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#318393 Getting larger items

Posted by Karandras on 23 June 2007 - 07:10 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

Okay, tonight i have been trying to increase the size of the Dragon wings made by Alexander Wolf (and provided by Floydian, many thanks :) ) however I have been having some problems with it.

I started by dropping the on the ground and using the setscale command to double their size however once i picked them up they went back to their default.

I then tried to use nifskope to increase the scale of them but even after a lot of tweaking they they only looked correct when i was facing north with no weapon drawn and standing still (i.e. not very useful :) ) So basicly I'm wondering how I would increase their size and yet still stay in their correct position on my back.

#351051 Creating a voice for my main character

Posted by Karandras on 05 October 2007 - 05:43 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

I am not sure exactly but you could try sending a PM to brucevayne and asking him, he is the one who made the Companion Sound Sets mod and might know how you would do that sort of thing.

#337485 Gettings Roberts to work with BP

Posted by Karandras on 19 August 2007 - 12:31 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

Any chance someone could explain/point me to a tutorial how to make them work together? It is a bit annoying that they don't by default :(

#337489 Gettings Roberts to work with BP

Posted by Karandras on 19 August 2007 - 12:45 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

Wow thats simple....neat thanks

#332931 Problems with an animation

Posted by Karandras on 01 August 2007 - 10:41 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

Okay today I found a tutorial on how to make new idle animations (it's in Japanese so a pain to read) and for the most part it works great. except for one problem.

I can create the .nif file and then converted it to a .kf file. the problem comes when I put it in game. My first try had my character doing a really strange pose, nothing at all like the one I made. My second attempt went even worse, on casting it my character did the default self-cast animation and then my screen went black (the old black screen bug).

Anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Edit: I tried turning off HDR to see is my new animation was going but it just finished the self-cast animation then the game crashed :) I think I'm going downhill here...

#335024 Problems with an animation

Posted by Karandras on 09 August 2007 - 07:25 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

hmmm okay no ideas yet I guess. Here is a very short video showing exactly when happens then I try to run the animation. (it's only 1.97 seconds so look fast :) ) Hopefully this will let you all know exactly what is happening.

#312233 Applying Tattoos

Posted by Karandras on 06 June 2007 - 11:39 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

Thank you both for the suggestions, I mixed both methods and on my 3ed attempt got it to work :) Now, time to put some tattoos on!

Edit: make that about 10 attempts :) had a little problem with the face but now it all works  correctly :)

#312201 Applying Tattoos

Posted by Karandras on 06 June 2007 - 10:23 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

Ah that makes sense, thank you for the quick reply

#312184 Applying Tattoos

Posted by Karandras on 06 June 2007 - 09:58 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

I have just started working on modifying textures and one of the first thing I manadged to do was add a tattoo. It was located on my characters stomach and so the problem I noticed of it appearing on alot of other npcs was quite minor.  

Now, with  Flucidity's wonderful new tattoo pack the minor problem I had before has become major. I have been trying to add more tattoos to the face, legs, neck, and arms and unfortunitly this has made it very noticable on all on all the npcs.  

Now for my question, is there a way to make Tattoos and other such changes to only my character? (they are a Breton if that matters)

#335294 Minor texture problem

Posted by Karandras on 10 August 2007 - 09:00 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

Okay in yet another one of my grand project that I might or might not finish I am having a bit of a problem. I have been trying to make a "body suit" of sorts out of the bab mesh and in gimp everything finelooks fine (yes I know their are only the upper body and the feet, its a wip). However in-game there is no coloring to the nipples plus there is a seam in the back.

Any ideas how I could fix this?

#335333 Minor texture problem

Posted by Karandras on 11 August 2007 - 04:52 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

not how this would transfer into the game but in 3ds there is a modifer 'smooth' could work if it is a mesh problem if not it might be texture differences.

also you might want to turn on anti-alias when taking the screenshot

Would you care to elaborate? That made very little sense to me for some reason :(

#315361 Modding si armor

Posted by Karandras on 14 June 2007 - 09:25 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

Of course its ok! :devil: :cheers:

lol okay thank you for the quick reply, I am gonna try and get it uploaded here and at tessource within an hour.

#315307 Modding si armor

Posted by Karandras on 14 June 2007 - 06:07 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

Hello everyone, this morning I decided to make up an armor pack of different textured default armors and before i go to far i was wondering if its legal to retexture the new SI armor and put it out in a mod.

I keep reading about people modding the dlc and si stuff and then having people ask if its legal. Personally id rather not get into trouble with Bethesda :)

#315321 Modding si armor

Posted by Karandras on 14 June 2007 - 07:10 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

Yes, it is legal :). Just make sure "Shivering Isles" is a requirement!

Ah okay thanks, I plan on the new SI armors being sold in bliss and crucible :)

#315358 Modding si armor

Posted by Karandras on 14 June 2007 - 09:19 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

Okay due to a little problem i cant seem to get them into the world and thier own armor set and i was wondering if it would be okay if i just uploaded the textures as a modders resource (I.e. just the texture files I modified, no esp, or meshes)

#351109 Tattoo troubles and tribulations

Posted by Karandras on 05 October 2007 - 11:13 AM in Oblivion Modding Discussion

The little _n means that is the normal map for texture. From the look of it something went really wrong with the _n file. I think if you wanted to fix that then try this:

1. Find the _n version of the default bab foot texture.

2. make a copy of that and rename it to humanfootfemaledragontattoo_n.

3. Use that file to replace the one you made.

4. test it in-game.

In my tests with tattoos I never had to change the _n file at all except to change the name to match the other file (plus the _n)

#328323 Normal maps in gimp

Posted by Karandras on 19 July 2007 - 12:26 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

As the title says I have been trying to make a transparent normal map in gimp but the closest I have yet been able to do is make a shiny one. Anyone know how i could do this?

#328413 Normal maps in gimp

Posted by Karandras on 19 July 2007 - 04:15 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

Ah neat thank you

#344921 GIMP problem

Posted by Karandras on 11 September 2007 - 06:24 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

Wow I am slow...anyway I found the file but after deleting it I saw no change at all. Strangely enough When I reinstalled it today it now starts without a problem, I guess something else was conflicting with it :unsure:

#337769 GIMP problem

Posted by Karandras on 20 August 2007 - 05:32 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

I know this is morea GIMP problem than a modding one but this seemed to be the most relevant place to put this.

At one time GIMP would start up almost instantly, but for some reason now whenever I try and open it it begins to starts up and the hangs for 2-3 minutes when it gets to the "Looking for data files: Fonts" section. I was just wondering if this is a known issue or if anyone knows what is wrong.

In case it matters I am using Vista and the fonts folder does appear to be in the right place (reinstalling the program had no effect)

#337140 FaceGen 3.1

Posted by Karandras on 18 August 2007 - 09:56 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

Here is a little program that claims to be able to take a .fg file and add it to a oblivion save. There are also 2 tutorials linked in the comments that might be of help, I don't have Facegen so I couldn't say :)

#365036 Merging stuff

Posted by Karandras on 08 December 2007 - 07:39 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

Merging esps is fairly simple, this program can be used to merge them. Oh and yes you can merge a esp and a already merged esp

#357385 The Triblivion screenshot contest

Posted by Karandras on 02 November 2007 - 05:44 PM in Oblivion Screenshots

Yes I know it's after Thursday, the lack of interest combined with my bad memory made me forget about this thread completely until I was reminded by Chiglet a little while ago. (Thank you) Due to the before mentioned lack of interest I don't think I will continue with this, best let it die and try to think of something else.

However it wouldn't really be fair to ignore what has already been done by several people.

Contest 1 Winner: Rogue Sun, For the amazing picture of his Elven home.

Contest 2 Winner: cyborgakadjmoose with the quote: "Aww, did you turn yourself into a baby toll again?"

Contest 3 Winner: Kadaj X, who correctly identified the mod as Boqwater Settlement (Link)

#355674 The Triblivion screenshot contest

Posted by Karandras on 25 October 2007 - 05:30 PM in Oblivion Screenshots

I was just thinking (always dangerous for me) again and I hit upon a neat idea. We have the normal pictures/comments threads and plenty of themed thread but beyond that and the occasional other thread we have little else around here for diversity. With that in mind I did a little hunting around the other sections of this forum and realized in the months we have been here we have never had a contest thread so thats where this thread comes in :)

I quickly realized though a simple picture of the week thread wouldn't work so well as there are far to many types of screenshots that it would be almost impossible to choose between them all. Well I thought of two possible counters for this and decided to use them both :) Idea 1: Make it so the picture of the week had to follow a certain theme (i.e. action shots, scenic shots, group shots, character shots, the list goes on) Idea 2: Make there be multiple contests so the whole thing wasn't entirely about a single picture.

With all that in mind here is what a came up with:

Contest 1: The themed screenshot contest

Starting Thursday each week each person will be allowed to submit a single screenshot that goes with the chosen theme of the week (it will be posted Thursday morning). The picture must be a new one that you haven't posted before. If later in the week you take another shot you think is better and still follows the theme then just edit out the old one and add the new one in. The winning picture will be picked Thursday morning and announced at the same time as the new theme. And lastly it must follow all the normal rules for pictures on this forum.

Contest 2: The screenshot caption contest

Each week on Thursday morning I will post a screenshot of a random, pose, location, or scene and you have to simply PM me the caption you think goes best with it, be it funny, serious, dramatic, morbid...whatever. You can always send me another if you think it's better but keep in mind your previous one will be ignored then. oh and if you post the caption in this thread they won't count :) This is so I can keep track of them a little better and not overlook any. The winning caption will be posted Thursday morning along with the 2 runners up at the same time I post a new picture.

Contest 3: The "What the heck mod is that?" contest

The simplest contest (at least in my opinion), each week I will post a picture that features something added by a mod and you must PM me the name of the mod and a download link to it. Again this is so I don't miss any. In the case of several people getting it right I person who sent me the correct answer will win. As before do NOT post you answer in this thread. The picture and the winner from the previous week with again be announced Thursday morning.


With that all cleared up now Here is this weeks pictures and themes:

Contest 1: The themed screenshot contest
Theme: Your characters home

Contest 2: The screenshot caption contest
The picture to caption:
Posted Image

Contest 3: The "What the heck mod is that?" contest
The picture of the mod:
Posted Image

Alright thats it for now, just a reminder, for contest 1 post your picture in this thread. For contest 2 and 3, PM me your caption or the mods name.

Any questions? :)

#335293 Screenshot command

Posted by Karandras on 10 August 2007 - 08:44 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

FRAPS is a fairly simple program found here. Just install it and then configure it to use what ever key you want to take pictures in the screenshots tab. Then just be sure to leave it running in the background :)