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#441426 Missing Keys in Adlewerg Keep

Posted by agnar on 24 March 2009 - 03:21 PM in Classic Adventures

Hello again: I am back for a little more assistance, but strangely with a similar request. I am on one of the basement floors of Adlewerg Keep, I have cleared out all the rooms i can, (& searched all bodies & containers) but cannot find keys for the 2x Easterly facing doors on that level, plus they are 'not conventionally locked'.

Is there a possibility that this is a bug, or am I just not thorough enough?

Mrs Cake

As the game is currently configured, you need to open those doors with the sentinel glove, before confronting the gauntlet. i think sir billybob is planning to make it so the sentinel ring left behind will also open the cells. But as it is in .49 and earlier, you need to open those cells before the final confrontation.

I think I gave the glove to some hippy in Piney Bluff.......so I don't have it.....do you think i can recover the situation (Item code for the glove maybe??) as when i step outside the keep, I get roasted by the giants & their fiery balls for not having the princess with me :(

Many thanks for the prompt reply.

Mrs Cake

Hmm you shouldn't be able to clear the whole place out without the sentinel glove, but the sentinel does vanish when you fight the wearer of the gauntlet in one of the cells, ending in something of a big boom.

The item code for the sentinel is TCSENTIN so that should open up all the cells in the keep.

#441411 Missing Keys in Adlewerg Keep

Posted by agnar on 24 March 2009 - 01:23 PM in Classic Adventures

Hello again: I am back for a little more assistance, but strangely with a similar request. I am on one of the basement floors of Adlewerg Keep, I have cleared out all the rooms i can, (& searched all bodies & containers) but cannot find keys for the 2x Easterly facing doors on that level, plus they are 'not conventionally locked'.

Is there a possibility that this is a bug, or am I just not thorough enough?

Mrs Cake

As the game is currently configured, you need to open those doors with the sentinel glove, before confronting the gauntlet. i think sir billybob is planning to make it so the sentinel ring left behind will also open the cells. But as it is in .49 and earlier, you need to open those cells before the final confrontation.

#441628 Missing Keys in Adlewerg Keep

Posted by agnar on 26 March 2009 - 07:51 PM in Classic Adventures

You really shouldn't go to the fortress without the glove. For one thing, it doesn't make much sense. The glove asks you to go there and you decided to throw it away and go there anyways.

The glove was created to be used by the fortress captain/chief/whatever the top dude is called. It is supposed to help that person against anyone wearing the other glove. The end battle should be of the two gloves destroying each other. So...without the glove, I am probably going to have to block your access to this map area. You can't complete the quest without it and as you just found out, the quest locks up without you being able to leave the fortress and not being able to continue.

i was trying to figure out what hippy guy she gave it to... *smile*

Maybe you can make the keep's front door blocked without the gauntlet on? One thing i did want to mention, i wondered if the way to start the glove's conversation is not easy enough to find? i did find it, but i wonder if some might not think to click the glove and choose the converse option.

#443004 Installation on a Mac

Posted by agnar on 10 April 2009 - 05:20 AM in Classic Adventures

i'm not a mac user but since you asked about a mac friendly patch and i didn't see an answer to that question i thought i'd toss up this link i came across.


That looks to be the patch needed.

#445165 I there a Cleric NPC at start ?

Posted by agnar on 25 April 2009 - 09:44 AM in Classic Adventures

No, I had the material for armor but no gems (sold all), the Hucrece rings but no Fire prot scroll, and a +1 ring but not 20K GPs !
Not a big prob anyway...

i dont think you need anything other than the metal to make the armor, i dont recall needing any certain gems for that.

But you should be able to get rurik to make stuff for you anytime you're in his shop just by talking to him, even when he's in your group.

#444676 I there a Cleric NPC at start ?

Posted by agnar on 22 April 2009 - 04:29 PM in Classic Adventures

By the time you get to the thoqqua you should have 3-5 magic weapons, even if they're not the weapons you specialize in, and most of your party ought to be above level 1, if not all. Of course, i don't fight the thoqqua first, i tend to go do other stuff first, hit them last or nearly last.

is this a spoiler? Not sure but just in case

#444480 I there a Cleric NPC at start ?

Posted by agnar on 21 April 2009 - 06:29 AM in Classic Adventures

Thanks for the link ! ...but there's no Rurik outside the Oakhurst tavern in my game, and I can't go to Saltmarsh, so what can I do ? :crying:

EDIT : I' m stupid and impatient, he was just on the "other side" of the inn lol ! Plus I already met him but didn't notice the last dialogue for him to join, thought he was only a merchant.
Whatever, now I can go on, plus he is 2nd level, more CLW ! :rolleyes:

Don't feel too bad. After playing the original BG2 soooo many times, i got to where i only went exactly where i needed to go, not openly exploring everywhere. So when i first began playing CA, i had to conciously force myself to explore all over so i didn't miss anything. It took me awhile to get used to the idea, again, of exploring every inch of every map like i did way back when bg and bg2 were new to me. But the release of new versions/updates so often has helped keep me on my toes. :)

The one thing i had to keep in mind with rurik was to be sure i bought everything i'd need first since you cant buy from him again until saltmarsh, once he joins. First time i had him join too quick, i didn't buy anything. oops :P obviously, when i found i couldn't buy after he joined i reloaded and went shopping first.

#444443 How to install CA "beside" a BiG install ?

Posted by agnar on 20 April 2009 - 10:57 PM in Classic Adventures

It really isn't all that hard folks. I have about 10 versions of BG2 installed. Each one is in a different directory under the Black Isle folder. Only 1 can actually be played at a time. You just rename the folders as needed. So CA v050 is currently my active game folder, BGII - SoA. I rename it to BGII - SoAv50 and then rename another folder to BGII - SoA. Simple.

To get all of these, just install a clean SoA/ToB game, copy that folder to a "Master" folder and use the active game folder for installing mods into. Rename that folder, copy the "Master" back to the active game folder and install the mods you want into that game.

i think for me the hard part is just remembering to make that master copy before installing anything else. Because i have a memory made of swiss cheese, i always seem to forget to make that backup, clean copy of the game. Like, when you put out .49a, i had removed the .49 install and begun playing a bg2 version with the normal setup and a few new (to me) character mods. When i saw .49a available i decided i wanted to play CA again. This time i copied my BG2 modded directory and put it in a renamed directory so i could go back and pick the game up from where i stopped, then ran an uninstall and reinstalled clean to put CA on. Of course i still f'ed up because i forgot to keep a clean copy for any future such needs and just installed CA .49 and .49a.

Ah well, i tend to focus on 1 game until i get through or get bored. Though i know in the case of modders like yourself you'd need lots of versions, for testing and for personal down time both. Thanks for clarifying it really is that easy. :)

#444192 How to install CA "beside" a BiG install ?

Posted by agnar on 19 April 2009 - 07:01 AM in Classic Adventures

I'm an old long-time BG fan (since 97 !), and just returning . I've found the incredible BiG mod/utility and just put back "Super-BG" with a ton of mods/extensions, and now I find this : CA, the mythical p&p modules I played 30 years ago with friends !!

So I'd really want to play it, but how can I put it "in addition" to the rest (no way I deinstall all the stuff it took hours to install !) ?
Can I use the old multi-install utility ? Or maybe tweaking a couple registry entry will do it ?

And BTW, I can't find on the CA site what is really in the current v0.49 - do we have A1 to A3, as the screenshots suggest ? Some more ?


Hi, im not the one to answer your first questions on the install. But i think i can answer the content question.

Currently you start off choosing between the sunless citadel module or palace of the silver princess module. After finishing that, you move on to saltmarsh were you do the U1 module, then can choos between doing the rest of the U series, U2 and 3, or doing UK2 and 3 and i think C2 is also a default part of that path.

You can then go through a couple of adventures i'm not sure if they're from modules or original creations, before hitting the A1-4 series of modules or going straight to the A series (though skipping adventures can make the A series tough as hell).

So on the "features" page i think the only ones not currently included are the G series, the lost caverns of tsojconth, and maybe X2 (castle amber, though the mistmoor adventure available between the U/UK series and the A series does resemble the description, but not sure if it's based on amber or not).

So while it's far from complete, vision-wise and content-wise, there's a ton of game time/real time play already available. One thing to think about though is, it's a complete rebuild, all the bhaalspawn stuff is totally absent. If you're in the midst of a BG bhaalspawn play through and tend to prefer focusing on one game, finishing it start to end first, then you may want to hold off on downloading CA until you're ready to play it. The amazing speed these guys seem able to put out updates/new versions/fixes, it may be on a new version by the time you finish the BiG playthrough.

i know they've already put out a second huge new update and mulitple patches in the short time i've been playing CA. But if you like to play mulitple games at the same time and someone here cna tip you on how to do a multi-install safely, then it's well worth the download as is. :)

#435862 Hi, i just finished playing through a game with Xulaye

Posted by agnar on 26 January 2009 - 03:12 AM in Xulaye

Thanks, agnar, it's much appreciated once again :D

The joining issue could be that there was a problem with Solaufein leaving the area, because that needs to occur before the dialogue will trigger.

Fixed the armor bug.

Unfortunately there isn't anything more about Benerra and Tarkiz--as much as I'd have liked to write it, I don't really have the time. They were meant to play a slightly bigger role than they do, but I decided to leave them in anyway as scenery.

I'll definitely give her more bolts, thanks for the suggestion!

I'm glad you enjoyed it! :cheers:

Okay, cool. Man it's annoying how long it takes some of those game people to vanish. On the first time on the Temple map i swear i can't save it for 10-15 minutes while waiting for all those peasants and cult members to vanish... *grin* i'll try a quicksave before asking her to join, so i know soula is gone. :)

i understand the lack of time with your various mods and real life. i mostly wanted to be sure i didn't miss any content of the Xulaye mod. and Benerra and Tarkiz were the only featured characters, other than the Matron you give the armor to, who might have more content i missed. :)

#435822 Hi, i just finished playing through a game with Xulaye

Posted by agnar on 25 January 2009 - 04:15 PM in Xulaye

i wanted to say it's great as is, but did have a few issues which you probably know of but i wanted to mention.

First, i had the joining problem again, she didn't want to join until i manually changed the global variable for that setting. So i'm not sure what kept her from changing over as she should after imrae's talk about rescuing phaere. But once i manually changed the variable to 2 she was eager to join.

i think everything ran smoothly from there, until the armor quest, where i had the same issue as mentioned elsewhere. i turned the armor over and went on about my business. She complained twice, the second time just after i switched the dragon's eggs, then left as if i hadn't gotten the armor.

So i reloaded and bumped that variable up to 4 i think, from 2, and she never mentioned the armor again and all seemed fine. The new ending of the underdark played out as it should from all i could tell, i got the reward and hit the road.

i was wondering if there was supposed to be something more regarding her sister and brother, or if that might be added later if it's not in the game now, or if their inclusion was just a "fleshing out" of the game.

Also, i wanted to put in my vote for her starting off with a drow crossbow and maybe a few more bolts. If for no other reason than that she is house despana and ought to have the funds to afford it. i don't recall anywhere in the UD to buy drow stuff, only the pickings off the bodies which leaves you fairly short on bolts and the last thing i want is her rushing into battle only to get killed and ruin my brand new, more exciting UD experience... *grin*

Anyway, it was a great enhancement to the UD. Sorry for blanking on which 2 variables i changed above, but i figured you'd know offhand. i figured it out after a bit of browsing in the dialogue files.

#433366 great start

Posted by agnar on 08 January 2009 - 02:23 AM in Ninde

i've been playing mods for awhile now but this is my first actual post about a mod. i got into playing the BG series late enough, and into mods late enough, that most i've played have been done with development and most of the bugs fixed. So i never saw much point in posting about what was pretty well a finished product.

But it's great to see in progress mods that are actually getting finished even now, when so many modders seem to have vanished due to real life issues.

i love the idea of this mod, the character and so on, and i love the dialogue written. i do wonder though about a few things though, having played through to near the end (i stopped just outside the elven palace). i wonder if anyone else has had problems finding enough stuff to do after reaching brynnlaw and the underdark, etc. to get the romance progressed to a 2. Usually when playing bg2 i have a hard time finding enough stuff to do in brynnlaw, spellhold, and the underdark, to get very many talks with Ninde, without using the advancerealtime. And i never could get it to go from 1 up to 2 on it's own. i tried leaving it on, paused for a long while, traveling to a bunch of different areas, etc. but i never got a talk after the talk counter hit 24, and the romance was still at 1, so bohdi totally ignored ninde. i had no other romances active, and ninde was bantering about still with viconia. Are her talks triggered by real time or game time, or certain places? Did i need to spend more time or do certain things in the underdark that i missed? Also, i never got the encounter in athkatla mentioned so i wasn't sure how i missed that, if it was meant to be pre or post brynnlaw.

i'm just wondering if her talks counter is set too long or if we need to know how long to spend in certain areas. i don't normally do all 3 races in the underdark, but if some talks only happen there and i know that, i'd know that i need to do every quest there, spend more time. Not that i want all the surprises ruined, just some general idea of stuff i should be sure not to miss.

i just want to get the most out of what is already a great mod. :)

#433586 great start

Posted by agnar on 09 January 2009 - 05:03 PM in Ninde

Nope, please do install banter accelerators--if you have both banter packs and Ninde installed, you'll need it to see all of the banters.

As for the Underdark talk, I spoke with Deva about it and we're going to make it LT-independent--meaning it will trigger, say, after being in the Underdark for 30 minutes. The LTs will be independent of it, and will continue regardless. :) We're also going to speed up the dialogues a little.


Awesome! It's a great mod so i definitely want to replay it, making sure not to miss anything. And that will help dramatically i think. i know i hate it when i work hard on something and then it gets overlooked or missed, so i'd hate to think with all the hard work you and Deva are putting in on this that we the players would miss a bunch of the banters, lovetalks, etc. by playing through too fast. :cheers:

Seriously, great work by the both of you on Ninde!

#433523 great start

Posted by agnar on 09 January 2009 - 04:28 AM in Ninde

No problem. :)

agnar, I'll have a think about the timing issue and talk about it with Deva--see if we can't work something out to speed things up a little!

Thanks, though the changing of lt2 may help drastically already. my main thing was not knowing how long it was going to take before that changed. But if it happens with an earlier lt that can help alot. Though i wouldn't have lt's too far out that only trigger in the underdark, without letting us know anyway. :) i don't mind bumming around the underdark alot longer, moving slowly, to get more lt's. i just didn't know how long i'd need to be there, which ones only happened there. Oh! Also, do any of the banter speed up things interfere? i think i have one installed but if that will interfere i'll pull it off when i play through with ninde again.

Thanks for the quick responses!

#437534 dialogue loop

Posted by agnar on 10 February 2009 - 12:35 AM in Mazzy Friendship

I did try a search but found nothing so I wanted to mention this in case it's an unreported bug.

I do have a good few mods installed other than the mazzy friendship mod, but I thought it most likely from this mod interacting with Keldorn.

Once before I played through with Keldron and Mazzy in my group, with the mazzy friendship installed. Upon entering the radiant heart building mazzy does her banter about wishing she could be a paladin and being in the building upsets her, and Keldorn puts in his 2 cents also. But then it repeats, and she keeps it up until i change the variable for that banter. I usually play with the mazzy friendship installed, and have run through many games with mazzy in the group and the friendship, and the only time I see this bug in this banter is when keldorn is also in the group and we enter the radiant heart.

I can post a list of the common mods I had from both installs when I had this issue if you want, let me know. But I think the only common mods were the fairly normal stuff, banter packs, tweak packs, flirt packs...

That would be the I#MAZZYRADIANTHEART variable, i think thats what i did both times, set it to 3.

#438323 dialogue loop

Posted by agnar on 17 February 2009 - 12:40 PM in Mazzy Friendship

Thanks, agnar, I'll fix it ASAP--I'd love to hear your thoughts on the friendship once you've finished the game! :cheers: The problem was that the variable wasn't being set. Fixed now--will release the next version when I'm done with the next version of Xulaye. :)

Hi, I like the mod very much, good, interesting banters that fill in the character well. One thing i've noticed, and it's not just with the mazzy friendship, it seems a common issue with mods. i often get banters at odd or inconvenient times. Maybe i move through the game too fast these days. But sometimes mazzy's talk about having the trademeet statue and the hero of trademeet happen before i leave trademeet, other times it seems to happen many days later for no apparent reason. i didn't know if any of her banters are tied to areas (outside the obvious underdark, bodhi's lair and brynnlaw ones). But it can be quite amusing when i'm carefully moving my party across the amaunator floor in the proper letters to have mazzy just run across the supposedly trapped letters and start a chat about losing companions or something similar. And she never gets hit by the trap. Perhaps she's too light to set it off. *grin*

But then i suppose the banter accelerators and so on are partly to blame for probably all the mods odd timings. It's always fun to exit a "no-banter" zone of some dungeon or other and suddenly each party member has 12 things to say... :cheers:

Why just yesterday i had the fun experience of com's encounters causing a drow party to appear seeking revenge in the graveyard district at the same time as bodhi kidnapped nalia (thanks to dearnise romance mod) and fighting off those vamps. i tried to get the drow to appear elsewhere, sleeping and hanging out in various other spots outside of town, but they only wanted to attack in the graveyard. Struck me as funny a whole troop of drow wandering into the graveyard district like that unnoticed. :whistling:

But as to the mazzy friendship, it's well written and well done. i have always felt the game was missing such interactions. it seems odd that folks traveling together so much have so little to say unless they're falling in love. So thanks for the hard work!

#438356 dialogue loop

Posted by agnar on 17 February 2009 - 11:56 PM in Mazzy Friendship

I'm not using the banter accelerators and seem to get them at the right time, so that probably is the case.

Which is annoying as, without banter accelerators i have to seemingly play all of watchers keep and every single quest, plus leaving my game running paused alot to get through any romance and other such talks to play. Ah well... no such thing as perfection. :)

#439631 Crazee's CA Thread

Posted by agnar on 03 March 2009 - 01:05 PM in Classic Adventures

I've really enjoyed playing through CA - the effort you've put into the mod shows. Well done on all the work so far, and good luck for all the work you have left to do. There are just a few things that bug me.

1) This is probably me just being an idiot, but I have never once managed to successfully complete the quest in Saltmarsh where you pick up Aesdale. Whenever I return from the quest, I'm always told that I am a pathetic failure, and that I need to do what I'm told next time. This annoys me for a number of reasons. Firstly, as far as I'm aware, I have done everything I was told to do, and if I didn't then it clearly wasn't obvious enough. Secondly, and perhaps more important, is the fact that the Captain of the Militia, or whatever her name is, is so bloody rude to me each time I fail! From what we see of her character beforehand, it doesn't seem appropriate, and it makes me so angry I almost don't want to continue onwards with the quest. If she said that to me in real-life, I'd tell her to bugger off and do it her bloody self next time. Luckily my character is more patient than I. "It's a shame Charname can't follow simple instructions. Thanks to his utter negligence, we don't have all the information we need." - Well sorry, you arrogant bitch, but I don't see anyone else doing anything for Saltmarsh!" - Why was I not given this option?!

5) Speaking of NPCs, the characters play such a huge part in a mod. At first all the characters seemed pretty talkative, but they seemed to have petered out a little, so that now, they're almost silent. As well, some characters seem to have loads more attention paid to them than others. It would be nice if every now and again, say, Erky, or whatever his name is, interjected into some of the later quests.

i've never gotten that response, but i did see some of the dialogue files so i think that response only happens if you miss one or more of the crucial bits of info on the ship. Did you pick up and bring back all scrolls, books, etc. on the ship? i cant recall offhand if there's 2 or 3, but there's mutliple bits of info, a map, some other stuff so make sure you do a thorough search of each floor of the ship and all the dead.

i think the npc banters thing is in part due to some of the later adventures being newer, so they've expanded the length of the game play but haven't had time yet to add in additional banters/dialogue. The interpersonal stuff must be totally different to write up than the adventures. The adventures/quests come from modules so they have some groundwork in place they just need to figure out how to code it all into the game format. But knowing what blush should say to aesdale or the pc requires putting yourself into blush's head some.

i know i always had an easier time writing up reports/examinations of books, movies, history, whatever, than i do now writing my fiction novel. *grin*

#440979 Bug Report for Version 0.49

Posted by agnar on 18 March 2009 - 02:16 PM in Classic Adventures

Here are two little bugs that I have noticed while playing CA 0.49:

1) Armor Melt -spell is supposed to be a cleric spell but my mage could still try to learn it, the result was always a failure and the spell scroll was consumed in the process.

2) Random kobolds, orcs and sahuagins start consuming potions as soon as PC's party enters the area and they keep consuming those potions indefinitely until the monster is slain. This has happened to me in several areas, for example in Citadel, Palace of The Silver Princess and The Sahuagin Fortress.

the potion consuming thing is an odd, ongoing bug you'll see off and on throughout the game. it doesnt seem to do anything beyond making it hard to keep up with the feedback messages. And giving away some of the enemies you're likely to meet on that map.

#443541 Bug Report for Version 0.49

Posted by agnar on 13 April 2009 - 06:41 PM in Classic Adventures

The Mistmoor rewards has been a constant battle for me. It doesn't help any that we keep adding and removing NPCs from the game (a poke at Leahnkain here).

In the new version 0.49a, I have run through several teams and am getting positive results. However, I did forget to include Terra. Hmmm, she doesn't summon into MD either. Interesting. BTW, she has a soundset now. Yea!

Rurik's dialog now fixed. Rilithar...have to put on hold. The rep issue is a stinker. I guess as long as he follows the party, the bad rep won't hurt him. It does ruin the idea that a paladin would never hire a bunch of lowlifes but that also eliminates your chance of doing this quest and therefore can't do the Myth Drannor quest either. That would make your party much lower in XP than others and would make the slaver mods much harder. However, you can't claim it as my fault if the slaver mods are that much harder, it is your fault for the low rep. Consider it a consequence in life... We'll have to think about the best option for that one.

Well it would seem like one solution (for future releases of course) would be to have another quest/series of quests that are only available if you dont take the mistmoor path, like the prior choice between the gauntlet and lizardmen choice. i know any other quests, like the giants, are still awhile away probably, but you could always hold the reputation thing as a fix to be added once that other quest is available. So maybe you can get to mistmoor but if the rep is too low, rilithar decides not to ask for your help but the other quest becomes available. Falastra or someone else in the bar/inn might mention something more suited to someone of "your low reputation". :)

i figured the mistmoor quest rewards thing had been a headache, so many different party combos and each person getting thier own interaction, it's got to be easy to make some tiny error in all that code. Glad it seems to be working now, look forward to that!

#441427 Bug Report for Version 0.49

Posted by agnar on 24 March 2009 - 03:44 PM in Classic Adventures

Another bug i forgot to mention, Paraway's wolf talisman, doesn't work as it says it should. It says 3x a day, and it has the 3 charges shown. But after using it once it's out of charges until the next day.

Cath's (not going to try spelling his name) banter story about Kira?sha loops at the second portion of the story, it never completes, so he just keeps asking if i want to hear the rest of the story, tells the second bit, then says we need to move on and he'll finish it later. i got it 3 or 4 times before i figured out what variable to move from 3 to 4. hoping that stops it for good, it's been awhile now since he triggered.

And i had no problem with falastra joining in MD, it ran fine for me.

#440831 Bug Report for Version 0.49

Posted by agnar on 16 March 2009 - 01:43 PM in Classic Adventures

i'm only part way through but thought i'd post a couple. some are bugs others im not sure but thought they might be.

i first noticed it with the Dirbert/Candella/PC banter where dirbert's teasing the PC about liking Candella, but i've since seen it with other NPC's and other banters. Even though it is the PC answering whatever banters, the dialogue from the PC shows up as some other NPC. i've seen Rurik telling dirbert he didn't love candella, and Aleigha asking Althon what he knows about wines and liquor, and both should have said my PC's name as the speaker.

Aesdale seems to have the portrait of Bergon now, instead of the aesdale portrait.

In mistmoor manor, on the roof, when Reveri is talking to us, she gets stuck in a bit of a loop on the althon dialogue. She addressed althon twice, repeating the darkness thing, then as i was about to leave, to escape the loop, she addressed someone else in the group, i forget who, so i let that one play through. Then she did the althon one again, so i quickly left the roof before it could run a 4th time.

The reward talk with rilithar didn't seem to complete correctly, i think shadow's interjection cut it out early maybe. i recall the pc used to have the chance to accept the knighthood, or just the free place to stay, but i never get that. Rilithar addresses the rest of the party, until hitting shadow, he says yes, shadow will still get paid, then the dialogue exits, without payment of course, but also without ril ever directly addressing the pc. All the npc's got their dialogues in though.

i ran into, fought and killed the bandits who stole Terra's gear in mistmoor, except i didn't do the piney bluff adventure, i did the lizardmen thing only, so had no way to get the gear to Terra. Not a big deal, just mentioning it.

When i went with pelja and gathered my myth drannor party i had an issue. before pelja, my party was pc, shadow, althon, aleigha, rihn and aesdale. When i go into myth drannor, i assembled the party of pc, shadow, althon, rivian, rihn and vildamyr. To my surprise, as i was walking toward hotzkettle's tower, Aesdale asked me, from back on the selgaunt bridge, what had happened there and did i still need him. i sent him back to saltmarsh since i was a bit busy. But then i had to run back to saltmarsh to pick him up.

Also, when i went to the selgaunt bridge and released aleigha to do the myth drannor thing, she announced she was going to piney bluff, temple of lliira. Except i'd never been there so i couldn't get her back if i'd wanted to. Any chance her exit dialogue could add piney bluff to the map, or she could have 2 different exits, one if we did the gauntlet path the other if we didn't?

Which brings my next one, Aesdale seems to wait in an odd spot, the kitchen of the saltmarsh inn. i nearly missed him, i just barely saw the ioun stone animation in the darkened room, opened the door and found him in there. Guess he was washing dishes to pay for his room and board? *grin*

In myth drannor, Azimer appears in the area before the dragon, instead of his office in the final area. Not sure if that's on purpose or not. He appeared in area MD1002, around x=645, y=1168.

i didnt have vildamyr in my party until myth drannor, but once i got him, he repeated his "would you like to know more about me" banter 3 times or so, before i dumped him after MD was done. It wasn't a loop exactly, because they were spaced out, but he did it more than once.


on the good, you got some big ones fixed well. The Cath quests worked perfectly, except i had to kill the umberlee priestess, so i couldn't properly finish the bane priest quest later without artificially creating the priestess again. But that's not a bug so much as a choice i'd have to make i guess. :)

And althon joined and reacted to aesdale perfectly this time, making it possible to only do one of the 2 paths there, lizardmen or piney bluff.

#442219 Bug Report for Version 0.49

Posted by agnar on 02 April 2009 - 08:28 PM in Classic Adventures

There are problems with reputation and reaction to it. My party reached a 20 rep with althon and cathmandrus in it. right away cath leaves the group, then initiates his "why'd you kick me out, should i rejoin" dialogue, and will keep leaving, rejoining, leaving unless your rep drops magically. Althon does the same if i distract cath long enough with casting a healing spell or something. The leaving at 20 rep is understandable, but i wasn't getting any outright complaints from them that i noticed as the rep neared that level. and they didnt say "i'm leaving because you're a bunch of heroic pantywaists" they just left, then asked me why *I* kicked them out. The only way i stopped it was to shadowkeeper my rep down to 13 or so and then they stayed in the party without issue. So the leaving dialogue for too high a rep seems broken.

If your PC is good enough at heart to get a rep of 20, then why is he hanging around with evil bastards anyway? :whistling:

The rep of 20 wasn't intentional, i didn't realize it was that high. After i had the cath specific encounter early on it dropped my rep way down so i did a few temple donations to get it where i wouldn't get rotten fruit thrown at me. After that i tried to pick stuff that allowed me to progress, get the goods without being too goody-goody about it. But early on it's kind of hard.

Like the lizardman/sauhagain thing. Sure, i could have picked a fight with the lizardmen but they would have murdered me quick. Those damned machine-gun throwing spears which they never actually are holding after death are impossible in great numbers so early on. i barely make it past the ones guarding the route in the swamp unless i just walk past invisible and ignore them. i don't know where the thorwing spear lizardmen came from but they're WAY tougher than the sauhagain's are. They should be able to take back their fortress on their own i think.

So i pick the "good" route because i'd rather be alive than dead. That gets a rep point. i dont know if there's an evil path at mistmoor laid out, but with cath there i didnt get the option, other than just saying no, which loses me too much xp and the chance to get rihn and myth drannor (more xp and too many good magical bits.).

So far, though i love CA, it seems like the good path is much more rewarding monetarily and magic item-wise. So unless i go around randomly killing peasants to force my rep lower, it goes up fairly fast. i think the only rep points i found that i could easily duck without any lose on my part of money or goods are the cash donations to the escaped slaves and the other donation when rescuing chaarna. Now granted, i could leave chaarna or treat her badly, but why? A bad guy would dig the new chaarna.

Hope none of the above is considered a spoiler.

#441067 Bug Report for Version 0.49

Posted by agnar on 20 March 2009 - 12:59 AM in Classic Adventures

A few more, again, cannot say for sure all are bugs. some may be screwed up because of something i did in playthrough, others may just be unfinished, like the Terra stuff.

So, i picked up Terra this time, had her with me when i got to mistmoor. The guys with terra's gear react wrong if terra is in group. they do thier lines with the storekeeper, then a threatening line to us, then they stand there doing nothing else. They never go hostile unless i start it and even then it's only partial, the guys attacked go red, the untouched ones stand there until i get to them, and the mage casts horrid wilting!!!! But when Terra is not in group, they will pick a fight with group easily, all go red at once, and they're a more normal level battle, no horrid wiltings. Like i said though, i realize this may be due to it being unfinished, if so, no worries, just passing the info on in case.

in the ghost tower, entering the room to left of chessboard, where the hellhounds come out of the surrounding doors, the screen goes dark for too long, and you cant see anything even while the fight has started. i think a couple rounds passed before i could see the fight.

rurik's ankheg shell, ankheg armor upgrade is broken, he looks for the set of lockpicks instead of ankheg shell, but he takes the ankheg shell when he creates the armor.

i took the piney bluff only path and jak never spawned so i had no legal way to westgate. what did i miss? i did piney bluff, then, i admit, i did cheat my way to mistmoor because i didn't realize it opened up after the ghost tower, then i did the ghost tower. (which worked perfectly, except the mage didn't spawn, which you know about.) so i get released back at the bridge, but there's no jak anywhere, and stein wont talk to me. The saltmarsh captain wont talk after i said no to going to the swamps chasing lizardmen. So i'm clueless what to do outside of spawning jak manually. Did i screw up some variable by hitting mistmoor myself, before the ghost tower? or did i screw up somewhere else?

i did myth drannor, but upon my return i felt like going for it minus althon this time, do i need him to get it going? i did pick up icar again to try that.

Also, when i come back from myth drannor, and i kick althon, he still goes back to the balthis estate. So when i went back to saltmarsh to see if i could trigger some way to westgate, i go to the balthis estate and find balthis, icar, and 2 althon's, the early version who gives piney bluff quest, but seemingly never vanishes or updates to see the quest is done. And the newer althon i took to myth drannor.

if it matters my party is pc, shadow, ilhara, paraway, aesdale and icar currently.

#441373 Bug Report for Version 0.49

Posted by agnar on 24 March 2009 - 04:24 AM in Classic Adventures

Most likely my fault actually, I recall being asked to overhaul some of her dialog and I think that dialogue was among them. I think the reason was about the loose ends the original left behind, I'm not sure if anything else might've been altered in it however, t'was a fair while ago.

Couldn't say who added it but yeah, it's definitely there. looking at her .d file there's a stat check against Charisma if i read it right, and options for male and female PC's, and if the Charisma os over 14 her joining in mistmoor can happen currently. Understandable for such things to happen with so many things "in progress" and such a huge project.

It's not bad either way, though i would say, if her joining in mistmoor is kept as an option, a bit of tweaking for her dialogue there would be good, because she goes in the same sentence from saying she cant leave to saying i've convinced her. *grin* So one more line from the PC perhaps with a final convincing dialogue, or non-convincing dialogue, depending on the stat check. It's not bad now, but it does read a bit oddly now. :)

Maybe the pc can offer to donate a bit of cash to help her aunt hire some temporary help while falastra helps the pc look for her uncle and his own family and that can convince her.