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#259651 no more paenelian?

Posted by Minarvia on 31 July 2006 - 06:04 PM in Tashia

Well, if she's already in the party, fixing the problem is as easy as opening up the game in Shadowkeeper, and adding the Scrimshaw figurine to her inventory. If she's not in-party, just install the updated version over the old one and it should work.

As for the lich-change talk, we dropped it after internal discussion. It just didin't make much sense in the whole of Tashia.

And yeah, we added a lot of banter :).

I know this must be a silly question, but how do you add it to her inventory? All I have ever done in SK is assign the item I want to Charname's head, then move it down to inventory when I load the game. If I do that with this figurine, tho, it stays on her head and cannot be removed. :huh:

#259662 no more paenelian?

Posted by Minarvia on 31 July 2006 - 11:36 PM in Tashia

I'm not sure if the figurine needs to be in the Quick item slots to be used or not, but if you've got Shadowkeeper, all you have to do is select the slot you want to put it in (Scroll down in the inventory window until you see QuickSlot or Inventory rows) and add it in like you would to the head.

Ah, thanks! :blush: That sounds so easy now that you say it. I'll go off and do that right now.

Edit - I can do it, thanks! But there is still a problem, for me, anyway. If I add it to her inventory, the item cannot be moved. If I add it to a quickslot for her it can be described, but not used. I mean you cannot see it when you view it from the normal game screen. The slot appears empty. :blink: Inside her character screen it cannot be moved from there, either. Weird. I'd best just let it go for now.

#275532 Fade artwork

Posted by Minarvia on 22 December 2006 - 07:51 PM in Fade

I really like them all, but the Christmas one and the thief one are really terriffic. And, welcome to SHS, by the way!

#259771 no more paenelian?

Posted by Minarvia on 01 August 2006 - 09:32 AM in Tashia

Edit - I can do it, thanks! But there is still a problem, for me, anyway. If I add it to her inventory, the item cannot be moved. If I add it to a quickslot for her it can be described, but not used. I mean you cannot see it when you view it from the normal game screen. The slot appears empty. :blink: Inside her character screen it cannot be moved from there, either. Weird. I'd best just let it go for now.

Not showing up in the quickslot when on the main screen could be a result of it not having any charges... I seem to remember this happening with some vanilla items. Try resting after getting the item in.

Ah, that must be it. Thanks! I'll do that.

#260397 I wish there was a vampire kit

Posted by Minarvia on 04 August 2006 - 09:07 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Seifer is the one who remade that mod as Weidu.

He and other have stated (on threads I am too lazy to find) that TDD is not required to use the "Forgotten Children" mod.

So ignore that header in the readme that makes it sound like it only works with TDD.

Thanks so much, MTS. Yes, the line in the readme did indeed make it sound that way. I'll try it out this weekend. Yipee! :D

#260518 I wish there was a vampire kit

Posted by Minarvia on 05 August 2006 - 04:51 PM in IE Mod Ideas

It does indeed work! Yipee! I like it so far. But a couple of weird things have happened but that could be due to my whole crapload of mods. But it is fun so far anyway.

#259792 I wish there was a vampire kit

Posted by Minarvia on 01 August 2006 - 11:49 AM in IE Mod Ideas

SHS Mirror of TDD

TDD is available right here from the SHS Download Centre. There is a FAQ etc in the forum under Completed Mods (TDDsinTDD).

Thank you, Rabain. :hug: (Sigh) I don't know what I was thinking when I was looking into it awhile ago. The word "kits" besides spells and items somehow escaped me. I thought that I needed the original entire mod, I guess, but it looks like I don't. Thanks again.

#259816 I wish there was a vampire kit

Posted by Minarvia on 01 August 2006 - 04:20 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I never noticed any Vampire kits for TDD

I was pointed in this direction for the mod that goes with TDD for the vampire kit -


#259496 I wish there was a vampire kit

Posted by Minarvia on 30 July 2006 - 02:59 PM in IE Mod Ideas

You could extract the kit from the TDD tp2 and install it yourself...or ask someone involved in TDD if they'd help you out!

Heh, I might, but when I go to the site to even download TDD (I played it years ago but never saved it on a dish, silly me) I can't find the link to actually re-download the silly thing. I can't read Spanish, so I gave up when I couldn't seem to find the actual download link. I just felt too stupid for words so I gave it all up and was too embarrassed to ask SConrad or someone who may know about it.
Then, even if I get the download, I don't know that I could figure out how to extract just what I want. :(
Thanks for your suggestion tho. I may give that weird site another go a little later.

#259263 I wish there was a vampire kit

Posted by Minarvia on 28 July 2006 - 09:42 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I wish there was a vampire kit that didn't require TDD.  Yes, I play with some other kits and due to that I know that there wouldn't be any empty kit slots for TDD.  I did some looking and some nice people here pointed me to that one, but with all the mods I am playing right now I won't be able to get to even try that out for quite some time.  I wish there was a way I could have that kit just by itself!  I got the vampire fever from playing Valen and now that I can't use her for various reasons I find myself wishing my pc could have her abilities. I thought that it would be cool and challenging to have those strengths and those weaknesses.

#259324 I wish there was a vampire kit

Posted by Minarvia on 29 July 2006 - 12:33 PM in IE Mod Ideas

There is another mod somewhere. I think it's called the Forgotten Ones or something but I can't find it anywhere

Really? I'll continue searching, then. Thanks for your reply! :)

#246375 Possible oops?

Posted by Minarvia on 07 April 2006 - 08:35 AM in Edwin Romance

Hmmm...I ALWAYS go to Brynlaw and have Degarden appear for the first time as soon as I set foot off the ship. I never have a problem. I do the Underdark, sometimes Sahauguin City, and as soon as I leave the Underdark I get the "lock of hair" talk and Degarden appears for the 2nd time and everything is cool. I've never had a problem. :blink: Am I just lucky? I've done this several times at least. Unless you all mean that you have done all the SOA stuff before the Underdark. I usually do all the Athkatla stuff and Umar Hills, and save the rest for when I return from the Underdark. The Romance runs quite smoothly for me, plus I get the "pink squirrel" dialog between Immy and Eddie.

#284049 Ajantis in BG2

Posted by Minarvia on 01 March 2007 - 08:01 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I'd love to see Ajantis in BG2. Of course, I haven't finished his BG1 romance so I don't know if he turns into a jerk or not. If he does and I'm too mad at him, I may just kill him myself in BG2! Oh, wait, I already do! : )
Seriously, I would like to see this project completed soon!

#245470 Brythe NPC Tolerability, Poll 3

Posted by Minarvia on 31 March 2006 - 12:22 AM in Brythe

I voted for Aerie because I think she can't believe that once someone has done such evil could be trusted or redeemed. Plus, I think she would just plain be afraid of him.
I think that Keldorn could tolerate Brythe because, as a paladin, he believes in law and since Brythe has paid his penalty he can be given a "clean slate" so to speak. Well, clean enough that he could atone for his deeds, at any rate.
Of course, I'm probably alone in this opinion and as much as I love BGII I am not as much a "deep thinker" some other players are.

#259180 Has it been done...?

Posted by Minarvia on 28 July 2006 - 10:55 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Now I am almost positive that that hasn't been done to Aerie.

No, to my knowledge there isn't such an avatar of Aerie. But Mistress E did a lovly drawing of Aerie with her wings. Ah, here it is, it is worth a look because it is a lovely drawing even tho it isn't BGII style.

#273928 hmmm... romanceable?

Posted by Minarvia on 12 December 2006 - 08:22 AM in Brythe

I personally think that a romance with Brythe would be awesome, cuz there's not too much choice for a romance with a female PC. He would be the most intriguing character to try and have a romance with.

Well, there is Edwin, Tsujatha, Kelsey, Solaufein, Kivan and Xan. If you haven't tried them you may want to. They can keep you busy for the time being!

#266530 hmmm... romanceable?

Posted by Minarvia on 15 October 2006 - 03:05 PM in Brythe

Brythe will be a hard character to romance, I think; due to various events in his past which will be hard to get past.

I personally can't wait to see more of Brythe - and I hope Shfelliot turns up sooner rather than later! :)

No kidding. I like this guy and I've been checking here all the time hoping to see some progress. :)

#268117 When to go to spellhold/underdark?

Posted by Minarvia on 31 October 2006 - 12:06 AM in Edwin Romance

Arghhh! I want to go to Spellhold and Eddie refuses to leave Athkatla. This is the same problem a previous poster had. I have the new version and this is the first time I wanted to leave before Eddie became himself again. We only had the kiss, we're nowhere near the letter phase yet. I'm playing with Beyond the Law and this is the perfect time for Spellhold...but, alas. I'll guess I'll have to kill some time or leave my game on pause a lot.
Just thought someone would want to know.

#266719 No Fate Spirit Summinong?

Posted by Minarvia on 17 October 2006 - 09:41 AM in Edwin Romance

I wish I could be more help, but I really don't know what's causing this. I know that you should be able to summon 'my lover Edwin', I did write the lines for that and it should be implemented.

Thank you for trying. I think I'll just try a re-install of the TOB portion and see it that will do it. Maybe something just hiccupped somewhere.

#265928 No Fate Spirit Summinong?

Posted by Minarvia on 09 October 2006 - 03:28 PM in Edwin Romance

I know for a fact that a few times I did a TOB only game just for playtesting of mods and I was able to summon Eddie to my side. Lately, however, after I have done a clean install and reinstall, and left out a bunch of mods I am not currently playing, I can no longer summon him. I have definately installed the TOB because I re-ran it and since it did not give me the option to install, only to reinstall or uninstall, I'm sure Eddie should be available to me. Any ideas on why he isn't? :huh:


#265960 No Fate Spirit Summinong?

Posted by Minarvia on 09 October 2006 - 08:36 PM in Edwin Romance

As I remember, you can't summon 'My love, Edwin the Mage' or whatever - only 'Edwin'. But I haven't played in ages, so I'm probably wrong... :)

Drat it, I don't have the Tweaks installed. Sigh. I know for certain I've summoned "my lover, Edwin" in the past. He comes to you and says something about longing for his erotic onslaught, etc.
I really don't know why I suddenly can't get him with my new install. But thanks for trying, everyone. If there are any more thoughts, tho, please go ahead and post. I haven't given up hope!

#265575 No Fate Spirit Summinong?

Posted by Minarvia on 05 October 2006 - 05:51 PM in Edwin Romance

I know for a fact that a few times I did a TOB only game just for playtesting of mods and I was able to summon Eddie to my side.  Lately, however, after I have done a clean install and reinstall, and left out a bunch of mods I am not currently playing, I can no longer summon him.  I have definately installed the TOB because I re-ran it and since it did not give me the option to install, only to reinstall or uninstall, I'm sure Eddie should be available to me.  Any ideas on why he isn't?   :huh:

#265947 No Fate Spirit Summinong?

Posted by Minarvia on 09 October 2006 - 06:27 PM in Edwin Romance

I know for a fact that a few times I did a TOB only game just for playtesting of mods and I was able to summon Eddie to my side. Lately, however, after I have done a clean install and reinstall, and left out a bunch of mods I am not currently playing, I can no longer summon him. I have definately installed the TOB because I re-ran it and since it did not give me the option to install, only to reinstall or uninstall, I'm sure Eddie should be available to me. Any ideas on why he isn't? :huh:


Do you have Improved Fate Spirit Summoning (a feature of the BG2 Tweak Pack) installed? If you do, you will olly be able to summon NPCs you 'have met in your travels', and for a TOB only game, that's not good - <ou haven't met anyone yet. Uninstall it and see if you can summon Eddie now.

Hope this helps!

Thanks for the reply! I don't recall installing that, but I'll check my log. Thanks!

#257625 Does anyone know where Blacksheep has gone?

Posted by Minarvia on 16 July 2006 - 01:41 PM in IE Modding Discussion

I've been looking for Blacksheep modding and it has seemingly disappeared!  I had wanted to check on Neh'taniel and other projects and I can't even find a site.  Anyone know what's up?   :(

#255746 Sir K is lost in the desert!

Posted by Minarvia on 28 June 2006 - 06:20 PM in Chrysta

Sorry but it's been some months now - is his sense of direction bad enough for his being lost to continue?

:ROFL: I've wondered the same thing!