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#108659 Comments on "With a Vengeance"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 07 April 2004 - 06:38 PM in Scribbles on the Wall


A wonderful read once again.  Always fun to read about a namesake, and this is a most excellent tale for this young lady.  Maybe we can convince you to write another?  Give us a little more on young Bey.

And also, its always nice to see a punk getting his just rewards.


#111505 Comments on "Tarric Senden"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 21 April 2004 - 08:02 AM in Scribbles on the Wall


Good to see Tarric running about the board.  And it is looking quite solid in its construction as well.  Good work.. and I know you so loved having to convert from HTML ;)


#111490 Comments on "Twists of Fate"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 21 April 2004 - 07:14 AM in Scribbles on the Wall


Two great pieces here.  Loved em both, although for entirely different reasons.  The romantic comedy for the just the sheer amusement of it.  It is just outright funny. :D  

Keldorn...  that's just harsh.  I really like it and you can just feel the old knight's concern and pain.  And his death so.. tragic...

Great stuff.  MORE!!! ;)

#110320 Comments on "ambush"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 16 April 2004 - 08:24 AM in Scribbles on the Wall

I can understand that...

But it was a good story, nice and tight. Good pacing and an interesting plot.

Although I have to wonder about the rate at which your Renal expends lives... good troops are hard to find.

Perhaps we can convince you to grace us with another tale?


#179665 Congratulations Jolyth

Posted by VigaHrolf on 06 January 2005 - 10:46 AM in Scribbles on the Wall

Welcome aboard Jolyth. I'm sure things will run smoothly and all that jazz.


#128515 Comments on "Time to make Morninglory blush... "

Posted by VigaHrolf on 01 July 2004 - 08:20 PM in Scribbles on the Wall


Thou art truly a servant of the dark one my friend.  :D :D :D

Another inspired piece... if only I could maintain that kind of creativity for more than a stanza.  I am in awe UU


#111500 Comments on "A Days Hard Knight"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 21 April 2004 - 07:30 AM in Scribbles on the Wall

Hehehehehehe... Edwina Edwina Edwina.


Nice piece Bri. Most enjoyabel and quite funny. And I to want to know how Boo resuced her...

#152492 Comments on "Danse Macabre"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 14 September 2004 - 08:50 PM in Scribbles on the Wall


A great opener piece on Silver Star (which I've only heard snippets about in my modhunting)  You get a good sense of her character I think, a good first initial read on something that appears to be a tricky thing to get a handle on.  But what was truly stunning in the piece was the pacing and the visuals.  The aptly named 'Grateful Dead Chamber Orchestra' and the dancing, the creak fo the grave, the fire worn tree... all very nicely done sir.

I hope to get a chance to see more.


Edit: Correcting names/spellings

#110366 Comments on "Class Reunion"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 16 April 2004 - 11:04 AM in Scribbles on the Wall


I remember this little gem. And it just as funny the second time around. A great episode of Mischaracterization Theatre.

Thanks for bringing it back!


#154549 Comments on 'The Shade'

Posted by VigaHrolf on 20 September 2004 - 08:29 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

An interesting tale of the macabre and haunting spirits, SConrad. You have quite the story there and considering you are ESL, it is very good.

I also think that, while it is good now, you certainly could make it better. Your descriptions could be fleshed out a bit to give us a sense of the size of the house, its decor, how well kept it is and also a basic description of the four unfortunate souls. Also, one little word thing is I think you meant that the English king desecrated the body of this Scotsman, not descended on it.

But it is good. I hope we get to see more. :)


#108656 Comments on Losing Grip

Posted by VigaHrolf on 07 April 2004 - 06:27 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

I remember this piece as well. A most excellent bit of writing, one I am glad to read again. Glad to see its made its FWS debut. :D


#127714 A Meeting of Like Minds

Posted by VigaHrolf on 29 June 2004 - 11:48 AM in Scribbles on the Wall

Removed by author for editing.

#168211 A Meeting of Like Minds

Posted by VigaHrolf on 08 November 2004 - 09:01 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

Removed by author for editing.

#115647 A Meeting of Like Minds

Posted by VigaHrolf on 10 May 2004 - 08:09 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

Removed by author for editing.

#114132 A Meeting of Like Minds

Posted by VigaHrolf on 03 May 2004 - 09:22 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

Removed by author for editing.

#109014 Comments on "Where o' where can Aerie and..

Posted by VigaHrolf on 09 April 2004 - 11:49 AM in Scribbles on the Wall


A humerous tale, but it could use some style work.  What my co Mod suggested above, that you seperate out your dialogue into seperate paragraphs... such as

"So, dude, wanna beer?" asked Neeber. "Sure." said Noober.  "Cool, bottoms up!"
is harder to read than

"So, dude, wanna beer?" asked Neeber.

"Sure." said Noober.

"Cool, bottoms up!"

You get much better seperation and clarity.  And in this case we realize that Neeber said cool, not Noober.

Also, there are a lot of free spell checkers and such out there (Check out Download.com).  And I hate to harp on it, but something as simple as spelling really can make or break a story, because it can take your reader out and break the flow.  

Welcome though and I hope that you enjoy your stay in FW FanFic


#114345 Comments on "Calimshite Silk, or Good Advice

Posted by VigaHrolf on 04 May 2004 - 12:49 PM in Scribbles on the Wall


Some funny funny stuff there.  The repeated lines by Ano and K were especially funny.  Two jealous men seeing 'their' lady in nice silky lingerie.

Course, they coulda just enjoyed the view. :D

#108657 Comments on "Witches"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 07 April 2004 - 06:34 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

Bwahahaha... now that is a funny funny tale.  Its amazing what bored kids will come up with with a little ale in the bellies and not enough sense in their heads.

And loved the Beavis and Butthead routine. :D


#110376 Tavern Fights!

Posted by VigaHrolf on 16 April 2004 - 12:30 PM in IE Mod Ideas

This sounds like it could be an amusing mini mod to add a good bit of color to the game. Not just necessarily tavern fights, but other things going on in taverns. Romantic rendezvous by just random people, women of negotiable virtue advertising and even propositioning PCs and NPCs, storytellers, con artists and all the ilk.

And a few good brawls, either between randoms or some random and the party, with the potential for non violent conclusion and some good banter.

And just random fun like, some poor sob is drinking and you talk to him. He's depressed and you ask why. His lady has dumped him and if you actually listen, you can give him some advice, some good, some bad, some designed to just piss him off. Then maybe see them make up of blow up.

Some random encounters with the Amnian characters associates could be fun. Meet Jan's cousin Rudolph, Nalia's friend Deiter, and Anomen's poker circle, etc...

#148877 A Hearty Welcome

Posted by VigaHrolf on 02 September 2004 - 03:03 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

The rumors of my disappearance were only slightly exagerated. I think.

Nonetheless, congratulations Bey and welcome to the team. :D

#113032 Comments on "Anaria"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 28 April 2004 - 10:20 AM in Scribbles on the Wall


I'm really enjoying the Tale of Anaria.  I'm quite curious as to what is next.  How will Ano react?  Kelsey?  What about Imoen and Jaheira?

And will hear more from Sarevok.  I'm sure he'll have a few nice and kind and comforting things to say. ;)


#114695 Many Meetings

Posted by VigaHrolf on 06 May 2004 - 09:38 AM in Scribbles on the Wall

Ahh yes...

Read this and while I don't think its a good idea, I don't necessarily think its a bad idea.   It has just generally been my opinion and experience that round robins like this don't work unless you have a set crew and an overarching idea of what this crew wants to do.  Otherwise you might go interesting places, but you could also get story yanking and such.  Or people jumping in to just disrupt or yell strange things.

What MG is refering to that I ran, a more cooperative story telling system with an established leader or DM, I think would be more successful.  Then everyone takes a character and you spin your story that way instead of fighting over how the MainChar will develop.  Sure, its more constrained but its more likely to be successful and rewarding.

Just my two cents.  


#115361 Many Meetings

Posted by VigaHrolf on 09 May 2004 - 12:02 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

I was just thinking that an RP would be better served by multiple writers - it's just as challenging and everyone is then allowed to develop their own character and get deeply involved in the story instead of it lerching one way or the other.

I enjoyed the RP from FWp, while it lasted.  ;)  
..and, as moderator, you (VH) could (now) delete the stray postings that occurred.


First, love the Zhaan avatar.  

Second, you have an excellent point about the threaded tale, that as a mod I could at least ensure that no one disrupts the flow.  So if there are those who really want to run this, I will be available for shepherding and the like.

Third, glad you liked the FWP roleplay while it lasted.  It was good fun and I think it had a good crew.


#127870 Og cavman big writting guide

Posted by VigaHrolf on 29 June 2004 - 08:44 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

I believe the big furry pig that Og refers to is a wolf. Because he named it woolf. :D

But I must say, I do love Og's style and delivery.

VH like OG story!
VH buy Og drink!




#111492 Comments on "Rush Of Blood To The Head"

Posted by VigaHrolf on 21 April 2004 - 07:16 AM in Scribbles on the Wall


As the duly appointed representative of Anti EATCO, I welcome you here, you crazy elf lover. ;)

And its good to see the ol Rush rushing about.  :D

Course... I do wonder a bit about the box thing going on.... but I'll just leave it at that. :D