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#188234 Creating NPC

Posted by Kismet on 14 February 2005 - 08:04 AM in IE Help

Does anybody know of a detailed explanation on (.d) files or a NPC's (.d) file that could further my understanding.

The WeiDU readme is a good place to start, not to mention the weidu/examples folder. IESDP would be a big help as well.

Also, because of my frustrations with making my first NPC, I made a NPC Tutorial, which I hope is easier to understand and I wondered if I could get any feedback (whether I made a mistake or not, etc.) on it.  It's located here.

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Were you using Ghrey's original tutorial or his updated one here? I don't see how your tutorial explains more than Ghrey's does.

#179320 Review of the MOD NPC's...

Posted by Kismet on 04 January 2005 - 03:04 PM in IE Modding Discussion

Your Administrator has sadly decided to bring up this discussion on, and chosen to open up old wounds by taking discussions across forums once again. I would kindly ask that we instead take this discussion there, instead, since that's obviously what you want. Here's the link.

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Well, seeing as he's banned here, I'm not sure how you expect him to post on this forum.

What I want is for players to be able to say what they want about a mod without people jumping down their throat saying "Well modder X spent a lot of time and effort on that mod and you should be appreciative and not say bad things about it."    As far as I'm concerned, if you've put something out in the public eye then you should be able to deal with both good and bad feedback.

#179302 Review of the MOD NPC's...

Posted by Kismet on 04 January 2005 - 01:50 PM in IE Modding Discussion

It's people time and effort you're ruthlessly putting on a scale, without even bothering to ask for permission first.

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Ask permission?!  Good lord, he shouldn't have to ask permission to give his opinion.  It's up to modders to filter whatever feedback they get and see if it applies to them rather than censor the review ahead of time.

Once a mod is posted publically, it's available for any and all commentary as far as I'm concerned, regardless how much the modder slaved over it.   And yes, I realize I'm opening myself to a whole lot of "Cailean is teh sux0r" once he gets released, but eh... that's life.

#172988 Moving area by script

Posted by Kismet on 02 December 2004 - 05:08 AM in IE Help

LeaveAreaLUA(S:Area*,S:Parchment*,P:Point*,I:Face*) is what you want.  Btw, IESDP is your friend.  http://iesdp.gibberlings3.net/main.htm

#172388 Reminder: Iron Modder 6

Posted by Kismet on 29 November 2004 - 07:14 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Iron Modder 6 is less than one week away!

Iron Modder 5 was won by second-time entrant SConrad. Can he become the first since Ghreyfain to defend an uncontested title? Or will another rise to take his place?

Iron Modder 6 will be held SUNDAY DECEMBER 5, 2004 commencing at 12 noon Central US time (6 PM UK, 7 PM Europe, 10 AM Pacific US, 1 PM Eastern US.)

Complete rules and details of the first five Iron Modder competitions are located at the Iron Modder forum. Iron Modder competition download packs, which may be of interest to potential participants who have never competed before, may be found at the Iron Modder page.

#170697 Alternative .BCS Compiler?

Posted by Kismet on 21 November 2004 - 04:02 AM in IE Help

You can't just EXIT from a SAY.  You need to have some sort of transition.  So you'd do it like this:

SAY ~Tis none of your concern.~

SAY ~Then begone.~

#165482 finding strings is a like finding....

Posted by Kismet on 27 October 2004 - 04:27 AM in IE Help

Edit: Also, IsValidForPartyDialogue is a notoriously flaky trigger.  InParty is often recommended instead.

If you use InParty() then you should use See() in conjunction with it. Otherwise it's possible to have some one interjecting from across the screen.

#165032 finding strings is a like finding....

Posted by Kismet on 25 October 2004 - 06:39 AM in IE Help

You wouldn't use COPY_TRANS at the end since that's built into I_C_T, but other than that it looks ok.

#164568 Romance Codes

Posted by Kismet on 22 October 2004 - 06:01 PM in IE Help

If you're advancing Viconia's romance then the command to expire the timer would be SetGlobal("ViconiaRomance","GLOBAL",1)  If you're the romance is for you own NPC then you'd replace "ViconiaRomance" with whatever you called your timer.

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As I said...

#164558 Romance Codes

Posted by Kismet on 22 October 2004 - 04:35 PM in IE Help

If you're advancing Viconia's romance then the command to expire the timer would be SetGlobal("ViconiaRomance","GLOBAL",1) If you're the romance is for you own NPC then you'd replace "ViconiaRomance" with whatever you called your timer.

#163322 Modders: What was it like your first time?

Posted by Kismet on 17 October 2004 - 04:34 AM in IE Modding Discussion

I started small.  My first mod was Cloakwood Squares.  It was easy enough to do, but it made me really hate the story as I had to watch it a zillion times to get the timing of the lines down.

#163125 Romance Specific coding questions

Posted by Kismet on 16 October 2004 - 08:01 AM in IE Help

Here's a pretty good explanation of timers: http://gibberlings3....ting/timers.htm

You could try manually expiring the timer.. CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("YasraenaTalkTime","GLOBAL",1)

Also, and this I'm sure is a stupid question, but your PC *is* male yes?

#163111 Romance Specific coding questions

Posted by Kismet on 16 October 2004 - 06:31 AM in IE Help

Do all your match checks return true?  Since that seems like the only code block where your RA variable gets set to 1, I'd check all those variables to make sure they're being set properly.

#163103 Romance Specific coding questions

Posted by Kismet on 16 October 2004 - 05:36 AM in IE Help

Check your interdia.2da file and make sure that the Bdialog file is being properly assigned and that the death variable there matches up to the death variable in the .cre.

This has nothing to do with your problem, but when you reset the timer why are you making these checks:  


Shouldn't the timer be reset regardless?

#162819 Check duff items?

Posted by Kismet on 14 October 2004 - 04:27 PM in IE Help

I installed your items and got the identified descriptions that were in your .tra file.

#161967 finding strings is a like finding....

Posted by Kismet on 12 October 2004 - 04:59 AM in IE Help

I don't reckon because phrase 0 has several responses and therefore different choices of answers of Tiana. I choose Tiana 5 in order to let her go to the backrooms. I use END with other dialogues if it is not needed for anything to follow. It is correct this way I believe. I will test it later on

If you interject into a state in which there are PC replies then you should give the original NPC (Tiana in this case) an additional line so it will look like the PC is replying to the correct person, rather than trying to force a PC reply.

Variables added by I_C_T and INTERJECT are LOCALS and not GLOBAL. If you're doing the check in your NPC's script/dialog then you should be fine.

#161730 finding strings is a like finding....

Posted by Kismet on 11 October 2004 - 10:16 AM in IE Help


I_C_T automatically does the transition so you would just END rather than END TIANA 5

#160097 Compatible Mods

Posted by Kismet on 05 October 2004 - 06:42 PM in Edwin Romance

Not really! If I make it LOCAL and belonging to Edwin cre you will never find it with CLUA. I did something like this in LR so that you cannot cheat with redeeming Irenicus. Same is quite possible with romance.

Actually this is untrue. You can change LOCALS variables via the CLUAConsole. You just need to keep your mouse pointer over the .cre in question when entering the CLUA code.

#160036 Voicing stuff

Posted by Kismet on 05 October 2004 - 02:41 PM in Edwin Romance

The voicing for BG2 is all done in 22khz mono. Your recordings are in stereo and Elvira's lines are at 44.1khz. You could significantly decrease the size of your download if you resampled the recordings to 22khz mono. Just an FYI.

#159466 Interjection Rejection

Posted by Kismet on 03 October 2004 - 01:40 PM in IE Help

The following should work. I don't believe he'll actually leave the area until the whole dialog is done though.

INTERJECT RIFTG03 25 neht_co
== SK#NEHTJ IF ~InParty("SK#Neht") See("SK#Neht")~ THEN ~My <LADYLORD> ....~
== SK#NEHTJ IF ~InParty("SK#Neht") See("SK#Neht")~ THEN ~(His shoulders sag for a moment, before he shakes his head and straightens them. Neh'taniel's voice is suddenly strong and calm, carefully neutral.)...I fear I must ask thine assistance in yet another matter.~
 IF ~Global("SK#KickedOut","LOCALS",0)~ THEN REPLY ~I've already helped you once, wraith. I see no reason why I should help you again.~ EXTERN SK#NEHTJ 6a
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Which would be?~ EXTERN  SK#NEHTJ 2a
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~If there is anything I can do to help you out, Neh'taniel, then I will. ~ EXTERN  SK#NEHTJ 3a

 SAY ~It is... possible my god refuses to speak to me since there is still one more task I must do, such as ridding the land of the rift device and the Eyeless. ~

 SAY ~ Since my god refuses to speak to me, it may be an indication that I must do something more before he does so. Perhaps to help destroy the rift device.~

 SAY ~So what say thee, my <LADYLORD> ? May I continue to travel with thee to put an end to the power of the rift device and the threat of the Eyeless?~
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Of course you can.~ GOTO 5a
 IF ~Global("SK#KickedOut","LOCALS",0)~ THEN REPLY ~I'm afraid not, Neh'taniel. You've been more of a hindrance than an actual help.~ GOTO 6a

 SAY ~Then let us begin. (He bows.)~ COPY_TRANS RIFTG03 25

 SAY ~I... see. If thou ever do need me, then I shall be at the graveyard. There is little I can do here on my own besides dying, I doubt I possess the strength to defeat the Eyeless single-handedly.~ COPY_TRANS RIFTG03 25
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("SK#KickedOut","LOCALS",1)
EscapeAreaMove("AR0800",1644,1407,0) ~ EXIT

#158809 Interjection Rejection

Posted by Kismet on 01 October 2004 - 06:30 PM in IE Help

Here is what I had in mind, since its a little difficult to tell from my plain--incorrect--coding:

Avatar speaks
      Neht(my npc) interjects
            PC can choose options to respond to Neht
            Neht's various responses (some of which may cause him to leave the group)
Avatar goes back to regular dialog


I believe you can use CHAIN epilogues for INTERJECT (not sure about I_C_T), so it would go something like:

INTERJECT RIFTG03 somestate somelable
==NPCdialog IF ~triggers~ THEN ~I shall say something to the PC.~
++ ~I'll reply something~ EXTERN NPCdialog dialogstate
++ ~I'll reply something else~ EXTERN NPCdilaog dialogstate2

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN dialogstate
SAY ~blah blah~
++ ~some more replies~ COPY_TRANS RIFTG03 somestate

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN dialogstate2
SAY ~nyah nyah~
++ ~It's like talking to a brick wall~ COPY_TRANS RIFTG03 somestate

#158139 Interjection Rejection

Posted by Kismet on 30 September 2004 - 05:47 AM in IE Help

Definitely check the dialog file to make sure your interjections are there. Also, be aware that the NPC who you want to interject isn't considered "valid for party dialog" if he's actually doing the talking (i.e. you used him to start the conversation). IsValidForPartyDialog() can also be blocked by scenery (i.e. one NPC is behind a wall or somesuch). If you want to be sure your NPC interjects then use InParty("npc") !Dead("npc") See("npc") instead of IsValidForPartyDialog()

#152865 Good script writer needed.

Posted by Kismet on 15 September 2004 - 06:00 PM in IE Modding Discussion

To add new temple/tavern rumors (the rumors you get when you buy a drink or donate money) you just need to edit a dialog file too.  The taverns and temples in each town share the same rumor file.  Athkatla's is RUMORA (they're all named something similar)

#152422 Want to make NPC Mod! (Last Ditch Effort)

Posted by Kismet on 14 September 2004 - 04:18 PM in IE Help

EXTERN FadeFromColor(P:Point*,I:Blue*)
EXTERN FadeToColor(P:Point*,I:Blue*)

EXTERN FadeFromColor(P:Point*,I:Blue*)
EXTERN FadeToColor(P:Point*,I:Blue*)

You wouldn't use EXTERN here. It would be something like DO ~FadeToColor([30.0],0) Wait(1) FadeFromColor([30.0],0)~

#150993 Problem with NI

Posted by Kismet on 09 September 2004 - 06:29 AM in IE Help

Go into WinRAR and untick the box that associates WinRAR with .jar files (Options->Settings->Integration)