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#598426 Ajoc Mod - There's no Loron

Posted by szmatan on 21 November 2017 - 10:36 AM in Mod Resurrections

Yes, I've uninstalled Ajoc mod lately, because I was discouraged. It was the last mod on the list - I used to install the unknown mods as the last.

Thanks for the advices and cheat code. Concerning the overlaying the map, I suspect that it may be connected somehow with Er'vonyrah The Sovereign's Song...

So I'll try without it. Thanks again!

#598612 Ajoc Mod - There's no Loron

Posted by szmatan on 29 November 2017 - 12:34 PM in Mod Resurrections

There's something strange... Even if I had uninstalled all the mods except Ajoc, and have installed BGT Worldmap, there were still no Loron. But in every mod combination I've tried, CLUAConsole code still worked. Do I need TDD? Or is the newest release just broken? (Some users had reported problems with it, but they were referring to the installation, not with content...)

Anyway, thanks a lot!

#598389 Ajoc Mod - There's no Loron

Posted by szmatan on 19 November 2017 - 11:44 AM in Mod Resurrections

I've just installed Ajoc Minimod and had a chat with the ogre Ademoth. He told me about his friend seeking help in the Main Hall of the Government District. But when I arrived here, there was no new face (except these who were there already from the start: Corneil, Bylanna, Brega, clerks etc.). What is going on?


Mine installed mod list:


Almateria Restoration Project (all components)

Unfinished Business (all components)

BG2 Tweak Pack (Multiple Stronghold, change alignment of Jaheira and Korgan, dialogues stop time, NPC don't fight each other nor don't go away, female Edwina, silent "you must gather the party", removing XP limit, high level skill for tri-classes)

Minotaur and Lilarcor

Adalon's Blood

Keldorn's Romance (all components)


COM Encounters (only Encounters, without Shagbag's and Druid's modifications)

RezMod (only Masamune, without other modifications)

Expanded Thief Stronghold

Er'vonyrah The Sovereign's Song (with Chronicler's Story add)

Quest Pack (Galloomp Burglary, Potion's Quest, Intrigue in Copper Coronet, Besamen's Tragedy, Nazariel the Lich, Infernal Thievery, Miscellaneous with random encounters)

Dungeon Crawl

Mazzy the Paladin


Is there any conflict between these mods? Or is it connected with the fact I've visited the Council Hall already? Must I load game to the point before I visited it? Or must I start a new game?


I'll be very indebted if someone help me.

#598418 Ajoc Mod - There's no Loron

Posted by szmatan on 21 November 2017 - 02:55 AM in Mod Resurrections

Okay. Sorry for these inconveniences. I am Polish, so I was afraid it's very rude to write in native language on English-language forum. So I had to translate my Weidu.log:




You may call me lazy, but I would go crazy if I had to start a new game every time something is going wrong (due to bugs, or just the mod wasn't so good as I've expected). So I'm trying new mods during the game - of course, I'm doing it only with smaller mods based on side quests (not megamodifications, tactics nor other conversions).

And every time I'm checking carefully any readme files. Most of these listed mods doesn't need starting a new game (except ARP and UB). Ajoc's author also written in readme file: You do *NOT* have to start a new game!... So I didn't.

#598634 An irritating noise

Posted by szmatan on 30 November 2017 - 08:29 AM in Fading Promises

Hello. I'd like to report a problem with sound. After installing Fading Promises, the sound starts to stutter. Every time the party is moving into another area or when I'm loading saved game, a sound - maybe some kind of drum? - is heard right before the proper sound characteristic for particular location. It goes on and on, the more this sound repeats, the more I'm annoyed, to this extent that I must uninstall the mod. It happens even with the mod's hotfix installed.

May I ask for fixing this bug?



#601442 Eilistraee's Song

Posted by szmatan on 02 April 2018 - 03:16 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

It "Higurashi no naku koro ni". It's rather famous series. However, I used only music, the series themselves have nothing to do with the idea smile.gif


Maybe nothing, but it might inspired some players to create some BG1&2 Charnames or IwD1&2 teams...


For example...



Bhaalspawn: multi-class Fighter/Mage/Thief :)



Team from Hinamizawa - from the left: Assassin, Blade, Stalker, Necromancer, Dawnbringer and Avenger  :)


(Purists will kill me for this...)

#596556 Expanded Thief Stronghold - names gone bad

Posted by szmatan on 16 August 2017 - 04:47 AM in Mod Resurrections

For some time I'm experiencing strange changes in NPC characters created by mod (barmaid and the drunkards), also drinks served by Rattell are affected.

Barmaid Jancie is now "Ouch!"

One of drunkards is now "The darkest day in your life".

Also, the names of drinks are changed into qoutes out of context.

Only names of characters made originally by Bioware (Rattell, Jariel, Lathan and five thieves) seem to be intact.


It happens every time I reinstall BG2 for some reasons, it also hapened once when I had installed mod Fading Promises. (Fading Promises seem to taint also Ribald's quotes (change of the language or empty lines) and music in every location. But sorry for an offtop.)


My installed mods are:

1. Almateria's Restoration Project v8.2.8 (all components)

2. Unfinished Business v26 (all components)


3. BG2 Tweaks v16 (components:

-pause dialogues

-silent "you must gather you party before leaving"

-Jaheira's alignment is Neutral Good

-Korgan's alignment is Neutral Evil

-party members may whine about reputation, but don't leave

-party members don't fight each other

-multiple strongholds

-remove experience limit

-high-level abilities for tri-classes)

(My character is female fighter/thief/mage, so I want her to being able to achieve advanced abilities.)


4. Berelinde's Keldorn Romance v3 (all components)

(I don't want my Charname to be molested by Annoyman - I'm sick of being his psychotherapist. Besides, I'd always preferred rather mature "silver daddies" like Keldorn.)


5. RezMod v2.6 (component: Masamune for SoA & ToB)

6. Expanded Thief Stronghold v2.20

7. Minotaur and Lilarcor


(Earlier I also tried Quest Pack, COM Encounters and Tortured soul Quest, but for some reason I've uninstalled them.)


Everything was going fine until the quest for Jaheira, who was cursed by evil baron. Not only the language changed from my native into English, but also there was a problem after the end of quest (normally, when your quest is "completed", all of the "incomplete" part's notes vanish from your diary, and there was present BOTH incomplete and complete notes in my diary).


So I had to uninstall BG2. And after that, I found Jancie, drunkards and drinks' names changed into senseless quotes.

Even restoring earlier Override (I had it saved for a case like this) didn't help.


When/where I made a mistake?


And how I can fix it?


I would add my WeiDU.log, but it's in non-English language.

#598623 Fishing For Trouble - an introduction

Posted by szmatan on 29 November 2017 - 11:13 PM in Fishing for Trouble

<3 is supposed to be a heart if you look at it horizontally, as in "I heart this" or derivates thereof

Hehehe... Horizontally from the left side, it's a heart indeed. But if you look at it from the right side, it looks like a male organ :P (and when I was first seeing it, I thought that my interlocutor is insulting me or is just perverted :))

Back to the topic, this mod seems very tempting.

#595678 General discussion

Posted by szmatan on 04 July 2017 - 11:52 AM in Almateria's Restoration Project

Excuse me, but I'm afraid that the newest release is somewhat broken... I mean component "minor restorations" cannot be installed beacause of lack of some file :(... In v8.2.7 version this component was able to install. May I ask you to fix that component please?

#596149 Quest beside romance (spoilers!)

Posted by szmatan on 30 July 2017 - 11:54 AM in Sir BB's Revisions

Hi. I'm strongly tempted by Arnel's Nalia Romance because of some things:



1. Storyline's connection with guarded house in Temple District

2. Nalia may become Minsc's witch (I'm sick of Aerie's moaning)


I'm not interested in romance, but I'm interested in quests. So I have some questions:

- do I have to start a new game? Or just load the save before fighting Tor'gal? Or the save before meeting Nalia?

- is there also friendship path beside romance? and if, is it available only for male Bhaalspawn?

- if my Bhaalspawn is a woman (and cannot romance Nalia), would be quests still available?


Sorry for maybe stupid questions, but the readme contained in the file is very short and laconic.

#595923 The black rose part I : Market Prices

Posted by szmatan on 19 July 2017 - 08:12 AM in Mod Resurrections

Sorry, I did not know that the author did not want it to be downloadable.
I can not edit my original post to remove the link ... really sorry

ps: I use google translation


You're going to this site



and then you look in the upper right corner of the site:

Download Herunterladen


It's a short which will lead you to this site:



Among many mods, you'll find "Black Rose Part I: Market Prices 1" and click on disquette icon to download the file.


I hope If I helped you...