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#575134 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by dabus on 01 February 2015 - 05:35 AM in Mega Mod Help

Why would you download those files yourself? The purpose of the BWS is to do that for you. (I mean, you can do it, but I view it as more work.)
Including extraction and installation. If you want to install via BiG World Installpack (batch-files), you select that, or you stay with the BWS approach to install and be able to select you components by clicking through a GUI.

Edit: @Alien: I don't think that the approach is much different for Andy since it seems like he already selected mods one way or the other and must have spent some time to select those. And if you think about having groups like in the batch, you can either just let the components-tree closed or if there's something new (like the adult question ages ago). you (as in Alien) could create groups to ease the selection of that group.

But I also think that you should use the things you're comfortable with.

#575101 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by dabus on 31 January 2015 - 03:39 AM in Mega Mod Help

@Tzarnal: This part is for ignoring minor problems, e.g. to install mods if the conflict does not cause a crash or something.
If you edit BiG World Setup.au3 with a text-editor and add the bold lines around line 144, you'll also get rid of the crash. Can't remember if there were other things fixed later though...
If IsArray($Ignores) Then
For $i=1 to $Ignores[0][0]
For $c=1 to $g_Connections[0][0]
If $Ignores[$i][1] <> $g_Connections[$c][1] Then ContinueLoop
$g_Connections[$c][3] = 'W'&$g_Connections[$c][3]

#575049 BWS Questions/Problems

Posted by dabus on 27 January 2015 - 12:58 PM in Mega Mod Help

That's the BiG World Installpack.
The BWS is similar because I wrote it so that it should be more comfortable to use than the BiG World Installpack while doing the install with the same tools in the background.
The installpack does not download files, it ships with a batch that could do the unpacking (does not advertise it though).
The BWS can do both and you've got the option to either use the installpack to install or customize your stuff on component level, which will result in the BWS also handling the install.

By the way; Since every person has other preferences, I also added an option to export the url-list, so you could use other tools to fetch those files.

#575045 BWS Questions/Problems

Posted by dabus on 27 January 2015 - 11:52 AM in Mega Mod Help

BWS skips the download when the files are there. At least it worked for me testing just some minutes ok.
You can also look into the log why it got the file.
bg2eetp[]= BG2EE_TP_Alpha0000003.rar = 11585812
<= BG2EE_TP_Alpha0000003.rar = 11585812
BG2EE_TP_Alpha0000003.rar has been downloaded before.
WeiDU[]= weidu.exe = 972288
<= WeiDU.exe = 972288
WeiDU.exe has been downloaded before.
First line is the expected outcome.
Second line is the local file that's found with that name.

The expected name and size are always fetched by wget before the download. If wget does not work for you, that may be another reason why it's not working for you. If the byte-size or the files name differ, you'll also be forced to reload.

If things are missing, it will look like this:
WeiDU[]= weidu.exe = 972288
<= NA
Fetching WeiDU.exe
You can also see if the size differed.

If you know that those files are ok, you can just skip the download-process. The things like searching for missing "downloads" will still be done and you can force to use the present files.

Stratagems... because that's the name that was in the config-file while someone made an update and put the file on the server with the same download-url. Happens every few weeks. If guys would (want to) help out, these differences could be minimized.

Dunno what you mean with old installer... If you mean that the BWS produces errors... Yup, may happen. If you got logs/debug-files/changelog weidu than that can be handled, too.

#574997 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by dabus on 25 January 2015 - 01:52 PM in Mega Mod Help

You could add that as a standard component and the install will wait for your input during the install (just like level1).

#574976 Big World Setup (BWS) - Install a mod that is not part of BWP

Posted by dabus on 24 January 2015 - 09:35 AM in Mega Mod Help

Read the help text on the right side of the mod/component selection-screen. ;)
The context menu(right click):
In the first line you see the name of the component which you have chosen.

(Don't) pause before the component:
These lines allow you to stop the installation before the mod or the component. Thus you can look after the install or add mods that are still unknown to the Installer.

#574933 Missing files Stratagems v28 fix

Posted by dabus on 21 January 2015 - 12:59 PM in Mega Mod Help

Uhm, you could either just remove the entries for the additional download by editing the Config\BWP\mod.inis [stratagems]-section or use Options>Administration>Manage Mods from the selection menu to do that. Insert the new url/file/size when you're at it or force the BWS to accept the other file by providing it manually through the selection dialogue.
The component that are used were not changed, so everything should be usable as it is.

#574857 Translations into English for various mods

Posted by dabus on 18 January 2015 - 06:45 AM in Mega Mod Help

Yes, you can have him in your party, he's got a friendship path (26 dialogues), banters, pids and so on. You have to rescue him from being transformed into a drider. If you got Weimers version installed, it's going to be compatible (of some sort like the rescue not triggering if Weimers already with you or 2 npcs waiting to ask you into the party if you rescued him and stated some sort of interest in him as a being). At least that's how Jastey introduced the mod.

#574814 Translations into English for various mods

Posted by dabus on 16 January 2015 - 08:34 AM in Mega Mod Help


#574796 HELP- Lag when web spell is cast

Posted by dabus on 15 January 2015 - 02:33 PM in Mega Mod Help

Hmm, I'd say that the problem is that content may appeal to someone while others plain disagree.
I mean will pictures make a game unplayable -- hell, no. But at the same time, a few guys will be "disgusted" and curse that the game was deleted after a few errants in candlekeep.
But that's the same when going to school or study. There's going to be a lot of stuff that you'll never need again in your life. We had something that's called Kurvendiskussion, namely calculating cos and sin and different angles and all that stuff. Pretty useless if you ask me, but I spend half a year with it in math classes. Others that study physics may disagree since they use it every now and then.

So me for instance would be fine if we describe a pre-selection as something that contains mods that are of better quality based on common consensus but should be reviewed so people remove the type of content (quests, npcs, tweaks) that they dislike. We had a discussion a few years ago when Leomar and White Agnus where more involved about a "Small World" that had bugs/inconsistent behaviour ironed out. But since that's against the concept of the BiG World and we kind of lacked knowledge of playing the mods or didn't have the time, that was kind of left in the dust. At least we had some more discussions about quality mods that trimmed the selection down to recommended mods. Which got kind of big with additional mods. :D

I'm also missing some kind of poll where you could get an idea what's seen as a good or average or below average mod.
Has lots of text/comedy/battles... would also help to sort things out more quickly.

So how you'd describe your selection?
I see moderate fixes/few added content, some ease of use tweaks to avoid micromanagement / make the game smoother, tougher boss-fights, better AI and few mods that change spells, kits and items. Those are said to have the biggest impact in those areas though, but as other mods don't interfere, I guess it should be a consistent game that stays with the games story but adjust the combat system it to be more XYZ -- where I'd guess it's more close to original rules, more levelled/ balanced. Add content (quests/npcs) on your own if you'd like to have them,

#574790 HELP- Lag when web spell is cast

Posted by dabus on 15 January 2015 - 12:14 PM in Mega Mod Help

From what I kept in mind, Leonardo put everything into expert that's too bugged, encounters/AI enhancements into tactics and standard is the whole load of mods (400 and some /?) without those two mods. That's a lot. And that's why it's advertised / recommended to select your mods yourself if you use the BWS (was the case here).

If you want to, you could create a selection of your mods and put it in a spoiler or something and silent / alien could put it in the BWS, so people could see what you would recommend. Maybe add a short description of your idea of a "BiG World" install (like "I want all quests", "I removed npcs without content", "changed AI to make the game more challenging") and I'd be pretty sure you could see that in the BWS soon.

#574622 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by dabus on 05 January 2015 - 11:49 PM in Mega Mod Help

You can make mods completely optional - only install if you enter the selection screen and click/enable them.

#574561 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by dabus on 03 January 2015 - 09:06 AM in Mega Mod Help

Alien asked the same some time ago. I'd just say that that's stupid packed.
It just breaks the rules set up by weidu how things should be.

I've been playing a bit with the thought of caching the output of the last extraction and look for tp2-files.
That could help to find the correct placement.
I tried to come up with a way to guess the correct folder, extracted all mods as they are per default, but it's not working 100% as I'd like it to.
Some mods have backup-folders that don't exist, so that does not work all the time.
I've tried to look for AUTO_TRA and line that contain ~somekindof.tra~ and mixed it up with the backup search, so I could guess that right.
Guessing by WeiDU-commands did work partly but there are variables and commands that work and subfolders or some stuff coming from other folders, so that's bad to use.
After spending a few hours of playing with the tp2s and WeiDU, I was a bit fed up and left it as it was.

You could also look if the tp2 is missing, check if download was hosted by gitup, replace the filename and then just repeat the search, but I don't like the idea.

So from a logical standpoint, the best thing to do would be:
cache the output of 7zip
look for the tp2-file
If it's there
- parse it. I ended up with the path from ~some.tra~, if that's not there auto_tra and if that's not there backup-folders.
- look if that path is there
- report the mod a faulty if it's missing
If tp is not found
- go through the cached output
- if a tp2-file is there, parse it
- look if the path matches the location and move the folder from the sub-folder it is in. If it does not match, think about renaming.

The best way would be to have modders create a bla-master - folder on github and put the mods bla-folder into that - if that's how github would work.

If the behaviour of github would be append the branch to the real/original name and to downloads name / url, you could get the download-url, check if it's from github, extract the branch, look if the folder named %modname%-%branch% exists and then rename the folder. Then check if the tp2 exists now, else revert the name back. That could be done without much rewriting. Can you verify that?

#574558 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by dabus on 03 January 2015 - 07:37 AM in Mega Mod Help

Scroll up...

Edit: It's just a modder that played too much with Matrjoschka–puppets, so he put his setup in an archive.
So BWS looks for the tp2 in the BG2-folder and looks if the modder put his mod in a subfolder and trips because of the replaced 7-zip file.
You can also just replace the new files in BiG World Setup\Tools-folder with the old one used in the download from October if you don't want to edit the script-file.

#574406 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by dabus on 29 December 2014 - 11:47 AM in Mega Mod Help

As you can see, the 7zip puts some performance-stuff onto the screen. That wasn't the case before.
If the mods tp2-file was not found in the usual places, the BWS used to look through these lines that are currently displayed and checked if a subfolder was created. It does that by looking for the OK-line and move up two lines. Since the "Everything is Ok"-line is at the top, the BWS cannot move up two lines and thus errors out (arrays are cool but fragile - if the index-number is beyond the existing range, AutoIt3 crashes).

Edit: If you can't get rid of that, I'd suggest to add the red text in Includes\12_Process.au3, line 266.
This way, lines that contain [space]Time[space]=[space] would be ignored when processing commands.
If StringRegExp($OutputArray[$o], '(?i)\sTime\s\x3d\s|Tiles processed|% decoded|%]|\A(Tile|Pos:|\s?Oggdec|\sEncoder|\sSerial|\sBitstream|\sScale|\sDecoded|\sEncoded)\s') Then ContinueLoop; cmd itself

#574399 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by dabus on 29 December 2014 - 08:45 AM in Mega Mod Help

Kit_rev is not in the select.txt. ;)

#574282 BWPv14

Posted by dabus on 24 December 2014 - 03:32 AM in Mega Mod Help

From the German one:

v14.3 changed install order
minor corrections/updates
- updated mods: Almateria's Restoration Project 7.2.1, Saerileth v18, Tsujatha Melalor v15, Yasraena v15, The
Vault for BGT v7.2a, TeamBG's Armor Pack v1.05, TeamBG's Weapon Pack v1.05, Every Mod and Dog v7, Assas-
sinations v10, Tales of the Deep Gardens v10.0, Innershade v7.0, Eilistaree's Song v3.4, LavaIt! v2.2, The Big
Picture v181 4611, Ding0's Tweak Pack v21, BP Series Party AI for BG v0.3121, aTweaks v4.32, Item Randomiser
v6.8, I Shall Never Forget v4.1, Restored BG1 Sounds v3.42, Chantelame v4, Unfinished Business for BGII v24,
White v1.4, Garrick - Tales of a Troubadour 1.20, Freedom's Reign/Reign of Virtue v8, Derat's Unused Kits
Pack v0.9.8, The Undying v2.51, BG2 Tweak Pack v16, Garrick's Infatuation BETA b20140925, Kivan and
Deheriana Companions for BG2 v14, Song and Silence: A Mod for Bards and Thieves v6, Widescreen Mod
v3.06, NPC Kitpack v4, BG1 Mini Quests and Encounters v9,Quest Pack v3b5, S, Rogue Switch v1.3, Gar-
rick - Tales of a Troubadour 1.22, haer'Dalis Romance v2.1, BG1NPC v21 pre release 20141017a, Ajantis
BG1 Expansion v10, Finch v4.0 BETA, Indira v12.0 BETA 2, Unfinished Business v25, Sarah ToB v4, Kivan
and Deheriana Companions for BG2 v15, Divine Remix v8 beta
- additional mods: Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters v1.2, Vynd v1, TeamBG BG2EE Armor Pack v1.01,
TeamBG BG2EE Weapon Pack v1.01, New travel system between Baldur's Gate City areas v1.0d, Poly-
tweak v2, hidden Adventures ALPhA 8, Wedges BGT Adventure Pack ALPhA 0.2