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#123186 What is wrong with this .tp2

Posted by Kismet on 12 June 2004 - 07:20 AM in IE Help

I have a .bio file because I don't know how to create a biography through .tp2

You can add it in when you copy in the .cre file.

COPY ~my.cre~ ~override~
  SAY NAME1 ~Name~
  SAY NAME2 ~Name~
     various soundset stuff here too
  SAY BIO ~I was born a poor coal miner's daughter...~

#129237 WEIGHTS

Posted by Kismet on 04 July 2004 - 03:42 PM in IE Help

I know that, but if I want the other NPC (for example Minsc) to initiate the banter, I have to add content to an existing dlg file, in this case Bminsc.dlg. I therefore need to use weights.

My question is (again): Does it matter which value I choose; i.e. can I just pick any value, or is there a specific value (like 31 or something) I need to determine before I assign to the banter?
Does it matter (other than in which order the banters will trigger) if I choose 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 etc.?

If you want Minsc to initiate a random banter then you do not need to add weight to your dialogs. If you want Minsc to comment on a specific person/place/thing then it is possible that you need to add weight.

#101906 WAVC files

Posted by Kismet on 07 March 2004 - 02:21 PM in IE Help

I believe that DLTCEP will do this.

#152422 Want to make NPC Mod! (Last Ditch Effort)

Posted by Kismet on 14 September 2004 - 04:18 PM in IE Help

EXTERN FadeFromColor(P:Point*,I:Blue*)
EXTERN FadeToColor(P:Point*,I:Blue*)

EXTERN FadeFromColor(P:Point*,I:Blue*)
EXTERN FadeToColor(P:Point*,I:Blue*)

You wouldn't use EXTERN here. It would be something like DO ~FadeToColor([30.0],0) Wait(1) FadeFromColor([30.0],0)~

#144304 Want to make NPC Mod! (Last Ditch Effort)

Posted by Kismet on 21 August 2004 - 06:05 PM in IE Help

It's usually more efficient to post your coding problems. With forum posts you have a large pool of knowledgeable people to draw from. With PMs and email you run the risk of the person you're dealing with being away or asleep or just plain busy with other stuff.

#150741 Want to make NPC Mod! (Last Ditch Effort)

Posted by Kismet on 08 September 2004 - 04:24 PM in IE Help

IF ~InParty("Minsc")
GLOBAL(MinscOctobTalk","LOCALS",0)~ THEN BOCTOB BooLove
~Minsc, how did you and boo first meet?~
DO ~SetGlobal("AerieOctobTalk","LOCALS",1)~

Followed by Banter #2 for the big bald barbarian, written out as:

IF ~InParty("Minsc")
GLOBAL(MinscOctobTalk","LOCALS",1)~ THEN BOCTOB PocketBoo
~Minsc, how did you and boo first meet?~
DO ~SetGlobal("AerieOctobTalk","LOCALS",2)~

Careful with your variables. You're checking for MinscOctobTalk and you're setting AerieOctobTalk. They'll need to match up if you don't want a looping problem.

#149968 Want to make NPC Mod! (Last Ditch Effort)

Posted by Kismet on 06 September 2004 - 01:04 PM in IE Help

You would use:

== BVALYGA IF ~IsValidForPartyDialog("Valygar")~ THEN ~Valygar says something here.~

Also, the first dialog line of a CHAIN doesn't use SAY.  You just use the dialog line in tildes.

#144518 Want to make NPC Mod! (Last Ditch Effort)

Posted by Kismet on 22 August 2004 - 03:57 PM in IE Help

You don't need to keep your different dialog files in different documents. The BEGIN octobr and BEGIN octobrP tell WeiDU that they are different dialog files. I personally find it easier to keep the files separate. CHAIN ends a dialog file so you can't do something like:

BEGIN octobr

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN blah2

CHAIN blah3

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN blah4

#146698 Want to make NPC Mod! (Last Ditch Effort)

Posted by Kismet on 28 August 2004 - 07:17 AM in IE Help

THAT is the kind of feedback that is GOOD to get. Linking together long dialog with the string "==" for instance. GREAT IDEA. Wonderful and a lot better than what I had.

Only thing was, until you TOLD me about it, I had no clue you could DO it. None of the tutos I've read mentioned it.

That goes back to my concern I am missing out on the "between the cracks" info of modding. SOME things are SO basic (to those who know what they are doing) that they are ommited when put in tutos...therefor people like ME remain clueless.

I will go back and edit and change for the better. Thus far I have been tearing my hair out trying to figure out the programming end of things...and the rest has suffered maybe.

The tutorials in the WeiDU readme are really informative.  Especially note the multisay one:  http://www.weidu.org...eiDU.html#htoc8 (You can also find this readme in your own weidu directory.)

#160036 Voicing stuff

Posted by Kismet on 05 October 2004 - 02:41 PM in Edwin Romance

The voicing for BG2 is all done in 22khz mono. Your recordings are in stereo and Elvira's lines are at 44.1khz. You could significantly decrease the size of your download if you resampled the recordings to 22khz mono. Just an FYI.

#111214 using WEIGHTs

Posted by Kismet on 20 April 2004 - 08:05 AM in IE Help

For a new NPC, you shouldn't need to use weighting. For your own NPC you can get around weighting by just moving the states in a particular dialog file to where you want them to be.

#105783 Syntax errors?

Posted by Kismet on 24 March 2004 - 05:34 PM in IE Help

Since BG1tutu uses the BG2 game engine I wouldn't think you would need to use the ADD_GAME_NPC command (since that is for BG1 only).

#105542 Syntax errors?

Posted by Kismet on 22 March 2004 - 06:26 PM in IE Help

Check the blocks before that one to make sure you're not missing any ending ~

#105534 Syntax errors?

Posted by Kismet on 22 March 2004 - 05:31 PM in IE Help

Did you start off the .d file with:

BEGIN ~xavia~

#105414 Syntax errors?

Posted by Kismet on 21 March 2004 - 08:18 PM in IE Help

It should be:

IF ~~ THEN EXTERN MULGORE 0 (although you really shouldn't use numbers for statelabels but should use some descriptive text instead)

#111465 Stuttering and stopping

Posted by Kismet on 21 April 2004 - 06:06 AM in IE Help

If you're having trouble finding out where the problem is, then add some debugging code to each block of the script (DisplayStringHead(Myself,~ScriptName: Block #~), replacing, of course, the # with a different number for each script block.) When you see the same block number being displayed over and over again you'll know which script block is giving you trouble and can fix it from there.

#113819 Stuttering and stopping

Posted by Kismet on 02 May 2004 - 12:53 PM in IE Help

The stuff between the tildes is the text that will appear over the .cre that's running the script, so you can make it whatever makes sense to you.

#108503 String References(?) in dialog

Posted by Kismet on 07 April 2004 - 05:10 AM in IE Help

Wonderful - is it also possible that one can use Say Desc @ 84588 or something similar for item descriptions already present in the game or is that too problematic?
(where 84588 is the unidentified description of the item in dialog.tlk)

You would only want to do that if the string was part of the stock game.  Even then, it's probably just better to use the appropriate string for the description when creating the item rather than adding it in via the .tp2 file.  If you did do that though, it would be: SAY DESC #123456

#108495 String References(?) in dialog

Posted by Kismet on 07 April 2004 - 04:15 AM in IE Help

You can find those strings in the appropriate .tra files.  Check the .tp2 file to see which one a particular .d file is calling.   The .tra files are usually in a language directory (English, Spanish, German, etc.).

#123185 Specific Interjection Triggers

Posted by Kismet on 12 June 2004 - 07:16 AM in IE Help

Since they interject into Irenicus' dialog, you might try looking there. HELLJON is the correct dialog file, I believe.

#123686 Someone, anyone... HELP!

Posted by Kismet on 15 June 2004 - 06:49 AM in IE Help

Assuming she didn't install a .tlk overwriting mod or the official patch over Tsujatha, then a talk fixer should fix names (if it doesn't work immediately then changing areas can help too.)

In looking at Tsujatha's .tp2 file it doesn't appear that he has a soundset, so making a talk fixer should take all of 30 seconds.

#123567 Someone, anyone... HELP!

Posted by Kismet on 14 June 2004 - 12:26 PM in IE Help

You did install the BG2 patch before you installed any mods, right? It sounds like you had mods installed and then re-installed them in a different order. If Tsujatha has a talk fixer you might try using that.

#144721 Several coding questions from a modding newb

Posted by Kismet on 23 August 2004 - 10:30 AM in IE Help

IESDP to the rescue!  You could use CreateCreatureObject("mycre",Player1,0,0,0) or CreateCreatureObjectOffscreen("mycre",Player1,0,0,0).  The first one would create the creature right next to player1 and the second would create it just at the edge of the screen. (note, you don't have to use player1)

#140248 Scripting tutorials

Posted by Kismet on 07 August 2004 - 03:28 PM in IE Help

You can find Sim's complete scripting tutorial here.

#163103 Romance Specific coding questions

Posted by Kismet on 16 October 2004 - 05:36 AM in IE Help

Check your interdia.2da file and make sure that the Bdialog file is being properly assigned and that the death variable there matches up to the death variable in the .cre.

This has nothing to do with your problem, but when you reset the timer why are you making these checks:  


Shouldn't the timer be reset regardless?