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There have been 41 items by Philiposophy (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#515559 Comments on Dragon Age news

Posted by Philiposophy on 23 May 2011 - 04:17 PM in Dragon Age Series

I want to see some female qunari most of all. I mean, there was concept art and all.

#515428 Comments on Dragon Age news

Posted by Philiposophy on 21 May 2011 - 02:32 AM in Dragon Age Series

Here's hoping they have a reasonable timeframe for development and release. Don't want any more bugs and inexplicable finales!

As for the multiplayer, several games like Borderlands have it so you can only pause the game while there's only you playing. You can still access your menu just fine, the game just will "keep going" so long as someone else is out there. They could do that, so it wouldn't be pauseless in single player.

#515372 Mass Effect Genesis

Posted by Philiposophy on 19 May 2011 - 03:36 PM in Mass Effect Series

Edit: No need to make any reference to the Geth, as there are no decisions about the geth to be imported. The comic makes it clear that Saren and Sovereign are the major antagonists. The geth are tools (however you wish to interpret that description).

I think the geth need to be referenced because otherwise there's no weight to Legion's reveal.

In any case, Genesis appears to be utter tripe, so I certainly won't be spending money on it. Honestly I feel sorry for the PS3 players who'll have to put up with it rather than ME1.

#514958 Fallout: New Vegas Announced

Posted by Philiposophy on 12 May 2011 - 03:05 PM in General Gameplay

I'm actually rather interested by some of those descriptions, especially the one about the Burned Man. I knew he wasn't dead! But I doubt it'll have a fight between Joshua Graham and the Legate Lanius, which, let's face it, would be the coolest thing ever.

Seriously though, it's unlikely I'll get any of them. I haven't got Dead Money yet and I've already done my four playthroughs long ago. I don't see it as worthwhile at this stage.

#514492 KOTOR II Question...

Posted by Philiposophy on 05 May 2011 - 01:52 PM in KotOR Series

I don't mean that he's really good in combat, though that is undoubtedly true - Hanharr's a beast who can soak it up like nobody's business and hits like a freight train.

No, I mean that's he an interesting character with a great presence. He's scary both in what he believes and in his appearance. You'll find him roaming restlessly about your ship and he still has chains on his hands. His story is very unsettling and having him around leads you to see some weird parallels with the Exile. Hanharr feels there is a certain kinship, but I'll go no further. Without trying to say too much, he provides an interesting take on those positive aspects of wookiees (honour, duty, life debts, etc.) in context of his warped nature.

I find him frightening but compelling. Your mileage may vary, but I think people are missing out by not doing at least one dark side playthrough, in large part due to Hanharr.

#514462 KOTOR II Question...

Posted by Philiposophy on 05 May 2011 - 06:45 AM in KotOR Series

While it isn't a proper response to the question that was asked, I just want to say that Hanharr is a really fascinating and handy companion for the Exile. I would go so far as to rank him in the top tier of KotOR squaddies for me. I really think you should try at least one game with him. He's tremendous.

#514138 Baldur's Gate 3?

Posted by Philiposophy on 29 April 2011 - 04:39 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

My answer is no because I think it's too late for BG3.

I wish that back in the day ToB had been BG3 rather than just an expansion to BG2.

#512915 Who's in...and who's out for ME3?

Posted by Philiposophy on 12 April 2011 - 08:03 AM in Mass Effect Series

I think Miranda's being difficult to kill in the Suicide Mission has more to do with BioWare needing someone to provide exposition than them planning it ahead of time.

#512914 DA2 vs BG2

Posted by Philiposophy on 12 April 2011 - 08:01 AM in Dragon Age Series

DA2's alright. Worth a playthrough or two, I think. Has a fair bit more in common with BG2 than a lot of other BioWare games since, I think.

But in answer to the question, BG2 is basically the second best thing ever so I voted for that.

#511930 Arrival

Posted by Philiposophy on 30 March 2011 - 03:55 AM in Mass Effect Series

Arrival was released yesterday. It was okay but I felt it was a bit underwhelming. If this is indeed the final story DLC for ME2, I think they could have ended on a better note.

#511183 ME2 News

Posted by Philiposophy on 19 March 2011 - 04:29 PM in Mass Effect Series

Hackett! :D

#511182 Finished Dragon Age 2 [spoilers]

Posted by Philiposophy on 19 March 2011 - 04:26 PM in Dragon Age Series

I liked DA2. There were a fair number of improvements over Origins. The combat was more dynamic and less of a drag. I'm not a fan of the spawns though.

I was also very pleased by the story. BioWare is very good at creating universes and filling them with characters but they're typically less good at plots, varying from the simply mundane to the lame. So, DA2 breaking the general formula of late was well met by me. It wasn't always perfect - I found the Arishok and the qunari much more worthwhile adversaries than Meredith and Orsino - but in general it succeeded in being a character driven story. Hawke's companions all (well, not all but most) do have a major role in the story's development.

#511181 DA2: Companions

Posted by Philiposophy on 19 March 2011 - 04:21 PM in Dragon Age Series

My favourites were Varric and Aveline. It's hard to pick between the two.

#510443 Your Top3 Most Awaited Games - 2011 Edition

Posted by Philiposophy on 11 March 2011 - 03:59 PM in General Gameplay

Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age 2 are the obvious two for me, since they're the games I know I will get. I guess I'll go for Skyrim as my 3rd pick right now. I might be tempted by that.

#510442 Fallout: New Vegas Announced

Posted by Philiposophy on 11 March 2011 - 03:57 PM in General Gameplay

New Vegas might have been my favourite game of 2010. Terrific stuff.

#510431 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim News

Posted by Philiposophy on 11 March 2011 - 12:35 PM in Elder Scrolls Series


#510430 ME2 News

Posted by Philiposophy on 11 March 2011 - 12:29 PM in Mass Effect Series

It'll be interesting to see what the "arrival" in question is. The reapers themselves sounds the most likely at this point. I don't know how I'd feel about that if it were the case.

#510427 Dragon Age II News

Posted by Philiposophy on 11 March 2011 - 12:23 PM in Dragon Age Series

I'm amazed by the amount of DLC available from the start. I haven't tried Legends, the Demo or anything really and I'm still going to get a load of stuff. Just ordered the Signature Edition back in December. There's already 5 items on my BioWare account page even though my copy won't arrive until Monday most likely.

#499472 Dragon Age II News

Posted by Philiposophy on 22 October 2010 - 09:07 AM in Dragon Age Series

I'm confused by some of this Signature Edition stuff. I saw Chris' post on the forums about the regular edition being upgraded for free to the SE if I ordered by Jan 11th, so I had a look on amazon.co.uk to see how much it was, as I was thinking of doing so now.

...and they're selling both the regular version and the SE for different prices. I don't get it. Amazon was one of the companies listed as part of the promotion, so how can they not be complying with it? And if they really are upgrading all regular editions, why bother selling the SE for more since no one'll buy it?

#496226 "The final DLC for DA:O" announced

Posted by Philiposophy on 08 September 2010 - 08:54 AM in Dragon Age Series

I've noticed that it's getting very negative feedback and complaints that nothing was answered. Also seems to have bugs and not recognizing what actually happened in Origins. I'll have to mull over whether to buy it. Actually I'll probably follow Darziak's advice: read a spoiler and then see if I want to buy it.

#496216 "The final DLC for DA:O" announced

Posted by Philiposophy on 08 September 2010 - 07:29 AM in Dragon Age Series

I'm going to finish off my current playthrough (Dalish rogue romancing Morrigan) before I get this. Hope it's of a similar calibre as LotSB.

#496215 Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC

Posted by Philiposophy on 08 September 2010 - 07:27 AM in Mass Effect Series

Well, I've got it now and it was awesome.

Some fantastic fights in there. All in all, it rocked!

#496109 Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC

Posted by Philiposophy on 07 September 2010 - 10:13 AM in Mass Effect Series

BioWare have messed up rather badly with the PC release for this one.

They didn't make it available until after it should have been and when everyone (myself included) downloaded it, it didn't even work because they put the wrong thing up. I don't understand how they've managed this since the Xbox version has been available (and not broken) for several hours before the PC version was scheduled for release. Pathetic.

#495710 Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC

Posted by Philiposophy on 02 September 2010 - 11:35 AM in Mass Effect Series

According to Chris Priestly there's going to be an asari Spectre making an appearance. This is a good thing, in my opinion, as the Spectres were an important plot point in ME1, but were suddenly ignored in ME2.

#495124 Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC

Posted by Philiposophy on 25 August 2010 - 03:06 PM in Mass Effect Series

I'll need 1360 points as I've already got Overlord. I'm not sure what the exchange rate is exactly, but I'm probably going to be shelling out just under £15.

I'm irritated by the timing rather than the cost right now. All this new content when I'm starting to look for employment!  :lol: