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#193446 Goto

Posted by Child on 17 March 2005 - 05:41 AM in KotOR Series

haha, or a crafted chest-piece or whatever you called those. I should post the full length picture though, but I would be seriously going off-topic and you guys are equally guilty of going off-topic as me. =)

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:P Well we could move this discussion to a new thread. :P Besides, I never claimed to be on topic. I've never even played KOTOR2 :D I just spam :D

#193387 Goto

Posted by Child on 17 March 2005 - 12:32 AM in KotOR Series

thank you child. :P

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actually its pretty modest compared to some Soa avatars i've seen... :P :lol:

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You mean she's at least wearing clothes in the avatar compared to the SOA ones?

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I dont think you can call those clothes. I mean where's the evidence? It might just be a realy elaborate necklace :D Honestly! No imagination :P

#193153 Goto

Posted by Child on 16 March 2005 - 03:38 AM in KotOR Series

I still hate that flying fatball of junk, but meh, I hated the ending totally :-\

BTW Celestine, is it just me or is your new AV bordering on the scandalous? :P

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haha.. yeah, I like it too, :P but seriously if that's against the board rules, please let me know.

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If it is, I think the board rules need changing :P
Its nice. Not as good as the lat one, quite, but still v.nice :D

#193150 portraits

Posted by Child on 16 March 2005 - 03:33 AM in Layers of Reality

Brother Kivan

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Thats cool as well :D I like it :D
(although he reminds me of aragorn)

#193142 IWD beginning

Posted by Child on 16 March 2005 - 03:06 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Rather limits class choice, if you actualyl mean the pc to be a barbarian. And you'd have to do justice to the story, becoz ud be ripped apart if you made a hash of it. But that sounds cool. Although, no real surprise as to the ending. And the big boss at the end would provide a problem, as it isnt u that does it...

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You really just fight demons charging at you, while Jared has time to look at Tempos and charge into the portal.

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Exactly...a bit sucky. think about the complete lack of ending to iwd2 and realie that that sort of thing can make or break a game...my suggestion? have the story intimately linked with that one, but dont have the pc at the actual fight....have some climactic ending which allows Jared the ability to charge the portal.

#193140 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 16 March 2005 - 02:31 AM in Planescape: Torment

Reason you don't see the Nameless One drunk is because his motbolic rate is meant to sky high (reason for fast healing/regeneration)

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Really? TNO can't get drunk? I never realised that. How cool :D
No more nasty hangovers :D

#192975 IWD beginning

Posted by Child on 15 March 2005 - 05:52 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Rather limits class choice, if you actualyl mean the pc to be a barbarian. And you'd have to do justice to the story, becoz ud be ripped apart if you made a hash of it. But that sounds cool. Although, no real surprise as to the ending. And the big boss at the end would provide a problem, as it isnt u that does it...

#192971 IWD2 bugs.....

Posted by Child on 15 March 2005 - 05:47 AM in Icewind Dale Series

As far as I know (which is admittedly, not very far), there is no bug like this. Are you sure its not being caused by software clashes or something of that nature? Too little virtual memory maybe? What's the error message? Because tbh that doesn't sound like a game-related crash, if it dies that often....

#192698 Raise Dead

Posted by Child on 12 March 2005 - 10:06 AM in Dragon Age Series

Hehe :). That was funny. The number of times Sarevok reappeared/ resurrected, was quite astounding. Why couldn't the man just die :P?

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He did die. Repeatedly :P He just kept living again afterwards. Its not that he didnt die. He died alright. He just lived again a while afterwards. So there :P

#192697 Nutsack

Posted by Child on 12 March 2005 - 10:03 AM in NWN Series

LOL @ Celestine.

Oh my indeed. :D

#192668 SPAM Split from Female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 12 March 2005 - 05:47 AM in Planescape: Torment

Besides berk, you have also the expression "you sod", which means your pretty dumb.

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hmm.. i still like bubber tho :S But thanks 4 the extra words :)

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Bubber means drunk (though I have yet to see the Nameless One under the influence of alcohol. Would that be included in this little mod?  :lol: )

Try this small guide if you cannot find the word.

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See??? SEE!!!! i didnt make it up *wins* :) Thanks lurker :D

#192517 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 11 March 2005 - 03:30 AM in Planescape: Torment

Besides berk, you have also the expression "you sod", which means your pretty dumb.

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hmm.. i still like bubber tho :S But thanks 4 the extra words :)

#192382 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 10 March 2005 - 08:26 AM in Planescape: Torment

prolly... but canae be arsked to think, hangover :glare:

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Ah. Hence the total absence of thought :D Nice :D

#192338 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 10 March 2005 - 02:54 AM in Planescape: Torment

well TNO gets called a berk quite frequently or you could use 'guvnor' :whistling:

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Shouldnt that be 'govness'?


#192209 Baldur's Gate III: The Bane of Bhaal

Posted by Child on 09 March 2005 - 01:23 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I'm tired of waiting for BG III, so I thought maybe it's time to introduce an idea I have for it. It will be a 2 part mod. The first part will be an NPC for SOA/TOB that will introduce hints of what's to follow after TOB ends. Once TOB ends there will be a total conversion game that finally concludes the story of the Bhaal saga that actually began in the Time of Troubles. Its roots run much deeper than Candlekeep and Gorion's Ward.

The idea I have is entitled: Baldur's Gate III: The Bane of Bhaal. After the end of TOB, you'll create a new character who is thrown into a battle for Faerun that is being waged between Gorion's Ward (TOB will have to be edited so mortality is not an option), Cyric and Bane. Depending on the path taken the main character will have to eventually face first the minions of the three and then all three...hence, this one will take you from a 1st level character all the way through to becoming a god of gods...if you can make it.

I always thought it would be interesting to take on whatever character I'd spent all that time building up. What might be even better is to have your party from the Bane of Bhaal take on the party you'd used in SOA/TOB.

Without giving away too much, there will be mystery as to who your character is, what role they play in the developing war, and what can eventually become of them. There will be new NPCs, new areas, new villages, cities, and new mysteries to explore.

The main story takes place in West Gate and the surrounding areas of the Dragon Coast.

All of this would, of course, require a lot of work, and I would need help...a lot of help. If you think this is a valid idea, and you've had experience in creating mods for SOA/TOB, I'd appreciate your help. I need help with everything, as this is too large of a project for one person.

At the very least, if you've read this post, let me know what you think of the idea. Granted, I haven't told a lot of it because I don't want to give away too much, but if you like what you've read let me know. Even if you don't like it, let me know why. Feedback is important.

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Really really big.
As in massive.
And would take ages. Lots and lots of ages. A TC is just gonna take the hugest amount of work. What ure proposing is just wow....
If u actually got enough experienced modders involved then maybe it would work. But i think tbh this is tooo big...

#192045 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 08 March 2005 - 10:34 AM in Planescape: Torment


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Apologies that was me b4 i realised I had been logged out :S Um...yeah but berk is used quite a lot, whereas bubber is used less frequently...and it wasnt suppossed to be too harsh coz the idea was that annah wasnt really angry

#191759 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 07 March 2005 - 12:23 AM in Planescape: Torment

Just post a few examples.  :)

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Ok then....

A little info..this is b4 annah joins, when morte makes a comment about annah, and selling herself....there is a scripted interjection by morte, and so the responses have to be vaguely relevant...so ive reworked it..see what u think:

FNO: He said, and I disagree, that you couldn't make a living selling yourself. (unchanged from originial).

Annah: She seems taken aback by your comment, and for a moment her manner softens. But then she eyes you suspiciously and sneers: "Yeh ain't gonna be getting on me good side, bubber, so lay off the compliments, jig? They don't getcha anywhere in a place like this, aye?"

FNO (one of the replies, the other is simply "Farewell"): "Thanks for the advice. I had some other questions..."

Er..comments? Its not much atm, and im not sure ive got it quite right yet...still trying to get inside annah's head, and the game'slingo as well..

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I miss a 'try'  in the getting on me good side. The word bubber is new to me, it doesn't sound vicious enough for a hive person. It has been a while since I played PS:T or have played a planescape setting. Need to dig up that info again. Might be able to help out some more then.

Just wanted to answer to your question

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Bubber is right there in Annah's earlier dialogue, and it appears quite a few times in PS:T...it comes from bub...drink...and means drunkard.... I'll havea look at changing it to something more vicious though... U miss a try? Um...i think it makes sense itf that is what u mean...

#191191 Phaere

Posted by Child on 03 March 2005 - 08:56 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Do you think you could show the Phaere picture?

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Um...well I can link u to the forum topic...id have to ask HERD if i coudl use it, if i actually decided to do this :S
But the picture inspired me :D

Right, im no good at anything vaguely involving tek-know-lodge-ie, so i hope this works :D


#191151 Phaere

Posted by Child on 03 March 2005 - 05:49 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Hmm, well i dunno...its not happening atm anyway..it was just a thought....The Phaere portrait is just too neat to let it just drift....

The thing is, if you take what Solaufein says, Phaere used to be vaguely nice, but she was turned by the matron mother...contaminated by the torture and evil around her? Now, im not suggesting for a moment that the whole redemption to a chaotic good stereotype should take place but....

Besides, phaere clearly doesnt stick by all the tenants of the drow (her conduct over solaufein), so perhaps if the Underdark became too hot for her, she might leave with enough coercion from an evil party...If you made a charisma related check perhaps? better that than die u know?

#191147 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 03 March 2005 - 05:44 AM in Planescape: Torment

Just post a few examples.  :)

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Ok then....

A little info..this is b4 annah joins, when morte makes a comment about annah, and selling herself....there is a scripted interjection by morte, and so the responses have to be vaguely relevant...so ive reworked it..see what u think:

FNO: He said, and I disagree, that you couldn't make a living selling yourself. (unchanged from originial).

Annah: She seems taken aback by your comment, and for a moment her manner softens. But then she eyes you suspiciously and sneers: "Yeh ain't gonna be getting on me good side, bubber, so lay off the compliments, jig? They don't getcha anywhere in a place like this, aye?"

FNO (one of the replies, the other is simply "Farewell"): "Thanks for the advice. I had some other questions..."

Er..comments? Its not much atm, and im not sure ive got it quite right yet...still trying to get inside annah's head, and the game'slingo as well..

#191122 Phaere

Posted by Child on 03 March 2005 - 02:15 AM in IE Mod Ideas

If you betrayd her to the mathron mother she would;
1, Die of the hands of the mathron morher
2, Die of your hands when she sees what you hade done
3,Flee for her life and I don't see that wery likley if you think of her personalety. Rewengs sounde more Phaere to me.

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If u betrayed her without her realising it was you, then possibly u could get away with it tho....Im still working on ideas...

#191112 Phaere

Posted by Child on 03 March 2005 - 12:28 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Cool idea,but as moongaxe sad,what would she get at it?

Mabe if you hade a WEARY good resion for her to join?

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How about betraying her to the matron mother, and then either having her flee, or having an option to save her ass...then later she is impressed by ure ruthlessness, and ahving learnt of ure essence, is trying to gain some of ure power in some way...thats off the top of my head..could work on it :S Um..yeah i guess ure right, but HERD (i think it was him?) did a really good Phaere portrait and it just seems a pity to not use it more :S

#191110 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 03 March 2005 - 12:21 AM in Planescape: Torment

By generally making FNO its primary target, whenever she is the closest femme to him; wandering there and back when multiple females are present.

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You can do that? Nice :D
Hmm..well the annah edit is coming along i guess....Um...ill post a file somewhere for neone to peruse when ive done a bit more..or give a coupla examples or something...but im not doing screenshots, because a) My game died so id have to go from the beginning. B) Id need a second install becoz im gonna want to keep MNO as well. c) Lots and lots of dialogue files = too many screenshots..

If anyone is interested PM me :D

#191019 PST for a female Nameless One

Posted by Child on 02 March 2005 - 09:38 AM in Planescape: Torment

Even this way, it will be incredibly hard to convincingly rework Morte  :whistling:  ;)

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Ha! Im suppossed to be working on the annah strings...OMG i had a look at them the other day :S Scary. I was just looking at the dialogue she gets b4 she is even joinable. Leaving the architecture unchanged im gonna have to get quite inventive...unless u want annah to think the pc is coming onto her...which, as annah is being reworked into friendship, i think is slightly missing the point :S

#191001 portraits

Posted by Child on 02 March 2005 - 08:15 AM in Layers of Reality

I'd like to thank the Academy....

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Ok cheers will do..and they r amazing btw :D Particularly the phaere one :D