LOL at the armour vs lack of sex appeal idea.........
You can just see the argument:
Should i wear my full plate +2 which may save my life today, or should I go with the slinky chainmail, so i can look sexy?

Actually, knowing some of the girls i do, thats a total nobrainer... :blink:

#211422 Portal Keys (May contain SPOILERS)

Posted by Child on 20 June 2005 - 08:54 AM in Planescape: Torment


The only really important ones are the junk for ragpicker's square, pharod's crutch for pharod's area, the crooked fingerbone in the mortuary, the modron cube for the modron maze, and the quest portal key for the dreamweaver/ravel's maze.

Oh yeah, and SPOILER

The piece of skin with your regret on it for the fortress of regrets....


#211421 The "What did they take out?" thread

Posted by Child on 20 June 2005 - 08:50 AM in Planescape: Torment

So what IS FFGs diary for?

Hm..im sure there was something else destined for PS:T that never made it but i cant remember what...

#211420 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 20 June 2005 - 08:47 AM in Planescape: Torment

This discussion has been veering dangerously off-topic.  Ashara simply offered up a topic for discussion and people turn it into a flame-fest.  Criticisms are fine, but kindly stop insulting each other.

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If its not a silly question have i been missing posts/have posts been cut out...coz all of the berk/bubber things are vaguely relevant, as is the fact that TNO can't get drunk...um, and most of the flaming stopped weeks ago...
Oh and BTW ashara, i dunno how much work ure doing on this atm, but ive kinda stopped due to A levels....

#210827 The villains

Posted by Child on 17 June 2005 - 08:17 AM in Dragon Age Series

You're absolutely right.
Politicians and CEOs who embezzle from the public purse and abuse trust should not be put to death, or jailed.
They should just do some community service instead.

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Nah, ure getting me wrong. They should be reduced to living in poverty... but its not worth carving through monsters to do it. Its just so common and expected of politicans that its almost a requirement...

#210819 NWN animations to BG2

Posted by Child on 17 June 2005 - 06:29 AM in IE Help

Can we give this guy a medal? OR a cash prize? Please?

And can we please have the ioun stone animations ASAP? they look great! (and i always wanted coloured lights flying round my head...)

#210808 The villains

Posted by Child on 17 June 2005 - 05:11 AM in Dragon Age Series

Yeah but once you have killed 1 person, killing another is not quite such a big deal, if you acted selfishly the first time...so things snowball. After 2000, whats another 40 hey?
And in ideas of restraint: I'll only kill 35 people..any more and it has gone too far?

In addition, a villain who only commits fraud isn't much of a villain. Certainly not worth going around bashing thousands of monsters to catch up with.

#210806 The "What did they take out?" thread

Posted by Child on 17 June 2005 - 05:04 AM in Planescape: Torment

I know that the secret room under the brothel was meant to be something much more then it was :glare:

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Does anybody know if the following are right:

i) More entire areas within Sigil itself (I heard there were meant to be like 4 more wards somewhere...I mean, what's with only being able to go to the lower and clerk's...isn't there an upper ward?)
ii) Romance with FFG (What the heck other point does her diary have...do you ever get to use that?)
iii) The chance to be some of the other classes?

#210609 The "What did they take out?" thread

Posted by Child on 16 June 2005 - 06:44 AM in Planescape: Torment

Ok, so PS:T was released early, leaving lots of unfinished plots, and restricting the number of areas etc, compared to what would have been in the original.

But does anyone have official information on what is missing? Is there anywhere one can find out what they chopped, and what we would have got if the publishers wern't such fools?

#210549 The villains

Posted by Child on 16 June 2005 - 12:52 AM in Dragon Age Series

Well, Irenicus was an usual self-centered power-mad type of villain. He was punished justly for an act which could have destroyed a whole elven city and even more. His only motivations (his trait from the start or innoculated to him by his sister, does not matter) is a crazy lust for power and vengeance for totally selfish reasons. It became a little bit repetitive.
   As well, the villain is evil to the core. None of them does not show any restraints. That became a stereotype too.

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The problem with restraint is:

I've killed 30 people. I need to kill this one to. BUT IT'S GONE TOO FAR!!! I MUST STOP NOW. *gives self up*

Or, to put it another way, where is the fun in combating a villain who, when it comes to the crunch, decides against going through with his plan. Why would he show restraint on lesser issues, and then still go through with the big plan? It would be no fun zonking Irenicus if, at the Tree of Life, he suddenly decided he had gone too far and gave himself up.

#210279 What would you like Ruad to make most?

Posted by Child on 14 June 2005 - 11:52 PM in IE Modding Discussion

Thanks for the Post Cantrip - I now have the item list, so here's my next suggestion.

Bejeweled Tome of Combined Knowledge

Merella's Journal
Lellyn's Journal
Tome of Amaunator
How to build a Golem
Tanner's Letter
Book of King Stromn
Orc Cookbook

10 potions of Genius
10 potions of Wisdom

5 Star Sapphires
5 Diamonds
5 Kings Tears
5 Rogue Stones

This Tome permanantly increases Int + Wis by one.

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And then add FFG's diary, which could be hidden somewhere, and call it +1 to charisma as well if you find it before you make the item :D

#210133 The villains

Posted by Child on 14 June 2005 - 06:57 AM in Dragon Age Series

I'd like to debate the H man more, becoz i could at least find a bit of good in him, but anyway....

Right..back on topic..

So, when they say a not obvious light vs dark, what do u think they mean? Are they simply blurring the lines. BEcause you could make it civilisation vs barbarism, and that would still be opposites opposing.

Or, by ambiguous, do they actually mean that there will be sides, and extents. For example, could i subscribe to one point of view, become disillusioned, and subscribe to bits of the other, and then take the middle road? Presumably they are gonna bottle out and make two diametrically opposed sides, and just not align then to good or evil?

#210075 What would you like Ruad to make most?

Posted by Child on 14 June 2005 - 02:51 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Ohohohoh.....How about Nordom's x-bows. Dual wield x-bows (ok...maybe just reduce the speed factor..but you could pretend!!)

And a couple of the Axes that Vhailor can use.

(and maybe Fall-From-Grace's chastity bodice)

OR....what about FFG's diary. Gives instant wisdom bonus, and maybe dialogue like the Book of Wonder, or whatever from PS:T: The one that you just look at and can only say "ooh...ahh"

Or maybe, corrupting influence, and a big XP bonus?

Um. I have to stop obsessing about what might be in FFG's diary.... *whistles and slinks off*

#210072 The villains

Posted by Child on 14 June 2005 - 01:57 AM in Dragon Age Series

Um...Nazie-fying villans? Surely Hitler saw what he was doing as righteous and justified? He wasn't evil for the sake of being evil. And neither were the German people.............

#210055 BGIII

Posted by Child on 14 June 2005 - 12:36 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

Hmm. Ok..That article appears all over the place, but Atari don't have anything on their website, and neither do PCGamer. So is this all the info we have? That was what, nearly a year ago? And they still haven't announced who they have working on it?

Hmm...if it comes out it will be a miracle...people have been clamouring for it for years...and as long as they don't turn it into a cash cow, then things should be ok...I just hope that whoever is in charge of it has the sense, if it is not nearly as good as it should be, to put the lid on it and say: no more!

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And that was me, but I'm a muppet and my computer account has crashed, so I forgot to sign in.

#209956 BGIII

Posted by Child on 13 June 2005 - 12:31 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

And one final thing: where is this information available on the web? I wanna find somewhere that this is "Official." There have been rumours kicking around for YEARS. I want conformation before i start buying party balloons. Especially as I'm donig A levels atm. Don't want sleepless nights in the middle of exams for nothing....

#209953 BGIII

Posted by Child on 13 June 2005 - 12:15 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

Actually, whilst I'm throwing out ideas left right and centre:

i) what about focusing on another Bhaalspawn? (go on, I dare you. Come up with one problem for that that i can't come up with a solution to ;) )

ii) What about Gorion. How did he start out? How did he become so dam powerful? And why does his magic missile spell rox more than yours ever can? (*sob*)

#209951 BGIII

Posted by Child on 13 June 2005 - 12:08 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

What about a prequel that focused on the city, rather than the events in bg1/2.
I wanna know what happened to Balduran either before or after he sailed into the sun. He always struck me as a bit cool. :D