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#216387 Ready already or never be done?

Posted by CaenJade on 24 July 2005 - 10:18 AM in Imoen Relationship

Actually American public schools (and schools as a whole) are going in the toilet. It's not the teachers (who tend to be very good) however, it's the kids. There has been a steady decline in "general inelligence" for about the last four generations in America. Yes it is fact, the government however does not release the results of the studies to the general public for fear of reprisals (not getting re-elected).

#202513 Title of kotor 3

Posted by CaenJade on 28 April 2005 - 09:48 AM in KotOR Series

Actually, all that happened was that Atari announced it was going to be made, that's all, they haven't even announced a developer. Bioware doesn't seem likely (though possible) because they are making NWN 2, which makes most people think that it is going to be Obsidian (unless it's some one new of course).

#202277 Title of kotor 3

Posted by CaenJade on 26 April 2005 - 01:56 PM in KotOR Series

While "Knights of The Old Republic: Mr Lucas Needs A New Swimming Pool" is pretty good but I prefer:

Knights of the Old Republic 3: At least we didn't hire some one to be in our game, found out we couldn't use him, couldn't get rid of him, and leaving our only option to be screw up Star Wars history

Knights of the Old Republic 3: At least our main male character is not nicknamed "Annie"

Knights of the Old Republic 3: We kept George Lucas from helping make this game since the amount of money he made from the original trilogy drove him insane

Knights of the Old Republic 3: We will make as many of these as we can until we work out a way to make a new Baldur's Gate game

#194246 WHEN KOTOR3?

Posted by CaenJade on 20 March 2005 - 11:33 AM in KotOR Series

That's the porblem though, everybody wants the perfect game/mod but they don't want to wait for it. Basically the "I want perfection and I want it in 2 seconds" attitude.

Personally I am always willing for a game/mod to come out a year late and that it be well done then come out 3-6 months early and be bug riddled and in some cases unplayable. Patience is a virtue and places like official game/developer forums seem to have a complete lack of it. Which results in alot of developers seeming to think that they need it out now or it won't sell (which is never the case just look at Blizzard's game release history) and so they release what are essentially unfinished games.

#193009 what you expect to se in the third game?

Posted by CaenJade on 15 March 2005 - 10:17 AM in KotOR Series

Deeper Romances THAT ADD SOMETHING TO THE ENDING, a scene or something, but we need something. There were scenes planned for KotoR 2 but they were cut and are still in the code. WHY WERE THEY CUT. KotoR 1's ending would have been much better if you had something with Bastila/Carth/Juhani

#192849 Darth Nihilus (spoilers!)

Posted by CaenJade on 13 March 2005 - 10:45 AM in KotOR Series

For all those looking to make things harder, look here for an improvement for the difficulty settings


It works just like BG IWD, in that enemies stats/resistances are improved based on difficulty level. Unfortunately damage is not improved by itself, like +50% damage or anything, it's just improved by the stat bonuses.

While not perfect it does help a little.

#192706 [OLD] KotOR 2 - TSL Mods

Posted by CaenJade on 12 March 2005 - 11:14 AM in KotOR Series

Just thought I would post these two places to look for KotoR 1+2 mods since noone else has

http://www.pcgamemods.com/10 - it's has the largest collection I have seen and seems to have most of the mods talked about in the below link.  The KotoR 1 forum here has basically the same link, this is just the KotoR 2 page on this site and people might not look in the KotoR 1 forum

http://www.lucasforu...php?forumid=324 - Holowan Labs, basically where all the KotoR mod junkies hang out.  They take requests and alot of people post what the mods are making and links to them here.

#192705 How would Morrowind run

Posted by CaenJade on 12 March 2005 - 10:59 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

On very High end it runs great no matter what.  On this computer P4 3g, GeForce 5950, 2 gig ram I never get slowdown unless I have like 6 different people casting spells on my screen.  Just a note but if you play newer games with less than a gig of ram you will get slowdown problems, 512mb IS NOT ENOUGH, and 768mb is pushing it.  While Morrowind is not new Bethesda did a HORRIBLE job optimizing their graphics system so the amount of work required to run their textures, pixels, and polys is only handled well by higher end stuff.

#192039 LS influence

Posted by CaenJade on 08 March 2005 - 09:53 AM in KotOR Series

Look at good influence guide here


made by Dan Simpson (God of BG walkthroughs)