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#435073 and now for something completely different...

Posted by Klorox on 19 January 2009 - 02:48 PM in IE Modding Discussion

I've played the game a million times, and I'm looking for something a bit different.

I've narrowed my choices down to four:

1)Sword Coast Stratagems II http://www.gibberlings3.net/scs/
2)Improved Anvil http://forums.blackw...hp?showforum=99
3)Classic Adventures http://ca.spellholdstudios.net/
4)Tactics http://weidu.org/tactics.html

If anybody here has any experience with any of the above mods, please respond and let me know what you think of them.


#435072 Protagonist Class [ Lorewise. ]

Posted by Klorox on 19 January 2009 - 02:46 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

I think most classes work (NOT Barbarian, Druid, Assassin, or Ranger though), and I think the race should probably be Human, Half Elf, Half Orc, or Halfling (since Immy says you're just a bit older than her, and these are the only races who can adventure in their teens).

Sorcerer or Fighter work best IMHO.

#429264 Powergaming TNO (minor spoilers)

Posted by Klorox on 09 December 2008 - 04:46 PM in Planescape: Torment

3. camped in dungeon underCleric District every time i had over 50% EXP needed for lvl up

OMG, I would have felt like shooting myself.

#429262 Hamrys/Journal quest won't trigger for me (spoilers).

Posted by Klorox on 09 December 2008 - 04:45 PM in Planescape: Torment

Thank you!

#429261 How do I get a quest off of my quest list?

Posted by Klorox on 09 December 2008 - 04:45 PM in Planescape: Torment

Silly question... I don't need the obvious answer. ;)

I completed a quest (it was the one where the Fighter trainer Gensai guy gave me... about proving why I need training and I needed to talk to the thief trainer.)

I did this quest, but it still appears on my list.  How can I get rid of it?

#428458 Hamrys/Journal quest won't trigger for me (spoilers).

Posted by Klorox on 04 December 2008 - 02:24 PM in Planescape: Torment

I got this to work on my first play-through, and now I'm using a walkthrough and can't get it to trigger.

From Dan Simpson's Walkthrough:

Ask about your Journal and Hamrys will start reading from his. Ask him
about his father disappearing and you can recover a memory that is worth
500 experience. Ask about his father, and how he disappeared, then ask
about plans for the tomb. Describe the tomb for him, and he'll tell you
that the plans are in the warehouse.

Go to the warehouse and talk to the floating head. Ask him for the tomb
plans and he'll give them to you. Return to Hamrys. Tell him that you
got the plans and you'll get another 2000 experience.

Am I missing a trigger or something?

#426718 Will spell effects still be active if NO changes classes?

Posted by Klorox on 23 November 2008 - 04:37 PM in Planescape: Torment

What bug would that be?

#426268 Nordom stat boosting question (spoiler)

Posted by Klorox on 19 November 2008 - 04:35 PM in Planescape: Torment

Planescape: Torment @ GameBanshee

It says here that Nordom gets bonuses from a conversation if you have certain stats and are of the correct class. It lists different bonuses for a 17+ STR (as a Fighter), 17+ DEX (Thief) and 17+ INT (Mage).

My question is this: Can Nordom get multiple bonuses, if you have the prerequisite stats and talk to him multiple times as a different class?

ie: Can he get the Fighter and Mage bonuses if you have Dak'kon in your party to change your class and have both a 17 STR and INT?

#426148 Powergaming TNO (minor spoilers)

Posted by Klorox on 18 November 2008 - 01:50 PM in Planescape: Torment

Before we even get started, I know that powergaming is not needed in any RPG to have a great time, probably even moreso in PS:T.

Anyway, I got to thinking, what would be the most powerful NO somebody could create? What would his starting stats be? What classes would he choose?

Well, the simple part is the classes, early on anyway (mainly for a very solid Hit Point base).

There's no reason not to go to level 6 as a Fighter. After that, you should obviously choose level 7 in the class you'd like to concentrate on, and then switch back to Fighter until level 9. Level 10 should be in the Thief class. After that, you're pretty safe sticking with the class you'd like to concentrate on for the remainder of the game. If you're really into an extra 1/2 attack per round, go to level 13 as a Fighter. Just make sure you take level 12 in your chosen profession, since this is the second "power-up."

On to the statistics:

It's great to have a 18 Strength, so that when it gets boosted by an item or certain circumstances in the game, it can jump to 19 STR, skipping over those annoying percentile STR points. This is just a point-saving thing though: if you don't plan on whacking things with a weapon, STR isn't worth too much.

Dexterity pretty much loses it's appeal after 18, so I'd personally aim for that to be the end point. I've noticed a 13 DEX helping quite a bit early on for some minor XP bonuses.

Constitution is very tricky: The extra HP and faster regeneration rate make a high CON very appealing, but dying in this game is only an annoyance, since you always get back up! It's a very good idea to start with a 14 CON though. You start the game with 10 more HP than you would with a 9 CON. And this little bonus is not granted if you boost your CON to 14 later.

Intelligence is a great stat. It helps in quite a few conversations. If you want to be a Mage, you really need to aim for a 19 INT, since you won't be limited by the number of spells you can scribe in your book. On the other hand, you have a long way to go before ever worrying about that, so it can still start off fairly low.

With stats, Wisdom rules. There's no reason for both the powergamer and the guy looking to get the most story out of this game to not start with an 18 WIS. This stat adds to XP, meaning you go up in levels faster. And leveling up faster means more stats! It also means the most recovered memories, so there's more story that way as well as more XP. Minor spoiler: If you don't plan on playing (primarily) a Mage, boost this by 1 at your first level-up. If you are playing a Mage, you don't need to worry. I say this because there's a great item available late in the game that grants a +2 to CHA at the cost of -1 to WIS. You get +7 WIS through the game, so a starting 18 will lead to 25.

Charisma. I like CHA, a lot. It's probably the second most important stat. It opens up a lot of conversation options (very important in quite a few places), and lowers prices in all the shops (which means more stat boosting tattoos earlier!).

Alignment: From what I can tell, you get a lot more in this game from playing a Lawful Good type. You get some better items, and you get better stat bumps (from both items and conversations).

Class choice: Personally, I'd concentrate either on Fighter or Mage. Mage is probably a bit more powerful, and you'll almost definitely get more out of the story (since you'll be looking for a higher INT). Fighters will just kick serious butt in combat. They get the most fun weapons to play with. It's almost universally accepted (at least from all I've read, as well as personal experience) that Thieves aren't all that great. BTW, one of the best, and definitely the most versatile stat boosting item in the game requires 12 levels of Mage.

Faction choices: If you're concentrating on Mage, I'd suggest joining the Dustmen first, then the Godsmen, and finally the Sensates. Sensates have a neat little bonus that allows them to give 1-10 HP of their own to heal a party member once a day. Since TNO regenerates, it's like having an extra Cure Light Wounds spell handy.

If you're going with a Fighter build, I'd suggest going with the Dustmen, then the Sensates, and finally the Godsmen. The only reason for this is that the Godsmen have some really awesome weapons available fairly early in the game, and only Godsmen can use them.

Well, that's about it for now. I'd love to get some feedback, and if anybody has a list of the stats needed for the highest stat checks in the game we can pretty much wrap this baby up!

#425296 Assuming TNO is a Mage, what physical stats should be bumped?

Posted by Klorox on 11 November 2008 - 01:26 PM in Planescape: Torment

I have my CHA at 19, WIS at about 22, and my INT at 19 (with a tattoo).

That's about as high as I think I'll need my mental stats to ever go. What physical stats should be raised now?

Bumping STR might allow me to skip from STR 18 to 19 later without going through those annoying exceptional STR fractions.

Bumping DEX will help with AC, but TNO is rarely in combat (and when he is, it's after the real Fighters are already targeted). I don't use the Thief class at all anymore.

Bumping CON will help with regeneration, but I've got a long way to go before it will help with more HP. Besides, TNO is immortal!

What stat is best to bump for me now? Do I need anymore in my mental stats?

#424634 Will spell effects still be active if NO changes classes?

Posted by Klorox on 06 November 2008 - 01:44 PM in Planescape: Torment

For instance, let's say you have NO as a Mage. You cast a spell like Armor or Friends. You then talk to Dak'kon and become a Fighter. Will these spells still be in effect, or are they canceled out because NO is no longer a Mage?

#424632 Bonus effects from being in factions

Posted by Klorox on 06 November 2008 - 01:42 PM in Planescape: Torment

I've noticed that all the factions I've joined so far (Dustmen, Godsmen, Sensates) have unique items only they can use.

Sensates have an additional bonus of being able to give someone 1d10 HP in exchange for sucking the same amount from me (this is pretty good, since NO regenerates).

Do any of the other factions in this game grant additional bonuses?

#423998 What's NO's best weapon (assuming he's a Fighter)?

Posted by Klorox on 01 November 2008 - 10:38 AM in Planescape: Torment

If you're building NO up as a Fighter, what weapon proficiencies benefit him most?

I'm just finished with the Modron Cube thing, and had completed all of Clerk's Ward in my current game, and the best weapon I had found was a Mace that improved regeneration.

Are Axes better, or what about Fists?

I don't plan on abandoning my current game, but I think a Fighter best suits my playing styles. I often have NO enter melee even as a Mage in my games. I kinda want to do a power run after I'm done and plan on going mostly-Fighter (switching to Thief and Mage only for the class-specific parts).

#423795 What does Fall-From-Grace's 'Kiss' special ability do?

Posted by Klorox on 30 October 2008 - 03:29 PM in Planescape: Torment

I can't figure it out.

#421556 How can I view my proficiencies?

Posted by Klorox on 11 October 2008 - 02:35 PM in Planescape: Torment

I'm just starting the game, and I've found a few knives and a few clubs (and a crowbar!). I'd just like to view my proficiencies to make sure I'll be hitting stuff when I use these things.


#421531 I'm thinking of giving this game a try:

Posted by Klorox on 11 October 2008 - 09:24 AM in Planescape: Torment

You'll want the PS:T Unfinished Business, Tweaks and Fixpacks available here on SHS.

Is that all I'll need? Where exactly can I find them?

#421519 I'm thinking of giving this game a try:

Posted by Klorox on 11 October 2008 - 07:36 AM in Planescape: Torment

How is it, really? Will I like it?

To answer that last question, I'm going to list the cRPG's I've played, and the order in which I liked them:

Baldur's Gate I
Baldur's Gate II
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Icewind Dale II
Icewind Dale I
BG: Throne of Bhaal

What do I need to know about this game before installing? What patches do I need? Anything else I should install?


#420277 What order do you usually do the planets?

Posted by Klorox on 01 October 2008 - 02:28 PM in KotOR Series

Kashyyyk, Tatooine, Manaan, Korriban.

IMHO, this is the best way to do the planets for a few different reasons.

1) This way goes from easiest to hardest.
2) This way gets you Jolee right away (he's my favorite NPC).
3) This way gets you the Circlet of Saresh.

#419248 First time with Kotor

Posted by Klorox on 22 September 2008 - 01:36 PM in KotOR Series

Not all of us are epic powergamers Klorox!


Cal Jones asked for advice. I gave it.

The fact that an 8 INT and a 13 INT provide exactly the same amount of skill points for a Soldier/Guardian is pretty damn good advice IMHO.

#419159 First time with Kotor

Posted by Klorox on 21 September 2008 - 04:09 PM in KotOR Series

Don't start with higher than an 8 INT. It's a waste.

#418997 Are there penalties when using a blaster in melee?

Posted by Klorox on 20 September 2008 - 05:22 AM in KotOR Series

Do enemies get a bonus to hit me? Do I get a penalty to hit them?

#418300 Revan (Spoilers)

Posted by Klorox on 15 September 2008 - 12:41 PM in KotOR Series

In the latest edition of the Star Wars RPG by Wizards of the Coast, Revan has been given stats in the KotOR Campaign Guide, and they look like this:

Darth Revan (Jedi Civil War)
Human Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 5/Sith Apprentice 3/Sith Lord 5 CL 20
Abilities: STR 17, DEX 17, CON 14, INT 15, WIS 18, CHA 19
Trained skills: Acrobatics, Deception, Initiative, Knowledge (Tactics), Perception, Use the Force
Force Powers: Battle Strike, Dark Rage, Farseeing, Force Grip, Force Lightning, Force Whirlwind, Mind Trick, Move Object, Slow, Wound

Looking at these, his talents and feats (too much to type up here :P), Revan's main abilities lay in social skills and Force use, so in KotOR terms, Jedi Consular might not be a bad fit - but he's also pretty strong with a lightsaber.

Hope someone out there found this interesting. :)

Awesome, thanks for posting this! By any chance, do they delve into what Revan is after the brainwipe?

BTW, I think that's a very funny username, if it's on purpose. :)

#416006 Question about attacks per round:

Posted by Klorox on 01 September 2008 - 04:50 AM in KotOR Series

I'll have to check this, but it's possible it's actually 7 attacks in a round.

It's four with the main, and one with the off hand. Or so it should be as it is from the damage calc's. And it wouldn't make any sense to give such an advantage.

Awesome! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

#415821 Question about attacks per round:

Posted by Klorox on 31 August 2008 - 08:06 AM in KotOR Series

Let's assume somebody has the Master Speed force power, and Flurry. That's 5 attacks per round (ApR) (1 standard, 1 from dual wielding, 2 from Master Speed, 1 from Flurry).

If you're using dual lightsabers, how are these attacks split up? Is it 4 with the main weapon and 1 with the offhand (like it is in Baldur's Gate II), or is it split up 3/2? If it's 3/2, is it always 3 with the main and 2 with the offhand weapon, or do they alternate?

Thanks a lot, in advance.

#410082 Fleshing out my Scoundrel 7/Guardian power build

Posted by Klorox on 05 August 2008 - 06:13 PM in KotOR Series

Yeah, they're on Yavin.

BTW, I'm trying this build out now.  Instead of starting with an 11 STR and a 13 WIS, I've gone with 10/14.  I know in the end the 11/13 split is better, but I think the 14 WIS helps a lot more than the 13 for almost the entire game.  It helps with Saving Throws, and the saves enemies make against my powers.  It also adds some FP's.

The Star Forge Robes (+5 WIS) aren't found until almost the very end of the game anyway, so it really doesn't matter much.