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#287856 Alternate Edwin Edit

Posted by Minarvia on 20 March 2007 - 10:45 AM in Layers of Reality

Lovely!  I prefer the danglies...but both are beautiful.  Thank you!

#287759 Alternate Edwin Edit

Posted by Minarvia on 19 March 2007 - 09:29 PM in Layers of Reality

You made Edwin even more sexified. <3 ^^

No kidding!  Eddie is the love of my life!  Bmps please!!!  
He's just gorgeous!

#286483 What would you like to see?

Posted by Minarvia on 14 March 2007 - 01:16 PM in Brythe

Alternative portraits is always interesting since a picture says more then a thousand words right? It can give a really different feel of the character.

A couple of banter samples would be nice. I am really curious about Brythe's character and manner of speaking, and how he will relate to party members.

#286003 What character class of NPC would you like to see made?

Posted by Minarvia on 12 March 2007 - 06:22 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Kindrek took a fair amount of heat because his inventory items couldn't be moved.

I would avoid unmovable items unless they were absolutely plot essential, and even then, I would keep it to one or two. If you want to fill up her inventory with *movable* custom items, usable only by her, that would be your choice, and I don't think anyone could complain, since they can just go ahead and equip something else if they don't like what she has.

I 100% agree.  I HATE more than one, or two at the very most, unremovable items.  That is one reason I ditched Kindrek early on.  All that unremovable stuff irritated me too much.

#286002 What character class of NPC would you like to see made?

Posted by Minarvia on 12 March 2007 - 06:20 PM in IE Mod Ideas

i guess i would like to see a barbarian. actually what i want to see most is not a class but a race. why are there no half-orc NPCs?

I think Ariena is a half-orc.  She's at the Mod for the Wicked here at SHS.  But maybe she's an orc, I don't recall for sure.

#286001 Two new portraits

Posted by Minarvia on 12 March 2007 - 06:13 PM in Layers of Reality

I LOVE him!  But, imho the portrait is indeed too dark.  I don't mean him, I mean he and the background are too similar in shade.  I'm no artist so I don't know if "shade" is the right word to use here.  

And your elf above is lovely!  She looks fun and a bit devilish.

#285847 Edwin Romance fan art yay!

Posted by Minarvia on 11 March 2007 - 07:01 PM in Edwin Romance

I've missed your Edwin Romance fan art.



#285846 Edwin Romance fan art yay!

Posted by Minarvia on 11 March 2007 - 07:01 PM in Edwin Romance

I've missed your Edwin Romance fan art.


#285794 Edwin Romance fan art yay!

Posted by Minarvia on 11 March 2007 - 03:03 PM in Edwin Romance

They are beautiful, Ilmatar!  Thank you!  I've missed your Edwin Romance fan art.  I may just have to steal one for my own mage pc...  : )

#285793 Challenge #1: Player Character

Posted by Minarvia on 11 March 2007 - 03:00 PM in Fanart Challenge

Here's a picture of Gavin, when he was a PnP cleric. We weren't playing in a Forgotten Realms setting, so he was a cleric of Pelor.

This portrait is very old. I never dated it, unfortunately, so I can't say how old it is. Had to have been after 3rd edition rules, though, to have been Pelor. Edit: couldn't have been much after it first came out, though, because I was deep into my crew-cut phase at that point.

That's too funny! I had to view it from the top down and I was wondering what the heck was happening. The last bit then hit me and made me laugh out loud. Yep, that's our Gavin, all right!

#285280 What character class of NPC would you like to see made?

Posted by Minarvia on 08 March 2007 - 05:19 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Anyways what was the final decision? Was it fully decided she'd be a mage?

Hi Kael,

Umm, let me just say that I believe the decision that was made will make her a more complete and fun character to have in your party!   :devil:

Keldon   :new_thumbs:

I'm sure I'll find her fun no matter what her class is.  Oh, and if she is easy to pick up early on.  You won't stick her in Firkraag's Lair, will you?    :unsure:

#284052 A problem after Edwin changes back from Edwina

Posted by Minarvia on 01 March 2007 - 08:06 PM in Edwin Romance

Ack! I once had this problem and I can't for sure recall how someone told me to fix it. I hope I'm not wrong, but iirc, there is a individual baldurdash fix to correct this. Take a look at that list and look for fixes for Edwin. I'm pretty sure that's how I did it once.

#284049 Ajantis in BG2

Posted by Minarvia on 01 March 2007 - 08:01 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I'd love to see Ajantis in BG2. Of course, I haven't finished his BG1 romance so I don't know if he turns into a jerk or not. If he does and I'm too mad at him, I may just kill him myself in BG2! Oh, wait, I already do! : )
Seriously, I would like to see this project completed soon!

#284048 What character class of NPC would you like to see made?

Posted by Minarvia on 01 March 2007 - 07:59 PM in IE Mod Ideas

As Kulyok hinted, those are your three apprentices, for the mage stronghold

Yes, they are, and we are well into SOA on this mod by now (I'm helping with writing) and we hope to make the player want to take all 3 along as they all have stories, quests, and personalities.

As for the new evil female, I don't really care what she is as long as she has a good story and the mod will actually be completed. A cleric would be nice, imho, or a monk. But I would play her regardless of class if you make her!

#283272 An update on Sir Kalthorine's situation

Posted by Minarvia on 24 February 2007 - 04:07 PM in Chrysta

Yes, welcome. And don't worry, like Berelinde said, BG2 won't be going away any time soon. And there will always be us die-hards who are eager for a great new mod.
Glad you're well!

#283007 What would be your install?

Posted by Minarvia on 21 February 2007 - 10:16 PM in Mod for the Wicked

Finally being able to actually roleplay an evil character. I would install everything.

Took the words right out of my mouth! I would install everything.

Glad you've come back!

#281395 Progress??

Posted by Minarvia on 06 February 2007 - 05:21 PM in Brythe

You're younger than me, and probably the other 2, too.

Ha! I think we are the same age, BGhead.

#277873 Montaron in the Harper's Hold

Posted by Minarvia on 08 January 2007 - 10:40 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

How do you manage to get into Harper's Hold after giving the bird ? The door is locked, right ?

(Maybe when Jaheira invites you there ?)

I know it is a bug of sorts, but with Ease of Use the "No locks or Traps," option lets you either unlock the door or force it open with a high strength. That's how I always get in. Cheesy, but it works.

Edit - I should have said that this is how I get in the 2nd time to get the XP for the Montaron fate part.

#277870 Welcome!

Posted by Minarvia on 08 January 2007 - 10:37 PM in Luxley Family

Let me say, firstly, welcome to SHS!  I have been lurking on the progress of these guys for quite some time.  I am really excited about them and look forward eagerly to any progress.  Plus, I LOVE the portraits.   :)

#275532 Fade artwork

Posted by Minarvia on 22 December 2006 - 07:51 PM in Fade

I really like them all, but the Christmas one and the thief one are really terriffic. And, welcome to SHS, by the way!

#273928 hmmm... romanceable?

Posted by Minarvia on 12 December 2006 - 08:22 AM in Brythe

I personally think that a romance with Brythe would be awesome, cuz there's not too much choice for a romance with a female PC. He would be the most intriguing character to try and have a romance with.

Well, there is Edwin, Tsujatha, Kelsey, Solaufein, Kivan and Xan. If you haven't tried them you may want to. They can keep you busy for the time being!

#271970 Upgraded flirts?

Posted by Minarvia on 28 November 2006 - 11:43 PM in Edwin Romance

Very sorry if I'm being impatient.. but I had to ask. :lol:

Are there going to be future versions of the flirt pack that add content?

The more flirting, the better, as far as I'm concerned. :wub:

I agree! I think that Laufey once said that she would be adding more, especially some Edwina specific ones. We haven't heard from her lately, tho, have we?
And a few differnt responses would be welcome if she has the time.

#269599 Houri Mod

Posted by Minarvia on 12 November 2006 - 01:51 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Hee hee!   :D  I LOVE the sound of this!  I think she will be one of my fave "rough" types right up there with Willie Bruce.  I can't wait!  I really really hope this mod will not be too long in the making, tho I understand quality takes time.   Forums are looking slower these days and I would hate to see a promising project not have much of an audience left when it comes out.  
Those spell names crack me up.   :lol:

#268508 Progress??

Posted by Minarvia on 03 November 2006 - 08:17 PM in Brythe

Hello! Just posting this to confirm there is still life over here. :) I'm almost finished up writing my first draft of the join dialogues, as well as several conversations, a couple of NPC banters, and first drafts on romancing conversations. :D

Thank goodness! I'm glad things are still going. I really really really want this mod to stay alive. :)

#268117 When to go to spellhold/underdark?

Posted by Minarvia on 31 October 2006 - 12:06 AM in Edwin Romance

Arghhh!  I want to go to Spellhold and Eddie refuses to leave Athkatla.  This is the same problem a previous poster had.  I have the new version and this is the first time I wanted to leave before Eddie became himself again.  We only had the kiss, we're nowhere near the letter phase yet.  I'm playing with Beyond the Law and this is the perfect time for Spellhold...but, alas. I'll guess I'll have to kill some time or leave my game on pause a lot.
Just thought someone would want to know.