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#337465 Comments about PoOC thread #16

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 19 August 2007 - 11:34 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Lies! Webs of them from all of you! We all know you aren't making love with both of them at the same time! Even if you were you would fail to complete your manly duties! Hahaha! The truth is ou-

*Syringe is inserted into Hector's neck*

*Doctors Come out*

We deeply apologise for that...disturbing scene. If any of you want to get in a sucker punch while he is down, feel free!

*Doctors taker out Sledgehammers*

(This is meant to be amusing not mean ;))

#337403 Comments about PoOC thread #16

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 19 August 2007 - 08:56 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

What are you talking about more freedom? I'm left alone with my thoughts! And they don't like me.... *puts on favorite white jacket*

#337397 Comments about PoOC thread #16

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 19 August 2007 - 08:45 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Its just so damn unfair.

Yes you only get one! ONE! Most of us don't even have ONE!

You only get one! *runs into the looney-bin*

#337354 Pictures of Oblivion Characters #16

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 19 August 2007 - 05:10 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

I'm in the midst of conetmplating my own mortality. These are fitting shots.


#337156 Comments about PoOC thread #16

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 18 August 2007 - 11:09 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

I'm mad at all of you! Forgetting to give our sweet Chiggs a happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Chiglet!

#337072 Comments about PoOC thread #16

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 18 August 2007 - 04:19 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

@ Kalia - I agree with Floyd on that one :wub:

@ VanQa - Great action shots, I'm a big fan!

@ Floyd - Flaming Sword!??! I guess she is taking some lessons from the Balrog of Morgoth, huh?

@ Spike - Love Luna :). Didn't peg her for a murderer though ;).

@ Chimera - Nice new char!

@ THe others - I don't have the energy for giving you all detailed comments, but your shots - well they strike envy in me!

#336736 Comments about PoOC thread #16

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 16 August 2007 - 04:47 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been around today, just got Fable after a small crisis today, so I was a bit occupied.

I'll be around more tommorow, however.

#336507 Comments about PoOC thread #15

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 16 August 2007 - 05:37 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Wow! Those are great poses! To bad they won't be as widely used, seeing as they are moving animations you can't really capture the beauty of the whole thing in a still!

#336504 Hector's Story

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 16 August 2007 - 05:21 AM in Oblivion Stories

Chapter 8 (Screens pending) The Bloody Gates (A bit of adult content)

"But....why? Why do you have to leave, Iggy?" Caria asked the large and demonic creature. "My name is not "Iggy". Don't worry - Dho, Ellea and Ithen will keep you safe..... they are my priests and concubines, they will protect you as I would." Hectors deep and accented voice said, cool as ice. "Concorvines? What are those? And WHY do you have to go? Is this where you leave me?" Caria asked, her eyes coated with tears. "I must go.... see an old friend, when I come back I will look different, but I will be stronger - I'll still be me. I will be back in two days time, please kitten, go into the shrine, the three will look after you." Hector told her, in his cold voice. "But......" Caria started "Yes, we all have those. Well except for Daedra, but that degrades the humor of this little cliche joke! I must go... I'm being called" Hector told her.

A quick hug was shared between the Father and the Daughter.

"Byeeeeee! You better be back soon or I'll be mad at you!" Caria shouted, whilst Hector floated in the air shrouded in a paranormal darkness.

Time and space passed by, Hector felt like he was falling and flying - and then it stopped and a ghostly and loud voiced echoed through the pitch black....

"Welcome home, Lorkhan"

"My Lord Sithis, the honor is overwhelming. Why have you summoned me my lord?" Hector said, talking into the darkness.

"The rest of your....essence has returned, it is assembling within you and molding your form as we speak - brace yourself" The cold and loud voice echoed.

"Brace? For wha-" The overwhelming pain of flesh being molded and bones re-adjusted cut him off.
"Hello, kitty! Iggy says that you'll be with us for a few days! Then we'll be joining you for an adventure! Ohhh how exciting, the four of us being out in the wilderness with Iggy..." The lovely blonde said, whilst swooning. "Ughh.... keep your mind on the job, Ellea! We all look forward to that, but you know what our Lord says "Buisness is Buisness" our job is to protect and entertain our guest." The Dark Haired, red eyed, one said coldy - much like her creator, Hector. "Oh, shut up Dho! Just because he MADE you doesn't put you in charge! That honor was mine and mine alone!" Ellea said standing tall.

"How do they stand up straight with breasts that large?" Caria thought to herself.

"Will you two cool it!? We are supposed to be pleasant, not competing with one another!" Yelled the Red headed, tanned skin female. "Your right, Ithen....." They both muttered simultaneously. "Now! Caria, my dear, dear, cat! What do you want to do?" Dho asked her, cooly. "Umm...... I got some questions..."

"Shoot!" Said the bubbly blonde. "Well.... Iggy said something about you being Concervines? Convucines?" Caria asked the three. "Concubines?" Asked Ithen. "Yes! Yes, that is it." Replied Caria. "That means Hector rides us like horses! Usually all at the same time!" Dho said, smirking. "Ewww! You.... Eww!" Caria said, he mouth curling into a grimace. "Well,..... why are your breasts so large? And how can you stand upright? It isn't right! I don't know much about that, but I know enough!" Caria asked, almost dreading the answer. "Got mik?" Dho said, and the other two bursted into laughter.

"Well, we tap into Hector's Magicka pool, we are all bound to eachother! We can call eachother for help! And well....bounding to a God, had unforseen but yummy events!" Giggled Ellea. "Oh?" Caria asked, bracing for the answer. "Yes, well....we its kind of like being pregnant - only your not. We can't get pregnant anymore, and well our breasts swelled, kitty! We are kind of like mothers, we do have milk in these things! But the only one who can relieve the, uhhh, pressure...." She was cut off by Ithen, who said "They call you silk, right Ellea?" The three girls laughed, even Caria couldn't choke back a snigger. "Well, lets just say the three of us lack the ability to relieve eachother.. on Hector can do it properly. Hehe, it sounds so dirty! " Caria squealed and yelled "EWW! You tried on eachother!!?!?" "Well, if you live as long as we have, you have a lot of time to try a lot of things, hon! It got boring after a while!" Dho said.

"Aaaandddd.... Iggy hasn't?" Caria asked. "Nope!" The three said simultaneously. "Why not?" Asked Caria. "Sheesh inquisitive little thing aren't you?" Ellea asked. "Well....lets just say he comes up with new and indeed, inventive ways to please us! Like this time when he..." She was cut off by a familar accented, deep, cool voice.

"Dammit Dho, I told you to keep off that topic!" Hector boomed. "But Iggy.... she asked..." Dho said, clearly heart broken. "Just.... try and keep off of it in the future, love." Hector told her.

And the three concubines and one daughter ran over to the newly formed Hector, and hugged and kissed him. Little did they realise, the gates started sas steel - they weren't always red.

The dark, cold aura the surrounds Green Emperor Way at night is almost haunting, it is no wonder why Lorkhan choose this time to further investigate.

"What was that?" A Imperial Guard turned to his partner, only to find him unconscious. "HEL-" Hector quickly struck him and he too, was unconcsious.

The other guards inside the Palace he found quickly followed, there was no need for bloodshed this night.

"Now, lets find something to help me here...." Hector thought to himself.

Hours of searching and nothing was found.

"Damn it all!" Hector shouted - The moth priests had earleir been knocked out. "Nothing, not a hint or a clue or a...." Hector thought, when suddenly a book caught his eye.

"Hackdirt: What really happened?" Hector said aloud. "Hmm, that was quite an event" Hector thought to himself.

"To my good and excellent friend, the reader - I assume you are one of the Imperial Guard, so this book is safe with you. Before we proceed with my report and speculcations of Hackdirt, you must swear upon the Dragon (Hector smirked) that you will inform no Civillian or Recruit of what this book holds, nor will you use this book for profit or any form of gain."

Hector chuckled and turned to the first page.

"Officialy, the event at Hackdirt were caused by the Legion - a sacking of a filth-ridden hole of bandits and kidnappers. Unofficialy, the events of Hackdirt haunt me to this very day. All who lived in Hackdirt perished that day, but it was not by the hand of the Legion - something far more powerful did that to those buildings and people. Something...not of this world. I only caught the backside of what did it, it was floating over the smoldering ruins. I fired an arrow at it, but unlike any Man, Elf or Daedra I've ever seen, it simply waved its hand and the arrow reversed direction and struck me, instead of its designated target." Hector's eyes grew wide.

"No, dear reader, this was no normal creature. No mage could destroy that much stone at once. The sights...and the smells of the scene were haunting and nothing but pure hatred lingered in the air that day. It was dark. Grim.... I... I shudder with the mere thought of what might have happened if that creature turned and saw myself and my unit - we would have winded up like those who were in Hackdirt, rest thier souls. I'm sure this was some Daedric Lord or Prince or Count, no grunt or man could have done that. The wonderous gates, made of ivory and steel and silver that once led into the wonderful town had lost its shine - it was covered in dirt and rubble and....and... and blood. So much blood it stained the damned gate red!"

Hector had a shocking realisation - someone saw him at Hackdirt. Not some incoherent jabbering Goblin, but a Solider. And a smart one at that.

"I leave you now, with the knowledge of what I saw and think, you can form your own decision after your reading of this.


Hector knew there was only one thing to do - find who saw him, and find out just how much he saw.

#336321 Comments about PoOC thread #15

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 15 August 2007 - 10:15 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Soul Slayer, IG Hector has offered his valuable services to help suit her needs!

#336260 Comments about PoOC thread #15

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 15 August 2007 - 04:30 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Soul Slayer was using a larger variant of Exnem's Boobs (and so am I, thanks for noticing) while there won't be many, you'll be able to purchase a few outfits for the larger size in the shop!

@ Soul Slayer - Where is that and how did you get a Balrog of Morgoth?!?!

@ Sev - Nice to see you!

Great screens all!

BTW - I love your new char Zombie, and whomever made Cream - job well done says I!

#336136 Pictures of Oblivion Characters #15

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 14 August 2007 - 03:47 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Hector stopped off to give a breif lecture about the true nature of the Nine Divines.....

Posted Image

But not all of these Mages liked his ideas

Posted Image

However he is no match, he is untrained in Hector's arts

Posted Image

So he falls

Posted Image

(Please take note of the wonderful QTP3 :P)

#336060 Comments about PoOC thread #15

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 14 August 2007 - 08:58 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Wow! Rogue Sun, what version do you use? I'm using Regular, it produces no visible loss in quality (unless your character is humping the wall, in which case the textures are generally diluted anyway) and it gave me an extra 5-10 fps average. I also highly recommend Streamline 3.0 to you all, it gave me a HUGE boost in FPS from 15-25 to 15-65.

#336033 Comments about PoOC thread #15

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 14 August 2007 - 06:39 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

They'll be in the shop :).

#335992 Comments about PoOC thread #15

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 14 August 2007 - 04:14 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Well for those of you who care, soul Slayer and I have decided to make a shop - full of sexy clothes (seen in both of our screenshots) and retextures of Exnem's Gear! Fishent stockings, skimpy clothes, heels - you name it!

@ Chiglet - Yes, that is excactly what I mean - its my face ;).

#335920 Pictures of Oblivion Characters #15

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 13 August 2007 - 06:03 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Hey zombie! Welcome back, I was actually wondering what happened to you just today!

Mainly a QTP3 Screen for no reason than just showing it off :P (Yes, yes I'm late) but it actually looks pretty cool!

Hector preforming his "Tremor" Combo


#335919 Comments about PoOC thread #15

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 13 August 2007 - 06:00 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Hey, I just downloaded QTP3 and it looks fairly decent - should I keep it? I'm gettign around 15-29 FPS in towns and slightly lower in the wilderness. Is it worth it? Does anyone know anyway I can squeeze more FPS here? Comments, suggestions and advice from QTP users is welcome :).

#335898 Robe Mesh Replacer version 2

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 13 August 2007 - 03:43 PM in Oblivion Modding Discussion

Wow! Those are better than last!

Maybe make a Robert/Exnem version? Or a version with improved textures, kind of like Alienslof's version?

#335779 Comments about PoOC thread #15

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 13 August 2007 - 06:19 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Wait? Who is Brin now? Bah, I have no idea!

Rejoice! The Hooded One is about to post his old-school style screens - full of hoodedness!

#335696 Comments about PoOC thread #15

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 12 August 2007 - 06:10 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

You've got no idea spike! I'm lucky I was in the hospital, or nobody would have been around to deal with this stuff!

#335658 Comments about PoOC thread #15

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 12 August 2007 - 01:45 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

I agree with Floyd on that one :devil: I mean... nice shots Kalia!

#335600 Comments about PoOC thread #15

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 12 August 2007 - 08:36 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

A final warning - Other staff memebers (and myself) have been informed to come into the Oblivion section and at will and without warning, delete any guest posting - whether it is related to trolling or not. If the troll situation keeps occuring Guest posting will be disabled by an Admin.

This is an official warning/statement.

I'm pissed as hell at this little troller, and if thier objective was to piss off the only current staff memeber of the Oblivion Section, he did a job well done.

#335589 Comments about PoOC thread #15

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 12 August 2007 - 07:55 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Hey, to all of those who have downloaded the new armor replacer for Robert's body mesh - I have converted the Imperial Guard for OOO/FCOM (the capes and newer armor) to that mesh,. If you would like a copy, drop me a line!

#335566 Pictures of Oblivion Characters #15

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 12 August 2007 - 06:58 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

I've worked on the textures and cleaned up a few splotches. Someone tell me how this looks, please? Good/bad? The texture looks warped or off? Comments folks, comments!




#335552 Comments about PoOC thread #15

Posted by Hector the Hooded on 12 August 2007 - 06:18 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Not aruging, but trolling ;).