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#208193 Winged Warriors

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 04 June 2005 - 06:00 AM in IE Help

Perhaps there is something in NWN close to Avariel?

Yes, there are.
For example there are the miniature Pixies and such, but you can export a human-sized winged elf model from HotU. ;)

#207891 Winged Warriors

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 02 June 2005 - 12:27 AM in IE Help

I think it would be far too difficult to justify, I'm afraid

You mean what?

#207931 Winged Warriors

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 02 June 2005 - 05:54 AM in IE Help

I thought he meant the possible collaboration between WoRm and BA. :unsure:

#207612 Winged Warriors

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 31 May 2005 - 09:26 AM in IE Help

Uh, you're right, a Harpy just wouldn't do for an Avariel.. :blink:

#207624 Winged Warriors

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 31 May 2005 - 10:01 AM in IE Help

TGM, behave..

Eh? You talkin' to me? :D
But I guess Seif is right, the correct answer would be "no".

#202485 Who looks cooler?

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 28 April 2005 - 05:19 AM in KotOR Series

Vote goes for Revan, second best would be a tie between Vader and Maul.

As for Malak, come on! He is a complete copy of Maugrim Kolothir from NWN (simply compare the two and you'll see, only the clothing is different).

#218747 where is the power?

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 14 August 2005 - 04:57 AM in Refinements

Oh, its ok then.

#218496 where is the power?

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 11 August 2005 - 01:33 AM in Refinements

They [assassins] keep em if they go fighter.
Must NOT happen. They should lose the abilities even here.
But, this is *NOT* caused by Refinements.

You mean those abilities aren't reactivated after the assassin kit becomes active again? As I know, all innates of the old class/kit should reappear as useablele once the character surpasses the old class' experience with the new dualed one.

#216799 where is the power?

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 26 July 2005 - 11:02 PM in Refinements

They loose their thief innates (poison weapon and set trap) after dual classing to mage.
They keep em if they go fighter. Vanilla thiefs arent affected when dual classing.

I'm positive this has nothing to do with Refinements - my guess would be Song & Silence, but you'll have to check. ;)

But I think the HLAs dont really fit him, nor any blade really. I just cant picture someone dualwielding and playing a song or two at the same moment. Dont get me wrong: Those "play a tune" HLAs fit to bards, and they are quite usefull, beeing innate abilitys. But beeing quite a good fighter, which he is, if hes played right, I miss the improvement to his fighting side.

The difference lies in our different point of view. Bards are called "jack of all trades", and it is not without a reason. They are capable fighters when it comes down to battle, but also, they are fairly potent spellcasters and has other thief abilities that can help them out in an adventure. Even Blades, who are one of the most battle-oriented kit of this class (next to Skalds) share this idea.
If you compare blades with the other bard kits, you'll notice that they are indeed more battle-oriented than the others - or at least more of their HLAs concentrate on swordplay than at the other kits.
As a summary, they'll never get nearly as powerful simply by their HLAs than a pure fighter, their strength lies in their special abilities COMBINED with their enhanced fighting skills. At least this is my concept for this kit.

#214812 Where is Griff?

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 12 July 2005 - 01:34 AM in KotOR Series

Yes, shes not hard to find at all so I suspect it is because Bastila is not with you.

That is correct, her mother won't be there once she gets captured by Malak.

#223856 what you expect to se in the third game?

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 30 September 2005 - 05:24 AM in KotOR Series

Absolutely, Grunker. :)

#209520 What would you like Ruad to make most?

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 11 June 2005 - 10:05 AM in IE Modding Discussion

To be honest, I would like Ruad to make BALANCED items.
Sorry, but most of the current content does not fall into this cathegory. At first I was overjoyed that we will get another (and hopefully way less overpowering) custom item-maker beside the weimeric Cromwell, but sadly Ruad became quite the equal of C. when it comes to uber items. :(

#212968 What should the new bad guy be like?

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 30 June 2005 - 12:15 AM in KotOR Series

BTW Gavin - why don't you register?

#211982 What should the new bad guy be like?

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 24 June 2005 - 08:26 AM in KotOR Series

Maybe an old companion turned into a sith would be nice surprise

Hmm, T3-M4 seems to be the best choice here... :P

or a albino wookie. White wookie with red eyes is sith like, believe me.

How about a red Wookie with white eyes instead?
Oh.. no.. that would be Santa. :o  :huh:  :unsure:

#209619 What happens to Revan?

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 12 June 2005 - 02:50 AM in KotOR Series

quoteing myself

fight the 'True sith'

thought that was pretty clear

apparently that is what hte whole war Revan waged was about to get everyone ready to fight them

Well, I don't think it is that clear at all. It is never stated he went to "fight the true Sith", I remember it was something like take part in the war of the True Sith, fight the war of the True Sith. And the very same thing goes for the Exile in Kotor2.

#211727 What happens to Revan?

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 23 June 2005 - 02:50 AM in KotOR Series

Hmm, I always felt Revan was involved quite much in KoToR2.

#206075 What do you want to see in TOB for Chloe?

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 23 May 2005 - 04:32 AM in Chloe

Add Keldorn to the list. He wouldn't accept them either.

Also, as I expressed it before, the first thing that should be done to this mod before starting work on ToB is correcting the bugs and flaws of the actual SoA version.

#203331 What can change the nature of man?

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 04 May 2005 - 02:02 AM in Planescape: Torment

I said that nothing can change the nature of a man, if I remember correctly. If I were to play another time, I would pick the same again. You can change a man in many ways, but his nature...


#201323 What about elven Sword Angels?

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 20 April 2005 - 03:56 AM in Refinements

Italian God, eh..?

#227296 V3 is unleashed.

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 02 November 2005 - 09:31 AM in Refinements

Thanks for all the support and the positive comments! ;)

#206183 Title of kotor 3

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 24 May 2005 - 12:46 AM in KotOR Series

KotOR III: The New Order is my personal favourite.

Mine as well, so far.

#204559 Title of kotor 3

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 12 May 2005 - 11:30 PM in KotOR Series

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic III: The Mandalorian War

How about "KotOR III: The Second Mandalorian War" then?

Neh, these are way too direct.

star wars knights of the old republic : the return of reven sound good !

Hardly, this one sounds very lame - as above, it is too direct.

#208191 Tiefling as playable race

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 04 June 2005 - 05:53 AM in IE Mod Ideas

It should be pointed out that Tiefling is the only other race which can appear on the Character Screen, because of Haer'Dalis.

Isn't Valen marked as "Vampire"?

#203550 [OLD] KotOR 2 - TSL Mods

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 05 May 2005 - 04:25 AM in KotOR Series


The patch won't install... Netiher manually or automatically... It says something about "old file not found" and then aborts...

I bet you have a copied version... ;)

#211734 [MOD] To change hair

Posted by T.G.Maestro on 23 June 2005 - 04:12 AM in IE Help

Moinesse made a few alterations to bams a year ago or so (including long-haired female characters), maybe you can use those. Try to search for them here on the forums.