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#382990 Challenge #31: Girdle of Gender Change

Posted by Thauron on 26 March 2008 - 08:38 AM in Fanart Challenge

Beautiful picture, Madeleine!

And I have to agree with Yoshimo there... ;)

#307174 Online Area Making Seminar

Posted by Thauron on 23 May 2007 - 12:18 PM in IE Tutorials

Great idea,

Although I crafted some areas for my own mod I am sure I could learn more than a thing or two from you.
Consider me in - though my amount of free time somehow seems to dwindle with every passing week.

#304139 Comments on 'Choices'

Posted by Thauron on 17 May 2007 - 01:00 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

I suppose comments on the second part of this wonderful story go here as well?

Anyway, I read the second part of this and promptly did a search for the first that I somehow missed - both qualify as one of the best BG fanfics I ever read - if not the very best. You definately have talent there.
Wonderful scene/situation/plot you started from - brilliantly executed on top of that. Well done! Your Sarevok is very convincing indeed - as is your Bhaalspawn and the confrontation/bluff/powerplay that develops between the two of them.

You proved that I was not the only one who felt seriously unsatisfied with Sarevok's sudden reappearance in TOB - and the shallow excuse needed to bring him back to life - I would have far more liked the alternative you painted us here.

It are these sort of believable situations/dilemmas that you created here that I am still missing in PC RPGs - luckily we can still find it in novels or - to my surprise - in fanfic such as yours.

Thank you.

#289518 problem with walking BGT MM

Posted by Thauron on 30 March 2007 - 03:06 AM in Mega Mod Help

If it might help, this is the code as it comes with BGT:





IF WEIGHT #0 ~GlobalTimerExpired("Kivan","GLOBAL")
  SAY @17225
  IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobalTimer("Kivan","GLOBAL",FIFTEEN_DAYS)
SetGlobal("FindBandits","GLOBAL",1)~ EXIT

IF WEIGHT #1 ~GlobalTimerExpired("Kivan","GLOBAL")
  SAY @17226
  IF ~~ THEN DO ~LeaveParty()
EscapeArea()~ EXIT

I might be mistaken, but I don't think this could cause them to be triggered instead of the PID. The original code should work - unless the player managed to interrupt Kivan before he manages to fire his KIVANJ.D state 1 line - than his talk will fire instead of the PID -but only one time.
Maybe, to be a 100% safe, one could change them as follows:



IF WEIGHT #0 ~GlobalTimerExpired("Kivan","GLOBAL")
  SAY @17225
  IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobalTimer("Kivan","GLOBAL",FIFTEEN_DAYS)
SetGlobal("FindBandits","GLOBAL",2)~ EXIT

IF WEIGHT #1 ~GlobalTimerExpired("Kivan","GLOBAL")
  SAY @17226
  IF ~~ THEN DO ~LeaveParty()
EscapeArea()~ EXIT

Than one could add to the PID !Global("FindBandits","GLOBAL",1) and maybe also !Global("FindBandits","GLOBAL",3) although that should be completely unnecessary. Of course, if the player manages to interrupt Kivan firing his dialogue - they will still appear instead of the PID once - so I don't think it would actually make any difference.

One could also, following Kulyok's tutorial over at G3 posted here, and split the firing code into two parts.

Or I am missing something here?

#289928 problem with walking BGT MM

Posted by Thauron on 01 April 2007 - 12:20 PM in Mega Mod Help

If I remember correctly the JCLEAN global didn't do anything with the timed states - well they did accidently at first but that caused a bug - they shouldn't have affected the timed states in BG1NPC4BGT.
As a typical "arrogant and stubborn old-time BGT bastard" I never even downloaded Tutu - shame on me - so I don't know how Tutu handles these dialogues either.

Anyway - I think all will agree with that the no-condition states needs to be blocked out - as BG1NPC already does - whether this be done by introducing the JClean global or a simple False() doesn't make any difference as far as I can see. Of course you'll need to block 2 states for Tutu, only one for BGT - I don't know if this is possible with a single set of files.

For the timed states - I think I was too quick when I said I wanted these timed states preserved. I can understand Domi wanted them not to happen - it would be rather harsch of him to abandon Charname just because he/she isn't as quick as he would want with regard to killing the bandits - especially when he might be halfway through a 'friendship path' after 20 days. On top of that, 20 days might be too short for some slow players, especially with SOBH installed. But lengthening the timers will only make his potential eventual abrupt leaving all the more absurd and uncharacteristic.

That being said - just removing the ~LeaveParty() & EscapeArea()~ at BGT state 2 (Tutu state 3) is no good enough either. It doesn't make any sense if Kivan would fire ~I fear that I must take my leave. I have urgent matters that must be attended to, and I cannot wait for you any longer. Farewell.~ and than just goes on te be a happy camper and stay - not even compatibility concerns make such silly dialogues a legitimate option. Either kill the state as well - or change the line too - but than any compatibility with other mods altering this state is lost as well anyway.
The same might be said in regard to BGT state 1 (Tutu state 2) - why let him threathen he is going to leave when he isn't going to leave anyway.

Due to the arguments I have given in my previous post (no present compatibility issues + unlikely for the future), I'd say just kill 'em all and be done with it - as BG1NPC does right now - maybe it can be done in a more elegant way but I'll leave that up to you. There are enough moments in Kivan's banters written by Domi where he shows his eagerness to reap vengeance upon Tazok and the bandits to know that it is very important for him.

Besides, Uri's bug shouldn't be caused by these states since the timers are indeed correctly falsed out (at least they are in my install), which I didn't notice (or check :doh: ) before my first post because the JFIX code was exactly the same as in BG1NPC4BGT where it did cause a bug - here also I was too quick in my judgement, sorry for that.

#289721 problem with walking BGT MM

Posted by Thauron on 31 March 2007 - 02:35 AM in Mega Mod Help

From the top of my head, I can't think of any mod which tinkers with these two states - BGTTweak doesn't, SCS doesn't either as fas I know - I think it does only alter the KIVANP dialogues, compatibilty with BG2 mods (TDD, Kivan and Deheriana,...) should no cause for worries either. DSOTSC, NTOTSC and SOBH are pretty minimalistic when it comes to dialogues (let alone alterations) of NPCs so they shouldn't be a problem either. I don't know of any other mod who might alter Kivan's behaviour.

So replacing the entire states should be no problem
- of course, just altering the original code might be considered 'cleaner surgery' as a transplantation ;) - On the other hand, if you want to introduce Kulyok's code, the changes will be so drastic that compatibility with other mods who might want to alter the very same states will become problematic anyway.

My opinion - just go ahead with the transplantation thing - BG1NPC is the very top of the BGT mod foodchain anyway - others have to adapt to it or be driven into extinction.
Who might want to alter this states anyway, I wonder - unless one wants to rewrite or expand on Kivan's BG1 story - but that would be an attempt to redo what Domi has already done - an utter waste of time, IMO.

Correct me if I am overlooking something.

#289564 Some BG1 areas don't show up on map??

Posted by Thauron on 30 March 2007 - 09:43 AM in BGT Archive

Did you uninstall the optional second bit of the Worldmap 6.4? This causes the areas be opened up differently than in standard BGT - the Ankheg farms f.e. only up after several parts of the main quest have been completed.

#296999 Dialog file names from BG1 in BGT

Posted by Thauron on 06 May 2007 - 02:50 AM in BGT Archive

Generally yes, with the exception of several dialogue files which exist both in BG1 or BG2 (or who collide with some other mod)

I think Ascension provided some handy files who document all the changes - I think in the help directory - I am not on my own computer right now so I can't give you the exact file ref or forward it to you.

#297038 Challenge #1: One last little secret

Posted by Thauron on 06 May 2007 - 04:50 AM in Fanfic Challenge

Ok, here goes - thanks to you all, I felt the urge to scribble something down again - Did become a bit of a rush job - believe it or not - but the cd I plugged in when startint to write is playing it's last song as I type this little introduction. - Judge it as you would a one-day NPC ;) I hope it is somehow in character - but I had no means to check his actual in-game dialogues so things might be a bit off.
Hope you like it - at least I had some fun writing it.

Don't listen to what they say; No, do NOT listen! They tell of madness, of terror, of screams, terrible screams and all-consuming insanity. But I am not mad! I am not like them, I will never be like them; my subjects, my objects of research, my playthings... But whatever HE does, I will not be like them; do you here me? Never! I am NOT insane.

Yes, I screamed and I do still scream ? But wouldn?t you? Wouldn?t you during endless hours of torture, pain and agony... oh, the agony. And he does know how to torture, I tell you, he does know... And constantly these prying eyes, questions, than pain, questions again. ?What is the purpose of this room, Wanev??; ?What is this object used for, wizard??; ?What have you learned from the girl, fool??; ?Do you feel the pain, Wanev?? Questions, always more questions. He must stop with the questioning! I can?s stand it anymore, I can no longer bear it! I want no more questions! I want no more pain!

Screaming again, am I not? Yes, I do scream. During the torture, before, afterwards ? But the others do too when he is doing... things. But they are insane and I am not. Even the new girl screams often, and she isn?t insane either... not yet. So I scream ? just as you would in my place ? but you would not retain your sanity, no you wouldn?t - I am sure of that.

The girl. HE came with her, you know. She was a pretty uninteresting subject really. A wizard of some power, yes, but otherwise ? just a girl, a girl of little interest. But I must have overlooked something ? at least he claims I did ? something about the essence, he says ? the blood, the very soul of the girl is somehow tainted ? and I overlooked it. He mocks me... regularly... I will make him pay for that. Soon I will make him scream. Yes, I will make him scream too!

But right now it is I who scream ? and sometimes I blurt out nonsense like they do, giggle like they do, do things like they do, talk to myself like they do ? just like right now ? But I am not insane ? I may act like I am, but I am not. Nothing but a clever disguise to trick HIM! Yes,hehe, nothing but a cleaver disguise. Years of experience observing them, watching their every move, registring there every utterance ? Of course I know how to mimick them!

But sometimes I get really scared, my friend. So scared ? no insanity, but... things get confusing sometimes ? And everything seems to be nothing more than one hazy blur. Sometimes I really think I am loosing grip ? Than I think I am still in charge ? that I am doing the tests ? that I am in control of everything ? but I not, I know I am not! He is! By all the demons from the outer plains, HE is! ... And it scares me, it scares me so much ? more than the prospect of more torture, more mocking questions, more scorched flesh, twisted limbs or razorlike thoughts and questions carving their path through my brain ? Am I becoming like them? Am I growing insane? Is HE slowly crushing you, Wanev?

No! I am NOT insane ? I am certain; absolutely certain... because HE doesn?t know everything! I haven?t told him everything ? Through pain he learned about every little room, every deadly corridor, every devious trap ? but the secret, that one little secret is still safe. Tucked safely away, cleverly concealed ? impossible to find ? even for his prying eyes. And believe me or not, this secret holds the greatest power.

Come now, my friend, draw real close and let me tell you of this little secret ? but don?t tell him ? promise Wanev not to tell him anything ? You won?t tell him? He is your enemy too? You hate him more than everything else too? Very good ? Shhh... Take these and read carefully... What? No, of course you do not understand ? these are coded, cleverly coded indeed ? I need precautions, my friend, careful precautions - He may not know! ... No? Still nothing ... Shhh... you know, one is five, yes, one if five ? substract four, yes ? and this one, yes, one is three ? Shhh... Clever isn?t it? ... So, now you understand ? Yes, that is the secret, my last little secret ? Remember. Keep the pantaloons! Always keep the pantaloons!

#300491 Challenge #1: One last little secret

Posted by Thauron on 11 May 2007 - 10:54 AM in Fanfic Challenge

Hey, thanks for the compliments.

Kellen, I am more than familiar with editing BG - problem is either I have a PC with internet, but no installed BG - or no internet but installed BG (Hopefully that will be fixed soon - curse the one who invented wireless internet!). I wrote this little piece without any BG resources near.
A comparison with Poe is a nice compliment indeed, especially if one's writing is being compared with The Telltale Heart - one of his very best.

Somehow most of the things I write end up like this - either one massive train of thought, a monologue of a list of diary fragments - more traditional writing feels often like a chore to me - you constantly need to add things in between the parts which are truly fun to write - while with this I can just let things go as they pop up in my mind - or is it just me, trying to mask a seriously defective knowledge of proper grammar and punctuation ;)

Updated topic title - no trouble at all.