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There have been 22 items by Caveman (Search limited from 07-June 23)

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#195761 First working mirrors!

Posted by Caveman on 26 March 2005 - 05:17 AM in Refinements

Cool, cool...
Congratulations all, thanks for your hard work and a most enjoyable mod! :thumb:

#179944 Congratulations Jolyth

Posted by Caveman on 08 January 2005 - 04:52 AM in Scribbles on the Wall


(Watch her she's quick with the backhand... :P )

#178170 Insults to the authors

Posted by Caveman on 29 December 2004 - 03:51 AM in Refinements

... WHAT R U MATH GEEKS I HAET YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111

Here's an equation you should be able to solve no problem: S + T = F/U .

#165536 Playing the Sword Angel

Posted by Caveman on 27 October 2004 - 11:05 AM in Refinements

Ok, some anticipations for Caveman, at this point

Appreciated! :D Cool, cool!

#165535 Blackguard

Posted by Caveman on 27 October 2004 - 11:01 AM in Refinements

A permanent Protection from Good won't be too powerful, TG ? I imagine what a permanent protection from evil would mean...

Wouldn't it equal a +2 AC bonus and saving throws toward attacks from good aligned opponents?

It would be nice if fallen paladins had the option of taking this kit. I'm not sure if that could even be coded though.

#161839 Playing the Sword Angel

Posted by Caveman on 11 October 2004 - 04:22 PM in Refinements

@No criticals w/Merciful Fighting- That's a good idea! I never thought about that.
@New HLA- :D Cool, cool... Does it have anything to do with causing enemies to suffer a morale failure? (Don't answer if you don't want to spoil the suprise...I can wait!)

#161831 Yuzzan Vong

Posted by Caveman on 11 October 2004 - 03:44 PM in KotOR Series

I can't remember where exactly I read it. None of the novels ever said when the exact time was the advance scouts for the YV fleet arrived. It was inferred in a couple of books('Rogue Planet' & a couple of the New Jedi Order ones) that Zonama Sekot was attacked around that time(which was the same time Vergere disappeared) by what it called the Far Outsiders, which were the Yuuzhan Vong.

#161828 Help! romance guide?

Posted by Caveman on 11 October 2004 - 03:29 PM in KotOR Series

Possible spoiler(s)

I think that's as far as the romance goes and with that you have the option of talking her into turning back to the light side later in the game.
I never seen a guide to the romance(aside from what's in Prima's).

#161824 Dragons in comparison

Posted by Caveman on 11 October 2004 - 03:17 PM in Delusions of the Mind

^ The Draconomicon

#161815 Dragons in comparison

Posted by Caveman on 11 October 2004 - 02:55 PM in Delusions of the Mind

Would Skeletal, Vampiric, and Zombie Dragons count?

#155689 Keldorn <3

Posted by Caveman on 23 September 2004 - 12:55 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Just a thought: A seamless way to get Mrs. Firecam out of the equation would be to convince him to take his wife before the local magistrate and have her thrown and jail(per the dialogue option). Kind of harsh, but them's the laws... :P

#152441 Who looks cooler?

Posted by Caveman on 14 September 2004 - 05:56 PM in KotOR Series

^ :lol: :lol: :lol: THAT was beautiful!!!

#151900 Who looks cooler?

Posted by Caveman on 12 September 2004 - 07:36 PM in KotOR Series

...he never says owt, he's a loner, I bet he had no friends so he went to the darkside because of that.

Hell yeah! He never said anything(unlike in all the other), just got down. No s**t talking. Only swinging. I don't know about anyone else, but that impressed me all to hell.

#150760 Yuzzan Vong

Posted by Caveman on 08 September 2004 - 05:09 PM in KotOR Series

IIRC, the first Yuzzhan Vong came to the galaxy sometime between Ep. I & II (around 30 years before Ep. IV).

#150755 Who looks cooler?

Posted by Caveman on 08 September 2004 - 05:01 PM in KotOR Series

Darth Maul's not on the list?. Vader then. Christopher Lee's cool but Darth Maul would kick all the other Sith's @$$es while he told them about how he was going to kick their @$$es.

@Guest's version of Anakin's turning to the Dark Side- ROFLMAO! :lol:

#150748 What do the Verpine look like

Posted by Caveman on 08 September 2004 - 04:52 PM in KotOR Series

like this
claim to fame: they helped design/build the B-Wing (IIRC)

#125974 Stacking Levels? *minor spoilers*

Posted by Caveman on 24 June 2004 - 01:14 AM in KotOR Series

I don't know if it's necessarily a bad thing. I end up reloading alot, but that's no bother considering the payoff. To me, it seems like the only way to go. But this is the first time I've played the game. I could have been on Dantooine already but I got addicted to pazaak. :lol:

#120701 Playing the Sword Angel

Posted by Caveman on 02 June 2004 - 12:20 AM in Refinements

9,5 you say... I'm sure we can do better

True, true! :lol: Improvements can be made to anything.

@Not being able to use HLAs when silenced- I didn't think it was a bug since the same thing happened to the rest of the party as well. If it can be changed, good enough. If not, I think there are some ways to deal with it in-game.
@Banish- It performs consistently in its current state. The only thing I could think of to improve it would be to have any surviving undead and/or demonic creatures make a saving throw or suffer some degree of damage and/or flee. But this might raise balance issues.

I intend to dual class the kit. I have just been debating on what point in the game to do it. Though it seems like it would waste too much of the kit's potential for the advantages of spellcasting.

#120031 Playing the Sword Angel

Posted by Caveman on 29 May 2004 - 12:11 AM in Refinements

Finally reached 40th level with the Sword Angel. It is a very interesting and enjoyable character to play and definitely not weak. My compliments. Anyone who liked a kensai should love this one! ‘Tactics’ and ‘Ascension’ really tested the S.A. skills...but the kit is playable without cheating and/or cheesing. IMO, it is a very well balanced kit. All the HLA’s work as advertised. The offensive and defensive ones are short and/or limited enough, and there are enough kit restrictions to prevent the Sword Angel from becoming a ’one person army’, so to speak. Ironically, the S.A. can take on some of the most powerful enemies in the game almost single-handedly(in my experience) while some of the moderately tough ones will make short work of it. Improved TorGal/DeArnise Hold was a little rough, while the S.A. beat the chapter 6 Bhodi pretty much single handedly with minimal buffing(took several reloads because Drizzt kept getting killed). Beholders, liches, improved Gromnir, Wraith Saravok(and some others I have forgotten) on the other hand, gave the Sword Angel a beating. For testing purposes I fought the improved Balthazar and was only able to defeat him once in honorable combat(one-on-one)...he was pretty harsh. On the flip side, he was good for keeping one of the Five in the final battle occupied and could stand his ground(The Monk's new attacks were LETHAL! Tiger Strike and Shadowless kick especially! :D Kudos to T.G.M.!) without getting killed.
My unbiased opinion- On a scale of 1 to 10, I give the Sword Angel a 9.5(the Undead Hunter is the only one that [narrowly] rates higher). There were two things that kept me from giving it a 10 and both points were minor ones. 1)Being silenced will prevent them from using their HLA’s with the exception of Merciful Fighting(and the Improved version). 2)Banish, was good...well balanced. If the undead or demonic creatures around the S.A. aren’t destroyed outright...it usually means the Sword Angel’s @$$. But in close quarters I thought the S.A. was left far too vulnerable with the enemies that were not destroyed coming right back in the fight with no adverse effects. It was one aspect of the kit I hardly used though. One of those ‘last resort’ kind of things. I could never get Banish to work against pit fiends though. They always managed to do something to disrupt me before I could get it finished :angry: !
I can’t suggest any realistic changes since I don’t really understand the limits of modding and it’s a great kit as is. Well done! :)

#118627 Playing the Sword Angel

Posted by Caveman on 23 May 2004 - 12:38 PM in Refinements

@Regeneration- Either way, 1 hp per round won't make or break you in combat.

the sword angel is a hypocrite who toys with his prey before killing it.

The percentage of kills for my S.A. PC is about 15% compared to ~80% when playing as other warrior-type characters.

#118441 Bugs for v1.x

Posted by Caveman on 22 May 2004 - 07:21 PM in Refinements

I don't think there is such a leather armor in the unmodded game, Caveman.  Where did you get it from ?

It comes from the Chosen of Cyric MOD

@Order of installations- Thanks! I thought it might be some sort of installation issue... I couldn't equip Imoen with the Rogue's Cowl back in SoA. Clean reinstall of game and mods, fixed that, now this armor can be equipped by the S.A.(I knew I had checked it!). Only thing was I installed Refinements after Virtue, with Rogue Rebalancing the first mod installed after the patch and fixpack.

#118183 Bugs for v1.x

Posted by Caveman on 22 May 2004 - 12:09 AM in Refinements

The 'S.A.-falling-when-summoned-creatures/bystanders-die' bug has not happened since... for some time now, and by all accounts can probably be considered fixed.(THANKS!!! :wub: )

Hey, I know how it is, work/eat/sleep a few hours/game/post...and repeat x infinity. The small piles of clothes and dishes turn into mountains! I have caught myself nearly getting burned out on hobbies and side projects, which is no good...since that was my job's job! Some rest, relaxation, and hard liquor had me back to normal in no time! :D
Look at it this way: you all have done what most people on the forum could only think about doing. The mod may have a few bugs, but nothing game crashing/earth shattering. It's a damn good mod, y'all should be proud! :D
Now with that being said; 'Holy Cheesy Loopholes, Caveman! You missed one!'
...I was just digging through my Bag of Holding when I noticed that the Sword Angel was able to equip the Studded Leather of Resistances +3(CYLEAT). <Yes, I did un-equip it!>