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#177358 magic system

Posted by Schatten on 23 December 2004 - 06:43 AM in Dragon Age Series

well, i a mage can hurt himself so must a knight cut his head down, too. and a thief can certainly backstab himself. not to mention the cleric who cast harm instead of heal.   :mellow:

#177361 Combat

Posted by Schatten on 23 December 2004 - 06:51 AM in Dragon Age Series

bah, only kotor if you can easily modify the script for your comrades. giving the jedis master crits and they dont use it and i cannot be bothered to babysit them.
it is decided they use realtime with pause button, i think. and this is a good decision. i like that.
complete control over you budies  is a must. i rather play alone than with cronies who charge into a trap of eternal darkness.
though i wouldnt mind using those new  motion capture machine things on your etremities and actually really doing the  swing with a sword. :D and really going down the street. B)

#177386 magic system

Posted by Schatten on 23 December 2004 - 09:18 AM in Dragon Age Series

Knights and rogues aren't dealing with the arcane ;). But potentially, if they tried to use their skills past their ability, they might have the risk of penalties.

Afaiik there will only be one type of magic user, but correct me if I'm wrong.

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using arcane or not has nothing to do with that. i say if you wanna nerf a caster by hurting himself i say a charging knight can trip and his sword is inserted into his head. so every high level ability must have the  potential of hurting the  user otherwise you nerf one char into oblivion.

#177480 Morale and Motivations

Posted by Schatten on 23 December 2004 - 03:58 PM in Dragon Age Series

Well I dont honestly think its going to affect the bigger picture in the end.

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no, there are good rpgs out there without that effect. it just add to tactical decisions. :)

#177481 Non-linearity and free-exploring

Posted by Schatten on 23 December 2004 - 04:00 PM in Dragon Age Series

why shouldnt it work with complete and uncomplete quests? i have taken a quest in chapter 2 and can complete it in chapter 5. no problem.

#177482 More fantastic or more realistic

Posted by Schatten on 23 December 2004 - 04:02 PM in Dragon Age Series

... and then you could betray all the factions be the feared necromancer king... or is it too classic, eh?

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no, though i would choose to lay down every women and kill every men....  :wub:  :blush:   :whistling:

#177483 Combat

Posted by Schatten on 23 December 2004 - 04:04 PM in Dragon Age Series

I say that it should be realtime and with a pause button. I don't think that turn based would give the same difficulty and real time is faster anyway.

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turnbased is way more tactical and thus for the standard gamer more dificult. turnbased strategy games are normaly prefered by strategy game lovers over rts. ;)

#177484 magic system

Posted by Schatten on 23 December 2004 - 04:13 PM in Dragon Age Series

Yes, exactly :). Sorry, I misunderstood.

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he, no problem.   :hug:

" I agree also. High level abilities without any chance of a drawback are just an enormous cheeze."

yep. you must look, a meleer and ranger has unlimited ammo but their damage output is not so high. for them it takes longer to kill. a mage has not (or should not) have unlimited ammo but their attacks must kick better.

#177485 DA Toolkit

Posted by Schatten on 23 December 2004 - 04:16 PM in Dragon Age Series

yeah, tom is right there. look, bg2 is not easy to mod and you got good quality (for the most part).

#178111 Non-linearity and free-exploring

Posted by Schatten on 28 December 2004 - 02:33 PM in Dragon Age Series

Its not really the chapter that devides the areas, its the story - chapters just mark turning points in the story. I think they are a good idea, and I dont have anything against restricting certain areas untill later points in the story, but restricting areas that youve already been to is just silly if you ask me (if there is no decent reason given for why you cant go back, a la NwN.) In BG2 it was understandable, because you have such trouble getting to brynnlaw to begin with.

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exactly. and thats what i like about sacred most of the area is open for you, only restricted by tough monster and some areas you can only to when you advance in the story. great concept. :)

#178112 Races in DA

Posted by Schatten on 28 December 2004 - 02:35 PM in Dragon Age Series

it depends of the world they create. maybe there is no racism? :) though i would like to see some annoyances between races.

#178113 alignment

Posted by Schatten on 28 December 2004 - 02:41 PM in Dragon Age Series

hm.... somehow.... you need to be judged by others. when you go to a city and bomb it and then go to a neighbouring city they must judge you as a killer and tread you badly. perhaps a number as judgement is not good. perhaps a feat"?? is better. when you kill the king you get the feat "king killer". something like fallout has done. so you can then create reactions based on these facts. also you see a nice list when looking at your char sheet. :D

#178115 Levels in DA

Posted by Schatten on 28 December 2004 - 02:43 PM in Dragon Age Series

perhaps over the course of the game a few. better the ones at the end are not the most powerfulls.

#178227 How much realism do you want in DA ?

Posted by Schatten on 29 December 2004 - 10:30 AM in Dragon Age Series

aging isnt hard to do and does give something to the game. look at might and magic.
to make a distinction in material of products is a bit too much. thats too much micromanaging. just another way of upgrading items.
food sucks. period. somehow. :D or, again, might and magic with the  food spell was somehow good.
yeah, lots of npcs. at least hundreds on one map. yeah, i  work fir echelon and  have thus good computing resources. :D no seriously. somewhat crowded is okay but you must remember if you want to give them purposes that those eat a lot resources, too. iirc, bethesda wants to give their npcs real purposes and actions to perform. :D

#178275 alignment

Posted by Schatten on 29 December 2004 - 03:57 PM in Dragon Age Series

sorry. i didnt mean a feat like cleave. its more of a "flag". remember when you marry that dude in fo2? you get this flag that you were married. cant remember what those things were called. they are just global flags. though its very complicated and work intense to make an alignment system with that. nevertheless it opens lots of dialog options, too. :D

#178544 How much realism do you want in DA ?

Posted by Schatten on 31 December 2004 - 10:00 AM in Dragon Age Series

You have to ask yourself if making the game more realistic brings anything more to it. I don't think the game would be more fun by having this degree of realism.

Is getting old and dying fun? Is having a very limited inventory fun? I don't think so. Of course, added realism can bring a lot to a game (look at the physics of Half-Life 2, for example), but shouldn't be added for its own sake ;).

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its personal taste. i think aging is a good concept in compination with sleeping to recover. it adds another layer of difficulty. imagine nwn with the sleep all thingy and now put in aging.  you wouldnt want to sleep after every fight with your mage or you risk after half through or so senility (??). you cant remember so much spells, you are becoming weak etc.. its not too bad. it adds some difficulty at the end of the game. you wont grow so much in power, if ever, later on. perhaps extensive use of sleep will result in weaking you. its a possibility to look at for those who wont want to fight super demons of godly angels later. :)

#179004 How much realism do you want in DA ?

Posted by Schatten on 03 January 2005 - 05:44 AM in Dragon Age Series

quiet lurker: get an account here.   :hug:  ;)

#181133 Stats & Leveling Up

Posted by Schatten on 13 January 2005 - 03:06 AM in Dragon Age Series

i like it and it is rather realistic. you get better in skills by practicing them and while getting better you level up, global. its good. :)

#181136 Races in DA

Posted by Schatten on 13 January 2005 - 03:08 AM in Dragon Age Series

i hope the unique race is like a cyborg or something.  :D

#181519 Races in DA

Posted by Schatten on 14 January 2005 - 02:31 AM in Dragon Age Series

Hahaha, that would rock. You could make yourself a cyborg, and role play Robocop xD

that would rock so much. or make it (since its no sci-fi mix like might and magic) make it a human-golem thing. instead of metal skin perhaps stone skin. :D
but a roboter would rock more. :lol:

#183716 How much realism do you want in DA ?

Posted by Schatten on 23 January 2005 - 09:22 AM in Dragon Age Series

yeah, those faces were really good indicators in mm. its a good idea to include. and there sure are ways to display more subtle effects.
fear effect:  :ph34r:
some positive combat effect like increase to hit:   :angry:
and so on. ;)