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#124319 How would you change...

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 17 June 2004 - 01:03 PM in IE Mod Ideas

to make it a tad better....  

and... would duling that to a Druid be decent for an npc

#124316 Time of Troubles

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 17 June 2004 - 12:49 PM in Delusions of the Mind

I bet there is some rivalry between Ao and The Lady of Pain

#124314 Planewalker.com's Planescape 3E...

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 17 June 2004 - 12:37 PM in Delusions of the Mind

hmmm I see... so I guess it's the closest thing to cannon you can get

it seems noone knew what happened to the old factols... they "assume" they were mazed... and the chaos of the faction war was pretty screwed up.

I actually am beginning to think that the lady forseen this and mazed them all for their own safety

#124302 Planewalker.com's Planescape 3E...

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 17 June 2004 - 11:34 AM in Delusions of the Mind

I was reading what little they had on their and for some reason Darkwood got all the factols mazed because he was stupid enough to start a faction war?

The only one left is Rhys.... is there a more indepth history of sigil during that time... I meen really... that (as Stan from southpark would say) is pretty ****ed (dont know if I can say the f word here) up right here.

btw is that site official?

#123627 What happens when things other than elves

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 14 June 2004 - 11:33 PM in Delusions of the Mind

what about Githzerelfs?
random creatures who like shaping limbo into forests

#123529 What happens when things other than elves

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 14 June 2004 - 07:48 AM in Delusions of the Mind

what about gnomlings... crazy homebodies who are fast smart and have no strength or common sense

#123456 What happens when things other than elves

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 13 June 2004 - 08:08 PM in Delusions of the Mind

I am sure halflings and gnomes are genetically compatible

and if orcs and men can mate orcs and elves can too

Dwarves and gnomes could be compatible

halflings and men might be

Giths (of either type) and elves or humans could be compatible

is there any barrier making these things n/a or has there been racial templates for these halves?

#123120 anyone have a map of the calimshite area?

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 11 June 2004 - 08:33 PM in Delusions of the Mind

thanks nightmare
I'lll look for that book

#122823 what is the damage modifier in damge vs. bonus?

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 10 June 2004 - 11:46 AM in IE Help

I got the one that came with IEEP

#122397 Things you'd liked to have seen in a sequel

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 09 June 2004 - 06:00 AM in Planescape: Torment

yeah I always go chaotic good or sometimes neutral... I dont have the heart to be evil to grace or annah

#122318 anyone have a map of the calimshite area?

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 08 June 2004 - 10:12 PM in Delusions of the Mind

they really dont have alot of info on calimishan anywhere.... just calimport itself...

#122311 what is the damage modifier in damge vs. bonus?

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 08 June 2004 - 07:49 PM in IE Help

longsword and a dagger both +1 enchantment and +1 to damage normally +3 vs. mages and a 50% chance of sealing their casting abilities for 2 or 3 rounds...
could you tell me how?

#122307 Wanted: Coders/Writers for Mekrath Romance NPC

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 08 June 2004 - 07:39 PM in IE Modding Discussion

you're good with dialog...

#122276 Things you'd liked to have seen in a sequel

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 08 June 2004 - 05:03 PM in Planescape: Torment

he ended as CG not LG in my game
he doesnt need to be reformed...he is reformed

but he doesnt mind his punishment much... he makes the best out of whatever comes along

#122275 Don't know much

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 08 June 2004 - 04:58 PM in Planescape: Torment

remember... he's one of the prostitutes in the brothel of slating intellectual lusts now...

#122267 Don't know much

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 08 June 2004 - 04:30 PM in Planescape: Torment

playing as Annah or grace as the lead would work..... maybe you should be able to choose who you play as. Since Annah and Grace would never work together (I could see her saying "Pike off bitch!" while everyone was back in sigil after the game ends) they never pair up.

Also they should have SOMEONE from the transcendent order to help you out. Those ciphers.. they are so cool...
and FACTOL KARAN should be in it too... he should be there just to hit on Grace....

#122203 Don't know much

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 08 June 2004 - 12:21 PM in Planescape: Torment

ok... you made your point you enjoy customization

but the way you sound you are trying to make it look like it's not a good game because of it... thats what many are arguing...

#121959 Things you'd liked to have seen in a sequel

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 07 June 2004 - 02:57 PM in Planescape: Torment

they just need to make a BG-ish game in the planescape universe...

#121956 Don't know much

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 07 June 2004 - 02:48 PM in Planescape: Torment

it's kinda silly ya know... you guys are complaining that it's a specific story... not every game has to be as customizable as BG2 and open ended as Vice City

what I think it is is some people want to distance themselves so far from Japanese style rpgs so much that they wont give an inch...

#121953 if there was a movie of this?

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 07 June 2004 - 02:46 PM in Planescape: Torment

you can get the "one armed boxer" (forgot the actors name) to play Dakkon... he was also in Duel to The Death (Kung-fu fans will get it)

#121659 NPC maker help

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 06 June 2004 - 12:34 PM in IE Mod Ideas

it's an ff1 sprite comic... the ONLY good one

#121527 Orphan Characters

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 05 June 2004 - 05:02 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Class:Bard (kitless)
style/proficiency: Shortsword +, One handed style +, Darts +,
mostly uses abjuration, illusion, and "utility" spells (like knock and create weapon.)
He stands in the back row and uses his spells to protect him and the party. Then he uses his bard song in situations where ranged attacks arent needed/usefull or he throws his darts (which have a higher rate of fire then normal). If he gets attacked in close range he most likely will cast his lesser form of mislead (same as the mage spell except the illusion only lasts 1 round) and make a break for it. If it's down to his shortsword he will most likely be lucky to be alive... his constitution is kinda low...

Str. 12
Dex. 16
Con. 10
Int. 15
Wis. 8
Cha. 16

Neutral good

Personality: Laid back and enthusiastic and very witty. He likes to flirt alot and loves to drink. He is polite and friendly regardless who he's talking too. However, long his fuse is, when he finally gets mad. It's like a nuke goes off. He's also no virgin to hard times, or hard woman.
If you're gonna put him in BG2.. most likely he'd try for Jaheira... he's alittle masochistic.

Soundsets: (french accent)
Battle Crys
1. Let us dance!
2. My blade is as a woman's scorn.
3. Games without Frontiers!

Badly hurt
I was having so much fun I didnt notice I am bleeding like a stuck pig my friends.

Run Away
It's been fun but I must take my leave good men.

Rare selects
1. They call me mellow yellow...
2. Seriously good man, I would if I was into that... but I am not. (Try that [Insert party member here] he seems like that kinda guy.
3. Ahhhh Fujiko

Ticking away the hours that make up a dull day... (says it sort of agitated like)

I wont put anything reletive to any game so you could convert it to anything but here's his general statistics.
He comes from Raven's Bluff
He ran off after some "lady problems"
He has travelled all of the west and some of the east
He prays to Finder every night
He has a knack for building devices (which has made him popular amongst gnomes)

#121524 NPC maker help

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 05 June 2004 - 04:24 PM in IE Mod Ideas

go read 8bit theater.... :-P

#121479 NPC maker help

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 05 June 2004 - 10:03 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Valor is your name... perchance... redmage?

#121112 NPC maker help

Posted by Xaositect_Crayon on 04 June 2004 - 03:45 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Valor... does your warrior types always have an int and wis of 3 in the bg games