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Bad Area Ambient File Finder/Fixer

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#1 Sasha Al'Therin

Sasha Al'Therin
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Posted 04 October 2009 - 05:25 AM

It was suggested that I go ahead and provide this set of macros and functions for use by others. So Miloch it is here.... :D

To Moderators: If I picked an incorrect forum location please move to the appropriate area. Thank you.

The purpose of this tool is to find and list ambient files assigned within area files that do not exist within the current installation. There are then other functions and macros which can be ran that will deal with the different types of situations found. I have ran and tested it on an installation of BG: ToTSC. I see no reason why it would not work on other installations... If it does not work for you please inform me of your specific setup and I can see if the situation can be duplicated...

It requires the use of the modified Qwinn Area Macros (by Ardanis/GeN1e) and as such the necessary components are included within this posting. You may choose to use this in a directory location other than what I have specified within the tp2 file. If so, you must change the necessary directory structure locations. It might be easier to just create a directory in your game folder called ambfixer and save the .tp2 data there as setup-ambfixer.tp2 and then create another directory called lib within the ambfixer directory and save the AB_AreaAmbient.tph data there. Don't forget to get a recent copy of weidu and rename it to setup-ambfixer.exe

First the tp2 file contents:
BACKUP ~ambfixer/backup~
AUTHOR ~plainab~
VERSION ~Beta 2.1~ //updated version level so you'd know that it was different

BEGIN ~Area Ambient Fixer~

<<<<<<<< .../ambfixer-inlined/AB_Bad_Sound_Refs.txt
COPY ~.../ambfixer-inlined/AB_Bad_Sound_Refs.txt~ ~ambfixer~	//copy the blank.file to a real usable file

INCLUDE ~ambfixer/lib/AB_AreaAmbient.tph~			//call up file that contains the all the functions/macros both qwinn and non
COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^\([^xX].*\|[xX][^rR].*\|[xX][rR][^2].*\|[xX][rR]2[^46].*\)\.are$~ ~override~ //don't understand why we can't just do ~*\.are~ but oh well it's modified from Miloch's original code and kept what he had
  SPRINT current_file ~%SOURCE_RES%~
  PATCH_IF SOURCE_SIZE > 0x11b BEGIN							//If a valid area
	LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~wapt_Q_ARE_InitVars~						 //launch basic variable initiation macro
	LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~wapt_Q_AREAdd_InitVars~					  //launch variable initiation macro for use with updating when adding or deleting sections
	LAUNCH_PATCH_FUNCTION ~wapt_Report_Bad_Sound_Refs~ END		//launch function that lists bad sound refs -- so you can determine if some are fixable
	LAUNCH_PATCH_FUNCTION ~wapt_Erase_Bad_Sound_Refs~ END			//launch function that erases bad sound refs
	LAUNCH_PATCH_FUNCTION ~wapt_Shift_Good_Sounds_Into_Count~ END //launch function that shifts good files into good range if needed
	LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~wapt_Remove_Ambie_no_sound~		//launch macro that deletes bad sound refs if entire ambient entry is bad
  END //end the patch
This would need to be modified per use. Why? When first running you may not wish to fix anything but only get a report in which case you'd comment out the functions ~wapt_Erase_Bad_Sound_Refs~, ~wapt_Shift_Good_Sounds_Into_Count~ and the macro ~wapt_Remove_Ambie_no_sound~

The contents of ~ambfixer/lib/AB_AreaAmbient.tph~:

// Note by Ardanis:
// As you can tell by the prefix, it originally was a Qwinn's macro. I compressed it
// into a more accessible format. A fair example of how to make a good use of arrays.

// Bigg, Weidu's readme says it needs a real example of array usage. Does this pass for one?


PATCH_IF (GAME_IS ~pst~)					 BEGIN Q_Game=1 END
PATCH_IF (GAME_IS ~bg2 tob tutu tutu_totsc~) BEGIN Q_Game=2 END
PATCH_IF (GAME_IS ~bg1 totsc iwd how~)	   BEGIN Q_Game=3 END

DEFINE_ARRAY object BEGIN Actor Trigg Spawn Entra Conta Items Ambie Varia Doors Tiled Vertx Explo Anima Songs RestS MapNo ProTr END
DEFINE_ARRAY Siz	BEGIN 0x110 0xc4  0xc8  0x68  0xc0  0x14  0xd4  0x54  0xc8  0x6c  0x4   0x0   0x4c  0x90  0xe4  0x34  0x1A  END
DEFINE_ARRAY OoN	BEGIN 0x58  0x5a  0x64  0x6c  0x74  0x76  0x82  0x8c  0xa4  0xb4  0x80  0x0   0xac  0x0   0x0   0xc8  0xd0  END
DEFINE_ARRAY OoO	BEGIN 0x54  0x5c  0x60  0x68  0x70  0x78  0x84  0x88  0xa8  0xb8  0x7c  0xa0  0xb0  0xbc  0xc0  0xc4  0xcc  END
DEFINE_ARRAY SoL	BEGIN 2	 2	 4	 4	 2	 2	 2	 4	 4	 4	 2	 0	 4	 0	 0	 4	 4	 END

FOR (i=0;i<17;i+=1) BEGIN
  SET $Q_Siz($object("%i%"))=$Siz("%i%")	 // size of object's section
  SET $Q_OoN($object("%i%"))=$OoN("%i%")	 // offset of number of objects
  SET $Q_OoO($object("%i%"))=$OoO("%i%")	 // offset of offset of objects
  SET $Q_SoL($object("%i%"))=$SoL("%i%")	 // SHORT or LONG offset of number of objects
  PATCH_IF i=15 & Q_Game=1 BEGIN								 // PST uses different values
	Q_OoN_MapNo=0xcc Q_OoO_MapNo=0xc8 END
  PATCH_IF $SoL("%i%")=2 BEGIN			   // number of objects
	READ_SHORT $Q_OoN($object("%i%")) $Q_Num($object("%i%")) END // if SoL = 2 = SHORT, then READ_SHORT
  PATCH_IF $SoL("%i%")=4 & ( i!=16 | Q_Game=2) BEGIN			 // non-BG2 games can't have projectiles
	READ_LONG  $Q_OoN($object("%i%")) $Q_Num($object("%i%")) END // if SoL = 4 = LONG, then READ_LONG
  PATCH_IF $SoL("%i%")=0 BEGIN								   // if SoL = 0 = not needed, don't READ, instead
	SET $Q_Num($object("%i%"))=1 END							 //   SET it to 1, as this can't be any other
  PATCH_IF i!=16 | Q_Game=2 BEGIN			// offset of objects
	READ_LONG  $Q_OoO($object("%i%")) $Q_Off($object("%i%")) END // offsets' READs always LONG

PATCH_IF Q_Game!=2 BEGIN										 // if it's non-BG2 then set everything
  Q_OoN_ProTr=0 Q_OoO_ProTr=0 Q_Num_ProTr=0 Q_Off_ProTr=0 END	// related to projectiles to zero



// Note by Ardanis:
// Again, Qwinn's stuff that was revamped.

FOR (i=0;i<17;i+=1) BEGIN
  SET $Q_New($object("%i%"))=0		// number of new objects
  SET $Q_NewOffset($object("%i%"))=0  // writing offset for new objects
Q_ManualInsert=0  // unnecessary, but may be required for RESHAPE_AREA_POLYGON, should it be added later (unlikely)


// Note by Ardanis:
// Unlike the other two Qwinn's macros, this one is almost untouched, except of adding the 'wapt_' prefix to
// it's name and correcting the name of the macro LAUNCHed at the very end, which now has that prefix as well


// DO NOT use this macro without first running Q_AREAdd_InitVars.
// Documentation for the use of this macro is contained within that macro definition.

  ~Actor~ ~Trigg~ ~Spawn~ ~Entra~ ~Conta~ ~Items~ ~Ambie~ ~Varia~ ~Doors~
  ~Tiled~ ~Vertx~ ~Anima~ ~MapNo~ ~ProTr~
  SET "Q_NewSect" = $Q_New("%S1%") // How many new sections user has asked for
  PATCH_IF !("Q_NewSect" = 0) THEN
	// WRITE_ASCII 0x33c ~%S1%~ #32 // DEBUG
	SET "Q_OoNSect" = $Q_OoN("%S1%") // Offset where count of each section is stored
	SET "Q_NumSect" = $Q_Num("%S1%") // Original count for that section
	SET "Q_SoLSect" = $Q_SoL("%S1%")  // Whether original count is stored as long or short
	SET "Q_OoOSect1" = $Q_OoO("%S1%") // Offset of offset for the section
	SET "Q_Offset1" = $Q_Off("%S1%") // Offset of the section being added to
	SET "Q_SizSect" = $Q_Siz("%S1%") // The size of one new section
	  ~Actor~ ~Trigg~ ~Spawn~ ~Entra~ ~Conta~ ~Items~ ~Ambie~ ~Varia~ ~Doors~
	  ~Tiled~ ~Vertx~ ~Explo~ ~Anima~ ~Songs~ ~RestS~ ~MapNo~ ~ProTr~
	  // WRITE_ASCII 0x33c ~%S1% %S2%~ #32 // DEBUG
	  SET "Q_Offset2" = $Q_Off("%S2%") // Offset of each other section
	  SET "Q_OoOSect2" = $Q_OoO("%S2%") // Offset of that offset
	  SET "Q_OldInsert" = $Q_NewOffset("%S2%") // Previous insert offsets need to be updated too

	  PATCH_IF ("Q_Offset2" >= "Q_Offset1") AND NOT ("%S1%" STRING_EQUAL "%S2%") THEN
		WRITE_LONG "Q_OoOSect2" ("Q_Offset2" + ("Q_NewSect" * "Q_SizSect"))
	  PATCH_IF ("Q_OldInsert" >= "Q_Offset1") AND NOT ("%S1%" STRING_EQUAL "%S2%") THEN
		SET $Q_NewOffset("%S2%") = $Q_NewOffset("%S2%") + ("Q_NewSect" * "Q_SizSect")
	SET $Q_NewOffset("%S1%") = "Q_Offset1" + ("Q_NumSect" * "Q_SizSect")
	SET "Q_InsertOffset" = $Q_NewOffset("%S1%")
	PATCH_IF "Q_ManualInsert" = 0 THEN
	  INSERT_BYTES "Q_InsertOffset" ("Q_NewSect" * "Q_SizSect")
		PATCH_IF "Q_SoLSect" = 2 THEN BEGIN WRITE_SHORT "Q_OoNSect" ("Q_NumSect" + "Q_NewSect") END
								 ELSE BEGIN WRITE_LONG  "Q_OoNSect" ("Q_NumSect" + "Q_NewSect") END
	LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~wapt_Q_ARE_InitVars~  // Reset all our variables to their new values


//Contents of Find_List_Bad_Sound_Refs
//this can be function as nothing gets transfered to anywhere else -- ie next thing reads everything again
DEFINE_PATCH_FUNCTION ~wapt_Report_Bad_Sound_Refs~ BEGIN //define function
  FOR (index=0;index<%Q_Num_Ambie%;index+=1) BEGIN		//loop through ambient entries
	SET amb_e = (%Q_Siz_Ambie% * %index%)				  //set index into ambient entries
	READ_SHORT (%Q_Off_Ambie% + %amb_e% + 0x80) s_num	  //Sound count
	SET ss = 0x30										  //start location of sounds refs
	SET sz = 0x8										   //size per entry of sound refs
	FOR (index2=0;index2<%s_num%;index2+=1) BEGIN		  //loop through sound refs
	  SET si = (%index2% * %sz%)							//index into sounds entries in current ambient entry
	  SET location = (%ss% + %si%)						  //define location so it can be used in appended text
	  READ_ASCII (%Q_Off_Ambie% + %amb_e% + %location%) wav //read sound file
//blank out non-existant sound file references <-- this is in case other sound file references do exist
	  PATCH_IF (NOT FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~%wav%.wav~) BEGIN  //if registered sound file does not exist
		INNER_ACTION BEGIN								   //start an inner action append is an action not a patch
//append to a file in main game dir
		  APPEND_OUTER ~ambfixer/AB_Bad_Sound_Refs.txt~ ~%current_file%: %wav%.wav placed in #%index2% sound ref entry at %location% within Ambient Entry #%index% has an invalid name (ie Does not exist)~
		END												  //end inner action
	  END												   //end patch that checks existance of sound file
	END													//end loop through sound refs
  END													 //end loop through ambient entries
END													  //end of function definition
//Contents of Erase_Bad_Sound_Refs
//this can be function as nothing gets transfered to anywhere else -- ie next thing reads everything again
DEFINE_PATCH_FUNCTION ~wapt_Erase_Bad_Sound_Refs~ BEGIN			  //define a function
  FOR (index=0;index<%Q_Num_Ambie%;index+=1) BEGIN			   //loop through ambient entries
	SET amb_e = (%Q_Siz_Ambie% * %index%)						 //set index into ambient entries
	READ_SHORT (%Q_Off_Ambie% + %amb_e% + 0x80) s_num			 //Sound count
	SET ss = 0x30												 //start location of sounds refs
	SET sz = 0x8												  //size per entry of sound refs
	SET to_remove = 0
	FOR (index2=0;index2<%s_num%;index2+=1) BEGIN				 //loop through sound refs
	  SET si = (%index2% * %sz%)								   //index into sounds entries in current ambient entry
	  READ_ASCII (%Q_Off_Ambie% + %amb_e% + %ss% + %si%) wav	   //read sound file
//blank out non-existant sound file references <-- this is in case other sound file references do exist
	  PATCH_IF (NOT FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~%wav%.wav~) BEGIN		 //if registered sound file does not exist
		SET to_remove += 1
		WRITE_ASCII (%Q_Off_Ambie% + %amb_e% + %ss% + %si%) ~~ (8) //write blank value
		INNER_ACTION BEGIN								   //start an inner action append is an action not a patch
		 APPEND_OUTER ~ambfixer/AB_Bad_Sound_Refs.txt~ ~%current_file%: %wav%.wav was erased because it did not exist.~
		END												  //end inner action
	  END														  //end patch that checks existance of sound file
	END														   //end loop through sound refs
	PATCH_IF (%to_remove% >0) BEGIN
	  WRITE_SHORT (%Q_Off_Ambie% + %amb_e% + 0x80) (%s_num% - %to_remove%) //lower Sound count by total blanked out
		APPEND_OUTER ~ambfixer/AB_Bad_Sound_Refs.txt~ ~%current_file%: Ambient Entry #%index% -- Sound count decreased by %to_remove%~
	  END												  //end inner action
  END															//end loop through ambient entries
END															 //end of function definition
//Contents of Delete_No_Sound_Ambient_Entries
//since we return a variable it maybe best to use MACRO yes I can define a returning variable in a FUNCTION but I feel safer
DEFINE_PATCH_MACRO ~wapt_Remove_Ambie_no_sound~ BEGIN	  //define a macro
  SET num_del = 0												//initialize variable
  SET index=(%Q_Num_Ambie%-1)
  WHILE (index>0) BEGIN		   //loop through ambient entries
	SET amb_e = (%Q_Siz_Ambie% * %index%)						 //set index into ambient entries
	READ_SHORT (%Q_Off_Ambie% + %amb_e% + 0x80) s_num			 //Sound count
	PATCH_IF (%s_num% <=0) BEGIN								  //See if number of sounds is 0 or less
	  SET Q_ManualInsert = 1										  //tell qwinn's macros that we are deleting sections
	  SET Q_New_Ambie = %num_del% - 1								  //increase our variable by one
	  LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~wapt_Q_AREAdd_Process~					   //launch macro that does the actual update of the file
	  DELETE_BYTES (%Q_Off_Ambie% + %amb_e%) %Q_Siz_Ambie%		 //delete current entry
	  INNER_ACTION BEGIN								   //start an inner action append is an action not a patch
	   APPEND_OUTER ~ambfixer/AB_Bad_Sound_Refs.txt~ ~%current_file%: Ambient Entry #%index% was deleted because it had no existing ambient sounds.~
	  END												  //end inner action
	  SET index = %Q_Num_Ambie%
	END														   //end sound count check
	SET index -= 1
  END															//end backward loop through ambients
END															 //end macro
//Contents of Shift_Good_Sounds_Into_Count_If_Out
//this has no variables to carry over so it can be a function
DEFINE_PATCH_FUNCTION ~wapt_Shift_Good_Sounds_Into_Count~ BEGIN				//define function
  FOR (index=0;index<%Q_Num_Ambie%;index+=1) BEGIN								//loop through ambient entries
	SET amb_e = (%Q_Siz_Ambie% * %index%)										  //set index into ambient entries
	READ_SHORT (%Q_Off_Ambie% + %amb_e% + 0x80) s_num							  //Sound count
	SET ss = 0x30																  //start location of sounds refs
	SET sz = 0x8																   //size per entry of sound refs
	FOR (index3=0;index3<10;index3+=1) BEGIN									   //loop through all entries despite sound count
	  SET si = (%index3% * %sz%)													//index into sounds entries in current ambient entry
	  READ_ASCII (%Q_Off_Ambie% + %amb_e% + %ss% + %si%) wav						//read sound file
		PATCH_IF !(%index3% < %s_num% ) BEGIN	//sound file exists and slot is greater than the count number
		  FOR (index2=0;index2<%s_num%;index2+=1) BEGIN							//loop through sounds entries within sound count
			SET si2 = (%index2% * %sz%)												 //index into sound entries within sound count in current ambient entry
			READ_ASCII (%Q_Off_Ambie% + %amb_e% + %ss% + %si2%) sound				   //read sound file again
			PATCH_IF (NOT FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~%sound%.wav~)							//if file does not exist
				 AND ( (%index2% < %index3%) AND (%index2% <= %s_num%) ) BEGIN			//sound file does not exist and slot is less than earlier slot
			  INNER_ACTION BEGIN								   //start an inner action append is an action not a patch
			   APPEND_OUTER ~ambfixer/AB_Bad_Sound_Refs.txt~ ~%current_file%: %wav%.wav in sound slot %index3%. %s_num% sounds in Ambient Entry #%index%.~
			   APPEND_OUTER ~ambfixer/AB_Bad_Sound_Refs.txt~ ~%current_file%: Moved %wav%.wav from slot %index3% to slot %index2%. This puts %wav%.wav within %s_num% slots from the start of sound file offsets.~
			  END												  //end inner action
			  WRITE_EVALUATED_ASCII (%Q_Off_Ambie% + %amb_e% + %ss% + %si2%) ~%wav%~ (8) //write good file in current slot
			  WRITE_EVALUATED_ASCII (%Q_Off_Ambie% + %amb_e% + %ss% + %si%) ~~ (8)	   //erase good file from old slot
		  END																		 //end patch where sound does not exist and slot is within count
		END																		  //end loop through sound slots
	  END																		   //end patch where sound exists but slot is greater than count
	END																			//end PFE
  END																			 //end ambient entry loop
END																			  //end function

My working mods:
an AI Party Script for BG2 game engine DOWNLOAD LINK ONLY!
Interactive Tweaks for BG series with some IWD support. DOWNLOAD LINK ONLY!
Rest For 8 Hours an IWD mod
My contributions: BG1Fixpack, BG1Tweaks
On Hold: Solestia an NPC for SOA
My website: http://sasha-altheri...s.com/index.htm

#2 Miloch



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Posted 04 October 2009 - 02:52 PM

I did run this (or a version of it) on BGT/BWP a while back... only came up with like 1 or 2 missing ambients, and those from rather obscure mods. It seems the problem may actually lie with *existing* ambients rather than those that don't exist - see this topic. Though I have no clue what could be done to diagnose that apart from what I suggested there. Maybe your Wei-Fu can figure out something, if WeiDU can even help at all.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#3 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 06 October 2009 - 07:35 AM

It might be easier to...

Like say this: Attached File  ambfix.zip   551.67K   328 downloads
Yes, it's totally untested... totally up to you to install, or not.

Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.

#4 the bigg

the bigg

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Posted 06 October 2009 - 07:54 AM

Since I don't know how areas work: is this relevant to normal area edting (thus to be included in WeiDU), or is it a checking / very specific purpose tool?

Italian users: help test the Stivan NPC!

Author or Co-Author: WeiDU - Widescreen - Generalized Biffing - Refinements - TB#Tweaks - IWD2Tweaks - TB#Characters - Traify Tool - Some mods that I won't mention in public
Maintainer: Semi-Multi Clerics - Nalia Mod - Nvidia Fix
Code dumps: Detect custom secondary types - Stutter Investigator

If possible, send diffs, translations and other contributions using Git.

#5 Miloch



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Posted 06 October 2009 - 11:44 AM

Since I don't know how areas work: is this relevant to normal area edting (thus to be included in WeiDU), or is it a checking / very specific purpose tool?

It is only relevant to area modding in the sense that the checkers within tools such as DLTCEP are (telling you when you've specified a bogus resource, your inventory BAM doesn't exist etc.). But if you included all those in WeiDU, you would end up with a multi-megabyte compressed executable.

It really only applies to BG1 and Tutu AFAIK. Like I said, I checked BGT with it (maybe BG2 too) and came up with nothing significant - so the problem seems to be more with existing ambients rather than missing ones.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#6 GeN1e


    A very GAR character

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Posted 06 October 2009 - 06:43 PM

It really only applies to BG1 and Tutu AFAIK.

Only if ambients are known to have more than one kind of troublem. Honestly, I'm not convinced it's caused by missing resources or the like, since I had this bug happening in three areas, two TS's, and in sahuagin city. All of whom have never failed before in my previous games.

Unfortunately, I've never seen it again, so there was no chance to take it apart byte by byte.

Retired from modding.

#7 Miloch



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Posted 07 October 2009 - 11:51 PM

Honestly, I'm not convinced it's caused by missing resources or the like

Eh... that's what I was saying... (repeats self a third time). Only BG1 and Tutu have missing ambients (BG2 may have some) but I don't think it's the "missing" ambients that cause a problem, but rather the existing ones.

Though I don't see how that post of yours from a couple years ago is related to ambients... seems to be mod-related, so could be anything, really...

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#8 GeN1e


    A very GAR character

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Posted 08 October 2009 - 03:46 AM

Though I don't see how that post of yours from a couple years ago is related to ambients... seems to be mod-related, so could be anything, really...

Because that's been exactly turning ambients off that eliminated the issue.

Retired from modding.

#9 Miloch



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Posted 08 October 2009 - 01:30 PM

Because that's been exactly turning ambients off that eliminated the issue.

Ah, well that wasn't clear from the post (what I read of it anyway). Of course, TS 2 years ago (maybe even now) might actually have missing area ambients - it was one or two of those areas that I hit when I last ran the code above anyhow. But we established in the link in the 2nd post above that that isn't the only issue, or probably even the main issue with ambients.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle