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#174965 A new approach to roleplaying in BG2/ToB

Posted by Keltosh on 13 December 2004 - 09:08 AM in Return to Windspear

It's the old "BWAHAHAHAH KILL'EM ALL" syndrome. Many seems to have it. Especially (no offence intended) americans ....
For me.. it's perfectly logical you might not be able to kill vampires. Just destroying their physical form is enough. Or even just fleeing...

#173969 Progress report

Posted by Keltosh on 07 December 2004 - 04:06 PM in Return to Windspear

We haven't been working on it for four years, yet.

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And that "yet" really scares us. But don't worry.. we stand here faithfully  :P

#173182 Imoen's sexuality

Posted by Keltosh on 03 December 2004 - 12:39 PM in Imoen Relationship

Quitch has a point here. You are basically forgetting that the english language was originated in England (DUH). So the British version IS the right one :D And you americans are the one who're getting it wrong :D

#165079 Style

Posted by Keltosh on 25 October 2004 - 09:05 AM in Imoen Relationship

If it's not too late yet, I have to say the one I prefer is the PST style and layout :D

#164077 Gems, Amulets & Rings

Posted by Keltosh on 20 October 2004 - 02:28 AM in IE Mod Ideas

This sounds SO much like Diablo :D

#164024 New NPC Ideas (satire)

Posted by Keltosh on 19 October 2004 - 08:57 PM in IE Mod Ideas

[quote name='Rastor' date='Oct 19 2004, 08:16 PM']
[quote name='Stone Wolf' date='Oct 18 2004, 07:07 PM'] What, add Grace with a dominatrix theme?  Hell, I'd play it. ;) [/quote]
That's not Grace   :angry: .  I would not want to even see a mod released that butchered her character in such a way.[/QUOTE]

I agree very much . That's why I said this semi-idea should only be commented by ppl who played pst :D

Anyway, seems like ppl like this semi-joke idea :D Only, writing a convincing Fall-From-Grace would be a daunting task :D

EDIT: the quote is not working .. o.o

#163834 New NPC Ideas (satire)

Posted by Keltosh on 18 October 2004 - 11:37 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Take away the perhaps. She's the greatest. That's it.

And.. sorry to say this but ppl who did not play Planescape Torment have no right to comment on this :D For they have NO idea of it all :D
Whatever you might suppose, if you didn 't play PST you WILL be wrong :D

And beside.. GO PLAY PST NOW!

Sorry to say this but it's the BEST rpg EVER.

A pity there is no modding community for it. Or at least .. no  considerable modding community

#163721 Siren

Posted by Keltosh on 18 October 2004 - 01:43 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Hmmm seems like a nice mod idea. It would be a pity if you realòly never did it. You might be able to find someone to help you though.. :D
No, not me :( I can't code and i don't have the time to learn

I think this could be a very interesting character :D

#163140 New NPC Ideas (satire)

Posted by Keltosh on 16 October 2004 - 10:04 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Lol it wasn't really an idea. But anywayMoongaze..
Fall-from-Grace has huge batlike wings.. and sorry to tell you, but that is CLEARLY visible form anywhere :D
I think most persons think of succubi in dnd 3rd edition. But you must not the setting of PST is that of the second edition edition. Fall-From-Grace has no other forms apart her own :D
And she has no polimorph ability.
So her form is this one..

Attached Images

  • GraceL.jpeg

#162854 New NPC Ideas (satire)

Posted by Keltosh on 14 October 2004 - 09:53 PM in IE Mod Ideas

As I said it's my favorite NPC of all time :D which is why I'd be happy to see more of her. Even in the mod idea would not be logical or anything :D

#162804 New NPC Ideas (satire)

Posted by Keltosh on 14 October 2004 - 02:45 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Have you ever played Planescape torment? If not i'm afraid you cannpt understand exactly, unless i explain to you in like 2 pages. And besides you cannot understan my obsession with Fall-From-Grace :D

BTW in the AD&D setting, and in the setting of planescape, Succubi HAVE the form of beautiful women. They do NOT have other forms ...

#162694 New NPC Ideas (satire)

Posted by Keltosh on 14 October 2004 - 06:17 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Well there is a great difference. Viconia is a mortal being. While Grace is a Tanar'ri. A creature verily born in a plane of chaos and evil :D
Well, she's not evil , but this does not mean that paladins and good clerics would not attack her on the spot.
I mean, viconia is part of a race that reveres evil, but drow elves are NOT evil when they are born. They just grow up in an environment that makes them so
Demons on the other hand.. ARE "born evil" :D

So most good heroes, paladins and such would be on guard and ready for treachery when confronting a drow elf, and maybe even confront and threaten him/her immediately.. But i don't think they would talk or such with a denizer of the lower planes that happens to be casually walking around their city. They would attack on the spot. At least most of them would :D

Also keep in mind that Athlakta is NOT Sigil :D On Sigil you can find demons and celestial beings virtually next to each other.. and somehow the peace of the city holds.
But on Amn you simply DON'T happen to see demons walking around the streets :D Still ..LOL if someone where to make a mod which made Fall-From-Grace playable in BG2 I would probably be looking forward to it a lot :D Fall-From-Grace is my favorite character EVER. LOL anyone interested :P

EDIT: Fall-From-Grace cannot look like a human. Or at least she could not in PST

#162625 New NPC Ideas (satire)

Posted by Keltosh on 14 October 2004 - 01:39 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Lol well, I always wanted a Fall-from-Grace mod for BG2 :D I think having Fall-from-Grace in BG2 would be most funny :D
Try to think about all the persons who'd try to kill you on the spot after seeing you going around with Fall-from-Grace :D

Just try to imagine a few scenes..

The party entering the Order of the Radiant heart :D
The party entering the temple of Lathlander :D
The party entering the tavern for nobles at the promenade (don't remember the name..)
The party when the harpers question your loyalties and want to imprison you...
The party talking to Adalon (LOL)
Last but not least.. The party talking to the elves! (Suldanessar saved by a succubus :D)

And the fun thing is, you'd have to be good in order to have her in the party :D

#162372 New NPC Ideas (satire)

Posted by Keltosh on 13 October 2004 - 07:34 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Do you realize that this was your post 404?

Enough is enough.

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Posts: 404
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Joined: 22-July 04


Better this way :D For this is the NPC not found :D

#162295 Enelya

Posted by Keltosh on 13 October 2004 - 01:38 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Uhm .. I'm really sorry if I seem to be opposing you at every post..
I really like the story.. BUT...
That story would be ok for some demigod or a lvl 50 character... not for a starting character in BG2. I mean.. she beat Cyric ??. I understand that ppl gets enamored with their mod ideas (I am with the morphed romanceable dragon NPC) but... a character must not be overpowered or inconsistent ...  And so it's our duty as fellow BG2 lovers to show you your mistakes.. Hell, as things are Irenicus would abduct and do experiments on HER, not on <charname>
That story is somehow.. too much. Maybe you could change some parts of it. Or add some damn well reasons that explain why she is so weak compared to before.
Also it may prove a bit.. daunting to write the interjections..

"I'm a child of Bhaal"
"So what? I defeated an evil god singlehanded"

Sorry again -- I don't want to put down your mod idea.. I'm just suggesting you to tone it down ..

#162091 Morphed dragon as an NPC?

Posted by Keltosh on 12 October 2004 - 11:56 AM in IE Mod Ideas

And a dragon NPC is a great idea, but I'm still wanting a Miniature Giant Space Dragon familiar...

Hmm a nice idea :lol: but only if it comes in a sickly green color B)

#162090 Enelya

Posted by Keltosh on 12 October 2004 - 11:55 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Well .. now it is more reasonable. Still this character will be pretty powerful .. Especially the 50 % magic resistance..
I mean.. it's the same magic resistance you get with Carsormyr! I would take that away. After that it would be ok ...
The character concept does seem interesting though :D

#161941 Why Imoen should be romanceable

Posted by Keltosh on 12 October 2004 - 02:46 AM in Imoen Relationship

Well i considered the posts after mine and thought on it all over again.

I'm still convinced that a romance should be possible, and that my previous post on the cultural environment and stat requirement is still valid.But as Quitch pointed out, a change in their relationship would be necessary before a romance can take place.
I suppose the evil approach : "I'll manipulate her into giving in cause I have other objectives for which I need her" is certainly valid, though so is, in my opinion, the "She's been the only one always here for me so I truly love her and will win her love" approach. And I think both should be possible, though VERY hard. Harder than I originally though, but still possible.

BTW i was thinking that both with RTW and this mod.. we may never be able to see every possible outcome unless somebody writes down a walkthrough
:lol: :lol: :lol:

#161803 Morphed dragon as an NPC?

Posted by Keltosh on 11 October 2004 - 02:06 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Well I want romance with Tiax. And a mod where Korgan gets tranformed into a dwarf. But we can't have everything now, can we?  :(

A romance with "Tiax rules ALL!!" ?? :vbat:

Well yes i suppose we can't have everything.. but i can hope somebody will find this idea interesting :D

Already in the works. Will say no more  ;)

You know... Now you're making me REALLY wonder if you were talking about the dragon thing, about korgan or about tiax :bash:
But I suppose i know where it is in the work.. or at least i hope so ...

#161745 Enelya

Posted by Keltosh on 11 October 2004 - 10:54 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Uh sorry if i say so but she seems overpowered to me. Look at those stats ..

#161709 Morphed dragon as an NPC?

Posted by Keltosh on 11 October 2004 - 09:15 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Well .. yes.. but SOMEHOW i feel a dragon would be a more.. interesting partner for deep and philosophical talks :vbat:

#161702 Morphed dragon as an NPC?

Posted by Keltosh on 11 October 2004 - 08:47 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Hmm i have no time to make mods myself, especially since i would have to learn from scratch  :unsure:  but.. i have this idea.. maybe somebody will like it and pick it up :D

How about a morphed dragon as a joinable NPC? We have (completed or in development): drows, vampires,  thieflings, ghosts.. + all the normal races.. But what about a polimorphed dragon? Now before i get stoned to death  ^_^  , the idea would be having the dragon cursed magically by a very powerful being of an external plane to be morphed into the body of a humanoid . Since the dragon needs a godlike power to free him/herself from the curse, he/she finds our favorite bhaalspawn and join the party :D

I think this mod would be extremely interesting because in all the usual dialogues, quests and banters you would be able to see what a dragon thinks about your adventures ... Just think about how differently a dragon would interpret the conceps of good and evil, whatever his/her alignment!

And maybe ( though it would take a much greater effort for the volume of dialogues to write and code..) it could be some sort of relationship mod, where our bhaalspawn and the dragon forge a friendship.. or maybe even a romance?

Well personally i think the possibilities would be endless (depending on the alignment of the dragon of course..). And it would also be an original mod

#127786 Cartoon, Cinematic, or Real Evil?

Posted by Keltosh on 29 June 2004 - 02:15 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Well, for me real evil SHOULD be the one (hell, when i DM a pnp game, which is OFTEN, i always have real evil :) ) .. but... there are some considerations

First, real evil requires a LOT of explanations. It is certainly nice to know the whys and hows of an evil character, BUT if you do not know them WELL (which means lots of dialogues and explanations and maybe hints of the Evil Character's motivations => a lot of modding and game time) .. then there's the risk of having players who do NOT understand what is happening.
And at that point, the acts of the Evil Character seem just random acts of destruction & madness.

Second, real evil does not become EPIC unless it is VERY WELL done, while cinematic evil is almost always grand-looking. And at certain point of the game you need the feeling of an epic struggle, and it is certainly more difficult to transimit that feeling with real evil.

So, all things considered, i think real evil should ONLY be used if you're confident in your ability to write a story that will become epic anyway, and if you're ready for the extra pain and contents required :D

#127627 Why is Imoen a mage?

Posted by Keltosh on 29 June 2004 - 07:26 AM in Imoen Relationship

Hmm somehow i do not see imoen wanting to learn magic to continue what Gorion started. Even though she loved him, i do not think this very likely given her character.

As for the other 2 options..

The first option could do ... and quite frankly it's the most likely in my opinion. It would be interesting though if she and CHARNAME tried to guess WHY she has an easy time learning magic.
Maybe you could write some banter on that, with the player able to choose between some possible reasons to discuss with Imoen.
I do not think that someting of Gorion rubbed off would be a good reason, but her mother or she being a natural seems likely, especially, as she discover in the game, given her heritage.

As for the other option.. Imoen studying hard magic could also be ok, but you'd have to give her a strong reason, since she's so easygoing. The soundest reason i can think of is her travelling with CHARNAME's, since i think she always took for granted that they would be together.
This would require writing class-specific banters, but it would be great to hear Imoen saying a barbarian she did it cause "at least one of us must be able to use magic, and knowing you.. :)" or "hey i always see you casting fireballs around and i wanted to try too" or even "I know you're a cleric, but i want to point out to you that even mages can be useful" or "I did it in order to take better care of you since you're so hopeless :)"

Well, just my thoughts of course :)

#127513 Fall from Grace romance

Posted by Keltosh on 28 June 2004 - 11:36 PM in Planescape: Torment

Uhm ... would you like to see Fall-From-Grace going around swinging a half rotten arm? You sure have some weird taste ...