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#418738 Challenge #41: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

Posted by Alatariel on 18 September 2008 - 11:13 AM in Fanart Challenge

Heya, wonderful entries everyone! Especially yours, Deorwyn ;)

AD1: Yes, Tolkien was the first one to say that elves are taller than humans, but not the last one. In many other worlds was this repeated, for example in the DD world of Dragonlance.

Shae, you are a genius. I've always hated the fact, that while my character may be a high level enchantress with VERY good mental scores (int&wis&cha) 90% of her spells fails, even when using the fancy 4th level I-forgot-it's-name weakening one, while all the HOSTILE characters have no problem, no whatsoever, to wreck havoc amongst my party members. Especially Illithids, but even a simple hedge wizards has a better chance of casting a successful chaos spell than I do. I guess it is my RL luck's fault - I always lose at chance games, and we are talking of rolling dice, after all...

#414942 Challenge #40: Spells

Posted by Alatariel on 27 August 2008 - 05:28 AM in Fanart Challenge

Staff of the Magi Gromph had is something along the lines of the one in BG2 and it is a pretty much powerful item. Btw, he is of lower level than most of our Charnames end on, so it is not as surprising (the spells he casts, that is); plus, they try to 'tone him down' somewhat, so he wouldn't become almighty.
And, yeah, Pharaun was totally overpowered. With the WotSQ I have one issue - how somebody can have such a good idea for a saga and make it into such a total crap. Still, read it, and there were few moments I enjoyed.

As for the Challenge - I totally love all the entries, although Lythari, yours is to die for XD

And, Vhaira, welcome to SHS! Good to see you here.

Sammi, the design for the flame arrow casting is brilliant!

#414097 Baldur's Gate Meme

Posted by Alatariel on 23 August 2008 - 06:33 AM in Layers of Reality

Leila, is your PC a star elf? O.o

And great works everybody!

Epanitras, you have great sense of humour. And how your Charname clings to Kivan - omg, it is just hilarious! ...poor guy. Especially after the Dynaheir incident.

#403244 Challenge #38: Drunken NPC's

Posted by Alatariel on 02 July 2008 - 01:48 PM in Fanart Challenge

Legion... We love you. You know this, right?

And... what can I say? You got to know when you see the right kind of wrong... Evyyyl will rule the galaxy! :cheers:

#403242 The cast of "BG2: The Movie"

Posted by Alatariel on 02 July 2008 - 01:38 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

Jaheira is always a hard one, but how about Claudia Black?

How about me?   :whistling:

Just kidding, just kidding! But hey! I always wanted to play Jaheira!*pouts*

#402730 Challenge #38: Drunken NPC's

Posted by Alatariel on 29 June 2008 - 03:39 AM in Fanart Challenge

Umm.. You want to thank Lythari, Amaure, I haven't drawn anything ^^'. (because I can't draw, but that's irrelevant;p)

#402667 Challenge #38: Drunken NPC's

Posted by Alatariel on 28 June 2008 - 02:19 PM in Fanart Challenge

Wow, Epantiras, it was brilliant. :D
I like Hecate's picture, too. ^^

And here is the pic for Amaurea and Middy. What moral have you drew from this story? Never take a drink from a stranger. From a girlfriend, too. ;)

And here is something different. I know that it is silly and generally pointless, but I always wanted to do that. :blush:

Rotlf... I just had to post on this one... This talk with Xan is my favourite in the mod, lol.

And the inquisition... I think that I don't have to comment on this one (sign&av speak for themselves).

Deorwyn... *places a palm over her heart* I have a strong conviction that we will make this world to confess yet.

Great entries, everyone!

#392299 Icewind Dale 2 NPC Project at Gibberlings 3

Posted by Alatariel on 08 May 2008 - 10:51 AM in Icewind Dale Series

...It does? *checks* It doesn't for me...

(oh, btw, and it isn't an alpha anymore, it is already V2)

#392075 Opinions on some romanceable chaps and other mods

Posted by Alatariel on 07 May 2008 - 09:48 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Anyway, if you like your romances to involve formerly homicidal adversaries

Haha, what a brilliant summary of the mod(s)!

My favourite BG2 mod is still Kivan, I think. I disliked Angelo just as I disliked Kelsey - good writing but not my cup of tea.

#392064 Challenge #34: NPC's as children

Posted by Alatariel on 07 May 2008 - 08:05 AM in Fanart Challenge

OMG, Doxia... You are wicked! Me loves it :wub:

#391854 Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail

Posted by Alatariel on 06 May 2008 - 01:31 PM in General Gameplay

...Yes? ;)

#391801 Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail

Posted by Alatariel on 06 May 2008 - 09:52 AM in General Gameplay

...Where can I buy it? Or download? :)

#391414 Is it just me or...

Posted by Alatariel on 04 May 2008 - 11:23 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

Well... he is still better than Keldorn! (unless you persuade him to stay with Maria and leave your group for good, which I often end up doing)

#391236 Is it just me or...

Posted by Alatariel on 04 May 2008 - 08:35 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

Sorry. You cannot expect me to remember everything XD (actually, I remember nothing and am sick and in a foul mood... I wanted to do sooo many things during the long weekend! And to think that I was beaten by a common cold! Pfff!)

#391208 Is it just me or...

Posted by Alatariel on 04 May 2008 - 06:02 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

I think the epilogues are more or less ok. It is everything besides that makes TOB depressing for me. Imho, it is simply a badly written, tiring chain of encounters. The only thing that can force me to play it once more, from time to time, is Domi's Kivan mod.

And, well, why not put an option 'install an alternative epilogue for x' to IEP? It fits the mod's policy, I would say. Only someone has to write them. Any volunteers?

#391011 Romance???

Posted by Alatariel on 03 May 2008 - 08:40 AM in NWN Series

...and I have been told that it has the end and the beginning, but lacks the stage in between ;)

#390999 Opinions on some romanceable chaps and other mods

Posted by Alatariel on 03 May 2008 - 08:20 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Aklon isn't abandoned... But I wouldn't count on him being ready in the next year. Or even two.

Edit: Oh, and about mod romances... And Tsujatha... Hm. If you really *want* to play it do it before playing Xan or Kivan romances, or you will be severely disappointed. That being said, I personally don't think Tsujatha a great romance...

Reedit: reading your preferences I think that ID2 NPC project is just the thing for you. 3 romances for a female players, and two of these are exactly the type you described... (minus the 'down to earth' thing, in Diriel's case...)

#390998 Romance???

Posted by Alatariel on 03 May 2008 - 08:19 AM in NWN Series

Really? I remember her saying 'she wants to prove to the world and herself that she can write more than romances'.... So I don't know if it is in the cards. Plus, 'The Deathstalker' is quite time consuming, so even if, it won't be soon...

As for romances in NWN2: what romances? ;p

Honestly, the only *good* romance (excluding Domi's Bishop romance) in NWN2 you can find here: link.

#390738 Opinion Poll: Friendships, Romances and Banters

Posted by Alatariel on 02 May 2008 - 01:17 PM in IE Modding Discussion

I can't answer 1, because I honestly don't know. I am a slow player, though.

2 - like Tempest - whenever I feel like it.

3,4&5 - the more the merrier. And I MEAN it. I can't remember any mod that I have ever played with which I didn't run out of friendship/romance talks and banters prematurely. I enjoy lots of *real* content. Main reason while I loved P:T so. Life and experience are so much more than fighting, or fetching balorian beer. Imho it's the dialogues that signify an RPG.

#390690 Planescape Torment Quotes

Posted by Alatariel on 02 May 2008 - 07:31 AM in Planescape: Torment

Well, I have never heard the English files in game, so I don't recognize anyone XD However some of the Polish ones are pure brilliance, so I have no regrets (Polish Jan soooo beats the English one!). As for PT - for now, one of my favourite quotes is still in my signature. Who recognizes whose line is it? :>

#390672 Fanart Challenge Ideas

Posted by Alatariel on 02 May 2008 - 06:16 AM in Fanart Challenge

Fears... like Xan being paranoid about kobolds, and Edwin *never* reading an ancient scroll again XD

#390615 Challenge #33: Gorion's Wards's Mothers

Posted by Alatariel on 02 May 2008 - 02:47 AM in Fanart Challenge

Midorii: rotfl!

Aaaand... congratulations to all and lets together anticipate the challenge 34 - which should emerge from nothingness in few seconds to few hours from now^^'.

#390097 Ask Ninde

Posted by Alatariel on 30 April 2008 - 03:36 AM in Ninde


An elf? No, that is merely the circumstance of my birth.

Oh, but it is so much more... But we can discuss it later on. If you live long enough, come back in few centuries. I will be waiting to pick up this thread of conversation. For now lets drop it. Some things simply need time.

However, to prevent a misunderstanding I must make one thing clear: ruminating on the tone of your reply, it seems that you view me as an old, bored elf full of tradition (and herself), happily blind in her communion with the 'elven spirit'. I am hardly that. I care little for the elven sense of what is 'worthy' and what is not. I apologise if I came across as patronising - it wasn't my intention. I am interested in observing and learning - not judging.

Also, when I referred to your desire of learning more of the race you came from I was asking more of the lack or presence of the desire itself, not how it played out. You say that your elven identity ' is something that plays often upon my mind. ' - and that answers my question much better than your feeling - or lack of thereof - of belonging.

But, lets return to the topic on hand. I still have few questions, this time completely unrelated to elvendom:
What do you think of planar travel? Can you see yourself as a planewalker, somewhere in the distant future? Remedies for nearly everything can be found in the multiverse.
You seem to have a strong will and natural charm - where you ever particularly interested in the school of enchantment? or of a career as a bard, for that matter?
You are pretty hedonistic and quite foolhardy, or at least appear to be. Will you wish to restrain yourself a little bit while in Charname's company?

And - I thank you for your elaborate answer, Ninde.

#389942 The best BGII NPC poll!

Posted by Alatariel on 29 April 2008 - 12:10 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

I'm a little surprised at Aerie being so popular, too.

With as much flak as she gets, I'd certainly expect better of Edwin and Valygar than her.

Yeah, that's pretty much what I thought, too...

She is a love-hate npc. Make a pool 'which npc is the WORST one' and she will be in the leading too. The final score should be actually a sum of the two.

#389911 Ask Ninde

Posted by Alatariel on 29 April 2008 - 09:53 AM in Ninde

Oh, yay, Ninde finally gets her forum!

Lauretha: So, Ninde, you are also an Ar'Tel'Quessir. And you were born in Cormanthor. Interesting piece of information, that - perhaps I will come back to it later. You were raised by humans, however. I wonder if you sought contact with our people, during your stay in Waterdeep. I wonder if your formal education consisted of elven magic. Did you ever consider the drawbacks concentrating on necromancy brings to your life as a spellcaster, and as an elf? The road to High Magic is closed to you, among others. I am also curious as to how many years you spend with your human patrons -- I think the word fits better than 'foster-parents', though I may be mistaken -- you seem to be very young indeed.