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#138334 Realms Lore:How important is it?

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 01 August 2004 - 01:16 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I take the lore into consideration and try to make ideas fit into the history. However, if a few rules need to be bent then so be it. So long as it isn't too far fetched, it's good.

#138332 Writer looking for a coder

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 01 August 2004 - 12:54 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I'm still learning to code but I'm along enough to get a custom npc into the game and I think I've got a good grasp of the concepts. Proofing, ideas, some writing I can definately do. Anyway, would be happy to help where I can.

#135970 Improved Aerie romance

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 27 July 2004 - 05:58 AM in IE Mod Ideas

As I mentioned elsewhere and as Zandilar posted, in game your character really should be able to fully restore Aerie. A wish spell or a regenerate spell could do it, or a quest. The animations exist to give her wings with a looping animation using an unremoveable item in the cloak slot, or it could be done with a special ability. Even aying she is not imediately able to resume flying is no problem; her flight muscles may have atrophied, and she needs time to re-learn how to use them.

I realize a wish or a regeneration spell would do the trick. In PnP AD&D that's the option I'd go with. I'm trying to find a compromise that works and looks decent within the limits of the game engine. If someone would hurry up and invent holodecks this wouldn't be a problem. Posted Image So all you super-geniuses out there....get to work! Posted Image

#135609 Improved Aerie romance

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 26 July 2004 - 07:52 AM in IE Mod Ideas

This would be a fair add-in to the Unfinished Business mod; the original Aerie plot offered you a chance to turn her into a bird and let her fly away, as life on the ground was so unbearable.

Personally I think it was a bad idea and best dropped (a "romantic" mercy killing as a solution to an emotional problem), but it would be very easy to put back in the game.

I never liked this option pretty much for the same reason. However, tweaking this idea may have some merit. Why not use a spell or an item to grant her the ability to shape change into an eagle, hawk, or whatever, at will? She'd be able to experience flight again while still being able to remain a member of the group and/or your love interest. Not to mention such an ability could prove highly useful in all sorts of situations.

#134968 Weapons Of Alignment

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 24 July 2004 - 11:46 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Chaotic Neutral: Anything, preferably everything at once. Boomerang Battle Babies. The Wabajak. A +6 Herring. Happy Fun Ball. +12 Hackmaster.

Ha! Posted Image That's great! Something similar to a Rod of Lordly Might...
Here's my idea on TN. A club created from a tree that has been struck by lightning. Maybe band it in metal created from meteoric ore and cooled in a waterfall or glacial stream. The club would inflict elemental dmg when it hits and allow for ranged elemental attacks as well. Something along these lines. The elements care not if they hurt or harm, they simply are.

Thanks all for your continued inputs. You're providing me with quite a bit of food for thought.

#134603 Weapons Of Alignment

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 22 July 2004 - 02:04 PM in IE Mod Ideas

The ultimate weapon of NG would be the Holy Grail, the cup of peace, a small clay cup rhat turned undead, banishe demons, and filled evil creatures with hopelessness at the dark path their lives had taken. All of that can be implemented in game, though you'd have to make an EFF file in DLTCEP to get the hopelesness to only effect Evil creatures. Easier to just use the standard spell and make the item only useable by NG.

Interesting. Such an item used as a weapon wouldn't have occured to me. Posted Image I like it.

#134582 Weapons Of Alignment

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 22 July 2004 - 01:02 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Bob it's truly scary how often your replies leave me mentally stunned (in a good way). Posted Image

I wanted to add 20% chance for a target to be blinded after each hit but have no idea how to add that.
And my original plan was for the sword to give that Magic Fire damage against evil only....Allso couldn't implement

Actually I think I can pull these off. I think.

And I'm thinking more along the lines of items that could be implemented in the game.

#134366 Weapons Of Alignment

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 21 July 2004 - 04:53 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Seven alignments? There are nine! Posted Image

Oh bloody hell! I knew that didn't look right. I blame it on a lack of my life's blood...coffee. Posted Image

#134316 Weapons Of Alignment

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 21 July 2004 - 01:07 PM in IE Mod Ideas

What would the ultimate weapon representation of each of the nine alignments be? Rather if you could create a weapon dedicated to one of the nine alignments, what form would it take and what powers would it possess?

Edit: Corrected my numbering error. Thanks Nightmare.

#134015 Katane (Half Vampires)

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 20 July 2004 - 04:18 PM in Delusions of the Mind

Not really. Half undead are turned/commanded as lower level versions of their undead half. They receive penalties if they are turned and are stunned instead of being destroyed. Half undead clerics, however, do get a bonus to turn/command.

#133690 Why So Few Lawful Monk Mods?

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 19 July 2004 - 02:53 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I look at monks much the same way I look at paladins. I never understood why a paladin had to be lawful good especially if the patron diety wasn't. Likewise why does a monk have to be lawful to be disciplined? Why can't order be found in chaos? I do it everyday. Posted Image Basically I think it comes down to a philosophical following. However, I'll admit most of the monks I play are lawful unless there's a really good reason why they are not.

I saw this Ninja once, and he like totally flipped out and killed this guy!

Oh yeah? Well one time at ninja camp... Posted Image

#133002 Elysias Alternative Portraits

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 17 July 2004 - 09:30 AM in Layers of Reality

Wonderful! And with chalk to boot. I especially like the web-choker thing as well as the tiara, head piece, whatever.

#132845 Siluria

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 16 July 2004 - 04:27 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Your opinions are noted and I happen to agree with them. Thank you for the feedback/concern.

EDIT: Here's some feedback I received at G3 and my responses. I hope this shows more clearly my purpose. If anyone still has concerns or questions then please feel free to PM me and I'll be more than happy to address them.

What bothers me is the overtly graphical portrait posted at FW which places much more emphasis on the bare chest and thighs than on the NPC's face. I am afraid that it makes me to doubt the purpose of the mod off the bat, even if dialogue looks worked on thoroughly. See, when you use a line like: A striking woman appears... you sort of prescribe to the PC how he sees the character. In my case if I saw this portrait, my reaction would have been for example: "A nude appears"... so you might want to leave the initiative to PC and go with "Siluria appears..." leaving to the player to decide if he likes the look of the NPC in question. Otherwise such epitet might irritate a player.

I've gotten mixed reviews on the portrait but as they tend to swing to one extreme or the other I've decided to seek alternatives. I sometimes forget the power of pictures and will admit I certainly did in this case. Thank you for the dialogue tip, I hadn't thought about that, but can now see your point. I truly want this character to have substance, I have too much respect for the community at large to attempt to create anything less.

I mostly agree with Domi re: the portrait. Vampire or no, there's not much logic behind the whole nude warrior woman thing, unless you're talking about a game set in historical Thailand or somesuch. Amn does not have the climate for it, and even if i did the amount of negative attention it would draw would fairly quickly become absurdly inconvenient. Sooner or later even the most sociopathic is going to get tired of catcalls and killing drunks, and even the most hardened tavernkeep is going to call the watch.

Thank you Bob. I've been considering giving you a PM concerning this very thing. I've come to respect you from your posts and wanted to know if it was simply the portrait or the content that concerned you.

But, you know, feel free to include it as an alternate for once you've got the right message across. Posted Image

In retrospect this would have been a much better idea I agree. Chalk it up to inexperience on my part. I will strive to make more careful decisions in the future.

Siluria seems to not mind being a slave at all, and yet she certainly gave Lehtinan a violent retribution! Is that an intended part of her personality? Did she just hate Lehtinan or does she just love violence? Sorry if this is already answered, I only had time to skim her info...

Actually, I've dropped that aspect completely. After further thought I decided it wasn't needed. The whole thing with Lehtinan is out as well. I wasn't sure about it to begin with and feedback indicates it casts her in a light that is not what I want. She has a bloodlust yes but she is not a bloodthirsty monster.

Again my thanks to all those who have given constructive criticism. It stops a stumble from putting me flat on my face.

#132832 Siluria

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 16 July 2004 - 03:04 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Judging from that dialogue, she's *NOT* TN. More like NE or CE.

As I said, that's the original dialogue. I've made changes since because I thought it might be over the top. I begin to get the feeling I was correct.

Ok. My biggest problem is that as a female, I can't help but be offended by this character. O_o

Neither my purpose nor desire. Send me a PM and we'll talk. Good or bad I want the feedback as it'll only make an end product better.


Because she is seeking a connection on an emotional level and the physical shell doesn't concern her.

#132786 Siluria

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 16 July 2004 - 11:26 AM in IE Mod Ideas

To give everybody a better idea of what I have in mind for Sil's personality here's the original joining dialogue. It's a bit graphic towards the end (violence wise) and I've made some background changes that will probably negate that aspect. The master/slave bit is most likely out as well. Does everything up to that point give you a good idea who/what you are dealing with or should I try and keep the gory details in?

SIL: *A striking woman appears from the back room carrying a tankard in one hand and using the back of the other to wipe a red sticky substance from her lips* You called? Then <PRO_HESHE> has agreed to take me off your hands?
A) I have indeed. I'm sure you will make an excellent addition to the group. By the way, what spirit do you drink that clings so to the lips? SEE SPIRIT
B: I have at that. Your skills could prove most useful in my search for a man called Irenicus. SEE IRENICUS
C) Indeed I have. I need aid if I am to acquire the funds necessary to locate my sister Imoen. SEE IMOEN

SIL: *smiles before slowly licking her lips* This? It's blood.
2) I'm sorry, did you say blood? SEE BLOOD
3) Thavian Blood? From a tankard? Your constitution is strong indeed! SEE STRONG

SIL: *stares at you pointedly over the rim of the tankard* Irenicus? Then it is good I shall travel with you for he and I have unfinished business.
1) Then you know of him? SEE HIM
2) How do you know Irenicus? SEE HOW
3) I care not for your desires. Let us simply be off. There is much to do. (END, Joins)

SIL: You *lost* your sister? *waggles a finger at you before taking another drink* Tch, tch, how terribly careless of you.
1) I did not *lose* her! She was taken from me and I do not care for your tone! SEE TONE
2) She was spirited away by the Cowled Wizards. I intend to find where they have taken her and effect a rescue. SEE RESCUE
3) Perhaps once you've learned more of the situation you'll save you're barbs for the enemy. Let us go. (END, Joins)

SIL: *smile turning into a predatory grin* Yes blood. The same ichor I assume flows thru your veins? Well not the same, this came from whatever is being served for the next meal...not what I prefer but it still slakes the thirst.
1) What manner of creature are you woman? SEE MANNER
2) I see...we will have to speak of this later. For now, let us go. (END, Joins)
3) Fiend! I could never travel with such as you! SEE NODICE

SIL: You heard true. *dips a finger into the tankard stirring slowly* Not what I prefer, this came from whatever is being served for the next meal. *she raises the finger to her lips before sucking it between them* I prefer it from a fresher source.
1) *eyes narrowed* What manner of creature are you? SEE MANNER
2) You may join for now but I will want explanations later. (END, Joins)
3) I've changed my mind. I cannot travel the road ahead constantly worried about what lies behind. SEE NODICE

SIL: *shakes head slowly* I've never had the pleasure. This is from whatever is being served for the next meal. I would prefer the former but as none is available one drinks what one can.
1) That's blood!? SEE SAYWHAT
2) You mean that's actually blood? SEE BLOOD
3) I did not bargain for this. I'm sorry but I cannot travel with you. SEE NODICE

SIL: Scarred face, emotionless, penchant for leather? Oh yes I know him. I was his "guest" for a time. *there seems to be a soft emerald glow to her eyes now, though it may be a trick of the tavern lighting* I owe him a debt of pain.
1) So be it. Now what ale do you drink? It looks to be one I'm not familiar with. SEE SPIRIT
2) I seek him because he will know where Imoen is. I must find her. SEE IMOEN
3) As do I. Join with me then and we will settle our debts together. (END, Joins)

SIL: I was his "guest" for a time. *her eyes glow a soft green and not from the firelight within the tavern* I owe him a debt of pain.
1) Then we're agreed. Let us drink to the road ahead! I'll have what she's having. SEE SPIRIT
2) Your debt can wait. He knows where Imoen is and her rescue comes first. SEE RESCUE
3) Then we have something in common. Join with me and when we find him I'll help you settle your debt. (END, Joins)

SIL: *her eyes seem to flash green for an instant but it is quickly gone* I am...sorry. I meant no offense. My time here has been unpleasant and I am still on edge.
1) Apology accepted. I could use something to take the edge off myself. What are you drinking? SEE SPIRIT
2) Bah! I do not need you or your poisoned tongue. I will find others to join me. SEE NODICE
3) Let's forget it then. Gather your equipment and we'll be off. (END, Joins)

SIL: Oh a rescue is it? And from the cowled ones no less. Well this should provide much more interesting opponents than have been my want of late. My skills are yours if for no other reason than a chance to actually exercise them.
1) Then it is agreed. First I need something to wash the dust from my throat. What spirit are you drinking? SEE SPIRIT
2) Very well. Gather your equipment and we'll be off. (END, Joins)

SIL: Let me just say I enjoy the sun's touch as much as anyone and I will not go on a killing rampage simply to do so. Trust is a dangerous thing and until there is more between us my secrets are mine to keep.
1) Very well but I will be keeping an eye on you. (END, Joins)
2) Then you will keep them here. I don't need you. SEE NODICE

SIL: If that is your wish. I will remain here till you change your mind. END

EDIT: Now reflects revision.

#132784 Siluria

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 16 July 2004 - 11:21 AM in IE Mod Ideas

She's currently not shy no. It was also another means of bringing in customers to the matches. Should you choose to "cure" her she becomes more modest clothing wise. As seen below. When I was coming up with the original concept these two portraits just clicked. It's all for the sake of story I assure you.

Attached Images

  • Siluria_Cured.jpg

#132530 Knights Of The Old Republic 2 : Sith Lords

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 15 July 2004 - 02:56 PM in KotOR Series

Wahoo! Posted Image

#132523 Sith

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 15 July 2004 - 02:51 PM in KotOR Series

But by redeeming Anakin, he defeated Vader and the Emporer, because Ankin Skywalker slew the emporer.

Actually, according to...Dark Empire (I think that's it) the emperor was not slain on the death star. This may not be cannon though so take it as you will.

Actualy I have read that Vader is an exquisite duelist.

Shadows of the Empire clearly shows Vader is an excellent duelist. I think he went easy on Luke because he didn't want to kill him he wanted to turn him. That's the excuse I use anyway.

#132507 Your PC's name?

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 15 July 2004 - 02:32 PM in KotOR Series

Mine was Talon Starfire. Character I played in the old d6 PnP Star Wars. I used the same portrait as Mongoose. Didn't really matter cause I wore armor (forget which suit it was) and the decompression mask for most of the game. Was kinda weird to see myself in jedi robes during the endgame movie since I was armored during the battle. Posted Image
Guess the developers figured nobody would wear armor since it "limits" your powers. HA! Came in exceedingly handy for shrugging off those force lightning attacks. Posted Image

#132496 Favourite Part Of The Game *SPOILERS*

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 15 July 2004 - 02:08 PM in KotOR Series

I'd have to say the revelation. I actually sat in my chair for a few minutes muttering "No way". Even worse I had a friend come over the next day who wasn't as far along as I was and it took all my willpower not to tell him. Ultimately I was just happy you could actually do evil things, really evil things.

#132491 Favourite Character

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 15 July 2004 - 01:59 PM in KotOR Series

Had to vote for HK. I 'd take him along even if he was useless simply for the banter. Posted Image

to all the "kids": Life does NOT end once you're over 30. Posted Image

How very very true. Posted Image

This is a wondeful game! Very much looking forward to II.

#132443 Wanted: A voice for Keto

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 15 July 2004 - 12:04 PM in IE Modding Discussion

I might be able to help...rather the wife might be able to. It'd be Septemberish before she could do anything though so I guess it depends on how soon you need one.

#132382 My evil NPC killed both Lehtian & Hendak

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 15 July 2004 - 08:43 AM in IE Mod Ideas

COOL. Posted Image

#132380 Making a new NPC..need ideas~!

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 15 July 2004 - 08:40 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Hmmmm. My first reaction was "she doesn't look very asian" but such things are in the eye of the beholder (and she's half as well) so take that for what you will.
You'll need to learn the coding at some point. I'm sure you'll want to make changes or additions in the future and you'll need to know how to code to do that. I admit it's a bit rough in the beginning but it gets alot easier once you start doing it (I know, just started myself). Anyway, if you have questions, just ask. I'll be happy to help where/when I can and, as you said, this is a pretty friendly place. Posted Image

#132367 Siluria

Posted by Mr Ennigma on 15 July 2004 - 08:16 AM in IE Mod Ideas

The stats are good for a Katane. You might want to add some minor abilities to reflect her vampiric nature. In 3.5 ed the Katane gain health by feeding off of blood and have a chance of be turned or rebuked by a cleric. It would be a good idea to reflect on her alligment as well. She seems more choatic and less true neutral. The concept is good though and justifies her sub-race as well as her relationship to the Monk class. I'd like to see this reach a fuitful end.

Thanks! I've already got her coded and in-game but I wanted to get some feedback before I did anymore with her. I'm familiar with the abilities for a Katane and have either already implemented abilites or have ideas on how I might do so. Thought about CN and she really almost has a split personality so that might, indeed, be better. Still trying to solidify her background and guage interest, hence pitching the idea.

Found this pic of Velsharoon. I could turn it into a bam if wanted

Thank you. You're the first person I think of for bam work and if I need any I will most certainly ask. Posted Image

sorry this is stupid question..but...what do half-vampires and monks and half-vampires as monks look like?

No such thing in my book. Ask away. As to your question, here's the stock answer:
Pale, slender, black hair, pronounced canines, slightly pointed ears.
And here's the image I plan on using.

Edit: Removed the portrait for further consideration.