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#242985 Wierd Transition Problem

Posted by Xamidjakh on 10 March 2006 - 09:51 AM in BGT Archive

Create a GLOBAL "ENDOFBG1" and set it's value to 2.  Load your game and it should work.  Seems to be an area script problem when CTB is installed that causes this to not be set sometimes.

Thank you very, very much.  It worked like a charm.  I just used shadowkeeper, and set GLOBAL "ENDOFBG1" to 2.  Awesome.  thank you.   :cheers:

#242960 Wierd Transition Problem

Posted by Xamidjakh on 09 March 2006 - 08:32 PM in BGT Archive

OK, I have a problem with the transition from BG1 to BG2.  I finished BG1, transisitioned seeminly fine, watched the cutscene with irenicus, then walked around for a bit, saved the game, and quit.  When I went back to play now I try to load my saved game and the first thing that happens is that the BG2 intro video plays. (right after I load the game)

After it plays, the screen goes back to where I am, but its stuck like it is going to play a cutscene but cant.  I cant do anything but hit ALT-F4 to quit.  (no menus, cursor, etc.) I tried removing the video from my baldur.ini, renaming the file, loading a different save game, etc.  

It works if I load a BG1 saved game, but not a BG2 saved game.  I do have every mod installed pretty much except NeJ.  Could this be a CtB problem? I never used CtB before, and I have Candlekeep chores begone installed. But that whole cutscene seemed to work fine (like I said, it was working fine right afterwords, its just when I quit and tried to load a saved game.) Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Let me know if you need anymore info.  I have had zero problems with this install until now.   Thanks everyone.

#242110 Thanks and some Questions

Posted by Xamidjakh on 01 March 2006 - 03:21 PM in BGT Archive

1) This comes from Big Picture itself. Soon you will be able to play with the new BigPicture-WeiDU to enhance enemy I.A.

2) There are no kit for NPC in BGT-WeiDU. I don't think BG1 NPC Project add theses.

3) Use Ding0 Experience Fixer (DEF JAM). It can lower experience for creature, quest, and locks/spells. The last part is what you need. here

Sweet, thanks a lot for the info.  Ill look forward to BigPicture-WeiDU.  thanks for the link to the XP fixer.  

1) This comes from Big Picture itself. Soon you will be able to play with the new BigPicture-WeiDU to enhance enemy I.A.

2) There are no kit for NPC in BGT-WeiDU. I don't think BG1 NPC Project add theses.

3) Use Ding0 Experience Fixer (DEF JAM). It can lower experience for creature, quest, and locks/spells. The last part is what you need. here

Sweet, thanks a lot for the info.  Ill look forward to BigPicture-WeiDU.  thanks for the link to the XP fixer.

BTW, one more quick qestion... is there a forum for BP-Weidu?  Whos developing it?  Thanks

#242103 Wrong Party Orientation in Single Multiplayer

Posted by Xamidjakh on 01 March 2006 - 02:34 PM in BGT Archive

You can always copy your save game from mpsave to save and run it in single player then the formations will keep the single player mode.


Ronin, this is the best tip, ever. I wish someone would have told me this like 10 years ago. It works great too if you say, use a custom kit that ends up not working and want a new char. Great advice, Thanks

#242102 Thanks and some Questions

Posted by Xamidjakh on 01 March 2006 - 02:29 PM in BGT Archive

I first want to thank everyone that worked on this mod, it is much easier to install and the compatibility with other mods is a godsend.  I played through the old BP-BGT a few times and all the work converting the mods to WeiDU is amazing.  Thank you.

I have a few questions though...

1) In BP-BGT (non-weidu) I remember that the monsters were much more intelligent (attacking spell casters first, calling you a barb slinger, etc) Where did this come from?  (I installed tatics, but it isnt the same) Was it part of BP? I really enjoyed the tatical aspects of this.  Any insight would be appreciated.

2) Many of the NPCs had customs kits in old BP-BGT. Same question as above, where did this come from?  I managed to use NearInfinity to modified Imoen, Branwen, etc to give them a kit, but it wasnt there by default. Is this part of BG1NPC project?  Is mine just not working?  

3) Experience seems unbalanced to me a little bit  (LVL 10 when arriving to BG).  I remember there was a way to remove XP from traps and spells, is there a mod that does this for BGT-weidu?  

Thanks again for an awesome mod.

#227316 Compatibilty problems?

Posted by Xamidjakh on 02 November 2005 - 12:37 PM in BGT Archive

Uh, yeah, the last post above is mine... forgot to login (at work).   Oops! :wacko:

#227290 Compatibilty problems?

Posted by Xamidjakh on 02 November 2005 - 08:52 AM in BGT Archive

BGT-WeiDu and BP 161g are not compatibile.

Sorry, I should have been more specific, the whole naming convention is confusing, but I have TDD Weidu, SoS Weidu, NeJ v13 Weidu, DSoTSC, NToTSC, and SoBH.  Not BP 161g.  Basically, trying to get a Weiduized version of BP-BGT.

#227233 Compatibilty problems?

Posted by Xamidjakh on 01 November 2005 - 10:57 PM in BGT Archive

I'm not sure if this is a bug or just a compatability issue.  I've been attempting a huge BP-BGT Weidu install with several, nay, many other mods and all seems to be going well except I keep running into a similar parse error.  


[DSoA/Kangaxx/baf/KRLICH.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 611 column 51-51
Near Text: )
		[Spell] argument [SHAPECHANGE_IRON_GOLEM] not found in [Spell.IDS]

[DSoA/Kangaxx/baf/KRLICH.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 624 column 57-57
Near Text: )
		[Spell] argument [SHAPECHANGE_GREATER_WOLFWERE] not found in [Spell.IDS]

[PlanarSphereMod/baf/Psq58.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 223 column 51-51
Near Text: )
		[StateCheck] argument [STATE_NORMAL] not found in [State.IDS]

[PlanarSphereMod/baf/Psq58.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 240 column 51-51
Near Text: )
		[StateCheck] argument [STATE_NORMAL] not found in [State.IDS]

[refinements/Hlab/Druid/Princes/_scripts/ELEMBENH.BAF] PARSE ERROR at
lumn 25-25
Near Text: )
		[HaveSpellRES] argument [tg#sumb] not found in [Spell.IDS]

[refinements/Hlab/Druid/Princes/_scripts/ELEMBENH.BAF] PARSE ERROR at
olumn 25-25
Near Text: )
		[HaveSpellRES] argument [tg#benh] not found in [Spell.IDS]

These errors continue on for many other columns, but i just posted the first few.  It also happened with Drudic Sorcerer and Spell.ids, something about dispel magic, didnt save that one though.   :wacko:  I'm not that down with modding, but is this going to effect the mods playability?  Let me know if you need any other info.  Thanks  :)

#227232 BGT-WeiDU CD Drive Error

Posted by Xamidjakh on 01 November 2005 - 10:45 PM in BGT Archive

Thanks guys, its not really a big problem.. just a strange one. I will have to say that since the first time I have reinstalled BGT Weidu and no such messages at all. Meh, its probably windows.

#226620 BGT-WeiDU CD Drive Error

Posted by Xamidjakh on 27 October 2005 - 03:12 PM in BGT Archive

I know there is a known bug with BGT-WeiDU, but thought maybe my experience might help... or hurt efforts to correct it. :ermm:

Ok, so I have 2 physical CD/DVD Drives and 4 virtual ones (dont ask). I was installing BGT WeiDU and it seemed to be going ok. Then i got an error message stating "_Weidu.exe error: No disk in drive d:" And my options were Cancel, Try Again, or Continue. I hit continue, and it came up again, and again, and again... constantly. So I just held down the C key (for continue) and it went right along installing.... of course this was taking forever, so I decided, what the hell, and just threw a random CD into the D: drive. Magically, once a CD was in D: it stopped asking me for one and just continued installing, with no problems. I had no BG2/TOB/BG1 CDs in my drive or mounted, I had one unrelated image mounted in like G: or something, and once unmounted that didnt do anything.... not really a problem per se, maybe a fluke thing with windows. But thought I would let you know. Also, keep up the good work! The WeiDU versions kick ass and make everything easier! Thank you! :D

#225297 Old version of SoBH?

Posted by Xamidjakh on 12 October 2005 - 02:37 PM in Secret of Bone Hill

Thanks Sir Billy Bob... I will check Blackwyrm as soon as it is back up, seems to be down at the moment :(

#225181 Problems with BG!NPC

Posted by Xamidjakh on 11 October 2005 - 10:18 PM in Mega Mod Help


I know some people have been having problems with BG-BGT-NeJ and the BG1NPCv2 mod. Specifically, interjection problems, dialogs that exited before they were supposed to, and especially problems with Imoen, dialog loops, her leaving the part randomly, etc. The only way to get rid of the problem was to uninstall BG1NPCv2, but I found out that if you install all the compenents except the interjections and quests, everything seems to work ok. The banters are still there, and you can talk to your party members, although not Imoen, she still leaves when you talk to her, but at least she will rejoin you right away. I dont know if this helps at all... but I was determined to get BG1NPCv2 working, at least part of it ;)

Edited 10/12/05
After further research I have found that this really doesnt fix all the problems, just some of them, Imoen is still all screwy, she just leaves everytime there is supposed to be a banter, oh well, have to live without BG1NPC... or without Imoen...

#225177 Old version of SoBH?

Posted by Xamidjakh on 11 October 2005 - 09:05 PM in Secret of Bone Hill

Hi everyone,

Maybe i am missing it somewhere, but I cant find the old version of SoBH that works with the old BP-BGT-NeJ. Its not anywhere on the IEGMC mirrors that I can find. Anyone know where there might be one available? I screwed up my install by using the v 2.00 without realizing it was for the new WeiDU BGT only. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks :)