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There have been 103 items by Ascension64 (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#548804 [Release] Beregost Crash Fixer

Posted by Ascension64 on 22 October 2012 - 11:30 PM in BGT Archive

Make sure you run the program via the Java Runtime Environment. If your archiving software (WinZip, TugZip, 7zip, WinRAR, etc.) is the default program to run .jar files, you will need to run the .jar file manually. The usual way to do this is to use cmd, find your Java Runtime Environment install directory, typically something like C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin, and then type

java -jar "<the path to the .jar file>\BeregostCrashFixer.jar"

@Costar58: the '...' will be next to the right of the white box when you run the program correctly as above.

I don't have the time to create a picture tutorial. If someone else steps up to the plate, that would be a huge help to these folks.

#549097 [BG2:ToB] TobEx Release Thread

Posted by Ascension64 on 29 October 2012 - 04:08 AM in ToBEx

TobEx beta 0025 released. See first post in this thread for direct link to GitHub download.

-Class/structure updates
-User Patches: No longer spouts an error when the ./TobEx_ini/patch directory is non-existent or empty
-Added: Clone Creature Fix
-Added: Externalise Bard Song Effects
-Added: Externalise Difficulty Settings
-Added: Launcher Proficiency Fix
-Added: Poison Resistance Mod
-Added: Saving Throw Fix
-Added: TakePartyItem Fix
-Renamed: Disable Duplicate Effect Stacking -> Configurable Effect Stacking
-Configurable Damage Effect Bypasses Mirror Images: Fixed implementation as per the reference; bit 24 of the effect save type field is used rather than the parent item ability flag of spell flag; this flag is thus different from tob_hacks and Spell Revisions
-Disable Duplicate Effect Stacking: Fixed issue with timing mode 10, where Bard Song would continue for a prolonged period of time
-Expanded Actions: Assign() now recognises special type sp[], which currently allows putting the source's coordinates into trigger block variables
-Expanded Actions: Eval() expressions now recognise and(), or(), band(), and bor() functions
-Expanded Stats: Fixed bitwise AND and bitwise OR types for Set Stat [318] effect
-Expanded Triggers: Added 0x411F CheckStatBAND()
-Expanded Triggers: Assign() now recognises special type sp[], which currently allows putting the source's coordinates into trigger block variables
-Expanded Triggers: Eval() expressions now recognise and(), or(), band(), and bor() functions
-Item Recharge Mod: Fixed bugs where stackable items with 0 quantity in store files were valued at 1 gold, did not register a quantity when bought, and did not stack properly when bought

#549136 [BG2:ToB] TobEx Release Thread

Posted by Ascension64 on 30 October 2012 - 02:38 AM in ToBEx

Oops, silly me. Looks like I didn't change all the version markers to 25. Have fixed this, the version is 25 by WeiDU but the file will be b0025b.

#549753 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 13 November 2012 - 04:36 PM in ToBEx

this may not be as requested but i'm just throwing it out there. is there a way to prevent multi-classed characters with a kit from losing any weapon restrictions? With my own kit that i made, only a handful of weapons are available. as soon as i multi the character as a fighter/mage, the restrictions disappear thus making every weapon available. i can play by my own house rules and just put the pips where they are supposed to be, i was just curious if there's a work around.

I don't think there is a workaround, since multi-classing generally takes away restrictions.

#549754 Wand buyback prices go up by 11 fold.

Posted by Ascension64 on 13 November 2012 - 04:37 PM in ToBEx

If you want to check whether this is due to TobEx, completely disable TobEx by renaming the .dll to something else and try checking the sell price for the wands in-game.

#550185 [Release] BGT Tweak Pack version 11

Posted by Ascension64 on 23 November 2012 - 05:48 PM in BGT Archive


#550468 Comments on BGEE & BG2EE News

Posted by Ascension64 on 29 November 2012 - 03:11 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

Give it time. Mods will come.

#550531 [SOLVED]Time to deal with the stuttering

Posted by Ascension64 on 30 November 2012 - 03:05 PM in Mega Mod Help

@ilot: Sounds about right. I don't have the time to look into this specifically; if there are any specific adjustments made to existing files, your method of upgrade would have missed them. You can check by essentially reading through how TobEx upgrades a b0021 install to b0025 install from the TobEx.tpa file.
ACTION_IF (%tobex_installed_version% < 22) BEGIN
  INCLUDE "%TOBEX_MOD_DIRECTORY%/TobEx_redist/TobEx0022.tpa"

ACTION_IF (%tobex_installed_version% < 23) BEGIN
  INCLUDE "%TOBEX_MOD_DIRECTORY%/TobEx_redist/TobEx0023.tpa"

  COPY "TobEx_ini/TobExTweak.ini" "TobEx_ini/TobExTweak.ini"
    REPLACE_TEXTUALLY "Trigger:Enable PickpocketFailed Trigger" "Trigger:PickpocketFailed Trigger Only"
    REPLACE_TEXTUALLY "Engine:Remain Hidden On Pickpocket Success" "Action:Remain Hidden On Pickpocket Success"
    APPEND_FILE "%TOBEX_MOD_DIRECTORY%/TobEx_redist/TobEx0023t.txt"

ACTION_IF (%tobex_installed_version% < 24) BEGIN
  COPY "%TOBEX_MOD_DIRECTORY%/TobEx_redist/AsmJit.dll" "AsmJit.dll"
  COPY "%TOBEX_MOD_DIRECTORY%/TobEx_redist/TobEx.lua" "TobEx_ini/TobEx.lua"

  MKDIR "TobEx_ini/lua"
  COPY "%TOBEX_MOD_DIRECTORY%/TobEx_redist/lua" "TobEx_ini/lua"

  INCLUDE "%TOBEX_MOD_DIRECTORY%/TobEx_redist/TobEx0024.tpa"

  COPY "TobEx_ini/TobExTweak.ini" "TobEx_ini/TobExTweak.ini"
    APPEND_FILE "%TOBEX_MOD_DIRECTORY%/TobEx_redist/TobEx0024t.txt"

ACTION_IF (%tobex_installed_version% < 25) BEGIN
  INCLUDE "%TOBEX_MOD_DIRECTORY%/TobEx_redist/TobEx0025.tpa"

#551010 Kagain and a small bug with scripts

Posted by Ascension64 on 07 December 2012 - 03:11 PM in BGT Archive

Unless another mod is modifying which AI script your characters have, your assigned scripts shouldn't change. If you aren't using any other mod, and whenever you choose a custom script, it gets reset to none, then I'm unclear as to what's happening there. You can try editing your saved game and assign the scripts manually using NearInfinity or similar.

#551067 BGT 1.15 items with polish names

Posted by Ascension64 on 08 December 2012 - 02:19 PM in BGT Archive

Are you using widescreen mod, or high resolutions for the game? Try putting resolution back to window, or 800x600, or playing with other graphics settings.

#551148 Transfering my own team from BG1 to BG2

Posted by Ascension64 on 10 December 2012 - 12:51 AM in BGT Archive

Or a life. :)

#551287 encounter a bug

Posted by Ascension64 on 12 December 2012 - 01:53 AM in ToBEx

Thanks, will follow-up.

#551577 Installation: File too big for WeiDU?

Posted by Ascension64 on 16 December 2012 - 02:50 PM in BGT Archive

That looks like the correct size (mine is 54,513,250). I'm unsure why WeiDU chokes on it, seems really weird.
If it worked before, perhaps there were some left over files from the previous install. Did you delete the game directories entirely before re-installing?
MOVE + ~bg1movie/intro15f.mve~ ~bg1movie/soaintro.mve~

#551785 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 19 December 2012 - 10:44 PM in ToBEx

Check in the reference (triggers and actions):
  • 0x411B Eval(S:Expression*,I:Type*ArgType,I:Loc*)

#551786 Installation: File too big for WeiDU?

Posted by Ascension64 on 19 December 2012 - 10:44 PM in BGT Archive

If other people are having the same problem, please post here. I haven't had any problem with this. Can clarify with the bigg about MOVE for large files.

#551988 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 22 December 2012 - 10:23 PM in ToBEx

Only for stats that you self-implement (Effect 0x13E). Overwriting core stats is highly dangerous and thus not possible.

#552031 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 23 December 2012 - 09:07 PM in ToBEx

As in set them?

#552044 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 24 December 2012 - 03:01 AM in ToBEx

Can you give an example of this? I'm not sure how a simple variable can result in entire effects/feature blocks being generated.

#552131 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 25 December 2012 - 02:37 PM in ToBEx

I imagine you would probably need some sort of opcode 232 extension (like you have asked for before), with a resource that points to some script that will define the effect. Would that work out?

#552152 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 25 December 2012 - 09:47 PM in ToBEx

Stats are still better modified directly by effects. All dialogue actions (apart from the the new DialogueSetGlobal() etc. actions) are pushed onto the tail of the actor's action queue and are thus executed in order they are applied.

#552239 Font problem, Polish language

Posted by Ascension64 on 27 December 2012 - 04:51 PM in BGT Archive

Can you also confirm you ran kpzbg1.exe as per the post-install instructions:

By poprawnie wyświetlały się Polskie znaki, proszę uruchomić kpzbg1.exe z folderu \bgt i zastosować się do instrukcji po otworzeniu tego pliku."

#552359 Public test release feedback

Posted by Ascension64 on 29 December 2012 - 02:36 PM in ToBEx

Thanks for the heads up.

#552946 Poison Resistance Mod

Posted by Ascension64 on 10 January 2013 - 03:06 AM in ToBEx

Would be worthwhile if one of you supplied the debug file for Lollorian's fix so I can determine which specific files are affected by this issue.

#553001 Poison Resistance Mod

Posted by Ascension64 on 11 January 2013 - 02:02 AM in ToBEx

Thanks muchly.

#553161 Silver Dagger and Wolfsbane Charm

Posted by Ascension64 on 14 January 2013 - 12:53 AM in BGT Archive

Yeah probably, except I have no time to work on anything at all at the moment.