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#220048 "Baldur's Goth II"

Posted by Vita Muerte on 27 August 2005 - 07:32 PM in Baldur's Goth



Stay tuned for a... release!  :)

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Sweet! Definitely something to look forward to. :coolthumb:

#219017 Comments on "Starlight I, Aludra's Cloak"

Posted by Vita Muerte on 16 August 2005 - 08:26 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

Sorry I've been slow at reviewing.  It seems summer caught up with me: places to go and people to meet.  It turns out my brain turned to mush as well.  (It's the damnable heatwave I tell ya.) :glare:

Have you read IT by Stephen King?  This happens to be my favorite childhood story, and Starlight reminds me of it... the gang's dynamic is what draws me to it.   :new_thumbs: (Yeah, I'm a sucker for 'us against the world' type stories. :P )

#217438 D&D Online

Posted by Vita Muerte on 31 July 2005 - 11:31 PM in Delusions of the Mind

15 bucks a month?
15 bucks?!
I haven't seen such a big sum of money since my birthday!
Greedy bastards :angry: .

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:woot: Yikes! If this is how much I'd have to pay monthly just to play this game, I'd rather go back to pnp.

Ehm, ALL computer games steal time and money, one way or another. ;)

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Very true, but at least when I buy a crpg I only pay once. I could live with paying 50 bucks a year, but even then, it better be one hell of a game.

#217160 You are not the One

Posted by Vita Muerte on 29 July 2005 - 12:51 PM in Dragon Age Series

I don't know. I'm still not sure what to make of DA. I tend to prefer games where the storyline outweighs the action; BG1, 2 and Ps:T are a prime example. If I really wanted some hack-slash game I would certainly go for Doom and such.

#216983 Could you ever enjoy SoA/ToB again with NO mods?

Posted by Vita Muerte on 28 July 2005 - 12:16 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Hell yes!   :ermm:
I think BG2 is one of the best games I've ever come across, even with a very disappointing culmination (TOB.) Sure there are some things I'd rather do without, such as the "you must gather your party..." line, as mentioned by g'lain.  All in all, the mods and improvements out there are just an added bonus... don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful to the modding community for adding more flavors to an already fantastic game.     :cheers:

#216949 "Comments on Cursed Blood"

Posted by Vita Muerte on 27 July 2005 - 07:19 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

Hey, if your chapters are gonna be this good, by all means take your time.  I like your style; you don?t compromise or give away too much, which in turn gives the story a shroud of intrigue.  ;)

"I have failed you again, Siane. Forgive me."

  Eandryth and Siane had a very close relationship, and seeing poignant little glimpses of it as the story develops is rather compelling.  The one thing I still can?t wrap my mind around is aunty Immy?s death. :crying: (Besides Viccy, Immy is my fav vanilla npc.)  

Eagerly awaiting your next installment. :)

#216795 portraits

Posted by Vita Muerte on 26 July 2005 - 10:15 PM in Layers of Reality

Cleric in progress.

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Two things:
1.  The brunette?s forehead seems to go on and on.
2.  The wisp of hair sticking out does not match what?s under the chainmail.

Other than that, it looks very good.   :wub: If you?re gonna baldurize it, I?d love to ask you for permission to use it as my portrait when I play.

#216792 Comments on "Starlight I, Aludra's Cloak"

Posted by Vita Muerte on 26 July 2005 - 09:53 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

So far your character interaction, imagery, and narration are working seamlessly in your story.  I hope you like the new direction you?re taking.   :)

#216787 Comments on Heritage of Evil

Posted by Vita Muerte on 26 July 2005 - 09:29 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

Interesting, I don't think I've seen anyone before have a dwelf as the hero, or in this case the anti-hero.  I gotta say I was expecting this to be your typical BG story, but after reading the first paragraph, boy was I wrong.  The thing that really pissed me off about BioWare is that they severely limited the amount of races to pick from.   :new_bottom: *end of rant*  

I just hope poor Drizzt doesn't happen to run into Shann any time soon.  :P

#216783 Comments on "Divine Lineage"

Posted by Vita Muerte on 26 July 2005 - 09:04 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

Great job! :coolthumb: Sorry, I hadn't commented earlier, but my attention span suffered severely this last week. Anyway, you seem to have a knack for writing very realistic battle scenes; it almost feels as though you were there. I love the Imoen-Rivian interaction, btw. Can?t wait for your next chapter. :)

P.S. Don?t work too hard. ;)

#216764 First colored picture

Posted by Vita Muerte on 26 July 2005 - 06:01 PM in Layers of Reality

Good job!   :clap: I can draw inanimate objects and animals quite well, but sadly I never mastered the ability to draw humanoid features.  -_-
I believe your drawing is reminiscent of Sune's avatar when the gods walked the realms.  Sune's avatar has been described as "a beautiful woman with silky scarlet hair and fiery red-brown eyes."

#216762 Heroes Lorebook

Posted by Vita Muerte on 26 July 2005 - 05:23 PM in Delusions of the Mind

Piergeiron the Paladinson: Open Lord Piergeiron (LG male Tethyrian human paladin 17 [Tyr]) is a tall, muscular, handsome man of quiet confidence, poise, and patience. His hair is only slightly graying at the temples, despite his increasing years. The Paladinson speaks so seldom and slowly that he has acquired the nickname (never to his face) of "the Thickskull." Piergeiron is not stupid, but often pretends to be, so draw others out into admissions they might not make otherwise. The Paladinson is the son of Athar, "the Shining Knight," who was famed for slaying the great wyrm Kistarianth the Red.

Despite the many challenges of his tenure, Piergeiron has remained above reproach, ably administering the city and ensuring the rule of law. As such, the Paladinson is very safe from those who wish the city to flourish and a frequent target of attack by those who wish Waterdeep ill. Piergeiron dwells in the Palace of Waterdeep (C75), commonly known as Piergeiron's Palace, ever shadowed by his personal bodyguard, Madeiron Sunderstone (detailed elsewhere).

Piergeiron's wife Maethiira died in the Year of the Moonfall (1344 DR), and the couple had only one child. Aleena Paladinstar (LG female Tethyrian wizard 7/arcane devotee[PG] 4 [Tyr]) has been absent from the city for several years, having taken to planewalking to see new worlds. Some say she might someday succeed her father when his reign as Open Lord comes to an end.

Hope this helps. :)

#216622 DA, NWN and BG

Posted by Vita Muerte on 25 July 2005 - 10:06 PM in Dragon Age Series

Dragon Age will have real-time, party-based combat. The player explores the world with an over-the-shoulder camera view as seen in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, but when combat begins, the camera can be switched to a top-down tactical view similar to that in Baldur's Gate. Combat will be in real time but will allow the player to pause the action ('pause and play') and assign commands to his party members.

:( I was hoping BioWare would keep the BG top-down camara angle altogether.  I get terrible motion sickness if the camera control is not stable.  Oh well, I guess I'll just have to get used to it. :rolleyes:

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Heh, just the motion-sickness caused by camera movement during change to combat mode should be enough to deter any chaotic evil players from slaughtering random civilians.

Very devious of Bioware, very devious indeed.   :devil:

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Ack, they're only almost succeeding in deterring me from buying DA.  But then again, I admit I'm biased; I'm one of those who favor the old school IE over the newer ones.  I doubt BioWare would want to receive any flak from critics and most gamers for using an obsolete engine instead of using flashier, state of the art graphics.   -_-

I rarely play CE characters- and no, I don't play goody two shoes either. (Not very often, anyway.) :naughty:

#216453 DA, NWN and BG

Posted by Vita Muerte on 24 July 2005 - 06:28 PM in Dragon Age Series

Dragon Age will have real-time, party-based combat. The player explores the world with an over-the-shoulder camera view as seen in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, but when combat begins, the camera can be switched to a top-down tactical view similar to that in Baldur's Gate. Combat will be in real time but will allow the player to pause the action ('pause and play') and assign commands to his party members.

:( I was hoping BioWare would keep the BG top-down camara angle altogether.  I get terrible motion sickness if the camera control is not stable.  Oh well, I guess I'll just have to get used to it. :rolleyes:

#216451 Full-voicing

Posted by Vita Muerte on 24 July 2005 - 06:04 PM in Dragon Age Series

I think I'd prefer partial voicing.  Even BG annoys me sometimes when someone is talking and I have already read the whole dialog...it seems like such a waste.

Examples of this are all the Chapter links and the speech by the Avatar in the Unseeing Eye quest. 

Some characters just talk too slowly to make it worthwhile listening to them.

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I agree. I don't mind having voice over when the characters are currently in dialogue mode.  I however, skip the chapter prologues, just as I disable the movie mode.  I just don't like sitting around waiting to get started on a quest.   :zzz:

The actor's voice also plays a major role in whether or not I let the voice over run its course.  For instance: when I play BG2 and rescue Aerie and save the circus if I decide to keep her in my party for any reason, I just don't let Aerie's part play (she's way too squeaky!) *insert nails scratching chalkboard sound effect* :woot:

#216402 The villains

Posted by Vita Muerte on 24 July 2005 - 12:13 PM in Dragon Age Series

I hate eastern eggs.

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You mean easter eggs?  Why? :woot:
Whenever I buy a new game or movie that's the first thing I usually look for.  Sometimes the people behind the product happen to have some very funny inside jokes or whatnot.  :D

Edit:  I agree with Feanor on Jarlaxle... I'd just have a hard time hating/fearing him- in a Hannibal Lecter kinda way.  I know DA doesn't take place in the Forgotten Realms, but I'd also like to see Kyrnill Kenafin; now that matron mother makes all the others seem like blushing school girls.

#215947 Progress?

Posted by Vita Muerte on 21 July 2005 - 02:30 PM in Jerry Zinger Show

Sweet!  For that I'm gonna have to give you a :cookie:.         :naughty:

#215807 Progress?

Posted by Vita Muerte on 20 July 2005 - 05:30 PM in Jerry Zinger Show

:Poke: Is Jerry Zinger still a work in progress or is it on hold?

#215148 Is the KOTOR saga worth buying?

Posted by Vita Muerte on 14 July 2005 - 03:24 PM in KotOR Series

hope you enjoy it, all I know is that if my copies somehow got broken or stopped working I'd cry, first in thanks that I won't be able to get sucked into hem (they're taht addictive) and then in anguish because of withdrawal and then I'd have to plot a horrible revenge on whomever broke them

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Thanks. That's exactly how I felt when I had to reformat one of my pc's. And it just happened to be the one with all my BG2 mods and saved files. The Hulk had nothing on me then. :P

#214989 Is the KOTOR saga worth buying?

Posted by Vita Muerte on 13 July 2005 - 07:58 AM in KotOR Series

Not to discourage you at all, but our opinions may be somewhat biased ;)

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S'alright. I don't get discouraged so easily. ;)
I already bought the game, but gotta wait for the weekend to break it open and install it.

#214793 Comments on "Divine Lineage"

Posted by Vita Muerte on 11 July 2005 - 09:33 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

I've read Divine Lineage at www.fanfiction.net., and I'm glad to see it here. I like the direction the story is taking. Sometimes it helps not having the game's entire dialogue be paraphrased; I usually find originality to have more substance. ;)

As far as your English goes, let?s just say that some native speakers are worst off than you are. If you need help with proofreading, I'm sure some fellow gamers wouldn't mind giving you a hand. :) Me, I'm no Shakespeare... but I do know what I like.

#214767 Is the KOTOR saga worth buying?

Posted by Vita Muerte on 11 July 2005 - 02:11 PM in KotOR Series

... the character interaction and story are top notch and are keeping me interested (I believe I am most of the way through the game) ... but the game makes up for it in other area's like the cool NPC's you meet...


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Alrighty then. Character interaction, well-developed NPC's and rich stories are the things I usually look for in a game. Tactical challenges are just an added bonus. Thank you all for your opinion- I'll be buying the game within the next few days! :)

#214674 Is the KOTOR saga worth buying?

Posted by Vita Muerte on 11 July 2005 - 12:24 AM in KotOR Series

I got to see the Star Wars movies when I was a wee one, but never really got hooked. I find most games based on blockbusters to be disappointing, to say the least. However, after reading a few threads on this forum it got me curious.

#214671 Romances in DA

Posted by Vita Muerte on 11 July 2005 - 12:11 AM in Dragon Age Series

I wouldn't put so much emphasis on the kissing animations.  I am more interested in seeing the story development.  If having such animations means that the game is going months, let alone take 2+ yrs, I'd rather use my imagination just as I did when playing the old IE games.  

After all that's what a few movie genres are for.   :devil:  :D

#214665 The villains

Posted by Vita Muerte on 10 July 2005 - 11:40 PM in Dragon Age Series

Personally I would like to see a villain somehow like Jarlaxle. This fellow can't be considered good, but neither evil.

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Ditto.  I'm tired of having to fight clichés over and over again.  "Evil" after all is as subjective as beauty- it's all in the eye of the beholder.  The consequences to our actions are often more complex than those in one-dimensional fairy tales and silly romance novels.  What some people might consider downright wrong, other people might consider heroic.  

I would really like to see a villain that is conflicted with those qualities and flaws that make us human, and not some hate-filled killing machine.