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There have been 208 items by vilkacis (Search limited from 08-June 23)

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#508294 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 14 February 2011 - 03:43 PM in Dragon Age Series

goddammit not anders anyone but anders

where is my hot sweaty dwarf mansex bioware

where is it

#508286 [DONE] Item bams

Posted by vilkacis on 14 February 2011 - 02:55 PM in Resource Request Forum

...eeehhh i dunno. i forget how much of a pain this is. :wall:

also with only the top half i had to improvise, take it or leave it.

Attached File  robe-inv.bam   2.9K   174 downloads
Attached File  robe-des.bam   7.39K   180 downloads

#508280 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 14 February 2011 - 01:43 PM in Dragon Age Series

come on bioware

tell me you're trolling

the rage would be hilarious

please tell me you're trolling

edit: damn, Merrrrrilllll looks like she's regretting this already.

#508206 Gameplay questions

Posted by vilkacis on 13 February 2011 - 12:04 PM in Mass Effect Series

I think the best you can do for the minigames is to cheat in as much omnigel as you can carry (InitSalvage 999).

If you're having trouble with the maws, I believe it's completely safe to run in circles outside their closeup instakill radius while shooting. Takes a while, but they'll just sit there spitting at you and missing a lot (and you get more XP for killing them on foot anyway).

#508029 Hud-B-Gone(tm)

Posted by vilkacis on 11 February 2011 - 05:28 AM in Mass Effect Series

So, you'd like Miranda to wear something a little less stupid, but are tired of Bioware putting dumb crap on characters' faces? So am I

Let's start with the easiest one. Here's Tali, before and after.
Download this file here because the boards don't allow .tpf attachments.

Now, it gets more complicated.
gruntvisor.jpg mirandavisor.jpg
Get these here.

Grunt and Miranda's visors share a resource, so it's not possible to package them separately. However, this resource is not exclusively used by the DLC costumes. It also affects a few other things in the game.

garrusvisor.jpg shepvisor.jpg

(There may be others, but these are the most noticeable ones.) Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about that; it's either this or having random rings floating around in front of Miranda and Grunt's faces, and that's... not the purpose of this mod.

Also, I'm not able to remove the actual headgear from Grunt and Miranda. I tried just slapping transparent textures on there, but it resulted in weirdly black models, so let's not do that.

Texmod is needed to use these, instructions are provided under the link.

*Mordin voice* Enjoy. */Mordin voice*

#507968 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 10 February 2011 - 01:17 PM in Dragon Age Series



#507922 Gameplay questions

Posted by vilkacis on 09 February 2011 - 07:22 PM in Mass Effect Series

It's pretty dumb. Just cheat it in.

GiveBonusTalent 84

#507757 Gameplay questions

Posted by vilkacis on 08 February 2011 - 11:49 AM in Mass Effect Series

Pinnacle station has nothing to do with the original story. It's a kind of "arena" thing. IIRC it plays out in three stages - first you have this guy telling you you can't beat his record, so you do, and get a weapon from him (which is vendor trash iirc). Then you get access to the "advanced" version, which is basically doing everything you just did again with stricter time limits/more enemies/whatever. Then you have a final mission where you can win a house, which gets you a free grenade refill machine and an opportunity to buy random high-level gear, which may or may not be useful.

ed: I should also add that the games handle pretty differently, so the vanguard video above is only valid for ME2, it doesn't play anything like that in the first one.

#507675 Gameplay questions

Posted by vilkacis on 07 February 2011 - 09:41 AM in Mass Effect Series

I'd say running and gunning is somewhat viable in ME1 if you level up your shield-boosting abilities and upgrade your armour. It's also a lot more open to just "standing behind things" as opposed to actually using the "cover" function.

Enemies in ME2 will usually chew through your shields and health pretty quickly if you're not hiding behind something, but you might enjoy the vanguard. Level up the charge power and it'll refill your shields when used, and if you get good at it, you'll pretty much never need to take cover (...and it's fun to kill things by hitting them with your face).

The characters are... pretty standard for Bioware, I guess. You can mostly ignore them if you don't care for them. (edit: ...other than having to take two of them with you at all times.)

There is one rather annoying bug in ME2 where if you press up against certain objects, you may get thrown into the sky and have to reload your game, but it doesn't happen that often. IIRC there's a way to get down again with some .ini fuckery, so eh. In ME1, I've had some issues with elevators freezing the game, but it's quite rare.

Pinnacle Station is pretty bad. It barely has any story and you'll be running around the same handful of levels several times to complete it. I'd say something about how it might be worth it if you're really tired of the levels in the vanilla ME but still haven't tired of the combat, but IIRC the "new" levels all use resources from the existing ones, so... eh.

#507175 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 02 February 2011 - 11:58 AM in Dragon Age Series

Hey, they can still claim someone hacked them.

#507172 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 02 February 2011 - 11:45 AM in Dragon Age Series

goddammit internet

where is it


although i would estimate it 45% likely this one is also a hoax

Edit: a dive into the bubbling cesspool that is the official bio boards seems to indicate that the "early" demo won't be released until feb 11. No idea if it's true, but I have no desire to explore that place further.

#507171 ME2 News

Posted by vilkacis on 02 February 2011 - 11:39 AM in Mass Effect Series

Found a large version.

large version.jpg

...Tali's legs look like someone was shaking a paintbrush at her. :huh:

#507045 ME2 News

Posted by vilkacis on 01 February 2011 - 11:45 AM in Mass Effect Series

So they've shown off the next alternate appearance pack now.


Quick impression: Miranda should have had that outfit from the beginning just like Garrus should have fixed his goddamn armour and I see they haven't tired of putting dumb stuff on people's faces. Grunt looks, uh, special and visor aside, I'm thinking both his and Tali's outfits could be modded in with relative ease. Ehh...

#507044 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 01 February 2011 - 11:24 AM in Dragon Age Series

There will be a crack within a week, so yeah, an internet connection will be required... once, to download the crack.

In other news, the big mysterious Feb 1 reveal is... a closed beta for the Failbook game.

And not a single shit was given on this day.

#506692 Miscellaneous Released Mods Index and Introduction

Posted by vilkacis on 29 January 2011 - 01:44 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Updated jan 29, 2011

Drows, new portraits for NPC after Adalon casts her Polymorph spell over the party, by Daulmakan
Aerie Portait Pack, "Portraits for some NPC and for PC", by Lady of payne
arena_v1, a ToB quest mod, by Omni

#503715 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 23 December 2010 - 05:53 AM in Dragon Age Series

Honestly, I'd welcome voice acting if they A, retained the full text choices, and B, allowed a choice of actor, as per the combat grunts in Origins/BG/etc (preferably including an "off" option). Voicing in itself is would not be a bad thing, if it weren't for the fact that they somehow translate that into having to dumb down the dialogue system. That absolutely kills the "R" aspect of "RPG".

Anyway, I'm off.

#503664 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 22 December 2010 - 02:21 PM in Dragon Age Series

The spoken dialogue alone isn't the main offender here.

The dialogue wheel with the "I want a bigger reward" option that actually means "let's fuck right here, right now, right in front of my subordinates" is the big problem.

As opposed to actually picking the dialogue you want your character to say and having npcs reacting to that exact line.

But I guess actuall roleplaying is too difficult for modern gamers because lol xbox haloz press button for awesome sparta general roflskates fuck I'm glad I'm going on vacation tomorrow and will have a good excuse to ignore the corporate bullshit machine.

#503582 ME3 News

Posted by vilkacis on 21 December 2010 - 12:08 PM in Mass Effect Series

Timed Dialogue à la Alpha Protocol for ME3?




That worked for AP because they had choices of attitude that were pretty much always the same and didn't require reading. Even then, it added nothing to the game because you basically always had more than enough time to make a decision. (Edit: and not having enough time would lead to lots of reloading, not a better game.)

...and despite that, it would be a good thing if they aped AP's dialogue format because it is lightyears ahead of Mass Effect's. (How long did it take you to figure out that Shepard never says the words you actually pick and that the top right option is always the one that gives you paragon points, the bottom right is always the one that gives you renegade and the middle right should never be used because Bioware hates neutrality?) My absolute favourite part of AP was finding that while "suave", "professional" and "aggressive" basically correspond to ME's "charm", "neutral" and "intimidate", all three are actually useful and several characters appreciate a professional approach over the other two.

#503512 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 20 December 2010 - 04:01 PM in Dragon Age Series

The combat in Origins had many failings, beginning with its unbalanced difficulty. "Was the default setting, especially on PC, too hard? Yeah," admits Laidlaw. "'Normal' felt more like 'Hard' to me."

So yeah, if I ever had any respect for the DA devs? Gone now.

Along with all hope of the game not sucking.

... one of your earliest party members is your sibling (your brother or sister, depending on what class you chose)...

The article is correct. You'll get Bethany if Hawke is a rogue or warrior (regardless of gender), and Carver if Hawke is a mage.

That's awesome, because I was just playing KOTOR2 and that is totally my favourite part of the game!



#503491 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 20 December 2010 - 10:39 AM in Dragon Age Series

I'll admit that I haven't been very attentive toward every bit of info released in this thread, but is this what's been confirmed for DAII? If so, then, uh, wow, that is kinda lame :/.

Friendly fire is only on Nightmare. There were discussions on it months ago (including toggles, having it not be toggle-able in certain modes, and even locked difficulty levels) and that was the decision that was reached.

For reference, here are our current goals for difficulty balance:

Casual - Able to be beaten playing a single character sub-optimally, with the rest of the party using default AI tactics.

Normal - Able to be beaten playing a single character optimally, with the rest of the party using default AI tactics.

Hard - Able to be beaten playing the entire party sub-optimally, either controlling directly or using custom AI tactics.

Nightmare - Able to be beaten playing the entire party optimally, either controlling directly or using custom AI tactics. Friendly fire active.

Which makes me wonder where the rest of us are to prove them wrong.

Banned from the Bioware boards for making too much sense.

#503490 "backstab" to bodhi

Posted by vilkacis on 20 December 2010 - 10:34 AM in Valen Expansion

Since there were two identical copies of this thread, I have removed one of them.

Carry on, citizens.

#503427 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 19 December 2010 - 05:34 AM in Dragon Age Series

I'll admit that Gaider may be a wee bit condescending there, but, to be fair, DAO was set up that way, too (no friendly fire in easy mode, and only 1/2 damage from friendly fire in norm, if I ain't mistaken.) Did you have a problem with that, as well? Personally, I wouldn't have a problem if DAII was set up much the same way.

The "problem" I have is that company officials are going around calling their customers idiots, and the official forums are proving them right.

I don't remember expressing an opinion on the system itself, but I certainly have less issues with Origins' system than the "full friendly fire on insanity and none outside of it" one they're using this time.

Oh, and:

Warrior basic attacks will have FF on Nightmare, but against party members it will only deal glancing blows (1/10th damage).

So we're not even getting full friendly fire even on insanity. All aboard the train to Retardia! Padded cells for everyone!

#503362 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 18 December 2010 - 04:19 AM in Dragon Age Series

Someone on the Bioboards asks why friendly fire can't be a toggle. And why not? Well, you see:

Because it has a profound effect on the difficulty. Hence it being attached to the difficulty.

Or that, anyhow, is what I assume. Attaching things to toggles is great, but if someone flips that on and doesn't know that it will suddenly make their "Easy" game not quite so Easy anymore... well, that wouldn't be good.

So basically, he just called his entire player base retards.

Thanks, Gaider! It's good to know you have such a high opinion of me!

Dragon Age 2: Darker, Grittier, Sexier...now with training wheels! Weeee!

#503271 help

Posted by vilkacis on 16 December 2010 - 04:19 PM in IE Help


The Resource Request forum has rules.

You have obviously not read them.

Furthermore, your post is hurting my eyes.

Someone will move it back to resreq if you A, format it properly, and B, look up what punctuation is.

#503270 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 16 December 2010 - 04:08 PM in Dragon Age Series


On the one hand, it's nice to see the "pause and issue commands" system in action... but on the other hand, if you can blindly mash buttons until all the bad peoples fall down and be done in half the time - why even bother?

And you will be able to blindly mash buttons.

Because apparently Origins was too difficult and made the target audience cry even on easy mode.

Despite the fact that the xbox version was dumbed down for the ~*~console tards~*~ already.

In other news, Zevran 1.2 has a name now and I know my first Hawke will be an aryan superman who specializes in lightning magic and will be very disappointed if I don't get to kill this bastard on sight, which is what I should have done with Zevran in the first place.

But hey, even if they don't let me do that, we're sure to run into his old master, Loki, along the way.