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#495106 Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC

Posted by Philiposophy on 25 August 2010 - 01:33 PM in Mass Effect Series

This is being released on the same day as the final DA:O DLC. That's clever, I suspect more people will buy both instead of just one.

#495105 "The final DLC for DA:O" announced

Posted by Philiposophy on 25 August 2010 - 01:12 PM in Dragon Age Series

I've not bought any Dragon Age DLC so far but I'm really considering getting this. It's actually more plot essential than any of the others and is involved in a key part of the story.

I guess though that this will mean the dark ritual ending to Origins itself isn't going to play a major role in DA2, if we can conclude that storyline here. That's not a criticism, mind you, I fully expected and understand why they would do that.

#494969 Dragon Age II News

Posted by Philiposophy on 24 August 2010 - 07:22 AM in Dragon Age Series

Why would they get rid of the tactical view?  :unsure:

It was very helpful at times and I can't think what was wrong with it.

#494967 Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC

Posted by Philiposophy on 24 August 2010 - 07:18 AM in Mass Effect Series

That they are marketing the opportunity to continue the Liara relationship indicates how badly they handled her in ME2. I hope they've concentrated properly on this and aren't going to be too occupied with making it up to people who felt like they lost out in ME2.

Only time will tell.

#493839 Dragon Age II News

Posted by Philiposophy on 06 August 2010 - 12:34 PM in Dragon Age Series

Looks like they've reduced the average distance in size between the races. Sten towers over even human wardens. I suppose he could just be big even for a qunari though. The elves also seem to be about the same size as humans though in Origins, they were shorter. Dwarves are... well, they're always the same, aren't they?

#492933 Dragon Age II: gameplay, logos and theft of intellectual property

Posted by Philiposophy on 24 July 2010 - 04:22 AM in Dragon Age Series

ROFL. Great job.

#492849 ME2 News

Posted by Philiposophy on 23 July 2010 - 06:06 AM in Mass Effect Series

I'm disappointed that they're going to deal with the Shadow Broker in a DLC. It's so cheap to deal with such a massive figure in galactic politics in an optional piece of content. What'll it be like for anyone who doesn't buy it? The death of the Shadow Broker will have massive consequences for the political structure of the galaxy. They'll be forced to have a single line of throwaway dialogue to explain the difference!

I'll still buy it though.

Also, Liara is alongside Shepard, Tali and Garrus in one of those pics. Does that mean she'll be an ally rather than an actual squadmate for the duration of the DLC?

#492070 What's your take on Hawke?

Posted by Philiposophy on 13 July 2010 - 04:25 AM in Dragon Age Series

Characters like the Nameless One and the Exile have taught me that preset characters are not necessarily a bad thing and can be done well. So on that front, I'm not going to condemn the game now just for that. I also prefer to play as a human so that doesn't bother me too much, though I can understand if others are annoyed.

What does concern me though is what they've told us so far about what Hawke was doing when the Blight hit. Apparently s/he was in Lothering and fled Ferelden altogether rather than fight against the darkspawn. It sounds like Hawke was certainly capable of fighting rather than being just a child or something, yet chose not to. That means that Hawke is already painted as being either cowardly or completely self-interested to the extent that s/he just doesn't care about anyone else. Unless they give him/her a very good reason for fleeing (though what is more urgent than a Blight?), it could well annoy me.

#491870 Dragon Age II News

Posted by Philiposophy on 09 July 2010 - 01:04 PM in Dragon Age Series

However, rather than stay and fight the darkspawn menace, Hawke flees Ferelden and heads north.

Wonderful. Our protagonist is a dirty coward.

#491854 DLC recommendations for Origins

Posted by Philiposophy on 09 July 2010 - 09:01 AM in Dragon Age Series

I didn't get any DLC for my first playthrough of Origins besides Shale and the Blood Dragon armour, but that was free so it doesn't really count.

Is any of the other stuff worth getting? I'm mildly interested by Warden's Keep but that could just be because there's a guy in the party camp trying to flog it to me.

#491852 So, Dragon Age 2...

Posted by Philiposophy on 09 July 2010 - 08:38 AM in Dragon Age Series

I'm not massively concerned by a preset character until I see how they do it. It might not be ideal but I've seen preset characters be good enough in Torment and ME to withhold my judgement.

I am interested by this decade thing. All Bioware's other efforts I've played take place over an indeterminate amount of time that seems like a few months at the most. A whole decade would mean they'd have to factor in political changes, economic changes (stores are going to sell up and go or move in!), people dying, people getting older, growing up, etc. There'd even be pressure for the romances to be deeper than they have been previously. 10 years is more than enough time for serious relationships to develop after all.

#491796 So, Dragon Age 2...

Posted by Philiposophy on 08 July 2010 - 03:00 PM in Dragon Age Series

Playing as someone other than the Warden isn't necessarily a negative. The Blight and the Archdemon were dealt with in Origins, so it would feel like it was stretching it to have a Grey Warden dealing with all the other problems in the world. Plus there's the problem of possibly being dead. Even if they survived, they've got the task of being the Warden Commander in Ferelden, so all their time will be taken up by basically doing what Duncan did before he died.

Also, if the protagonist's surname is Hawke, I will be tempted to call him "Ebon"...

#491608 Aegis Pack DLC

Posted by Philiposophy on 06 July 2010 - 11:32 AM in Mass Effect Series

BioWare released a new DLC called the Aegis pack that can be found on here: http://masseffect.bi...e.com/info/dlc/

Seems better than the Equalizer pack at least but I still don't know if I'm going to bother buying it. I've heard good things about the Incisor but I'm a little uncertain still.

Also, one important question:

Why the hell can't BioWare design headgear that doesn't look absolutely retarded? I mean, really, the kestrel helmet looks nearly as dumb as the crap in the Equalizer pack.

#489976 Overlord DLC

Posted by Philiposophy on 16 June 2010 - 09:12 AM in Mass Effect Series

I did it today. It was pretty good on the whole. The Hammerhead portions suck because the Hammerhead sucks, but other than that it was decent.

A bit reminiscent of System Shock in places as well, though not quite on the same level.

#488243 Mass Effect film?

Posted by Philiposophy on 25 May 2010 - 04:36 AM in Mass Effect Series

No... just no.

#488169 ME3 News

Posted by Philiposophy on 24 May 2010 - 03:19 AM in Mass Effect Series

I want to support Bioware too, because they make some of my favourite video games, but that view is far too simplistic.

I want to support Bioware so they do what they do best, which is making high quality video games with good writing and immersive qualities. I don't really want to support them so they can make DLC crap. I've never liked DLC because I think it breeds a sense of laziness and complacency. See Zaeed and Kasumi, they have no dialogue at all, it's just a monologue from them which Shepard can listen in on. For some reason, they just didn't feel the need to do it... properly, I guess is what it is. This sort of DLC is also irritating for the reasons I mentioned earlier.

Of course it's all moot, since I will end up buying it, but it still feels like a kick in the teeth.