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#163526 Bug Report Thread

Posted by Puffkage on 18 October 2004 - 01:59 AM in Edwin Romance

A note: the thing about the black-and-green robed mages talking while inside the government building happened to me a long time ago - before I ever knew there were such things as mods. So it might not have anything to do with Edwin. I has only happened once for me, despite having played through that scene lots of times.

I'm not even out of the dungeon yet in my Edwin-game, so no bugs yet. :D

#153672 Return To Windspear

Posted by Puffkage on 18 September 2004 - 10:56 AM in Return to Windspear

This mod sounds very promising, just one question though, if you don't mind: is it possible to play the mod if you start a new game in ToB? You said the note depends on how you acted in SoA, but what if you either started a new game in ToB or never did the Windspear Hills quest in SoA? It's just that I lost all data on my harddisk some time ago, and among that my savegames...

#152276 Longer Road v 1.3 is available

Posted by Puffkage on 14 September 2004 - 07:21 AM in Longer Road

Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! The deva quest is in motion now! Ooh but this doesn't look good for my homework status ;)

Gotta go now, I have a mage to redeem...

#151995 Longer Road v 1.3 is available

Posted by Puffkage on 13 September 2004 - 07:01 AM in Longer Road

Sorry if it's a stupid question, but will installing the new version require that i start a new game, or are the redemption values and such preserved?

#149776 Help with Deva quest please?.

Posted by Puffkage on 06 September 2004 - 07:08 AM in Longer Road

Thank you, I'll try that.

#149510 Help with Deva quest please?.

Posted by Puffkage on 05 September 2004 - 08:54 AM in Longer Road

The same thing that happened to Zazzie happened to me; only a hostile baatezu and succubus spawn when I enter the tanar'ri room (Irenicus is alive and doesn't have any any tricky spell-effects on him, and i have the gem and the water). The global "BebSpawn" doesn't seem to exist - I've tried both CLUAConsole and shadowkeeper. Is there any chance of redeeming JI if I can't make this work? I have Jaheira in my party as well you see...

The mod has been awesome so far, and I would like to see the conclusion to the deva quest, so... is there any hope? Help would be much appreciated, and sorry for the inconvenience.

I don't have any other mods installed - only the ToB patch.

#127701 Pirengle's Guide to FanFic

Posted by Puffkage on 29 June 2004 - 10:55 AM in Scribbles on the Wall

I can only judge from my own experince, and it would have helped me once. While I agree that profiling aren't a gracious business, and the lead into the description of the behavorial patterns could have been done in a more fluid way, the description of writing community and what to expect is not entirely without merit.

I didn't mean that it was without merit, just that I think people can figure such things out on their own, and are better off doing so. But I too, can only speak for myself ? I do however still believe that the curt way in which it is being presented ensures that it offends more people than it helps.

#127695 Pirengle's Guide to FanFic

Posted by Puffkage on 29 June 2004 - 10:06 AM in Scribbles on the Wall

Sorry for not answering sooner... I just got home from work.

As for the ?forum dynamics? ? what I meant was that I don?t think anybody on this forum is a cardboard cutout and being pressed into one would feel extremely insulting and humiliating. I do not think that part of the guide would be helpful to a newcomer either ? give us a bit more credit, we?re not stupid. I can judge people for myself thank-you-very-much; I neither need nor want any guide to help me do so. I detest stereotypes; they?re always negative, and maybe I am naļve, but I have a little more faith in humanity than that.

And Domi, I really liked your suggestions about adding something about the beginner's welcome and finding a board suitable for you. I haven't seen anything like that in any guides I've read.

#127564 Comments on "Rush Of Blood To The Head"

Posted by Puffkage on 29 June 2004 - 03:17 AM in Scribbles on the Wall

Wowsa, that was a very good link! Thank you! Now if I only had the time to read it all...

Aw that was a cute couple of chapters; I always liked Suldanessellar in the game.

And I liked how you wrote Jaheira; she is of course different from the game-Jaheira, but I get this feeling of subconscious quiet unhappiness that is completely in tone with game-Jah. I adore how that feeling diminishes over time in the later chapters.

As to the newer chapters ? I loved, loved, loved Eddie?s exploration of Faerūn!

I have to leave for work, so short comment? Cheers!

#127559 Pirengle's Guide to FanFic

Posted by Puffkage on 29 June 2004 - 02:57 AM in Scribbles on the Wall

This is a good guide - if I had seen it a few years ago it would have cleared up a lot of things, as of now it cleared up a few things (I had wondered about what was up with those citrus-fruits), and it was structured and to the point.

However I feel that you left out an important aspect of the whole (very interesting) subject of critique. I would argue that concise, constructive criticism does *not* help everyone. What kind of feedback to give depends on the writer as well, and I always try to carefully read the author?s introduction/bio/whatever to discern what kind of feedback the author wants/needs. Not everyone throws a fit of pique upon receiving or is grateful for constructive criticism; some simply gets sad and are discouraged from writing and the purpose of feedback should not be to flaunt your own skills of proper criticism, but to help the writer improve. Sometimes you get your point across better by wrapping it up in a few (rightful) compliments, or by waiting to critique until after the author has understood that you aren?t out to get him/her. I too, have needed to learn that some people are more sensitive to critique than me.

Also, the part about forum dynamics seems needless to me. I have just gotten here and apart from elfwood I have never been a member of any online community? and I have figured out those ?forum dynamics? ? I don?t think anyone needs to have it cut out for them like that, and I also fail to see the relevance of such a section in context with a fan fiction guide. It is the sort of thing I would have found funny, but I don?t because it?s not meant to be.

Please understand that I tried to keep my post on the topic of your guide ? I am not looking to become part of a war I know nothing about nor do I mean to be attacking you.

#123503 Comments on "Rush Of Blood To The Head"

Posted by Puffkage on 14 June 2004 - 04:26 AM in Scribbles on the Wall

Eh, between going canoeing, going at get-shitfaced-drunk-party, exploring the newfound Attic, my brother getting tired of his x-box and demanding his time at the computer, rediscovering ?Legend of Zelda: A link to the Past? (Best game EVER!!! Except for Baldur?s Gate that is), my parents figuring out that now I?m free of school and they?re still working, I can take over the cooking, shopping and gardening duties, finding a summer-job, discussing FR afterlife and generally being busier than I ever was during term? *takes deep breath* I finally caught up with your story? even the stuff posted on the Attic.

And I must say: GREAT JOB!!! ;);)

I?m really sorry that I can?t comment in-depth on the loooong and wonderful chapter 7, it?s very tempting, but I won?t spoil anything, no sir.

I?ll just say that I really enjoyed the detour and am looking forward to your plans for Thone of Bhaal. It was nice not to know what was going to happen (even though you did an excellent job with the twists in the game story too), and I liked the details about the new places they went.

?The talk? was excellently handled! You provided atmosphere, tension and despair, and yet slight hope. The aftermath of it was also great, I really like how you show evolution in small steps.

I liked chapter 7.33 too;) Very fitting and un-clichéd.

As to 7.34 ? woah, I didn?t expect that, but I liked it! I almost rooted for them to continue this way, though it wasn?t set up to be that way. I like how none of your characters are saints?

The few ?peaceful? chapters were very cute! I totally understand Jaheira?s ire at being forced away from that. I?m sure the fact that you?ve actually *shown* and not only told what they are fighting for will make me feel for your characters much more during the travails of ToB.

As you can see, it is brief and there were parts I didn?t comment on, because I didn?t feel it could be done without spoiling, but there was nothing that upset in a negative way (or I would have told you, believe me? hehe). I also think that you have really improved aspect of your writing, especially descriptions.

On a different note: where did you get that geographical and cultural information about different parts of Faerūn? It was an interesting addition to the story.

Ooh, this is a really disjointed post, because I spent most of my time figuring out how to comment without giving away anything, I?m sorry about that. If you feel that I *did* give away something, just tell me and I?ll edit immediately. Cheers for now looking forward to see what you?ll be cooking up.

#122347 Comments on "Rush Of Blood To The Head"

Posted by Puffkage on 09 June 2004 - 02:07 AM in Scribbles on the Wall

Eh, sorry for the wait; exams needed to be passed, but I all done now. I?ll follow up with a review on the additional chapters I?ve read soon.

Oh, I definitely intended the story to be light to read. It?s dialogue-heavy, but that?s where I feel best at.

Reviewing is an interesting topic in itself? I find the occasional ?Great job!? nice as well, of course. And I do not particularly desire for someone opening the story up with a scalpel and showing me all the little stylistic mistakes and typos? for me the most flattering thing is to know that my writings have made the readers think and feel for my characters. That?s why I said that your review was very pleasing to read. :)

Oh, don?t worry, I promise to keep my scalpel sheathed! No seriously, the only times I feel the need to nitpick is when the meaning is somehow unclear or a word doesn?t make sense in the given context. I agree with your assessment of a flattering review by the way, it?s what makes me happiest when my essays are returned in school, and I imagine it must be more so when receiving feedback on creative writing.

Oh, and I think that Freud would have had a field day with my story? I can see plenty of potential Freudian influence there?

Heh, yeah? Freudian influence is in everything or at least that is the impression my teacher gives. ;)

LOL! Well, the BG2 section of ff.net is traumatic enough, so I?ll take your word for it. Yeah, I was really scared (and still am!) that Theo might turn into a Mary Sue too? but my readers have been assuring me that he?s still far from perfect. :)

Nah, while I?m sure that there is some modicum of self-insertion going on with him, as it is probably a necesity for a first person-narrative. But I don't believe that it is a bad thing in this case... the character is believable and *far* from perfect, so I'm happy. ^_^  It is the *idealised* self-insertions I find annoying. The main reason that Theo isn?t a May Sue is, I think, mainly the fact that so much goes wrong for him and that he has a reason for being guilty, which you do not try to justify. I have found that the main indicator to a male May Sue is that they cannot do anything moderately bad without heaps and heaps of excuses and justifications and afterward guilt tripping. You can probably hear that I?ve read a lot of bad fanfiction? Unfortunately, the more popular a fandom (is it called that?) is, the more bad writers it seems to attract. I've learned to stay far, far away from the Harry Potter and LOTR sections of fspellholdstudios.netspellholdstudios.netspellholdstudios.netspellholdstudios.netspellholdstudios.netspellholdstudios.netspellholdstudios.netspellholdstudios.netspellholdstudios.netspellholdstudios.netspellholdstudios.netspellholdstudios.netf.net, allthough I'm sure there's good writing to find.

Oh, please, please do! And I?ll tell you what ? my English was far worse than yours is now (and it is excellent!), when I started writing? trust me, you?re going to improve a lot if you start to write.

Now I?m encouraged! I may actually get the guts to post something! :blink:

That is *exactly* my main issue with her? her character just seems phoney. Besides, I couldn?t stand her romance (whiny damsel in distress is not my cup of tea) and how bitchy she was, badmouthing poor Khalid. I really hated her in that moment!

I haven?t actually played her romance further than that point, so I can?t tell if she improves, but you?re right that was such a nasty thing to say that for the rest of that game (and the next!) all the sweet babble she spouted seemed hypocritical.

Those are the three I meant. ;) And Tide and A Cappella are still going strongly. The antiheroic mage was I think Justen? I loved his tales, but the ending he gave to Jaheira was just a little depressing. :( And yes, Attic has changed greatly over the years? I think it?s much more user-friendly now.

There was a sad ending to Justen?s saga? Are you referring to that dream thing in ?Still in Love?? I had the impression that was only a potential ending, and the author seemed so sentimental (which I loved!) that he couldn?t possibly write a real unhappy ending.

By the way, are you familiar with an author called Flarn? I stumbled across her site when I was 13 and was quite? fascinated. ;) That is her stories have content that is erotic, to say the least, but they are really good and heavy on Khalid/Jaheira content. I really think you would like the way she writes your beloved druidess. :)


Well? my personal signature on the Attic is an excerpt from Vonnegut?s ?Mother Night?. He?s one of my favourite writers! :D

Oh, I haven?t gotten very far at all, I?m afraid I?m still unfamiliar with that book. I?m currently reading ?Slaughterhouse Five?. Funny coincidence.

Heh, yes? I?ve been prodded to try and do more BG1 snippets? I?d love to, myself ? but somehow the inspiration just hasn?t been right. I?ll see what I can do. :) 

Please do!

Well, I have low tolerance for graphical violence, so I wouldn?t add anything particularly bad. Certainly not worse than how in the episode where Imoen had to stake Bodhi to regain her soul? which certainly provoked a feeling of ?Ewwww!? in some of my readers? ;)

That wasn?t too bad that (though I certainly thought it was icky)? I?m touchier when violence happens to characters I feel for.

That won?t happen, just as Edwin and Sarevok won?t become Smite-Happy paladunces, riding around the countryside on white horses and cleansing the world from Evil. ;)

Now, that would be a sight? :D

Cheers! :)

#121120 Comments on "Rush Of Blood To The Head"

Posted by Puffkage on 04 June 2004 - 04:57 AM in Scribbles on the Wall

Wow, and that's a lot of reading, too! Anyways, big thanks for the insightful comment and the commitment! 

Well, I'm a fast reader and your story is fairly light reading, not meant negatively.

Uh, insightful? Me? Thanks! I tried not to be too analytical, as I'm well aware that some writers would rather have a "You rock!!!" review, but I guess I didn't succeed entirely... Since I've spent the last week analysing texts, I now have trouble reading anything without scanning for themes and potential Freudian influence. :rolleyes:   :rolleyes:

Yes, that's a very controversial approach and I knew that I was risking to tick off my fellow Jaheira-fans. And yes, that happened on a few ocassions, too. I can understand the reaction well, myself.  Yes, that's a very controversial approach and I knew that I was risking to tick off my fellow Jaheira-fans. And yes, that happened on a few ocassions, too. I can understand the reaction well, myself. 

I can imagine! I was sceptical at first also? visit the LOTR section of fanfiction.net and look up some Aragorn/Mary Sue :angry: fics, and I promise you?ll understand why! But be warned, it can be a traumatic experience.

Exactly! That's what I always thought... the couples who tend to publically declare their love for each other every five minutes... it seems so false, as if they would try to assure themselves of their feelings. K&J didn't need that... they were so secure with each other, they needed not to fear insulting each other with that teasing. 

Too right! You know, I?ve been toying with the idea of writing a :wub: Jaheira/Khalid story :wub: , I just don?t know if I can even write creatively or if my mediocre English skills will prove sufficient. :unsure:

Urgh, yes. Sorry Aerie fans, but I just can't take that ridiculous character seriously. One day I might write her seriously, but first I would overhaul her personality quite a bit.

Oh yes. I don't really hate Aerie, I just find her annoying and with a very unrealistic view of the world. I can?t say I know from personal experience what it does to you to have been imprisoned and tortured for years, but I?m pretty sure it doesn?t turn you into a sickeningly sweet little PowerPuff Girl. <_<

Yep. You see, on The Attic boards where I started to post this story, at that time there were three on-going novels that featured the traditional PC-Jaheira romance. I like the romance track, but... I thought that I'll have more fun writing and maybe attract more readers, if I was to do things differently. I do not regret that decision, even though I felt like a jerk for being so mean to poor Khalid. 

Three? Ooh, seems I?ll get busy. Now that I think about it I think I?ve been to The Attic a long time ago. It wasn?t message boards though, but some sort of companion site with stories sorted by author. I never found my way to the message boards, since I then knew absolutely nothing about the Internet. I think I?ve read some of those three. I?ve read one named ?Tide of Destiny? posted on fanfiction.net, one named ?Dark Offerings?, and these snippet thingies with an antiheroic mage and his rabbit. From your link I found another one named A Cappella, which I haven?t seen before? I think I?ll read that after I?m done with yours.

Ach, there?s so much to read? and I?ve only just discovered the wonder that is Kurt Vonnegut too? :wub:

Thanks! I rather enjoyed writing those, bittersweet as they were. You're right - I also like the more subtle romance (assuming that it deosn't drag for TOO long and eventually gets somewhere!) and certainly Theo and Jae's amorous exploits have made some of my readers shake head, but I think most of them understand that if they didn't share a huge passion for each other, Jaheira would have never cheated on Khalid (which to me too is almost unthinkable).

Oooh, will there be more? They were really excellent, especially the morning-after one. It was so refreshing that Theo didn?t immediately wallow in endless guilt, but actually was happy (or blissful rather) that his dream had just come through.

That is good, I've never been a fan of fight scenes. Unfortunately I can't quite avoid them for the ToB portion of the tale which I am writing now.

Oh, I?m sure I?ll survive? As long as there?s no graphical depictions of spilling entrails and the like. I don?t know why I?m so squeamish when it comes to writing; I?ve no problems with violence in films, but since I draw a lot I often visualise when reading, and I?ve experienced really ugly images just sticking in my mind.

Heh, no worries - you're not saying something I don't realise myself.  The Imoen-Viconia pairing was basically an experiment to see if I can write femme-femme relationship... and I didn't really impress myself. Viconia will undergo quite a few changes yet (though I am sorry to say that she won't return to the wicked evil wench) before I am through with her. 

I?m sure it?ll be great as long as she doesn?t get fluffified (is that a word?) completely, and it doesn?t seem to me that you?re doing that. ;) I?m looking forward to your plans with her.

A little piece of info for you - if you have the time and inclination, you can check out the very latest episodes of the story by going to the Attic main page (link below) and then in the Serials. It requires a little digging there... currently, latest episode posted there is part 7.68. (A teaser - those episodes also feature Theo's confession to Jaheira about killing Khalid - and what came out of it... )

Oooh, I?ll have to do that. Thank you for the link, it seems an excellent place.

It is never too late for that.  Once again, thank you! It was so nice to hear from you again! 

Oh believe me, the pleasure was all mine! :)

#119701 Comments on "The Tangled Web"

Posted by Puffkage on 27 May 2004 - 01:47 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

Couldn't agree more... her voice hooked me up immediately.  Amazingly, I love Keldorn's voice too. And Sarevok's would round up my Top-3 of sexiest voices. 

Sarevok's nice yes, but I actually think Edwin takes up the third slot for me, though I wouldn't exactly call his voice *sexy*, it's close. Can I put Sean Connery in somewhere? Hehe... I suffered the *horror* that was Highlander II solely to listen to that man :D ...

You wouldn't happen to have written or seen an Edwin/Jaheira romance? I have been looking for *ages*, they would make such an interesting and explosive couple...

PS: Jolyth I'm SO sorry for filling your thread with my rambling, I promise I won't post again except for reviewing your next chapter.

#119681 Comments on "The Tangled Web"

Posted by Puffkage on 27 May 2004 - 01:00 PM in Scribbles on the Wall


I would be one of those. All my written stuff is Jaheira-centric. 

Ah, hello to you sir! :) And I certainly can't blame you... now the Aerie-worshippers - those I won't even pretend to understand...

Don?t you agree that her voice is so sexy? (Alright, I?m a girl and supposedly a straight one ? maybe I AM obsessed) Oh and Keldorn?s too? *dreamy sigh*

#119662 Comments on "The Tangled Web"

Posted by Puffkage on 27 May 2004 - 12:11 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

Voilį... I registrered (I am the above "guest")! That was MUCH easier than I had expected; on elfwood I had to fill a looooong application to make sure I wasn't gonna post vile material of any kind.

Ah but hello people on Forgotten Wars!

Ach, now I'm playing around with my profile instead of faithfully studying my Spanish pensum... and it's my 4th language... I'm going down!