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#301225 Whats your favorite quest in the whole game!

Posted by jackmix69 on 12 May 2007 - 10:35 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

Ok, i just played what i think was my favorite quest last night. for all of you who have played Shivering isles, do you remember when you had to take back the fringe from the knigths of order? that was a really awsome quest. im talking about the part where you have to go and deactivate that crystal so they stop spawning. first you have infiltrate a fun dungeon and kill knights, then it becomes a get away with the ceiling and columns fall down over you. i just loved seeing knights running at me then getting crushed by a column. it was a really fun one, because of how intense it was :rolleyes:

Yes, that was an awesome quest. I'd say this is mine as well

#314310 Transfer Rigging/Bone Weights in Blender

Posted by jackmix69 on 11 June 2007 - 02:06 PM in Oblivion Modding Discussion


Where is this tutorial Vagrant put up? I have max, and need to read it

#309207 Smite of Order - My Best Spell

Posted by jackmix69 on 29 May 2007 - 11:13 AM in jackmix69's Mods

Sounds good, I like the idea of an order themed home too, I'll include that as a reward as well.

I really don't want to make a quest though, I've done enough scripting on the spell alone :P (the .esp with just the spell is 8 kb!)

Time for me to mesh the charm of order *opens 3ds max* :P

Can anyone think of a better name aside from simply "Charm of Order?" That sounds kind of generic to me.

Jyggalag's Token maybe? I don't know, it doesn't look like a token at all

Symbol of Order?

#310881 Smite of Order - My Best Spell

Posted by jackmix69 on 02 June 2007 - 08:28 PM in jackmix69's Mods

I was thinking of adding one in, it would simply push those nearby away. I'll experiment after version 1.0 is released.

Oh, and that lighting effect has been fixed on that mesh.

#313037 Smite of Order - My Best Spell

Posted by jackmix69 on 08 June 2007 - 01:24 AM in jackmix69's Mods

I've decided to release an early version for those who really want it. INSANELY OVERBALANCED. Recommended only for those who are anxious to try it out.


It is hostile. Just load your game with the .esp enabled and you'll get the spell seconds later.

I'm currently working on the actual mod, I'm setting up the dungeon and playtesting it. I've yet to create the Palace of Jyggalag.

#309283 Smite of Order - My Best Spell

Posted by jackmix69 on 29 May 2007 - 02:57 PM in jackmix69's Mods

Yes, maybe, but I want this to be unofficially one of his "Artifacts"

Also, smite of order has a bug I cannot fix, may as well describe here

You're in a random area, let's say the Market district. You cast Smite of Order, the beam goes off, target dies, all that's left is a skeleton, etc.

You wait 24 hours, still in the market district

You can use the spell again

You cast it, the effect screws up. The effect gathers in the sky, then fades suddenly, then suddenly reappears, then plays the effect, making it out of sync with the target dying.


You wait another 24 hours, STILL in the market district

You cast the spell again

The effect plays fine

Wait another 24 hours still in the MD

Cast it again

Works fine


It seems to play it correctly and incorrectly at random. I have no idea what's causing it, and I've done everything I can to debug it. I have Identified the bug, however. The effect chooses not to play the forward animation correctly, and it doesn't finish upon first casting it when it transitions to fading out. So, when you cast it again, it refreshes the effect, and it plays it correctly, but with a delay. This seems to work a couple of times after, but then it happens again. Again, no clue what's causing it, I even gave the animation more time to play, and nothing. It's nothing more than a mere annoyance, odds are you won't be casting it in the same cell if you wait 24 hours. I have spent all day attempting to patch this, nothing worked, and I'm all out of tricks. So y'all will have to deal with that. It could be something in the .nif, I have no idea, it's just a mere suspicion because the script is fine. Interesting fact: Eventually, I forced it to play correctly, but when I cast the spell again, nothing happened. Very strange bug, but I'm sure you can all bear with it.

I'm going to at least try to make these happen minimally.

EDIT: Hahaha, I made them happen not as often now! ^_^ And these only happen if you stay in the same cell and spam it

Oh, and made the artifact (Says Jyggalag's Crest, will be called Crest of Order)

Posted Image

What do you think? Look okay? It's just a random doodle in max, really, but I think it looks acceptable, gotta fix that problem with it though :P

#309355 Smite of Order - My Best Spell

Posted by jackmix69 on 29 May 2007 - 05:17 PM in jackmix69's Mods

Thanks, I'll be implementing the battle locations soon, and the house, probably start tomorrow. I want to finish this before I get back to working on the MM8 artifacts.

Possibly not a very constructive comment, and probably not the type of feedback you were looking for, but... OMFG WOW!!!! :blink: :woot:

Thanks Conrad :)

#309090 Smite of Order - My Best Spell

Posted by jackmix69 on 28 May 2007 - 11:24 PM in jackmix69's Mods

Hey all, check out this spell I just completed. Easily my best.

It is complete, but I need YOU to brainstorm for me.

This is a greater power (not just for balance reason, the spell screws up if spammed due to the timer script on the beam itself) instantly stops the target in their tracks, and when the beam explodes, reduces the target to nothing but a skeleton. It does not work on essentials, indoors, on corpses, or on things like barrels. It does work on creatures, but they aren't reduced to bone, they are just killed. In the mod, it will be on touch, rather than target.

So, here I ask you, the reader: What should you have to do to recieve this spell? I want it to...

A) Have something to do with order, as it is an order oriented spell
B) Be really hard, this won't cost any magicka so warriors can use it too

Personally, I was thinking of some sort of hidden trapdoor in the Sheoth Palace District, you go in, and you fight Knights of Order. At the end, there is a portal, and when you go in it, you're in some sort of order-themed interior (inside of Jyggalag's palace, maybe?) and you have to battle through all sorts of Knights, and at the end is a chest containing a "Charm of Order" and as long as it's in your inventory, you have it as a greater power. When dropped, you will no longer have it as a greater power. This is high level characters ONLY, so if you go through this dungeon at level 8, you're going to get owned.

If anyone has a better suggestion, I'd love to hear it. :)

#306667 [WIP] MM8 Artifacts in Cyrodil

Posted by jackmix69 on 22 May 2007 - 05:37 PM in jackmix69's Mods

Wow this place is dead :P

Anyway, finished Breaker (for the most part)

Posted Image

It pretty much was a skull on a stick in MM8, but it was 1 handed, had eyes that glowed blue, and had some spikes on it.

The script on it works - When equipped, you do get +20 strength and endurance, and it has a 5% chance of knocking the target back, but I need to up that to 10% because 5% is much rarer than I thought, and need to make it send them furthur. In MM8, it wasn't knockback, it was 5-10 points of body damage, and there is no body damage in Oblivion so knockback it is!

I also need to make that skull a bit thinner - then it's all set! :)

#306589 [WIP] MM8 Artifacts in Cyrodil

Posted by jackmix69 on 22 May 2007 - 01:42 PM in jackmix69's Mods

Hello, currently working on a mod that incorpates some of the artifacts in MM8 into Cyrodil. Might and Magic 8 had some really good stuff that is implementable, and I was playing it earlier so I got this idea.

I'm not really good at modeling, but I can make new models thanks to nicoroshi. I know how to get them ingame, but I'm not that good with 3dsmax. I can modelhack some (namely, breaker) but most will be retextures.

Here are the ones I'm going to make, complete with description from the game, although some are changed slightly due to race differences between the 2 games. I'm also going to have their enchantments identical.

Blade of Mercy (Dagger, 26 damage, +10 strength, 35 shock damage) - Though generally considered unfashionable among current necromantic custom, live sacrifice was once widely practiced. To reduce the cruelty inflicted on the victim, the necromancer Ferredine the Merciful created a blade capable of bringing about a quicker and less suffered end.

Breaker (2 handed club, Strength + 20, Endurance + 20, 5% chance of knocking the target back) Orcish folklore is full of the Fables of Sevenstrong Burlfist who with Biter, his faithful wolf companion, and his mighty club, Breaker, endlessly quested for the Silver Rose. Fables? One must wonder, if Breaker exists, then why not too, the Silver Rose?

Drogg's Helm (Light Armor, Helmet. Personality + 15, Intellect + 15, Regenerate 1 Health per second) In the history of the barbarian tribes of Vori, it is rare to find a long reigning chieftan. Rarer still is one who held his position through magic rather than might. Drogg was such - a warrior mage who survived many years of rival challenges. It is said that he wore his helmet at all times, even in sleep. Now that you possess it, you understand why.

Elsenrail (Longsword, Agility + 25, Light on Target, Extra Damage to Undead & Daedra) - The Forge of Chaos was destroyed in the making of the swords of balance. Legend says the blade of light, Elsenrail, and the blade of dark, glomenthal, will play major roles in the last act of the universe.

Fleetfingers (Light Armor, Gauntlets, Security + 25, Marksman + 15, Speed + 5) ...that she would actually have a name for her gloves, is evidance of the flamboyant, if deserved, conceit of Darcie Darby --- Most widely known for her theft of the bejeweled Rod of Right, part of the royal regalia of Summerset Isle.

Glomenthal (Claymore, Strength + 25, Dark Grasp which silences the target, slows the target, and weakens the target) - The Forge of Chaos was destroyed in the making of the swords of balance. Legend says the blade of light, Elsenrail, and the blade of dark, glomenthal, will play major roles in the last act of the universe.

Herald's Boots (Light Armor, Speed + 75) When Tallus Umbrion secured his throne in the first war, he sent forth heralds to spread the news. They were given these pair of boots, so the news would be spread quickly and thus soonest end widespread civil rest.

Hell's Cleaver (1 Handed Axe, Strength + 50, Agility + 50, Speed + 25, Personality - 50, Intelligence - 50, Willpower - 25, wielder is silenced) So called because of its power to demonize the wielder. Nevertheless, there are many who would willingly pay the price for the power offered by "Hell's Cleaver."

(Normally crown in MM8) Hood of Final Dominion (+50 Intelligence, Restore Magicka 10 points) Named by its creator and only soverign wearer, Mederon, the first - and last - Lich emporer of Nighon. The everlasting dynasty he hoped to found lasted barely a dozen years. Mederon escaped the fate of his kingdom. It is said that he still lives as a madman and searches the world for his lost hood.

Last Stage Robe (Robe, Personality + 25, Intelligence + 25, Fortify Magicka 100 points, 25% weakness to magic) The Final stage of degeneration from their human form leaves a Lich completely soulless, and thus, immune to certain magicks. Such liches often curse their personal items with vulnerabilities to these magicks to dissuade others from using them.

Spiritslayer (2 handed blade, Absorb Health 25 points for 4 seconds, +50 strength, -40 luck) Many under the rule of Luthiner the Severe saw the existance of his sword Spiritslayer as proof of the existance of evil. The injuries go beyond physical damage as Spiritslayer takes a strike as an opportunity to drink its target's very essence.

Staff of the Swamp (Staff, Enchant the offense on your own, +25 shield, Immune to Poison, Disease, and Paralysis) Nemerit, an otherwise remarkable witch of the last era, was renown for her staff artificing skill. She created a staff for every conceviable use. It is said she carried this staff on ingredient collecting trips into the swamplands.

Volcano (2 Handed Axe; 50 fire damage, resist fire 50%) The mad artificer, Cornelius of Black Marsh, built this axe for the purpose of clearing the trees around his estate. "A single blow will both fall a tree and render it into firewood!" he was heard to exclaim. He was soon found murdered, and the axe gone. Appearantly someone saw a better use for it.

I'll probably make up some of my own and throw em' in there too. How you'll obtain these right now isn't thought out. I'll probably place bosses in certain forts\ruins\whatever that carry these.

#307177 [WIP] MM8 Artifacts in Cyrodil

Posted by jackmix69 on 23 May 2007 - 12:25 PM in jackmix69's Mods

Here is Drogg's Helm

Posted Image

I used the mesh from Ghogiel's modders resource. :)

Script on Breaker is fully functional, and Breaker is complete. That's 2 down, and lots to go :P

Oh, and I have no idea if the Silver Rose was in MM8 or not (never found it), but I'll put it in. I'll retexture the sanguine rose. Just thinking of what it should do...hmm...

Anyway, Hell's Cleaver is next in line. *works on it*

#308539 [WIP] MM8 Artifacts in Cyrodil

Posted by jackmix69 on 26 May 2007 - 04:30 PM in jackmix69's Mods

Thanks for that link Cosmic, lol wish I saw it sooner :P

#308462 [WIP] MM8 Artifacts in Cyrodil

Posted by jackmix69 on 26 May 2007 - 11:15 AM in jackmix69's Mods

Yep, I did my best :)

Just finished Elsenrail, although it looks REALLY weird in Oblivion because of the shape

MM8: Posted Image

My Mesh (Temp Ebony Texture) Posted Image

It is intentionally glowing like that in the dark. Elsenrail is the blade of light

I wonder what Glomenthal looks like? I never found it

Should I just make an evil texture for Glomenthal, and use this mesh or what?

#307260 [WIP] MM8 Artifacts in Cyrodil

Posted by jackmix69 on 23 May 2007 - 01:23 PM in jackmix69's Mods

Hell's Cleaver is done

Script works fine, plus I added a new feature

Since it "Demonizes" the wielder, I've added a effect shader that effects the player on equipping. Evil surges through you.

Good shot of Hell's Cleaver

Posted Image

And a shot with the effect

Posted Image

You can see a hint of the effect in the first picture, hard to time it right where it's gone 100% before it loops

#308300 [WIP] MM8 Artifacts in Cyrodil

Posted by jackmix69 on 25 May 2007 - 05:17 PM in jackmix69's Mods

Nico encouraged me to practice 3ds max and model some, so here is Hell's Cleaver

In MM8

Posted Image

And my mesh, daedric texture right now

Posted Image

My first mesh ever, I'm quite proud of it and worked on it for about an hour

#306699 [WIP] MM8 Artifacts in Cyrodil

Posted by jackmix69 on 22 May 2007 - 07:44 PM in jackmix69's Mods

Thanks Cosmic :)

A couple of other artifacts I've thought of

Staff of Disintegration (Disintegrates target, doesn't work on essentials, or creatures, NPC only. 5 uses) - Nemerit, an otherwise remarkable witch of the last era, was renown for her staff artificing skill. She created a staff for every conceviable use. It is said she used this staff as a way to protect herself from people who would do her harm.

Staff of Purging Undead (Instantly kills undead, 10 uses) Nemerit, an otherwise remarkable witch of the last era, was renown for her staff artificing skill. She created a staff for every conceviable use. It is said she carried this staff when venturing cursed grounds.

#310203 [WIP] MM8 Artifacts in Cyrodil

Posted by jackmix69 on 31 May 2007 - 06:43 PM in jackmix69's Mods

Thanks :)

This project is currently on hold, will resume once I finish my Smite of Order spell\house mod

#302517 [REQ] Brainstorm for a new mod I'll soon be working on

Posted by jackmix69 on 14 May 2007 - 07:10 PM in jackmix69's Mods

Here's an idea for a Mania lesser spell.

The Duke of mania is addicted to a drug so you could use those drug as a "companion trap". You know, if you have some of the drug on you (maybe with the mod, create an easy way to get some), you could cast a spell with a name similar to "Addict" and then the person is addict to the drug and will follow you everywhere and fight for you. If you want to keep him as a companion, you need to give him a regular dose of drug and if you don't, he would just collapse and when he wake, he no longer follow you.

Just an idea :D

BTW, nice to see you have your own section too :new_thumbs:

That's a good idea, but that'd require editing a lot of NPCs to be "addicts" and Thadon ends up

Good idea though, and thanks :)

#306091 [REQ] Brainstorm for a new mod I'll soon be working on

Posted by jackmix69 on 21 May 2007 - 06:36 PM in jackmix69's Mods

Okay, I'll think of the rest myself then. TO THE BAT CAVE! (que batman theme song)

#304193 [REQ] Brainstorm for a new mod I'll soon be working on

Posted by jackmix69 on 17 May 2007 - 01:38 PM in jackmix69's Mods

That's a good idea, but that'd require editing a lot of NPCs to be "addicts" and Thadon ends up


Good idea though, and thanks :)

Why this ? I think just a high level "Command Creature/Humanoid" would do the trick. I don't mean create a complicated companion that you can see his stats, his inventory, etc. I just want someone that fight with my char, whatever I try to deal with.

As for more idea, I just have a Order related one, and it wasn't in your proposition so I'll keep it :lol:

If you can have edited or custom meshes, you could have a Mania spells to imprison somebody with roots. Actually, that's not mania exclusive but... :unsure: Anyway, yeah... an imprison spell with custom roots that form some kind of cage around the enemy. Could be helpful for escaping a big meanie. You could also transform this idea into an offensive spell. Something like: you summon the cage spell, a (or many) Gnarl come out of the ground and hit the target.

Yeah, but then it would work on anyone, not just "addicts"

And what Order related spell did you have in mind? I love order and would love to hear your idea :)

That would be a good idea, actually, I'll look into it. I bet with a bit of mesh searching I can model hack a "Root" prison :)

EDIT: Wait, I misunderstood your "addict" request. Heh, yes that can be easily doable, but I don't want it to require anything, in this case, greenmote.

#302845 [REQ] Brainstorm for a new mod I'll soon be working on

Posted by jackmix69 on 15 May 2007 - 10:43 AM in jackmix69's Mods

How about for a lesser power you could create a dome of fire around your character for about 15 seconds? You will not be harmed if you touch the dome/shield but any enemiews will.

Sounds good, but I can only use Oblivion's default visuals, I'd have to make special effect .nifs for that which I don't know how to do :(

The best I could do for special fx would be shaders, which wouldn't work in this case. Good idea though :D

Good to see you have your own mod forums.

Thanks, good to see you here at spellhold bud :)

#303126 [REQ] Brainstorm for a new mod I'll soon be working on

Posted by jackmix69 on 15 May 2007 - 04:21 PM in jackmix69's Mods

C'mon, any ideas at all? I'm not starting this until I've got all my ideas.

#302526 [REQ] Brainstorm for a new mod I'll soon be working on

Posted by jackmix69 on 14 May 2007 - 07:25 PM in jackmix69's Mods

Thanks Nico, I'll take that cookie, but Hobbs can have those beer mugs :lol:

#304279 [REQ] Brainstorm for a new mod I'll soon be working on

Posted by jackmix69 on 17 May 2007 - 04:24 PM in jackmix69's Mods

Yeah, but then it would work on anyone, not just "addicts"

And what Order related spell did you have in mind? I love order and would love to hear your idea :)

That would be a good idea, actually, I'll look into it. I bet with a bit of mesh searching I can model hack a "Root" prison :)

EDIT: Wait, I misunderstood your "addict" request. Heh, yes that can be easily doable, but I don't want it to require anything, in this case, greenmote.

Uh... no, I don't think you misunderstood :lol: What I meant is, if you have greenmote on you, you can cast some kind of Command Humanoid spell on a person. If you don't give him more on a regular basis (let's say 1000 sec) he would just collapse and no longer follow you.

As for my Order idea, well, you did a crazy job on the house and I really like it :D It would be cool if you had the power to summon a little Order spike that would take you to another (or the same) Order themed home :woot: Dunno if it's possible though :unsure:

Yep, I understood that, but that requires at least a piece of greenmote :P

Yes, that is possible, actually, just have the crystal be a door itself, so you can just activate it and bam you're in your home, but it'd take a while to make. :)

Anyone have anything for Dementia lesser powers?

#302387 [REQ] Brainstorm for a new mod I'll soon be working on

Posted by jackmix69 on 14 May 2007 - 03:36 PM in jackmix69's Mods

Hello, I've decided what my next mod will be. I've read many threads about complaints for shivering Isles, and many of them were regarding Shivering Isles...end reward. SI Endgame Spoiler!


With that in mind, I've been thinking. Why not make some more spells for the end of the MQ? I know I already did the Vault of Order, but this is different. Something for mages, rather than warriors. Although even warriors will be able to cast it.

Anyway, here's the theme

You get

6 Lesser Powers, 3 Mania Oriented, 3 Dementia Oriented
4 Greater Powers, 2 Mania Oriented, 2 Dementia Oriented
2 "Apocalyptic" scrolls that respawn in a chest every 3 days, 1 Mania Oriented, 1 Dementia Oriented.

Here was what I was thinking


Lesser Powers (3)




Greater Powers (2)

Instant Maniac - Frenzies any Individual.

Sheogorath's Whim - Ever hit Sheogorath? You know how he teleports you high in the sky? This power lets you do the same to your enemies! Only works outdoors, and on NPCs. (So you can't use it on big monsters such as the gatekeeper)

Apocalyptic Scroll

Summon Watermelon of Doom - Summons a "Watermelon of Doom" in your inventory. When dropped, and you enter sneak, it will explode, killing anything in a 30 ft. radius by powers of the elements!


Lesser Powers (3)

Summon Skeletal Hound - Self explanitory

Greater Powers (2)

Demented Laughter - Same as in my PSM. If you didn't check it out, basically it causes a target to become filled with fear, by transmitting a demented laugh via telepathy into the targets mind. The target freaks out and runs away. Won't work on Undead.
Disintegrate - Melts the targets skin off, instantly killing him\her. Doesn't work on Essentials or Creatures.

Apocalpytic Scroll

Souldrinker - Kills everything in the area and replenishes your health, magicka, and fatigue all the way. 50 ft radius, says "DIE!" when cast.

I do not want this to require OBSE, so please don't suggest that.

I also want this to be balanced :)

If I use your idea, you will be put in the credits. Oh, and feel free to provide an idea for a substitution for an existing idea. If I like it better, I will also put it in.

Discuss, please :)