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#566771 [TRANSLATION] Drizzt Saga, added/modified lines in v3

Posted by pro5 on 08 February 2014 - 12:58 AM in Resource Request Forum

v3 has been released, but this topic is still actual - Italian, Polish and Spanish translations in v3 are either incomplete (SETUP.TRA lines are in english), or imperfect (I didn't want to remove language options because of just a few new dialog lines, so I substituded Google-Translated text for those).

#566882 Setup on BGII:EE for Mac?

Posted by pro5 on 14 February 2014 - 09:42 AM in Arath

ADD_JOURNAL was introduced in WeiDU v232, and you're trying to install with 231:

[./setup-arath] WeiDU version 23108


I don't know where/how BG Mac mod installer gets the OS X version of WeiDU it uses, but you need to make sure it uses latest version (v236) instead, see link in my previous post in this thread.

#566554 Setup on BGII:EE for Mac?

Posted by pro5 on 29 January 2014 - 08:25 AM in Arath

I don't own a Mac, so I can't give verified instructions. But I see Kaeloree included sox in the package and TP2 uses HANDLE_AUDIO to process audio, so in theory this should install on a Mac with a proper OS X version of WeiDU binary.


Try this:

1. Download OS X version of latest WeiDU from weidu.org.

2. Extract the WeiDU binary from the downloaded archive (it's in the "bin" subfolder), put it into your main BG2EE game folder (it should be the one containing the CHITIN.KEY file) and rename it into "setup-arath".

3. Download the .command file attached in a zip archive to this post and unpack it into the same folder. Double-click it to (hopefully) start the installation.


I'd like to know if this works too - I've recently added similar install instructions on Mac OS X and Linux to the readme of a mod I'm working on, but without having a Mac I can't verify they are actually correct.

Attached Files

#566272 [TRANSLATION] Drizzt Saga, added/modified lines in v3

Posted by pro5 on 19 January 2014 - 08:27 AM in Resource Request Forum

Added French, thanks.



Since you mentioned that the mod will become BGEE compatible, I assume it will also target BGT/Tutu

Correct, there will be one install package for all 3 platforms.




I don't know if you anticipated the need to have a different character encoding for BGEE

Yes I'm aware of that. I'm prepared to handle the conversions, but having ready-to-use utf8 file for bgee is a great help, thank you.


#566773 Drizzt Saga BGEE update and compatibility fixes

Posted by pro5 on 08 February 2014 - 01:08 AM in Mega Mod Help

v3 is out, most noticable changes in this version as far as BWP is concerned:
- Instead of installing both components 0 and 1 (core + WM support), only component 1 must be installed with BWP
- To have the v2 changes (Drizzt joins after Durlag's Tower), component 3 must be installed as well.
- It's no longer needed to copy restored BGT .WMP in override before installing Drizzt Saga in certain mod configs
- BWP Fixpack modifications are no longer needed, as they're either included or redundant.
- Russian translation from BWP Russian Textpack is included
- Current version of The One Drizzt mod won't work without some updates

#566659 BGT/BWP - Can't Load Beregost at Night, Get CTD

Posted by pro5 on 02 February 2014 - 08:42 PM in Mega Mod Help

My guess is this:
~BGGRAPHICS/SETUP-BGGRAPHICS.TP2~ #0 #0 // BGT Extended Night and Baldur's Gate Map Fixes: v1.4

#567265 Banters and Music malfunction

Posted by pro5 on 09 March 2014 - 12:44 AM in BGT Archive

To have correct music in BGT currently you need to install BGTMusic with latest WeiDU and fixed TP2 file from Lollorian which was posted in some thread here recently. When installing from scratch, it might be easier to just use Big World Setup to do a minimalistic BGT install - it should include the necessary patches.

#565617 The Amulet: A Quest and Companion Mod

Posted by pro5 on 28 December 2013 - 01:01 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Sounds like an interesting and intriguing concept, I wish you success in bringing it to life. :new_thumbs:


Advice on a couple things which stood out to me:


All the same it can be sold to a noble collector in Athkatla but the real story begins if it is kept and worn.....


This sounds like it would be easy for a player to skip the quest altogether (perhaps unknowingly) by selling the item. I'd consider adding a plot line to lead the player back towards the amulet after selling it, so the quest can still be started in another way. For example, maybe after a few days the party catches a rumour of the noble collector dying under mysterious circumstances and is called upon to investigate (or maybe they're even suspects in his death now). Or the noble's behavior changes because he's affected by the artifact, and one of his close friends/family comes to the party with questions or plea for aid.



and if you refuse his attempts to 'save' you which involves him joining the party and trying to destroy the amulet without killing you


I'd recommend not making the extra companion mandatory for completing a quest arc. With the amount of NPC mods out there now, those party slots are very precious and by requiring one of them you risk losing a significant part of the audience who'd prefer to have their own NPC party selection. Perhaps the paladin offers to help, and then if the player accepts he also offers to join the group. If this second offer is refused, he can still try to help (perhaps staying at one of the inns, if multiple interactions with him are planned) without joining the party.