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#259769 A portrait

Posted by Minarvia on 01 August 2006 - 09:28 AM in Layers of Reality

I like it!  Nice work.

#284052 A problem after Edwin changes back from Edwina

Posted by Minarvia on 01 March 2007 - 08:06 PM in Edwin Romance

Ack! I once had this problem and I can't for sure recall how someone told me to fix it. I hope I'm not wrong, but iirc, there is a individual baldurdash fix to correct this. Take a look at that list and look for fixes for Edwin. I'm pretty sure that's how I did it once.

#284049 Ajantis in BG2

Posted by Minarvia on 01 March 2007 - 08:01 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I'd love to see Ajantis in BG2. Of course, I haven't finished his BG1 romance so I don't know if he turns into a jerk or not. If he does and I'm too mad at him, I may just kill him myself in BG2! Oh, wait, I already do! : )
Seriously, I would like to see this project completed soon!

#287759 Alternate Edwin Edit

Posted by Minarvia on 19 March 2007 - 09:29 PM in Layers of Reality

You made Edwin even more sexified. <3 ^^

No kidding!  Eddie is the love of my life!  Bmps please!!!  
He's just gorgeous!

#287856 Alternate Edwin Edit

Posted by Minarvia on 20 March 2007 - 10:45 AM in Layers of Reality

Lovely! I prefer the danglies...but both are beautiful. Thank you!

#258520 An update on Sir Kalthorine's situation

Posted by Minarvia on 23 July 2006 - 10:28 PM in Chrysta

So good to hear that he's well. :)

#283272 An update on Sir Kalthorine's situation

Posted by Minarvia on 24 February 2007 - 04:07 PM in Chrysta

Yes, welcome. And don't worry, like Berelinde said, BG2 won't be going away any time soon. And there will always be us die-hards who are eager for a great new mod.
Glad you're well!

#245470 Brythe NPC Tolerability, Poll 3

Posted by Minarvia on 31 March 2006 - 12:22 AM in Brythe

I voted for Aerie because I think she can't believe that once someone has done such evil could be trusted or redeemed. Plus, I think she would just plain be afraid of him.
I think that Keldorn could tolerate Brythe because, as a paladin, he believes in law and since Brythe has paid his penalty he can be given a "clean slate" so to speak. Well, clean enough that he could atone for his deeds, at any rate.
Of course, I'm probably alone in this opinion and as much as I love BGII I am not as much a "deep thinker" some other players are.

#285793 Challenge #1: Player Character

Posted by Minarvia on 11 March 2007 - 03:00 PM in Fanart Challenge

Here's a picture of Gavin, when he was a PnP cleric. We weren't playing in a Forgotten Realms setting, so he was a cleric of Pelor.

This portrait is very old. I never dated it, unfortunately, so I can't say how old it is. Had to have been after 3rd edition rules, though, to have been Pelor. Edit: couldn't have been much after it first came out, though, because I was deep into my crew-cut phase at that point.

That's too funny! I had to view it from the top down and I was wondering what the heck was happening. The last bit then hit me and made me laugh out loud. Yep, that's our Gavin, all right!

#261804 Concerning Nether Scroll convo..

Posted by Minarvia on 18 August 2006 - 10:52 PM in Edwin Romance

The dreaded Nether Scroll question... With a stylish flare!

Anyhow.. After retrieving the Nether Scroll, I know many a-person has said that Eddie will refuse to speak for a period of time. If anyone really paid attention, how long did you have to sit around and wait for him to use that darn scroll?

Real time or game time, either one works.. I've sat around for 3 days game and who knows how long real time.

Hehe, I'm much too impatient. I'm eternally grateful to those who created ER. ^^ Hugs to you.

I've never had problem with this.  Perhaps 30 minutes or so real time, as I tend to adventure a bit.  But you do have to rest several times (I rest at an Inn, preferably) several times in a row and then "it" happens.  
Good luck!   :)

#260279 Dekkie's attacking me!

Posted by Minarvia on 04 August 2006 - 07:25 AM in Edwin Romance

So I went to fight the lich and his three cronnies. I got really pissed because they kept killing my pc so I ctrl-y everyone. I trapped Banco (sp?) inside the thingy when Dekkie starts saying how much of a mistake I made. What the hell happened? He attacked first mind you.

I had this happen once to me, too. But I had cast a cloud kill in that part of the room he materialized in and since he caught some of it he behaved as if I had attacked HIM. I had to reload and avoid that spell (or any other similar spell). I think I used CK and AHW once very early on and it had dissapated before Dekkie arrived. Did you use an area spell?

#257772 Does anyone know where Blacksheep has gone?

Posted by Minarvia on 17 July 2006 - 01:44 PM in IE Modding Discussion

Glad someone found it!

Hopefully all the mod links will soon be updated to reflect the change--like Minarvia, I've been hunting for the past few days.

Thanks all! And sorry for the misplacing of my question. :( But I'm so glad it's back up!

#257625 Does anyone know where Blacksheep has gone?

Posted by Minarvia on 16 July 2006 - 01:41 PM in IE Modding Discussion

I've been looking for Blacksheep modding and it has seemingly disappeared!  I had wanted to check on Neh'taniel and other projects and I can't even find a site.  Anyone know what's up?   :(

#263201 Doubt about flirts

Posted by Minarvia on 03 September 2006 - 03:36 PM in Edwin Romance

Thx a lot for the mod! is really awesome   :Bow:   :Bow:

I have installed the flirts pack and my romance with Edwin is lovely  :wub: but i have a doubt about two flirts


We already reach home base and i tried to give him a long kiss and a slow hug but i always get the " you decide that you and Edwin need some  privacy ...." I wonder ... do i have to go to a special area? an inn or something? or the flirt is working fine? sorry for my english it isnt my first language.

Again thx a lot for the romance, i started to play bg2 again just for it!

No, all you have to do is have you and Eddie walk away from the rest of the party.  When you are far enough away the flirt will continue.  Enjoy!

#285794 Edwin Romance fan art yay!

Posted by Minarvia on 11 March 2007 - 03:03 PM in Edwin Romance

They are beautiful, Ilmatar! Thank you! I've missed your Edwin Romance fan art. I may just have to steal one for my own mage pc... : )

#285846 Edwin Romance fan art yay!

Posted by Minarvia on 11 March 2007 - 07:01 PM in Edwin Romance

I've missed your Edwin Romance fan art.


#285847 Edwin Romance fan art yay!

Posted by Minarvia on 11 March 2007 - 07:01 PM in Edwin Romance

I've missed your Edwin Romance fan art.



#249534 Edwin Romance fan art yay!

Posted by Minarvia on 02 May 2006 - 05:42 PM in Edwin Romance

Hee hee!  That's great!   :D  Thanks, Ilmatar!  My pc's int is also 18 and she falls for it, too!   :P

#257021 Edwin Romance fan art yay!

Posted by Minarvia on 11 July 2006 - 02:49 PM in Edwin Romance

Lice! I like that Eddie has his head in my lap... :hug: Also, the look on his face when it is even suggested that he may not be 100% squeaky clean...

Oh, how about the foot bath? :D

#275532 Fade artwork

Posted by Minarvia on 22 December 2006 - 07:51 PM in Fade

I really like them all, but the Christmas one and the thief one are really terriffic. And, welcome to SHS, by the way!

#266625 Going to Brynlaw with Edwina (and a weird time to cook dinner)

Posted by Minarvia on 16 October 2006 - 11:05 AM in Edwin Romance

I was wondering whether the romance will still continue if you go to Brynlaw just after Edwin's accident with the nether scroll? I got the lovetalk about "the business of being a woman" before going, and went through Spellhold and the underdark with Edwina. Now on chapter 6, I wonder if the romance is still active or have I somehow broken it by going to Chapter 6 without completing Edwin's quest and the romance?? So far, there's not been any sign of Degardan, but admittedly I have not given him very much time yet, maybe a few game days.

Also, there was a rather funny thing happening with the flirt where Edwin promises to cook you dinner. I got the promise to cook just before he turned into Edwina. I am fairly sure we rested in an inn before going to the Underdark and nothing happened there. Then, many nights later, Edwin decided to torch out the kitchen staff of the drow Inn of Ust Natha. :P Not the most obviously romantic setting of all, not to mention the thing about us supposing to be undercover and not attracting attention...

But anyway, thank you once again for the most enjoyable mod and especially the flirts! :Bow: Eddie is my favourite!

I nearly always go the Brynlaw after the Nether Scroll and it works just fine. I did one game where I went there after he was back to normal so I could have the lovely Lust Chambers flirts. They are great if you haven't seen them! But usually I do as you are doing. I usually wait until after Degarden's first appearance, or until he is about to appear and then take off for Spellhold. He will probably appear for you in your game. He will take about 30 or 40 minutes after the "business of being female" dialog. Oh, and if you didn't know, Degarden can appear on Brynlaw for his first appearance. Good luck!

#259180 Has it been done...?

Posted by Minarvia on 28 July 2006 - 10:55 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Now I am almost positive that that hasn't been done to Aerie.

No, to my knowledge there isn't such an avatar of Aerie. But Mistress E did a lovly drawing of Aerie with her wings. Ah, here it is, it is worth a look because it is a lovely drawing even tho it isn't BGII style.

#260619 HELP! Where the heck is he?

Posted by Minarvia on 06 August 2006 - 10:54 AM in Edwin Romance

Heh heh.  In regards to my first question, I figured out that in order to make Eddie appear, you have to actually DO the quests that Mae'Var gives you.

I always just go straight up to the second floor, use a knock spell on the drawer with the evidence inside, and then report to Renal. Sorry for this little brain fart. I guess that's why no one replied...   :doh:

I also had one game where I declined having Eddie join me and he went to the Copper Coronet. I picked him up later and the romance began.  I had just wanted to see if it would work and it did.  He immediately gave me the first LT "Well, Charname, Mae'Var is now wormfood..." So it is possible to kill Mae'Var without Eddie in the party at the time.  You just HAVE to follow thru and kill Mae'Var and ER does a deadcheck and the romance will follow.  At least it does for me.  :)

#266530 hmmm... romanceable?

Posted by Minarvia on 15 October 2006 - 03:05 PM in Brythe

Brythe will be a hard character to romance, I think; due to various events in his past which will be hard to get past.

I personally can't wait to see more of Brythe - and I hope Shfelliot turns up sooner rather than later! :)

No kidding. I like this guy and I've been checking here all the time hoping to see some progress. :)

#273928 hmmm... romanceable?

Posted by Minarvia on 12 December 2006 - 08:22 AM in Brythe

I personally think that a romance with Brythe would be awesome, cuz there's not too much choice for a romance with a female PC. He would be the most intriguing character to try and have a romance with.

Well, there is Edwin, Tsujatha, Kelsey, Solaufein, Kivan and Xan. If you haven't tried them you may want to. They can keep you busy for the time being!