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#153433 Check the Bodies

Posted by CBisson on 17 September 2004 - 10:24 AM in Check the Bodies

A great big THANK YOU to FW for taking over. The website's been up for a short time, but in the next few days we'll be updating everything as well as the links and all. Stay tuned for that.

#156133 Triggering Quests

Posted by CBisson on 24 September 2004 - 04:17 PM in Check the Bodies

Did you read this?


and click on the "Features" page?

#170536 XPCAP.2DA and weidu and CHITIN.KEY

Posted by CBisson on 20 November 2004 - 01:16 PM in IE Help


Some folks are having problems with the experience cap in BGII-ToB and I was hoping you could take a look at this tread and then a weidu'ified CHITIN.KEY and see if you know anything about it.




#157192 Mac compatible?

Posted by CBisson on 27 September 2004 - 08:28 PM in Check the Bodies

Nope, I never had the chance to change them to .zips before teambg died. They're .exe's for Windowns.

#171009 Bug Report

Posted by CBisson on 22 November 2004 - 11:46 AM in Check the Bodies

I'll look into the pantaloons issue.

Kinda odd that I kept those scrolls for 10 years

Yup, I suppose so.  I'll fix that straightaway for the next build.

#181714 Auto-biffing the .tis files

Posted by CBisson on 14 January 2005 - 04:07 PM in Check the Bodies

Hey CB, long time it has been. Congrats on working things out in this fine mod!  :D

I just made an auto-biffing program for the new bp-bgt elements: CtB, DSotSC, BG1NPCBGT, and SoBH. Included in this is the biffing capability for the CtB .tis files. If you are interested in the .bat files that accomplish this, for a future update of CtB--simply let me know, and I'll e-mail them to you. You'd have to fish out the non-CB entries, but you are the only one using the CB prefix (something that proved very useful when originally building BP ;) ).

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If I recall correctly, .tis's in the override require the header and biffed .tis's don't (or vice versa).  CtB uses the override method, so have the header (or don't as above- I don't remember which way it's supposed to go.)  As long as your proggie accounts for this, then sure, send it along.  I'm sure you still have my mail; if not let me know as I can't find yours.


#173668 possible bug

Posted by CBisson on 06 December 2004 - 11:03 AM in Check the Bodies

That should happen to all your npc's in a Single Player game and all party members except for Player1 in a Multiplayer game *while* Player1 is in Candlekeep. After Player1 goes through the automatic "flashback" movies, it should not happen. Can you tell me when you experienced the problem based on the above info?

#173217 Harper's Harp

Posted by CBisson on 03 December 2004 - 08:58 PM in Check the Bodies

Yes, it is broken, but not as badly as you think.  The item calls for spell SPWI840 to be cast, which is named "mind blank".  However, it should call for spell SPWI841 which is called "iron skins".  So, a) I have the spell being called wrong, and B) I named the spells incorrectly.  Thanks for picking up on this.

#173669 DIALOG.TLK problem

Posted by CBisson on 06 December 2004 - 11:05 AM in Check the Bodies

Yes, what Hlid said.

Make sure that you install the downloaded .exe to your BGII - SoA directory so that the installed files look like the picture on the website- (Instruction page)- and then run "Setup-CtB***.exe"

#167007 Imoen Hide and seek : Where is she ??

Posted by CBisson on 03 November 2004 - 06:37 PM in Check the Bodies

To think, for a wizard, she certainly has a limited vocabulary. :lol:

To think, for a eight year old twit, she's not particularly good at hiding. Maybe we'll stuff her down one of the barrels and no one will be able to find her.

#160047 What's the deal with all the mage quests?

Posted by CBisson on 05 October 2004 - 03:30 PM in Check the Bodies

Yeah, apparently I did do more quests for mages than any other class. I don't think I had planned it as such when building, but it just worked out that way. In fact, I don't even think I've every truly played any of the IE games with a single classed mage, so not sure why I would do it like that. Regardless, I think the quests as a mage are pretty cool, so like the others suggest, do a run through if you'd like with a mage.

#169462 parsing_parse.error when installing CTB

Posted by CBisson on 14 November 2004 - 04:02 PM in Check the Bodies

That's a new one on me as well as a bunch of other folks I'd guess. Most haven't had any problems installing since the "updated" tp2. I rechecked that line as well as above and below, and don't see anything out of order. Try re-downloading the .tp2 file and install again. See if that helps.

#155017 Since it's place for questions

Posted by CBisson on 21 September 2004 - 05:36 PM in Check the Bodies

moment later I was flooded by endless mage reinforcements Even if cowleds really had such forces - which is quite unfair, I'd say - where was them few days ago, when I slay one by one all their enforcer groups?

So would it be better if the "endless reinforcements" were some sort of summoned being rather than a Cowl?

I'm actually quite pleased to hear that you found that quest.... it's pretty elusive by design.  As to the city of Hlondeth, there are currently 3 quests available there, with another one packaged up waiting for the website fixes, and another one in the works.

#169278 The captain is gone!!

Posted by CBisson on 13 November 2004 - 02:23 PM in Check the Bodies

You know that one captain in the docks who can take you to the new island added to the game...I talked to him once (not sure if it matters, but it was during chapter 2), and I came back (still in chapter 2) a few days later...

...and he was gone.

Does he go somewhere? Or is this a bug?

If it is a bug, can I get the code to CLUA him in?

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Don't CLUA the captain.  It'll make things worse.

The only reason that he *should* not be in the area is if he sailed you somewhere.  Did you ask him to, and where?

#169312 The captain is gone!!

Posted by CBisson on 13 November 2004 - 06:41 PM in Check the Bodies

AUGH! What am I to do?!

Mail me your latest save.  I'll take a look at it.

#156496 The tutorial area

Posted by CBisson on 25 September 2004 - 08:52 PM in Check the Bodies


Did you read this?


and click on the "Features" page?

Quest Notes:

    * The "tutorial" area of Candlekeep
          o This is the very first thing you'll notice about Check the Bodies.  It is not an optional quest, and takes quite some time to complete.
          o There are four 'chores' that must be completed each day.  At the end of the day, if you've completed the chores, of course there's a nice reward for you.
          o Once you've finished with the Candlekeep introduction, things will progress back to the normal BG II introduction and you're on your way to becoming a skilled adventurer.

#158741 Bridge crash

Posted by CBisson on 01 October 2004 - 03:29 PM in Check the Bodies

See my post in the "CtB doesn't install" topic regarding the .tp2 file- it's the cause of the Bridge Crash.

#169879 CTD at Windspear Hills

Posted by CBisson on 16 November 2004 - 04:43 PM in Check the Bodies

I rechecked the area files. All is in order for a BGII-CtB install.

As to the double module in AR1200.BCS, it is doubled because this area requires the first script module to have the trigger oNcREATION() [inverted caps intended here] and CtB adds a module to that script's top, requiring me to duplicate the module. It wouldn't have any effect on the loading of the area.

For the original problem,

I am almost certain that the extra bytes in ar1200.are were the xy coordinates for the vertices.

, your statement leads me to believe that the extra bytes were tossed into the area file because of multiple installs of CtB and the unpatched file was not replaced, but amended more than once.

#156858 More Mirror Links

Posted by CBisson on 26 September 2004 - 08:11 PM in Check the Bodies

With the help of my original host, here's an update.

(I assume that this applies to most mods as well since TheWizard hosts many of the big ones.)

Hi CB,

A little worried that putting CtB on one server isn't safe enough?
Well, worry no more!  Thanks to the help of Black Wyrm, IEGMC now has a
second server, and it is an exact replica of the original site.  So, now
CtB is hosted conjointly at IEGMC Asia (the original) and IEGMC Europe.
This will help relieve some traffic from IEGMC Asia.

You know the links for IEGMC Asia, now for the IEGMC Europe links:


There is no rush to update the CtB web site, as I know you have quite a
bit on your plate right now.  Whenever you get around to it is fine.  In
the meantime, I'll continue to spread the word about IEGMC Europe on the


Hopefully, I'll be able to update the website soon and get everything back in order.


#157012 CtB doesnt install

Posted by CBisson on 27 September 2004 - 09:23 AM in Check the Bodies

Again, from the Instructions page:

7)  If you receive an error while installing, open the backup directory of 'checkbod'.  If you have folders in there, delete them.  If you don't have folders in there, make folders named "0", "1", and "2".  That should only be done if you're getting an error installing CtB for the very first time.

#174456 ? Parse Problem with V150

Posted by CBisson on 10 December 2004 - 05:23 PM in Check the Bodies

Whenever you get "parsing errors" regarding files that aren't actually "Parsed", like .sto, .ids, .wav, etc, don't worry about it. It's just weidu "farting" and won't mess up the install.

Regarding the script parsing (aptp2BLD.BAF), both the proper script command and .tra entry (# 550171) appear in the correct files. I'm not sure why you would have gotten that error.

#167006 NO valdid links

Posted by CBisson on 03 November 2004 - 06:35 PM in Check the Bodies

It also had the effect of pushing up the price of eggs.

Great. Yet another thing I'm gonna start having to pay more for over the next four years.

#166780 NO valdid links

Posted by CBisson on 02 November 2004 - 04:47 PM in Check the Bodies

To CB (Mr)

half helf shapeshifter!  Male.

I 'll have to reinstall it seems, but, could you tell me, is there an easier way through candlekeep?

Although a very interesting idea, the repetative nature of the beginning part of the mod means I really don't want to start again.

And as an after note... will shadowkeeper be ok for changing stats, hlas, etc, rather than globals (Q to everyone!)

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A) I looked at Gorion's dialog for the scene for triggers regarding a MALE HALF-ELF DRUID. It's all there- except for a small textual error.
B) I started a new game with a MALE HALF-ELF DRUID, ran through each day of the chores as needed without any save-game changes, proceeded to the scene below Candlekeep, and Gorion spoke to the character as intended and when finished, the movie/cutscenes began as intended.
C) The character demographic combination is valid.
D) You have either corrupted your savegame with Shadowkeeper or changed a value that should not have been changed.

E) As an after note, I will not demean Aaron's program for it's usefulness at cheating. It is NOT- I REPEAT NOT- an editing program. Anyone who uses it- especially with a game that has been modified by Weidu- risks the corruption of the data in ways that no one can predict or attempt to troubleshoot. I am hesitant to say this, but if you want to use Shadowkeeper, be my guest, but please, if you use it, don't report your problems here. I won't be hunting down any more potential issues with your game because it seems you want to finish the game as quickly as possible (hence using Shadowkeeper and you don't want to experience the mod as I created it. That's your choice. So be it. But I'll tell you the ending now and save you time: if you use shadowkeeper and force your way though everything, your character becomes all powerful and finishes the game.

#166615 NO valdid links

Posted by CBisson on 01 November 2004 - 08:01 PM in Check the Bodies

I won't express my dislike for Shadowkeeper and it's faults... ooops, just did....

but tell me what your RACE, CLASS, and GENDER is please.

#153437 Glad to see your new home!

Posted by CBisson on 17 September 2004 - 10:31 AM in Check the Bodies

Any chance a "short-cut" could be implemented?

I doubt he will.

Nope, I'll never be doing that.

broadening of quest availability?

Nope, I won't be doing that either. In an unmodded, Bioware/interplay game, you can only get one stronghold and the quests for that stronghold. That's how it will be for CtB.
Besides, some of the quests (like the class super-quests) "overlap": the same sequences happen but in a different order or requirements.

primarily with the worldmap,

As far as I know, this is the ONLY major hurdle left since we've successfully "weidu'd" areas. It still remains on my To-Do list, which hasn't really changed much since I lost TeamBG, but hopefully I'll be able to figure something out in the coming weeks or months.