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There have been 13 items by K. Lou of Combs (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#210253 Comments on "Thayvian Technique"

Posted by K. Lou of Combs on 14 June 2005 - 06:38 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

Pretty funny, especially at the end.  A very creative imagination you have, methinks. ;)

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Creative? Gee, and here I was going for 'twisted', and 'depraved'. :rolleyes:

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Well, that too, but, hey... :P

#209590 Comments on "Thayvian Technique"

Posted by K. Lou of Combs on 11 June 2005 - 07:46 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

Pretty funny, especially at the end. A very creative imagination you have, methinks. ;)

#209248 romace's

Posted by K. Lou of Combs on 09 June 2005 - 03:15 PM in IE Mod Ideas

There's always the banter accelerator in the Banter Pack.

Of course, if that's not fast enough for you, then you could try the cheat code


Where __ is the name of the character you're romancing. It only works for the Bioware romances, though.

#203807 Irenicus-Edwin Banter

Posted by K. Lou of Combs on 06 May 2005 - 09:59 PM in Longer Road

Okay... um... I don't have the game anymore because I got this really evil bug that, bottom line, got rid of that game.  And, of course, because I am so stupid, I did not make a back-up for it. :bash:

So... um... BallOfFire, since you're having the same problem, would you mind zipping your game and sending it to dorotea?... Maybe?


#204095 Qwen Ta'hara

Posted by K. Lou of Combs on 10 May 2005 - 12:55 AM in IE Mod Ideas

In defence of my generation... I've never met any girl my age that spoke like that... O.o;. But then again, it may be different in America or wherever. But yeah... to the point, she does seem pretty modern-minded, as it were.

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I don't know anyone who talks like that, per se, though I certainly have *heard* that kind of talk over here in California, usually from the empty-headed D&F-students who populate half of my high school's P.E. classes.

As for your character, if you changed her alignment (Chaotic Neutral would probably be best, like Moongaze said) and made her dialect older (much, MUCH older - think of the time the game is set in), then it would probably do much better as an NPC. Also, if she really has "a strong sense of what is right and just" as you say, it should show in her dialogue.

Take note that I'm not trying to insult you or anything, I'm just offering some suggestions in case you really want to create this mod.

#222486 what the casters say

Posted by K. Lou of Combs on 20 September 2005 - 09:07 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

"Vita mortis careo"

vita: life
mortis: death.
careo/cario: if it's careo, then it's "be without, be deprived of, lack, want"; if it's cario, it's probaby a perversion of "caries", which means "rotten".
life, death, decay

"Scio didicti hecta"

Scio: to know
didicti: either an alteration of "didico" (to be told) or "dicto" (to say often), or even a bizarre combination of the two.
hecta: might be weird form of "aequitas", which means "justice, fairness"
to know, to be told, justice

"Incantus pulcher imperium"

incantus: Non-existant form of "incanto", which means "to enchant"
pulcher: beauty
imperium: power to command, authority
enchant, beauty, authority

Eh... I don't remember any others...

#222531 what the casters say

Posted by K. Lou of Combs on 21 September 2005 - 06:40 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

"Veritas credo something" is another. Veritas=Truth, credo=belief, more or less.

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I'm pretty sure the last word is "oculus", which means "eye".

#206327 Something to think about

Posted by K. Lou of Combs on 24 May 2005 - 11:43 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I always thought that the "spell component in the soup" Irenicus mentioned was figurative. They'd probably have more than just the soup drugged, in case someone got sea-sick looking at the stew. Or just sea-sick looking at their meal in general, and only had a glass of wine/ale/whatever.

Then again, if someone DID get sea-sick and regurgitated their poisoned meal, it makes you wonder if the spell component would have worked, being expelled from their stomach before it reached the intestines and got into the bloodstream and all... :glare:

Feel free to tell me to shut up. ^_^

#203989 Endings.......

Posted by K. Lou of Combs on 08 May 2005 - 07:20 PM in Longer Road

"You will NOT be able to obtain the 'good' ending if you have looted the demon maze

Wait, what? But you *have* to loot the demon maze, at least to some extent... you need the sceptor in Yakman's tent and the two gems you get off the demons' body. Unless, of course, you mean you're only allowed to get those essential items things and nothing else...

Gah, I'm confused. :wacko:

#203996 Endings.......

Posted by K. Lou of Combs on 08 May 2005 - 08:22 PM in Longer Road

It means before you go there as part of lr

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Um... oh.

Oh, DUH!! :rolleyes:

Thank you. I get it now. I feel silly... :blush:

#220979 Did Irenicus rape Imoen?(the poll)

Posted by K. Lou of Combs on 04 September 2005 - 11:59 PM in Imoen Relationship

I never thought that Irenicus raped Imoen... I mean, what's the point of having concubines if you just rape your experiments? Irenicus is too logical for that.

When the dryads said, "He has used you as we," I don't think they meant it literally... Personally, I've always believed that Imoen was mentally raped rather than sexually, and that maybe Irenicus was searching for something in the innocence of her mind rather than her body to "instill emotion".

#223659 Requesting a formal list of all banned boards

Posted by K. Lou of Combs on 28 September 2005 - 08:53 PM in IE Modding Discussion

... morons to continue cluttering up the board with their pathetic whining and their petty insults... 

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Hmmm... Interesting... I wonder how you would classify your post then?

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Indignant grumbling, of course. :) I see your point, though.

Still... I don't believe it was the obvious pointlessness and insulting nature of their posts that got them banned so much as it was how they insisted on posting their insults every other second. <_< Surely if you've been to the board and saw the trolls' posts you know what I'm talking about.

#223657 Requesting a formal list of all banned boards

Posted by K. Lou of Combs on 28 September 2005 - 07:49 PM in IE Modding Discussion

You make a few good points, Gabrielle.  All things being equal, I agree that it's better not to edit other ppl's posts.  I would be more inclined to delete the post or move it to a dead thread forum.

I don't agree with editing a persons post period, which is why I said something. Even one that is a personal attack on myself I don't edit. Let the world see this person for what they really are.

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Yet you ban them anyways... Funny thing is the worst I have seen here is a edit to the person's post to make it more exceptable, not an outright ban.

So how is your way any better?

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Yes. The administrators should have allowed those morons to continue cluttering up the board with their pathetic whining and their petty insults. After all, they're only annoying, and they're only wasting people's time, right? And time is hardly an important thing for those of us with lives.

Instead of banning them, the administrators should have let them continue on as they were, and the administrators should have wasted their time and energy editing the flamers' many posts to make them more "exceptable". Congratulations, by the way, on inventing a new way to spell "acceptable".

Edit: See below.