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#297359 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Xetirox on 06 May 2007 - 05:21 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Hidden in the foliage.
Hidden in the grass.
Hidden amongst yourselves.
...And hidden amonst the dead.
Posted Image

Hoo boy, I can see where this is going. They fall in love, they kiss, a relationship forms, and all is happy and well. Then months later, the Sia gets tired of coughing up hairballs from kissing Jade so much, and insists her girlfriend starts shaving. Jade feels that she will not be whipped, one thing leads to another, many objects are thrown, and they divide their CD collection and split off. I tell ya', relationships with hairy, er, uh, furry women never work out in the long term. Good picture by the way. And the field shots earlier are amazing!

@Hector the Hooded
Hmm, sad to say, but I think Nina has a more devilish grin than Hector. Really sad, considering he's all tall, dark, demonic, has a tail...still has a neat face, though. Wonder what he looks like when he's wrathful? Or is it best we don't know? ^_~

#297532 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Xetirox on 07 May 2007 - 02:47 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Thanks for the comments, Scoffs-at-You, cyborgakadjmoose, and Treetop Smoker. Although to get a real Naruto feel, I'd need to be wearing something like Amber Armor. ^_~

@SeV: Love the look of the new girl. Hope she has fun in the Warcry-ified game.

@Grimbot: Your latest shot is a diamond, as usual.

@Highpressure: Ooh, the composition with the starry sky in the last two pics is fantastic.

@Chiglet: Those naked shots gave me a good laugh, especially the leapfrog one.

And now, before I set off for the night (SI spoilers)...
Enter my realm, if you dare!

#297931 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Xetirox on 07 May 2007 - 07:48 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Ugh, what is that foul stench?!
Posted Image

Awfully dark in here too. Better get alight going...there we go!
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By Meridia's love!

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@kalia: Though I'll miss Pip along with many other people, the new character is starting to look good. She doesn't seem feline enough (or is she shaving? ^_^) to be a Tabaxi, but the tattoos are really boss. Can't wait to see what adventures she has.

@lemonio: Like the dramatic look of the "fighting self" shots. As for the editing, the first one's really cool, like the high contrast between the yellow background and the character. The second one's a little too faint, and there's too much needless space in the third one (though the part with the kneeling character is pretty neat looking).

@Shadow': Lots of great drama in those shots, especially the ones toward the end. And I really like the first one of the two running side-by-side, really sets us the scene.

Floydian: Like the angry shot of Jade, guess she's not all about looking cute and pretty. Although the spiked collar she's wearing does make me chuckle for some reason.   :whistling: And as for that nude lesbian shot...MUST...RESIST...SHAVED CATGIRL...JOKE....UURRGGHHH!

@VanQa: Ooooh, the last panel in Rest in Peace is beautiful, from Gwen's pose, expression, the way the sun reflects off her armor, and the statue in the background. Very lovely composition.

@Die 75: "Cops in this town sure are short." Are you a Maxxhead? Anyway, your simian samurai is a very unique-looking and interesting fellow, and he looks right at home in the Asian-style dojos.

Hector the Hooded: Do you really think it's a good idea for a big guy like Hector to have an eye for the fairer sex? Things could get a little dangerous here... :devil:

@Spike4072: Yes, comparison shots would be nice. The breast size does appear a little bigger, but I can't really tell what the other, more subtle differences are.

#298037 'An Age of Relics' project screenshots...

Posted by Xetirox on 08 May 2007 - 01:20 AM in Oblivion Screenshots

Those shots are absolutely amazing! A gorgeous sight to behold, especially the battlefield ones, with all the burnt up ruins, sword-and-arrow-riddled corpses, and even some neat "fog of war" effects. They truly capture the feeling of desolace and recent carnage. And that waterfall with all the complex rock formations...just...speechless! There's a lot of personality to them. And they're sets for a ****ing machinima movie?! This project will definitely warrant some checking out!

#298040 UESP Wiki Pictures Page

Posted by Xetirox on 08 May 2007 - 01:25 AM in Oblivion Screenshots

I see no reason why it shouldn't be done. As for categories, they're not a bad idea, but how exactly would they work? Would there be something akin to say, a maximum number of pictures per category in order to fit under the 100 maximum limit? Or would all pictures accepted be labeled as nominees and categorized appropriately before the best among them are incorporated into the list?

#298554 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Xetirox on 08 May 2007 - 03:47 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Phew. Don't have any new shots right now, but I guess I can repost some old ones onto this new site.

Presiding over his collection (and looking damn smug about it too).
Posted Image

Just act casual...
Posted Image

@kalia: Thanks for your comments on my pictures and on my, uh, comments ( :cheers:). As for your question, I assume you're talking about the "Ugh, what is that most foul stench" one? Well, I gave a rather angry-looking expression, had him perform the "Drugged 2" animation from the Actors in Madness mod,, and froze him right when he brought his hand close to his face. Then I positioned the camera at an angle that made it look like he was squeezing his nostrils shut with his hand (or was about to), as if he just whiffed a very nasty funk. As for the narrowed eyes, that was blind luck, made the shot when he was in the middle of blinking; I have no idea how to control them, but I did like the way they turned out.

@Soul Slayer: The "pair of friends enjoying the view" is very pretty, and depicts the appearance and feeling of dawn very well. I like the glinting light effects, the fog, and the silhoetted trees.

@Die 75: Ha! I knew you were a Maxx fan! I loved that comic and cartoon myself. As for your first character, he's really neat looking. You've managed to use the often sad-looking vanilla beards to surprisingly great effect, and the armor just looks great. What is it anyway? Battledress?

@PoPcOrN: That nude shot is pretty funny. She's got this sneaky expression as this dude bows down and worships her as she stands before him in all her glory. What evil task does she plan on doing?

@highpressure: The shot with the Black Axe is very cool. It fits the character very well, and I like the positioning of both people. and as for the pics in this topic, those swords are really sexy. Hmmm, I say the swords are sexy, but ignore the scantily-clad chick wielding them...Freudian slip?

@DS Divine: Only thing your missing in the "There goes goblin" pic are some blood effects, because it otherwise reminds me of a lot of anime scenes. "You call THAT a spanking" is pretty funny, and your Inferion shots are really stylish, especially that B&W one of him presiding before the flame thingy in the Oblivion tower.

@lemonio: Concerning your "etudes on a strung bow" series, dunno how you got the light to bhave that way in the original shot, but I like it; has a very mystical and dreamlike quality. As for your edited pics, the third and fifth ones down are the best, the former looking like an impressionist painting, and the latter portraying an interesting contrast between the bright cloudy sky, and the dark shadows on the character. And the edited ones in this topic show that you're improving in your use of filters.

@Floydian1: Heh, in the "girls go flying" pic, Jade looks like she's enormous, like she's about to go jumping off the tower she's  standing on. As for what's in this topic, the Oblivion gate pics look awesome.

#298752 [RELz/WIPz] Doppler's Armory

Posted by Xetirox on 08 May 2007 - 08:05 PM in Oblivion Modding Discussion

Finally! Now Liches don't need to hog the cool stuff!

#298830 Oblivion Character Thread

Posted by Xetirox on 09 May 2007 - 12:26 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

Name: Cyrus "Syreys Jeynen" Jonginus
Class: Feral Rogue
Race: Dark Elf
Birthsign: The Serpent
Major Skills: Blade, Sneak, Light Armor, Acrobatics, Athletics, Alchemy, Marksman
Armor: Light Daedric Armor, Amber Armor
Main Weapon: Hmm, he has a hard time choosing.*
Secondary Weapon: Whatever powerful bow he comes across, and Mehrunes Razor
Factions: Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, Gray Fox of the Thieves' Guild, and (Shivering Isles spoilers)
House: His apartment in the shantytown of Bravil, his hideout/guild quarters in the Imperial City, and his manor in Anvil.
Tactics: Sticks to the shadows, staying out of enemy sight, and like to pick them off unseen with his blade or bow (which are often poisoned). When/if he's caught, he relies on hit-and-run tactics, attempting to get as many fast attacks on his foes while using his speed to avoid injury.

*This is why.
General Character Shot
Sneak attack 1
Sneak attack 2

#299978 Poll Results

Posted by Xetirox on 10 May 2007 - 02:10 PM in Oblivion Screenshots

I like Hector's suggestion on the issue of reposts. As for the results of this poll, everything is fine by me (indeed, everything I voted in favor of passed), but when will these changes be made effective?

#300677 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Xetirox on 11 May 2007 - 04:27 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Hooooo-weeee! I'm alive again! And got some new screens. WARNING: All of the following pictures show massive (as in endgame) spoilers for Shivering Isles.

Clashing swords with a god.

A very close call.

One last charge...


...And even more screens to comment on.

@Luchaire: I like Eryn's new gear. She kind of reminds me of what a female version of Dante (from Devil May Cry) would look like.

@Die 75: Ah, the aesthetics of Basho's home is excellent, I'm glad we can see numerous parts of it in addition to him just living in it.

@Soul Slayer: Some great scenic views you got there. And I like the shot of her peering into the sewer grate, gives her a real cat-like vibe.

@Grimbot: Ha ha ha, seeing your dude take a victory swig amid a pile of bloody corpses and severed heads is awesome. I especially like how there don't appear to be enough torsos to match the heads. You really need to hold back, makes cleanup a *****.

@SeV: It's a fact that any picture of Lucien Lachance is full of win. He's just one of the better designed characters in vanilla Oblivion. And the shot of Avalon standing stoically and coldly over cowering Rufio is just great. Really does a great job portraying the character.

@Raven Crown: Nice scenic shots involving numerous ruins. Really puts things into perspective when you can see the environment surrounding them.

@LprMan: Hey, welcome, man (woman?)! You've got a lovely, very sunny looking character there in some nice poses. I'd like to see what else she's capable of.

@jackmix: That undead dude is real badass looking. Like the pauldrons on the robe, the mismatched glowing eyes (not just your average lich), and the bone scythe is just...wow! Where'd you get that?

@SickleYield: You've got some very interesting, and even a bit eerie, characters there. Like Andirion's expression in the third pic down.

@Floydian1: Nice, the high-up shots that show miles of land all around of beautiful, especially the last two, where you can pick up the Imperial City. And I especially like how you included the Wizard's Tower in on of them.

@Yorkmaster: The "run-in with bandits" picture is funny. Your poor guy is a pin cushion! You should get him a better set of armor. ^_~

@highpressure: Great picture! You've done a nice job giving it a comic book feel, and the action shot in the second panel rocks. So much blood...

@greatfool1: Those pictures are hilarious. Great facial expressions, especially the third one. Great use of angles!

@lemonio: Interesting screens; I like the one with the dragon blowing white fire into the camera.

#301399 Comments about PoOC thread #7

Posted by Xetirox on 12 May 2007 - 05:43 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Alright, time to give this comment thread a spin!

@Luchaire: Like the character and her trenchcoat. The shots during the sunset and the night (with the overhanging moon) are especially atmospheric.

@Daiyoukai Ramza: I have such a weakness for seraphs, so it's only natural that I like your character! And you managed to depict him in so many badass scenes, the hand-to-hand ones are especially nice. Very frenetic looking!

: Nice to see some standalone close-ups of Gwen for once. And that shot of the chapel is really good (nice "accident"); I didn't think it was a screenshot at first.

@Floydian1: Excellent shots. The pictures featuring all the Dremora lined up in their formations just kick ass beyond all reason, that Daedric mask looks cool, and the dresses are pretty. Nice to see some more conservative clothes for once. Ah yes, and that dragon comin' through the gate is awe-inspiring.

: Ah, that first shot with the glowing light door behind him is very nice. Shame you forgot to remove the UI.

@ghostruler: Very colorful shots you've got there, and nice scenery.

@LprMan: What was this about sucking at action shots? The one with the giant rat is cool enough. But the real show-stealers you've presented are the silhouette pics. They really help bring a dangerous, claustrophobic feeling to the scenes.

@Karandras: Oooh, those treetop pics are great. I really like the one of the dragon being obscured by the foliage. I've tried to capture that sort of feeling, and always turned up short. Aside from that, anything involving lightning spells are always great.

@Spike4072: White skin and red eyes does look good, and that ice elf (or perhaps, a rare Falmer, Snow elf) looks so cute.

@Hector the Hooded
: The tattoo's looking better and better. Though is it intended to stand out from all the other, ah, markings on his skin?

: Nice action scenes, and comic book goodness. Could try adding a bit more variety to the sound effects, though, and make them easier to see against the background.

And while we're at it, no, I can't get into the archives while logged in either.  :unsure:

#303864 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Xetirox on 17 May 2007 - 01:37 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Come forth, my loyal servant...
Posted Image

...and crush my enemies!
Posted Image

#303872 The (Mis)Adventures of Cyrus Jonginus.

Posted by Xetirox on 17 May 2007 - 02:03 AM in Oblivion Stories

Might as well repost some old pics that came in story form from the EGF Picture Thread here. I think they'll need a good home.

Comments on the pics and/or writing is welcome.

Robbing the Thieves

He stood on the ramparts of the fort, still as the shadows that engulfed him. For hours, he had been following them, observing their movement. Six bandits who had made their most successful haul yet on a wealthy trading caravan. The goods they had on hand were valuable, but hot, and chances were likely news of the heist would spread across Colovia before the week was over. Chances were likely that by that point, a dispatch would be sent by the legion or Fighters? Guild, or they would get across the border and divide the plunder.

Well, that may have been the plan for they and them, but Cyrus (or Syreys as he liked to be called, if only to avoid questions) had other plans, to take a slice of the treasure himself. Somewhere around one hundred percent.

On the move for hours, and in the darkest hour of night, the marauders finally took shelter in an abandoned fort. These places were notorious for being haunted, so it was only natural that several would go in to clear the place out before settling in. What Cyrus didn?t expect was that they left the goods outside only guarded by one.

Makes things easier, he thought, taking aim. She was a sitting duck, and never once detected his presence, despite whatever enhanced senses he was sure Argonians possessed. An arrow through the head silenced her in an instant. Dropping his bow and letting down his hood, he swiftly made his way down the tower.

Approaching the chest and pulling out a trusty lockpick, Cyrus began setting about his work. Looks like I?ve got pay dirt! he thought gleefully.

?Hey! We?ve got an interloper here!? a voice suddenly boomed behind him.

?Damn! Quicker than I thought!? he cursed, drawing his sword and darting around. He slew the Orc, a mere breath away, with one slash, but took no time relishing the victory. The other four were out, charging in from every angle. Surrounded and backed in a corner, Cyrus took his only option and stood his ground.

The bandits closed the distance in seconds, their blades ready and shining in the firelight, hungry for Dark Elf blood. They swung, they fell, they charged, just as Cyrus-

-Dodged forward in a flash!

The marauders, wasting no time in checking on their fallen comrades, turned around to pursue the thief, but found nothing. Confused, they split up and rounded the fort, searching vigilantly.

?Damn it! Where did he go?!?

?Cowardly bastard ran away. Must?ve vanished into the night.?

Cyrus, who had not gone far, though, scoffed at this. ?Vanished into?? he whispered to himself. ?I am the night!?

Clanging of steel, ripping of flesh, cries of battle, and screams of pain reached the ears of the others. They followed the sound hoping that the quarry had been hauled. Instead they found their comrades lying cold in the ground.

The Nord cursed. ?Damn it! Who is this guy?? His female companion, looking around, only whispered, ?More like where is he??

They had no time to react. No time to fight back. The Nord felt his legs give way before feeling the cold chill of Sovngarde call him. The woman turned, an expression of shock and confusion, which was then forever frozen on her face.

With that done, Cyrus wiped his blade clean, sheathing it. "More violence than I prefer," he sighed, stalking back to the chest. "But at least I've got the haul for myself."

It was fairly impressive, full of many high quality goods. "Nothing I really need, but will fetch a very pretty drake in the right hands." Cyrus let out a whistle, calling upon his horse, the dread steed Shadowmere, kept hidden in the distant foliage. Loading the booty upon the mare, he set out in the direction of Skingraad. Hope I can catch a late night meal at the Two Sisters.

#303875 The (Mis)Adventures of Cyrus Jonginus.

Posted by Xetirox on 17 May 2007 - 02:16 AM in Oblivion Stories

Councilor Jeynen, Day One

The Oblivion Crisis had come and gone, and matters in the empire, to the layman, appeared to be settling down. Cyrus Jonginus (or Syreys Jeynen, as he preferred to be called), the sixth Champion of Cyrodiil, was offered an honorary position in the Imperial Council by High Chancellor Ocato. Growing bored and restless from the recent lack of activity for the past few weeks, the Dunmer accepted, deciding to dabble his hands in politics. And the day came, his very first meeting in the Imperial Council hall. While waiting for it to commence, he passed the time with some old hobbies...

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

Comments on the pics and/or writing is welcome.

#303876 Another Screenshot Thread set of ideas..

Posted by Xetirox on 17 May 2007 - 02:29 AM in Oblivion Screenshots

I agree. IMG tags are great, look better, and it saves us with faster connections a bit of time from having to click everything, but those with slower connections suffer. Furthermore, having to scroll past a million pics that, as awesome as they look, you've probably seen before (and have probably saved on your hard drive   :cheers: ) gets old. I say you should post as many pictures as you like per post, but the number of those using IMG tags should be strictly limited.

#303885 Comments about PoOC thread #7

Posted by Xetirox on 17 May 2007 - 03:38 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Whew, I've got a lot of catching up to do!

@Alexander Wolf: Those were some brilliant shots of the castle, and the snow added an atmospheric touch. And that cloak your character wears is really nifty, and seems to add a touch of mystery to her.

: I love Korreen's character design! The armor looks really good on her, and the damaged eye is an excellent touch. She looks like a real badass!

: Ah, that wide shot of Cloud Ruler Temple is astounding

@Floydian1: Those cosmic shots of Sia rock. really show the demonic, supernatural side of her. What is that background? The Shivering Isles' night sky?

@Hector the Hooded: No, you are not the only one to have that hitchhiking skeleton. I have no idea where it came from (Warcry?), though it does crack me up. As for the retextured Nina, it's not a really good picture to try and see how she looks. Need some better closeups, proper lighting, and maybe side-by-side comparisons. And uh, in the later pic, looks like she needs to see a doctor; I don't like where that arrow is sticking.   :whistling:

@Darziak: That shot with Godric zapping the guy with red electricity looks cool. It is that from a mod, or is it edited?

: That character you've been displaying, Avalon, looks great. You manage to capture a lot of emotion in her (or is it the large eyes?), and the Dwemer goggles add an interesting touch to her design. And what's that sword she's wielding in the later pics, it looks really good.

@Daiyoukai Ramza: A shot of an angel riding a dragon into the sunset with a view of the hills and valleys spreading miles all around below. What's not to like about it?

@Ryu Doppler
: Ah, that first shot featuring the night sky is beautiful. The action shots aren't too shabby wither. I like the ones with the guy fighting the lich amidst the bright light of its spell, and the one of the whole gang battling their way through the undead is intense.

@Die 75: The lighting of those interior shots is amazing! They possess a very warm glow, as if emanating from the fire.

@oldmanpoo: Okay. The character looks cool, his robes look cool, and the composition of his undead posse reeks of cool. I like how they're all up in formation, with Liches up front, skeletons in the back, and wraiths just behind him. This guy's ready to plunge the world in darkness!

@Luchaire: That new girl, Suni, is amazing! It's the first successful human Asian woman I've seen someone make!

#303886 Slof's Complete Oblivion Mod List

Posted by Xetirox on 17 May 2007 - 03:56 AM in Oblivion Modding Discussion

Ah, this'll come in very useful. I especially enjoy your wigs and retextured horses.

#304123 Possible Pictures for SCOOP

Posted by Xetirox on 17 May 2007 - 12:42 PM in Oblivion Screenshots

Well, I guess I'll make the first contribution, and enter what I consider my crowning achievement. I call it:

From the Shadows
Posted Image

Mods Used
Light Daedric Armor from Dimitri's Ranger Armor.
Mehrunes Razor from Bethesda's official Mehrunes Razor DLC.
Poses were made possible using Trollf's Actors in Charge.
Hair is from AlienSlof's It's a Wig!


#304188 Comments about PoOC thread #7

Posted by Xetirox on 17 May 2007 - 01:31 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Wow, Floydian1! Just when you couldn't decide what kind of dragon to use, now some armor comes out! Looks neat, and the views are fantastic!

@MystykStar: Lovely shot of the chapel. I'm really a sucker for those night sky shots.

@Kimory: Hmmm, I would say the first one is the best. Seems to better match the color of her wings.

#304209 Comments Threads for Stories

Posted by Xetirox on 17 May 2007 - 02:08 PM in Oblivion Screenshots

Hmmm, I think a comment thread for each story might clutter the place up a bit. But on the other hand, commenting in the thread might cause some interruption in the flow of the story (if it happens to be multi-chaptered, or if several stories are included). However, at this point, all the threads are kept relatively short, and new things come out at a slow rate. Perhaps a possible compromise at this point in time would be the "author" could give the "okay" in their thread for people to comment if they feel they won't be adding anything else to the story for some length of time.

Another thing about the story board is that many of them are used as a vehicle to present screenshots. Nothing wrong with that at all, but what feedback are people looking for? Comments on their screens are probably most definitely desired, but would they like some on their writing as well?

#304520 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Xetirox on 17 May 2007 - 09:26 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Posted Image

Eve used to be a young simple thief. But things took a great turn after an arrest, when she was turned over by the corrupt guards to a shady warlock. After enduring many untold tortures for an unknown length of time, she escaped. But in the daylight, she discovered the effects of her pains, and the bizarre transformation she underwent.

(WARNING! All the following pictures contain nudity, though...you really can't see anything...)
Horrified at her transformation.
Crying throughout the stormy night, unable to handle this new change.
Accepting her fate at dawn's break.
And hence, a new huntress of the night is born!

#304532 Comments about PoOC thread #7

Posted by Xetirox on 17 May 2007 - 10:33 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Layla - opens the door...WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gf1, EXPLAIN THIS TO ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ha, ha, her expression and pose is priceless there! You blew it, man, you really blew it! ^_~

@Luchaire: Suni's lookin' good there, training in some very pretty woodland.

@Floydian: Heh heh heh! Fire! Fire! Yeah! Flame that ogre! Very awesome pics there, that armored dragon just kicks so much ass.

@Ryu Doppler
: Those are some very beautiful shots, especially the moment of reflection one.

: Wow! Those shots towards the end, with the gate and energy shooting out of the character are superb! Really kinetic and powerful looking!

@SeV: Thanks for your comment, and thanks for sharing the slideshow. It was well put together, had smooth transitions, had a great variety of good-looking shots, and an easy-on-the-ears song to go with it. It just ended a bit too abruptly.

#304829 Comments about PoOC thread #7

Posted by Xetirox on 18 May 2007 - 12:30 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

WOW, oldmanpoo excellent scenery shots, especially the ones of Paradise. There's something so eye-catching about those flowers. And this one, with the goblins on the move is cool, even if it is a little out of place in this collection. They actually look really neat if you stop trying to kill them and think about it.

: Avy's looking good, I like the bluish tint she takes on in the darkness. This shot seems to have a bit too much blur in the background, though it does help emphasize the cool patterns on her clothes and sword sheathe.

: Basil's a real pimp. Man, woman, mortal, immortal, undead, he's got 'em all!

: Ah, son of a submarine, more dragon armors to choose from? I've already explained how hard it is to try and decide on which type of dragon to use. Decisions never end. Like this one, with it standing on the ground, especially the way the sun reflects off its helmet.

@Hector the Hooded
: I always thought IG Hector was a pimp, now it's been confirmed. The texture of the suit and cane are quite classy, by the way. The shots with the light beaming down are neat, and make me chuckle; makes him look all heroic, even when he's not quite dressed like one yet.

@JazzJR: Always got such a neat-looking Khajiit character, always looking so innocent with those large, glowing eyes...by the way, this sword fight is really nice.

@Darziak: Ah, c'mon, those transparent, ghostly spectres are very photogenic, assuming they actually appear in the picture.   :whistling:

@cyborakadjmoose: Looking at the moons never gets old, and the night suits Korreen quite well.

@Flucidity: The redone tattoos look really nice, now you just need to work on your juggling. Then you're sure to impress Sheogorath!

#304839 Possible Pictures for SCOOP

Posted by Xetirox on 18 May 2007 - 12:53 PM in Oblivion Screenshots

Guess I'll add another one.

The Pit of Corpses
Posted Image

Mods Used
Facial scars added with Django's Unique Features
It's a Wig!
Corpses added by me via the CS.


#305730 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Xetirox on 20 May 2007 - 09:34 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Taking a break at an abandoned pier.
Posted Image

Makes you want to go for a swim.

The view from White Gold Tower

Embrace the night.

Conjuring moonlight.