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#556778 Bug at the end of the Watcher's Keep

Posted by Ascension64 on 04 April 2013 - 02:56 PM in BGT Archive

Had a quick look. BG2Fixpack fixed this bug.


You need to be either in Chapter 8 (in ToB part of the game), or need to drop both Imoen and Keldorn from your party, if you want to finish the quest. There is a dialogue scripting issue from vanilla BG2:ToB.

#558475 Cannot install Core

Posted by Ascension64 on 22 May 2013 - 05:15 AM in ToBEx

One other way is to take the 26498 executable file form the ToB 26498 patch, which is still widely available.

#558519 Cannot install Core

Posted by Ascension64 on 23 May 2013 - 01:54 AM in ToBEx

The 26498 executable on a vanilla install should be used as the starting point for installing mods.

If the guest has already installed a huge number of mods, then re-installing from scratch is painful, sure, but to directly answer the question - no, I am not going to remove the bytes check from the TobEx installation.

#558985 Installation Order and Compatibility.

Posted by Ascension64 on 07 June 2013 - 06:20 PM in BGT Archive

I've installed BG2+ToB on my Ubuntu 13.04 system and I want to take advantage of all WeiDU seems to offer. I'd like to install the G3 tweaks as well. Any idea as to how to proceed correctly ? I haven't been so succesful at WeiDU installs so far

Well the BGT-weidu is a PC only unfortunately, among the hurdles is the fact that the BG1 data needs to be transferred... and the only Linux BG1 is the EE, which the BGT won't cover so far. Ascension64 would need to make that compatible and that's a try he hasn't said a whisper about. Well as far as I know.


This assertion by The Imp, I think, is incorrect. BGT-WeiDU is not PC-only. It has compatibility to install on both Linux (Wine-tested) and MacOS (unclear if tested). It is noted to install fine on Wine.


However, a linux user would be most appropriate to chip in here and say whether other Linux OSs support BG1 and BG2, because I don't own and test on a Linux system, I cannot say. I'd not jump to conclusions as The Imp has over this.

#557776 Bug with chain contingency

Posted by Ascension64 on 02 May 2013 - 04:49 AM in ToBEx

Thanks, will have a look.

#557866 Bug with chain contingency

Posted by Ascension64 on 04 May 2013 - 05:12 AM in ToBEx

No, it isn't.

#557813 Bug with chain contingency

Posted by Ascension64 on 03 May 2013 - 03:58 AM in ToBEx

Found the cause, missing EFF file. Have added check and warning to TobEx, but you need to report at SpellPack forums that JUJUANI2.EFF is missing from the install package.

#551010 Kagain and a small bug with scripts

Posted by Ascension64 on 07 December 2012 - 03:11 PM in BGT Archive

Unless another mod is modifying which AI script your characters have, your assigned scripts shouldn't change. If you aren't using any other mod, and whenever you choose a custom script, it gets reset to none, then I'm unclear as to what's happening there. You can try editing your saved game and assign the scripts manually using NearInfinity or similar.

#559390 Opcode 183 Apply Effect Itemtype

Posted by Ascension64 on 22 June 2013 - 03:52 PM in ToBEx

Did ToBEx really fixed this opcode? :)

A player mentioned this here at G3, and with a quick search I found out AndreaColombo at BGEE says here that both 182 and 183 have been fixed...so, I looked at Modder Reference again and found out it seems true (not sure why I never noticed it before - is it recent?).
Yeah, it has been there a while. :)
1) how does it work the 'Type' field? Does it reference an IDS or 2DA? Or does it simply pick from item "category" entry (e.g. Armor 2, Plate Mail 64, Full Plate 65, etc.)?
This is the item type as described in IESDP ITM V1.0 0x1c field. Yes, your examples are correct.
2) I'm not sure I understand this: "Limitations: the effect is applied again if an already equipped matching itemtype is used to force-attack a target via the quickbar." So, if applied to a weapon the effect is re-applied if you select the weapon?
Essentially, be very careful about using permanent timings with incremental change (e.g. heal when equip itemtype) stuff.
Example: Let's say A equips an amulet of heal (the amulet heals 3 HP every equipping event of itemtype mace). Now I equip A with a mace -> heal 3 HP. While the mace is still equipped, if I decide to use F2 to quick-select the mace from the quick-bar (even though the mace is already the weapon currently being equipped), A will heal 3 HP again.
3) What if the itemtype is not equipped anymore? Does 183 work as a repeating EFF which checks every x time if the item is still equipped? Or is it a "one time only" check?
Can't remember exactly, but whenever the inventory state of a creature changes, the list is re-checked and effects re-applied (since the itemtype effect list forms part of the same structure that stats are stored).
Hope that helps.

#559426 Opcode 183 Apply Effect Itemtype

Posted by Ascension64 on 23 June 2013 - 03:40 PM in ToBEx

Yeah, it should work fine with that.
If you want to try and test the limitation, you can repetitively re-equip said shield (e.g. sword and shield combo) via quickbar and see if the creature's AC keeps getting better. If the AC sits correctly at +x better than the previous AC, then it should be fine.

#561394 [BGT] CTD when getting waylaid

Posted by Ascension64 on 25 August 2013 - 03:59 AM in Mega Mod Help

One of the biggest disadvantages of 1PP is it doesn't introduce error-checking in the code. Hence, lots of potential bad crashes for missing/bad animations. Screws me over all the time when I try to load other peoples' saves on my puny minimalist install without 1PP.

#557627 BGT118 install failure

Posted by Ascension64 on 27 April 2013 - 06:31 PM in BGT Archive

No idea just from that snippet, post your entire DEBUG file please.

#557633 BGT118 install failure

Posted by Ascension64 on 28 April 2013 - 01:46 AM in BGT Archive

Have you run out of disk space? Looks like the installation had a problem with the BIFFing process near the end of the installation.


Sys_error("No space left on device")

#557046 [Release] BGT-WeiDU version 1.17

Posted by Ascension64 on 10 April 2013 - 12:42 AM in BGT Archive

BGT-WeiDU v1.17 has been released! Minor maintenance release fixing the installation process only.

Previous release notes


Installation changes

-Corrected the previous change about tutorial strings, inventory pause, and TobEx

-Fixed a failed installation on GemRB systems

-Fixed bad typo day in this change log




#556106 New Modders: Best Practices?

Posted by Ascension64 on 22 March 2013 - 12:58 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Yes, specifics help.


The basic ones from the top of my head are:

-Register a prefix as mentioned above for new game files as well as variable names

-When altering existing files, always code the changes and leave the smallest mark possible (e.g. if you want to change one value in an effect, don't scrub the whole effect). Never overwrite.

-Be aware of possible compatibility issues. This one is tricky because it requires some experience and knowledge about existing mods. I wouldn't worry about this too much if you are just starting out.

#556127 New Modders: Best Practices?

Posted by Ascension64 on 22 March 2013 - 08:09 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Hey, some mods use resources and variable names all over the shop.

Certainly using your prefix will significantly minimise risk of variable overlap.

#560937 Help with BGT Installation

Posted by Ascension64 on 11 August 2013 - 11:35 PM in BGT Archive

Can you try deliberately using an older version of WeiDU to install BGT?

#560892 Help with BGT Installation

Posted by Ascension64 on 11 August 2013 - 04:06 AM in BGT Archive

A search would probably have revealed your answer; http://www.shsforums...lation-problem/

#560952 Help with BGT Installation

Posted by Ascension64 on 12 August 2013 - 02:53 PM in BGT Archive

Make sure you don't have any newer WeiDU versions in the installation folder, because WeiDU likes to self-auto-update.

#560432 How to change how BGT transfers NPCs during the transition to BG2

Posted by Ascension64 on 27 July 2013 - 07:32 PM in BGT Archive

@Rhaella, yes it is. The character import code (or rather, the character running away code; the import codes are in the specific areas you want them to appear in in BG2) is contained in this script. The empirical approach would be simply to pilfer the necessary script blocks and change the script names to reflect Isra.

#560366 How to change how BGT transfers NPCs during the transition to BG2

Posted by Ascension64 on 25 July 2013 - 09:35 PM in BGT Archive

If you are into any kind of WeiDU/Infinity Engine modding, have a look at the Import more NPCs into Shadows of Amn component of BGTTweaks, which will have a basic outline of the code you need to 'import' your NPC into Shadows of Amn. Alternatively, the Dark Side of the Sword Coast compatibility section of Setup-BGT.tp2 will also have your answer.

If you need more guidance than this, then either someone will need to do it for you or, as mentioned above, some modding knowledge is in order.

#553791 nOpcode ouf bounds message

Posted by Ascension64 on 23 January 2013 - 03:22 PM in ToBEx

I can't personally identify which mods those spells belong to, but there are two ways to further this:

1. once identified which mods these spells belong, notify the respective mod authors to check that they are using opcode 318 correctly

2. if these spells belong to multiple mods, something or some mod may have f00bared STATS.IDS, preventing opcode 318 from working correctly. In this case finding which mod overwrote stats.ids or similar and restoring its backup could fix the issue.

#553681 nOpcode ouf bounds message

Posted by Ascension64 on 22 January 2013 - 02:22 PM in ToBEx

Some mod is using the SetStat effect opcode incorrectly. Anyone out there using this currently? It doesn't necessarily have any impact on the game itself, but whatever some modder is trying to achieve just won't do anything.

#555114 nOpcode ouf bounds message

Posted by Ascension64 on 23 February 2013 - 04:17 PM in ToBEx

Apologies for late reply. TobEx relies on the highest numbered stat in STATS.IDS to determine how much memory to assign for stats for the game session.

#556098 [Release] BGT-WeiDU version 1.16

Posted by Ascension64 on 21 March 2013 - 07:46 PM in BGT Archive

BGT-WeiDU v1.16 has been released! This is a maintenance release with bug fixes, compatibility features, and translation updates.

Previous release notes


Installation changes

-Corrected Russian translation so that prompts are shown properly in GUI and music setup

-Correction to comments in bgt/base/baf/aram00.baf

-The game executable is longer patched if TobEx is detected when selecting the "Full Baldur's Gate/Shadows of Amn/Throne of Bhaal Music" option of the "Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Music" optional install

-Tutorial strings about the whether entering the inventory screen pauses the game are no longer changed if the "Disable Force Inventory Pause" TobEx tweak is detected to be enabled

-Updated German translation


Bug fixes

-Dire Charm traps encountered in the Baldur's Gate and Tales of the Sword Coast part of the game last for 120 seconds as per vanilla Baldur's Gate behaviour (was 48 seconds)

-Edwin now correctly receives a dagger if he is imported into Shadows of Amn

-Edwin's Amulet gives one bonus wizard spell per level instead of two in the Baldur's Gate and Tales of the Sword Coast part of the game (note: specific text for trying to remove his amulet will not show correctly until after the transition to Shadows of Amn)

-Fixed a compatibility issue with Refinements where starting a BG2 game with a true class Mage would prevent spell selection from working

-Fixed day-night and night-day movies not playing (Mac users only get the Shadows of Amn movies)

-Fixed game hang/crash in multiplayer due to invalid day-night and night-day movies

-Fixed QUEEN_CHANGE (SPWI942.SPL) so that Pawns in the chess game change to the correct Queen

-Kirinhale no longer gains magic resistance and regenerates hit points when she becomes Ethereal

-Kirinhale no longer gives male player characters a save vs. spells penalty when the target is inflicted with dire charm

-Magic missile traps encountered in the Baldur's Gate and Tales of the Sword Coast part of the game do 2D3 damage as per vanilla Baldur's Gate behaviour (was 1D4)

-Silver Dagger - Werebane now correctly gives the extra +3 THAC0 bonus vs. lycanthropes

