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#298315 Lets discuss a few things

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 08 May 2007 - 11:14 AM in Oblivion Screenshots

I don't have much to add to this, because SeV has said all I would've said. I agree wholeheartedly.

I too, was one of the people who plucked up the courage to post, and, I was, indeed, welcomed. As will any other poster who wishes to post on that topic. We're all nice people, and we have no intentions of making anyone feel left out. Everyone is welcome! Absolutely everyone. There's a guideline here, at SHS, "Treat all members with respect, be they admin, moderator, or normal member." (I'm probably (slightly) misquoting that) Treat everyone with respect, that they do so wholeheartedly deserve, and, things will be fine. They should also treat you, with respect, as well. As I've been known to say:

"Respect goes both ways."

Be yourselves, be friends, and, above all, enjoy yourselves!

#298318 DM: Thadon and Syls Clothing Playable

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 08 May 2007 - 11:19 AM in Weapons/Armour

thanks for the update! ^__^

#298321 Lets discuss a few things

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 08 May 2007 - 11:23 AM in Oblivion Screenshots

Indeed, I love that idea, it'd certainly help, I believe. =)

#298770 Elder Scrolls/Thief doodles

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 08 May 2007 - 09:10 PM in Layers of Reality

Oh Wow.

Great stuff, rumples!

You're not a tiny artist, rumples, mate ;) You're bloody great one! =D

I wish I had even half your talent. :<

#298782 Lets discuss a few things

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 08 May 2007 - 09:48 PM in Oblivion Screenshots

Welcome, gf1!

Great to see you here, and, indeed, your sentiments echo my own. You always were a wise fellow. ;) Don't worry too much about not being able to post, we'll be waiting for you, trust me. =) Thank you for spending the time to post here, my friend.

#298787 DM: MystykStar's Sorceress Outfit Retexture (Blue)

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 08 May 2007 - 09:59 PM in Models/Textures

thank you for releasing it! =D it looks great! ^__^

#298883 Mod Suggestions

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 09 May 2007 - 04:27 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

Well, for overhauls, I'd personally recommend FCOM: Convergence (http://devnull.devak...com/convergence) Its a combination of pretty much all of them overhauls, and its /brilliant/.

#298884 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 09 May 2007 - 04:28 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Awesome, are you going to release that headpiece?

The crown thing is... from KD's Circlets. Its been released =) Very nice mod, too, btw! =)

EDIT: Oh my! That one I hadn't seen before, don't mind me! ^^;;

#298909 RELz Better Redguards v2

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 09 May 2007 - 05:03 AM in Races/Hair/Eyes

Now there's something to make me go "huh?" - I got a complaint on the Tessource d/l page about this mod making redguards look "too negroid". :WTF:

You're.. not serious, are you? O_o That is extremely weird =P

#298919 Mod Suggestions

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 09 May 2007 - 05:30 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

oh, and.. Atmospheric Weather System by HTF, and Storms and Sound by.. Deathless Aphrodite, i think it was.

#298933 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 09 May 2007 - 05:48 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Sorry about not posting much in the screenie thread, guys, I've just not been able to get any interesting shots, lately :< Avalon is going to go into SI, soon, I'd say, Cyrodiil is starting to get annoying. But, before I do /that/.. She's getting some some new equipment >.> Which.. may or may not be based on the flame atronach gear, when I /finally/ get around to hacking the armour up and applying it to some clothes. =P

Also, next in my modding plans is.. kinda simple, really, make female meshes for some assorted armours, etc. =) That, and try and create a morrowind-style common robe + exquisite robe (ascended sleeper colouring =P)

#299022 Sorceress & Amazon Outfit Retextures

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 09 May 2007 - 07:40 AM in Oblivion Modding Discussion

I'd love to see the purple sorceress retex, myself =)

#299060 RELz Better Redguards v2

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 09 May 2007 - 08:10 AM in Races/Hair/Eyes

*ouch* :<

EDIT: errr.. perhaps I should explain that a little ^^;;

There's always a lot of people who seem to have funny ideas about things, I guess.. but.. that problem is one of the strangest I've heard of O_o

#299078 Lets discuss a few things

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 09 May 2007 - 08:20 AM in Oblivion Screenshots

Easy people, easy.
Lets keep it calm, ok? =)

Floydian1: I do not say this as a moderator of SHS, but, it may be valid. There have been some cases were people have disliked you, but, since the move, people have been seeing you in a different light. It is, I hope, for the better. You're a nice enough guy, when people get to know you. I'm hoping that Luchaire did not mean to be offensive, nor did he intend to be confrontational. This is my hope.

Luchaire: I also believe that Floydian does not have issues with you, I don't speak for him on that, but, it is my belief. I'm willing to bet he's just somewhat stressed, I think a lot of us are. But, I believe things will, indeed, calm down. Shifting an entire community from one forum to another, is a big deal, and, its not going to settle down overnight, but, it'll be worth it, in the end, I think.

So far, how does everyone feel about the move? From what I gather, most of you are happy about how things are. But, I'd like to know how you guys feel yourselves. Me? I'm thrilled about how things are going. You guys (and girls), are going really great, its a pleasure to know you all.

#299089 New Moderators! :)

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 09 May 2007 - 08:28 AM in Directives from the Director

Thanks for the congrats, everyone, and, indeed, congratulations to Spike, Hector, and SeV!

I want to thank the rest of the Oblivians, you've all been utterly wonderful =) Here's hoping the oblivion section will continue to thrive, and grow! =)

#299092 Shivering Isles

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 09 May 2007 - 08:31 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

I thought the prophet was another guy? =)

#299113 Beating off stagnation

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 09 May 2007 - 08:46 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

Well.. Knights of the Nine isn't so good for evil characters, but, the retail version comes with all the other DLC Content, some of which is /definitely/ suited to evil characters. =)

Shivering Isles, is more suited to an evil character, than knights of the nine, by /far/.

As for the naked female models, they're suprisingly useful, due to just how terrible the models for /both/ genders were. most of them come with underwear versions, too. =)

Strongholds... Well, there are a few things like that, yes =)

http://www.oblivionsrealestate.com/ <-- this site has quite a few types =)

Quests? Try here ---> http://devnull.devak...ages.com/quests

As for, um.. romanceable npcs.. not so many of those, but, there are a few companions around, the best, imo, has a nasty bug, at present, but, keep an eye out for that one, called "Companion Nekeesha" (you'd probably know the spelling on that one, better than me, though =P

There's also the Dremora Companion, Amoz (more to the name, but, mostly shortened to Amoz) It is just about to release a patch, to deal with the Shivering Isles Hungers bug. (It may've released it, already, though.)

If you're playing a magic using character of /any/ sort, I'd recommend Supreme Magicka, by Flyfightflea.

Another quest+weapon mod, that I'd wholeheartedly recommend, is.. Arrows of The Ayleid King, by Nicoroshi (A modder here at SHS), Hobbs, and FlyFightFlea. Its absolutely brilliant! Fully voice acted, too. =) (The quality of the voice acting is brilliant, too, they really put a lot of effort into it =) )

#299169 Lets discuss a few things

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 09 May 2007 - 10:00 AM in Oblivion Screenshots

So far, how does everyone feel about the move? From what I gather, most of you are happy about how things are. But, I'd like to know how you guys feel yourselves. Me? I'm thrilled about how things are going. You guys (and girls), are going really great, its a pleasure to know you all.

I don't know why, but I feel somehow much more at home here. Maybe its me being silly, but i get the feeling i'm getting to know you all better here? And I like that and you all a lot. :hug: I'm equally thrilled I guess :wub:

:hug: :wub:

I feel the same, I feel I've really gotten to know you guys much better, and its utterly great =)

#299187 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 09 May 2007 - 10:16 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

On an unrelated note, I have all the okays necessary for releasing Pip (*huge* thanks to everyone!). Would anyone be interested? I haven't ever uploaded anything before, and am not sure what kind of help/support I can offer if there are problems, so I'd like to only upload her if people really want her.

Wow, I opened this post, and, as usual, something grabbed me, and I forgot.

But, yeah, I'd /love/ to be able to see pip in-game, maybe as a companion for Avalon, even >.>

#299191 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 09 May 2007 - 10:18 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

@highpressure: Where are those lovely katanas from? =) I'd love to see if I can get permission to adapt them to soubas =D

#299195 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 09 May 2007 - 10:22 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

IG Hector - PMS all in the same day. What the hell are the odds!?!

You'd be suprised. Some women seem to synchronise their cycles with eachother, when they're together a lot O_O

#299223 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 09 May 2007 - 10:54 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

thank you for the release, kalia, I appreciate it greatly! :hug: :cheers:

#299241 DM: Pip!

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 09 May 2007 - 11:13 AM in Races/Hair/Eyes

Congratulations on the release, kalia! =D I'm really happy to see pip around here ^__^

#299244 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 09 May 2007 - 11:18 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

@highpressure: Where are those lovely katanas from? =) I'd love to see if I can get permission to adapt them to soubas =D

Wildman's Ninja Blade

Thanks ^__^

EDIT: Blast =/ The link has expired :<

#299252 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Kaelis Ebonrai on 09 May 2007 - 11:36 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

*gasp!* Diablo 2 was a /brilliant/ game, truly a classic >.>

But, anyways =P