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There have been 19 items by StrixO (Search limited from 02-June 23)

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#491710 PnP Scribe Scrolls for Mages [IMPLEMENTED]

Posted by StrixO on 07 July 2010 - 06:45 PM in aTweaks

Demi's SR mod has moved two level 3 spells to level 5: Protection from Fire, Protection from Cold. I just glanced at RR#SCRL.D, so I may have misread - for those spells, will the scribe scrolls function still assign and charge for level 3, regardless of Demi's tweaking?

And looks like it will miss his Dimension Door, too?

#491587 New BG Item: Skeleton Key

Posted by StrixO on 06 July 2010 - 07:06 AM in IE Mod Ideas

You can simply use

Thanks Wisp. I don't know how you guys remember this stuff. I've been using ArcGIS and R code for the last 6 months, and it pushed everything else out.

#491551 New BG Item: Skeleton Key

Posted by StrixO on 05 July 2010 - 12:33 PM in IE Mod Ideas

The code for that would be nothing (well about ~4 lines to get the name and description of the item added). You'd just have to create the item with an editor (such as DLTCEP or Near Infinity).

I couldn't remember what clauses in the .tp2 file were used to detect which BG2 installation was being used (Tutu,SoA,ToB,BGT) and then installing to the correct store. I'm happy to dig back in later tonight, if no one can throw me a bone.

#491544 New BG Item: Skeleton Key

Posted by StrixO on 05 July 2010 - 11:45 AM in IE Mod Ideas

I haven't messed around with BG for months, and can't remember much code for modding. I felt like starting a new game, though, and wanted to first introduce a new item: a key that can, ~once a day, cast a knock spell (maybe custom knock, range zero and no animation). Before I try and re-learn the weidu syntax, would anyone be willing/interested in writing one to add to Adventurer's Mart/High Hedge?

#490896 Sorcerer tweak -> 3e mechanics

Posted by StrixO on 26 June 2010 - 07:58 AM in IE Mod Ideas

I think months and months ago I played around with the RemoveSpell() action and found it didn't affect sorcerer spellbooks (can anyone verify?).

But I just had a thought that a script with a ChangeClass() action from sorcerer->mage->sorcerer might "blank" the spellbook before leveling up, and it would leave HP and weapon proficiencies intact. Any thoughts?

EDIT: If anyone is thinking about trying a similar script, let me tell you I already tried it. Memorized spells aren't removed from the spellbook when the sorcerer is changed to any class (i.e. no "blanking" of the spell book by shuffling the class around), so the possibility I asked about above is out. And since the script action RemoveSpell() doesn't apply to memorized spells (which is how the sorcerer spells are retained while class shuffling), I'm at a dead end.

EDIT 2: Any input on this idea?: What if I had a script that did a changeclass(Mage) [which would convert all the sorcerer spells to expendable memorized slots], followed by an instant casting of a custom Energy Drain (reducing level to 0) [would this remove memorized spell slots?], followed immediately by a custom restoration and a changeclass(Sorcerer)...?

I guess the question is: does energy drain remove memorized spells on mages?

EDIT 3: I'm also playing around with some specific spell effects, applied with a conjuction of some global vars and a Experience Greater Than triggers. like (244) Drain Wizard Spells, and (96) Change Class. Anybody have a brainstorm on how these might work smoothly? I think I can spawn an invisible creature whenever a sorcerer levels up to 1) change the sorcerer to a mage, 2) remove all memorized spells, and 3) change the PC back to sorcerer... but that will happen regardless of whether the player hits the level up button or not - which will cause spontaneous loss of all memorized spells whenever someone levels up, until they level up through the record screen and rest again. Ugh. Any advice?

Maybe a moderator could bump this over to IE modding help?

#490889 Sorcerer tweak -> 3e mechanics

Posted by StrixO on 26 June 2010 - 06:51 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Just got a new job and so I found my mind wandering. How about a tweak in the form of a script that catches when a sorcerer levels up? When you press the level up button, it could kick you to level 1 again (a la the SCS "choose NPC weapon proficiencies" script) to re-choose new spells. Maybe with an instant rest thrown in at the end?

You do know you can unlearn the already chosen spells, but it takes a few levels to have the ability, don't you? And then you choose them back when you level up.

Sorry, no I didn't. Are we both talking about BG? I should have been explicit in the first post. I tried searching for similar tweaks, but the search function in the forum isn't working for me.

#490855 Sorcerer tweak -> 3e mechanics

Posted by StrixO on 25 June 2010 - 06:38 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Just got a new job and so I found my mind wandering. How about a tweak in the form of a script that catches when a sorcerer levels up? When you press the level up button, it could kick you to level 1 again (a la the SCS "choose NPC weapon proficiencies" script) to re-choose new spells. Maybe with an instant rest thrown in at the end?

Problem is, I can't figure anyone would want to re-choose all weapon proficiencies every time, or have HP float around with random dice rolls.

#479733 Appending to Baldur.BCS

Posted by StrixO on 21 February 2010 - 08:17 PM in IE Help

Thanks for the replies. I've nerfed much of my idea just because it became clumsy scripting with too many workarounds (to avoid modifying baldur.bcs) for my liking.

And rather than start a new thread, I wonder if someone could answer?:

Are creatures added to the .gam file via MakeGlobal() affected by turning party AI on and off?

Thanks again!

#479200 Custom selection common/action sounds not playing

Posted by StrixO on 16 February 2010 - 07:15 PM in IE Help

Try leaving the non-playing sounds in WAVC, which is the game's default format for sound clips.

Thanks Miloch! Selection/Action sounds are now working perfectly.

#479189 Custom selection common/action sounds not playing

Posted by StrixO on 16 February 2010 - 03:21 PM in IE Help

Hi folks. I'm confused. I can't get the selection or action sounds to play for one of my customized CREs. They play for the rest. The non-playing sound was converted from WAVC to WAV using DLTCEP, from the in-game sounds PSEDUO01 and PSEUDO02, saved as STXPSD01.wav and STXPSD02.wav. I don't think my code is wrong. Is something amiss with the format DLTCEP has exported in? The other WAV files were not acquired via DLTCEP and all work great.

COPY ~PickyFams/sounds~ ~override~ //includes STXPSD01.wav and STXPSD02.wav, among others

  WRITE_ASCII 0x34 "SXpsd"
  SAY SELECT_COMMON1 ~~ [STXPSD01] //these 4 sound assignments won't voice in-game. Acquired via DLTCEP.

COPY_EXISTING ~FAMFAIR.CRE~ ~override/FAMFAIR.CRE~ //sounds from here out for other CREs work great!
  WRITE_ASCII 0x34 "SXfai"

  WRITE_ASCII 0x34 "SXfer"


So, is it a problem with the format from DLTCEP? I've attached the offending WAV files if anyone would like to see....

EDIT: I should add that the sounds that don't play in-game play fine when navigated to using NI, either directly from the override folder or from the CRE file.


EDIT2: attached files removed after problem solved.

#479086 Appending to Baldur.BCS

Posted by StrixO on 15 February 2010 - 02:53 PM in IE Help

I'm writing a tweak involving summoning a custom creature which scales in strength with the PC, among other things. I've figured out the mechanics of such, but to accomplish I need to add a fair amount of scripting onto Baldur.BCS/Baldur25.BCS. Are there some limits to how long Baldur.BCS/Baldur25.BCS should be for the game to run smoothly, i.e. will excessive scripting cause stuttering in-game?


EDIT: If it is a concern, I'm just going to do a workaround involving summoning a temporary invisible creature with an AI script to apply the changes to my custom CRE, thereby reducing the clutter in Baldur.BCS/Baldur25.BCS. If I did so, would the best (i.e. non-noticeable) temporary creature be something like a custom invisible stalker? Thanks again!

EDIT2: Would said custom invisible stalker executing an AI script consisting of several ActionOverride() components become visible (i.e. show it's shadow?)? Or how about using the hiding Ashikurus from Durlag's Tower? Will the script break hiding?

#478659 BG: Upgraded familiars

Posted by StrixO on 11 February 2010 - 09:08 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Does anyone have any pictures that would make good portraits for the familiars when they're engaged in dialogue? I think the pics of the Fairy Dragon and the Pseudo Dragon from NWN can be cannibalized, but I'm searching for the other familiars. I'm struggling to find an imp, mephit, and quasit.


EDIT: scratch that, the familiars from NWN (pseudo and fairy dragon) look terrible resized so small. I need portraits that are more face, less body.

#478479 Installing multiple copies of BG

Posted by StrixO on 09 February 2010 - 11:59 PM in BGT Archive

My google-fu seems to be getting worse everyday.

Can anyone inform me how/link me to a page describing how I can install multiple copies of BG on my computer? I currently have BG+TotSC, BG2+ToB, and BGTutu installed. Now I'd like to install BGT while leaving the current installations untouched. Do I need to first install another BG2?


#478478 BG: Cast find familiar, and choose any

Posted by StrixO on 09 February 2010 - 11:45 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Maybe I'm wrong, but It seems, that DLGs for BGT are identical as in vanilla BG2.

I wasn't sure, as the familiar dialogue in BG2 is set by BG2 chapter flags. Tutu handles this by reassigning some dialogue to follow the BG1 set of chapter flags. If you summon a familiar in Candlekeep at the start of BGT, do all of the dialogues trigger? What does it talk about?

EDIT: BGT compatibility added.

And wouldn't it be easier, if You try to use dialogs in .d format instead of DLG?

Maybe not easier for me, just yet. I'm learning as I go, and I knew I could fix the problem that cropped up quickly using NI. I'll get around to .d and compiling eventually, but I'm still green. Until then, I'm a bit clumsy. Thanks for your comments anyway!

EDIT: Dialogue patching now using .d format.

#478451 BG: Cast find familiar, and choose any

Posted by StrixO on 09 February 2010 - 04:33 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

I've overlooked the DLG files, and how the role they played in moving the familiar to the PC's inventory and back out again - and so there are some errors for 2/3 the summons. I'm going to work on fixing the error, but I need to generate a unique dialogue file for each summons. Until then, using this mod will result in problems: lawfuls can't summon neutral or chaotics, neutrals can't summon lawfuls or chaotics, and chaotics can't summon lawful or neutrals.

After I have a dialogue file for each summons, I'll post a new tweak.

EDIT: This issue has been addressed and the tweak has been updated. There was an alignment check in the familiar dialogues; that's been replaced with a global variable check that's particular to each familiar and set at casting.

REQUEST: In the meantime, can someone post the FAMxxx.DLGs for BGT so I can include in the tweak? If not in a couple days, I'll install BGT, too.

EDIT: BGT compatibility added.

#478386 BG: Cast find familiar, and choose any

Posted by StrixO on 08 February 2010 - 10:18 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Posted Image

File Name: BG: Cast find familiar, and choose any
File Submitter: StrixO
File Submitted: 09 Feb 2010
File Updated: 10 Feb 2010
File Category: Miscellaneous Released Mods

This mod is now compatible with BG2:SoA, BG2:ToB, BGTuTu, and BGT.

In-game, when you cast 'Find Familiar' you'll immediately be able to choose which familiar you'd like to summon. Just hover over each of the quick-buttons that open up to learn which to click to summon a given familiar. Your alignment will change for exactly 1 second - so don't worry if you happen to see it. It'll change back!

To install, just unzip the contents into your game folder and use the executable. Tweak will detect what you're running (BG2:SoA, BG2:SoA+ToB, BGTuTu, or BGT) and install accordingly.

Comments welcome. Summoning, placing in inventory and releasing, and all dialogue trees are now all working properly.

Revisions history
10-Feb-10 - v1.1 Compatible with BGT. Now patches existing DLGs rather than replacing with new files. Re-added Polish language.
10-Feb-10 - v1.0 Tweak now fully working and compatible with BGTutu, BG2:SoA, and BG:ToB. Fixed inventory/release spawning problems.
09-Feb-10 - Added Polish translation. Thanks Picollo.
09-Feb-10 - spell descriptions updated

Click here to download this file

#478347 BG: Upgraded familiars

Posted by StrixO on 08 February 2010 - 08:23 AM in IE Mod Ideas

I wrote a tweak that gave a shared clerical upgrade to good-aligned familiars, thief upgrade to neutral, and debuffing mage spells to evil familiars. Since my familiar summoning scrolls seem to be working, I decided I wanted to give each familiar a unique upgrade. Do any other mods do something similar (i.e. make familiars useful)?

In my personal mini-mod, I've given all the

good-aligned: Bless,Sanctuary,Slow Poison,Cure Disease,Remove Paralysis,Zone of Sweet Air,Cure Serious Wounds,Defensive Harmony,Protection from Evil 10',Lesser Restoration

neutral aligned: 99% Pickpocket, 99% Stealth, 99% Open Locks, 99% Detect Traps, casts Luck, Non-detectable by divination when stealthing

evil-aligned: Shield,Mirror Image,Invisibility,Blindness,Spook,Ray of Enfeeblement,Slow,Confusion,Greater Malison

Unbalanced, I know. If I mess with it again, I'll nerf it a bit and change each familiar to have a unique upgrade - like giving the Fairy Dragon just illusionary buffs, and parsing out the traps/locks/pickpocket to ferrets and stealthing/detect illusions/true seeing to cats. Before I do, has anyone done anything similar? It also might be fun to change the dust mephit (booooring) into something like a radiant or fire mephit. I'm sure you guys have seen the other FAMs not used.


#478280 BG: selectable familiars via ITM

Posted by StrixO on 07 February 2010 - 12:59 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I didn't see any similar component listed in spell revisions, but I didn't look very hard. I'll look through the forum.

But I had another thought, that might be simpler? How about a custom find familiar scroll for each familiar, with an added temporary effect of Change Alignment? I'm going to test a custom find familiar scroll with a Change Alignment effect as "duration: limited" now, and see if alignment reverts back after duration expires.

EDIT: Well, I have my scroll of temporary Lawful Evil-ness, after which it successfully reverts back! Just having trouble getting the summon familiar casting to play along.

EDIT #2: Success! I may a custom scroll which changed alignment, summoned a familiar according to new alignment, and then changed alignment back. As an example, I had a CN mage summon an imp! Mage reverted to CN after spell was cast. I'll make a scroll for each familiar and stick it in the misc released mods later.

Should I give them to Sorcerous Sundries for Tutu and Lady Yuth for SoA?

EDIT #3: Err, I just had a thought. How does BG2 handle upgrading familiars for ToB? If it refers back to alignment (and not the FAMxxx.CRE or FAMxxx.ITM the PC currently has), players may find their familiars suddenly changing...help? There's a familiar offset in the GAM file, but I'm not sure how to interpret it.

EDIT #4: Final update: imported a char with non-aligned familiar into ToB, and familiar was maintained, i.e. I imported my CN mage with LE imp into ToB, and I got a CN mage with upgraded LE imp. Gimme a little time and I'll package the scrolls into Tutu/BG2 merchants.

EDIT #5: Uhhh, I finished this mod and added the scrolls to Lady Yuth and Sorcerous Sundries, but I can't post it in misc mods because I can't get the archived version under 512 kb...my version is ~600kb. Help?

I'm an idiot! It's posted and available for downloads in Misc Mods forum.

#478266 BG: selectable familiars via ITM

Posted by StrixO on 07 February 2010 - 11:59 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Hi folks. First post. I just wrote my first little mod, tweaking the familiars into mini-clerics, mini-thieves, and mini-mages. I thought about writing a second, but I wanted opinions on if this was possible...

Familiars are selected based on alignment, and this is hardcoded by opcode 192

I haven't done any scripting before, but I thought it might be possible to create an item (tome/scroll) that when used 1) records PC alignment as some VAR, 2) opens a dialogue tree that lists familiars as answers, 3) changes PC alignment to match chosen familiar according to opcode 192, 4) forces spell Find Familiar, 5) changes alignment back to that recorded in 1).

If this is possible, I'd like to do it myself and package it with my familiars tweak. But I'd appreciate a reality check from the members here.
