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Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC

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#1 Archmage Silver

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Posted 09 August 2010 - 02:46 PM

New DLC Announced by BioWare: Lair of the Shadow Broker

  • Release Date: September 7th
  • Price Tag: 800 Points = 10$
Description: Liara T'Soni is tracking down the mysterious Shadow Broker, and no one is safe. She'll do anything to recover the man the Broker kidnapped... and the Shadow Broker's agents will do anything to stop her. Team up with Liara and chase clues from the luxurious heights of Illium to the Shadow Broker's own secret lair. Adds the Shadow Broker intel center, new research, and five new achievements – and the chance to continue a relationship with Liara.

Posted Image

Edited by Archmage Silver, 23 August 2010 - 12:35 PM.

#2 Eleima


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Posted 10 August 2010 - 05:24 AM

I'm actually looking forward to this one, as I bought and read the comic... I'll hold off a new ME2 playthrough until this one's released (and I'm probably going to end up getting the "Overlord" DLC while I'm at it). I know the release date is marked "tba", but do we have an inkling as to when this might happen? I was hoping beginning of September...

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#3 Archmage Silver

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Posted 10 August 2010 - 11:39 AM

As it has become apparent that they really do intend to bridge the story between ME2 and ME3 with DLC, I'll have to forget my past annoyance at this strategy, simply because I don't want to miss the story elements. What diabolical cunning, BioWare... so yeah, I'm kind of looking forward to this one, so I'll probably grab Overlord at the same time, as to have a bit more to play (post endgame save).

Oh, the release date... the rumor is that it's early September, but there's no official word available. I found a couple of quotes on the matter, see below.

On whether the release date is late August:

Oh I just mean in August we'll be revealing more stuff. :)

On guns, DLC experience:

Hi everyone,

As Christina tweeted, some of the new guns you are seeing in those screens are not in the Lair of the Shadow Broker pack. They are in fact part of a different pack that will be released prior to Lair of the Shadowbroker - more details coming very soon. While this was simply intended to tease them I can see how it could be misleading, so I must apologize for that.

Lair of the Shadow Broker does, however, contain some *really* cool stuff we haven't revealed yet so stay tuned for more details as we head into August. And actually the very coolest part of the DLC (imho) will be something we absolutely won't reveal in the marketing or PR, to avoid spoiling it. I think most of you will find it to be our most satisfying DLC release yet for ME2.

Best Regards,


#4 vilkacis


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Posted 10 August 2010 - 08:07 PM

This thread is kind of late. We had posts up about this for a couple of weeks now, and we knew the bit about the guns, too. The gun dlc itself is already out.

Vague stuff like this isn't really worth a new topic, imo. Personally, I'd wait until there's at least something substantial.

#5 Archmage Silver

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Posted 10 August 2010 - 10:58 PM

You're entitled to your opinion, but I disagree (and yes, I did read the posts in the news thread). DLC packs should have their own threads for clarity IMO. The timing of the thread doesn't really matter either, as I was going to eventually post it anyway. It's not like new topics cost enormous amounts of bandwidth...

#6 vilkacis


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Posted 23 August 2010 - 10:32 AM

Price and release date set.

We are pleased to announce this morning that the next Mass Effect 2 DLC episode The Lair of the Shadowbroker will be available on the PC and Xbox 360 on Tuesday September 7 and will cost 800 BioWare/Microsoft points. Not only is this an excellent adventure through Illium and the shadowbroker's secret lair, this new DLC will add the Shadow Broker intel center, new research, and five new achievements ? and give fans from Mass Effect 1the chance to continue a relationship with Liara.

Also pics.

Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

This would have been a good time to create this topic.

#7 Archmage Silver

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Posted 23 August 2010 - 12:34 PM

I've updated the first post with the details. Apparently you can continue your relationship with Liara if she was your LI in ME1... perhaps they'll come up with another DLC for Ashley/Kaidan with the content changing depending on which one the player saved in ME1? Otherwise I think my Shepard's reunion with Ashley will have to wait until ME3.

Lair of the Shadow Broker is also BioWare's second most expensive DLC pack, right after Shale, and I don't how it actually compares, considering the fact that Shale comes free with a new copy of DA. I guess this means that we're getting some significant content this time. Not that the Kasumi DLC pack was that bad, but something grander in scale would be great.

This would have been a good time to create this topic.


#8 Philiposophy

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Posted 24 August 2010 - 07:18 AM

That they are marketing the opportunity to continue the Liara relationship indicates how badly they handled her in ME2. I hope they've concentrated properly on this and aren't going to be too occupied with making it up to people who felt like they lost out in ME2.

Only time will tell.

#9 Archmage Silver

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Posted 24 August 2010 - 04:48 PM

With that pricetag, it should be good. Ok, it's entirely possible that it's not, but certainly they must realize that making mash out of it will be just... bad business?

#10 Miloch



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Posted 24 August 2010 - 07:41 PM

certainly they must realize that making mash out of it will be just... bad business?

When has that stopped any developer from churning out pricetagged rubbish?

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#11 Archmage Silver

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Posted 24 August 2010 - 07:44 PM

certainly they must realize that making mash out of it will be just... bad business?

When has that stopped any developer from churning out pricetagged rubbish?

Point taken, but I'm hoping BioWare has learned something from their previous DLC packs...


#12 Philiposophy

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Posted 25 August 2010 - 01:33 PM

This is being released on the same day as the final DA:O DLC. That's clever, I suspect more people will buy both instead of just one.

#13 Archmage Silver

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Posted 25 August 2010 - 02:46 PM

I agree, that's certainly good business. Although I knew from the beginning that they weren't going to support DA with DLC for two years, it would have just been bad business.

Let's see... I'll be buying Overlord, Lair of the Shadow Broker, and Witch Hunt. That comes down to a total of 560 + 800 + 560 = 1920 points, so I'll have to purchase points for 16.43 euros. Hm... at least I won't have to get any excess points if I just buy 560 points twice, and 800 once.

#14 Philiposophy

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Posted 25 August 2010 - 03:06 PM

I'll need 1360 points as I've already got Overlord. I'm not sure what the exchange rate is exactly, but I'm probably going to be shelling out just under £15.

I'm irritated by the timing rather than the cost right now. All this new content when I'm starting to look for employment! :lol:

#15 Archmage Silver

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Posted 25 August 2010 - 03:08 PM

Yeah, I know, I'm just starting at a new workplace on Monday to finish my thesis. ;)

Edited by Archmage Silver, 25 August 2010 - 03:11 PM.

#16 Cal Jones

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Posted 26 August 2010 - 12:43 AM

@Philiposophy - I feel your pain. Lost my job in July and the job market is so competitive now I can't even find a crap temp job.

Still, I'll get this and Witch Hunt. Question is, which to play first! Argh.
Funnily enough I have no Shepards who romanced Liara. The one that did dumped her for Miranda...the others are variously hooked up with Garrus, Thane, Jack and one is still holding out for Kaiden. Liara just didn't appeal to me much. But the DLC still looks interesting.

#17 Bluenose


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Posted 02 September 2010 - 09:02 AM

The trailerfor this is up on the ME2 website. Looks like some different gameplay is involved, aor at least that's the impression I get from the driving scene. Shouldn't havve watched it though. Hate spoilers. Like talking like Mordin.

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#18 Philiposophy

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Posted 02 September 2010 - 11:35 AM

According to Chris Priestly there's going to be an asari Spectre making an appearance. This is a good thing, in my opinion, as the Spectres were an important plot point in ME1, but were suddenly ignored in ME2.

#19 Eleima


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Posted 02 September 2010 - 10:33 PM

I didn't find the trailer all that spoiler'ish, to be honest. I mostly came away thinking "wow, that looks pretty cool". I'll definitely be getting it.

And I agree with Philiposophy, though, there was a disturbing lack of Spectres in ME2 (guess they were too busy shoving Justicars in our face... :unsure: ), so at least we'll be getting a tiny dose of 'em now.

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#20 Vicen


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Posted 04 September 2010 - 07:48 AM

I wonder if the Spectres will make a comeback in mass effect 3...should be interesting to see...Sadly I have not goten overlord or really any DLC since the Kasumi one for mass effect gonna have to shell out some major dough for this and witch hunt :ph34r:

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