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#207159 "Baldur's Goth II"

Posted by Child on 29 May 2005 - 12:05 PM in Baldur's Goth

Edited Anomen: Much better.  :love:

And, I would be willing to assist in this mad-cap plot.  After all, the only difference in between genius and madness is acceptance.

It just came to me... Don't you think the dark-skinned characters would still have their skin color?  I can just imagine Imoen and Viconia bickering over who is more 'gothic.'

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I'm not sure how much my opinion counts for, being not in any way a goth, but i think the purple lips just looks silly....tbh the ones that the lips look good on are: Viconia, Mazzy, and the lips-only Anomen...and the darker anomen is very cool as well :D
Hmmm.......can't you make the characters simply more brooding.....psychotic-perky Imoen doesn't sound so mcuh fun..and wouldn't that involve changing her alignment? Surely u can have non-evil goths (?)

#201836 A Dragon's size

Posted by Child on 23 April 2005 - 10:00 AM in Icewind Dale Series

Although it maeks little sense to have a white dragon as big as The Matriarch's mate, considering they are only supposed to grow somehwere around 44' ground to nose
realism considered, we will only ever have true-to-life sized dragons in RPGs when it is in first person.

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And even then they wont fit on the screen....the post 2 above was mine...

#185272 An idea?

Posted by Child on 31 January 2005 - 09:46 AM in IE Mod Ideas


I have no knowledge of modding. Well, very little. But I'm learning/being taught. However, I would like to pose a question.

The basic idea is: renaissance firearms.

I love the idea of Duelling pistols in BG2, or a blunderbuss or something. Obv i wouldnt make them overpowered, but it would be nice to see something a little different. Now, the questions are these:

i) Is it possible to create an animation for a weapon that looks roughly gun-like? (i am expecting the answer no, but im checking possibilities here). Otherwise I'll just use the xbow animation, or possibly the sling.

ii) Is there a way of turning off the restrictions on dual-wielding missile weapons...it wouldnt really be appropriate to something like duelling pistols.

iii) Is there someone out there who would be willing to draw quality item description pictures and inventory icons (a ground icon would be nice, but im not desperate for that)?? The reward would be much kudos, a passing mention in the credits.... :)

iv) Have I bitten off more than I can chew?

v) Would it be possible to create the Wand Of Frost effect but to replace it with one of flame, or possibly just a grey version (for the blunderbuss).

vi) Ive bitten off more than I can chew haven't I?

Please reply.....Ive got some ideas, and i reckon this could be pretty cool, even with lots of restrictions but..........



#189562 An idea?

Posted by Child on 21 February 2005 - 02:12 PM in IE Mod Ideas

You could always increase the range to some ridiculous amount with a weapon that is coded as a dagger, sword, hammer, or something like that. You'd just be left with the animation problem.

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BoB? Um...where can i find info on this? There doesnt appear to be any in these modding forums..although thats prob just me not being able to find it whilst skimming through

#185309 An idea?

Posted by Child on 31 January 2005 - 12:28 PM in IE Mod Ideas



i) Is there anyone willing to help/do some invent and description pictures..ill look into doing it myself but any offers will be gratefully seized upon :)

ii) Ok, so im using xbows...is it possible to configure an xbow to use the ammo for the sling (i.e. bullets?)

iii) Am i then wrong in suggesting u can uise a sling with a shield???? Coz if u cant hen surely its not entirely hopeless to expect maybe a change?

iv) Any ideas of implementing would be nice :)

Any hints/tips/other advice will definitely be taken notice of :)

Thanks :)

#187012 An idea?

Posted by Child on 08 February 2005 - 01:45 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Gothic Rose is kinda right...the idea was that they were one-shot per battle weapons. u really dont wanna stand there reloading pistols when someone with a big piece of metal is trying to stick it in u. Given the problems with dual wielding and avatars etc, i was thinking of changing to a quickslot item.....but could i, in using a quickslot, give it the animation of taking out an xbow, firing two shots, then the xbow disappearing?

#185404 An idea?

Posted by Child on 01 February 2005 - 12:28 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Hmm...Ok....so it prob cant be done....
Reloading wise...it would be one shot i guess...but renaissance firearms pretty much are anyway :) So though a problem for slings, not for pistols :)

#205433 Aribeth's ring

Posted by Child on 18 May 2005 - 11:27 PM in NWN Series

...meaning no Aribeth-saving for me :(

Or you can boost your charisma to 18 as I did with my female wizard, and boost your persuation skill also with some items found/bought on the way. You don't necessarily need the ring or even to be a male.

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Yes, but I was aware of what the ring did (dam the spoilers) so I didnt bother that much with persuade....and then when i got to aribeth i realised I didn't have it :S
SO i had to whack aribeth instead.

#205226 Aribeth's ring

Posted by Child on 17 May 2005 - 11:15 AM in NWN Series

Is there any particular reason why a) If i pressed aribeth too hard in her dialogues, the dialogue tree ended and the romance never went any further than that (i think it was in the dialogue tree where one of the options is to ask about dreams), and B) the ring disappears from my inventory every time I go to Luskan, meaning no Aribeth-saving for me :(

#192209 Baldur's Gate III: The Bane of Bhaal

Posted by Child on 09 March 2005 - 01:23 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I'm tired of waiting for BG III, so I thought maybe it's time to introduce an idea I have for it. It will be a 2 part mod. The first part will be an NPC for SOA/TOB that will introduce hints of what's to follow after TOB ends. Once TOB ends there will be a total conversion game that finally concludes the story of the Bhaal saga that actually began in the Time of Troubles. Its roots run much deeper than Candlekeep and Gorion's Ward.

The idea I have is entitled: Baldur's Gate III: The Bane of Bhaal. After the end of TOB, you'll create a new character who is thrown into a battle for Faerun that is being waged between Gorion's Ward (TOB will have to be edited so mortality is not an option), Cyric and Bane. Depending on the path taken the main character will have to eventually face first the minions of the three and then all three...hence, this one will take you from a 1st level character all the way through to becoming a god of gods...if you can make it.

I always thought it would be interesting to take on whatever character I'd spent all that time building up. What might be even better is to have your party from the Bane of Bhaal take on the party you'd used in SOA/TOB.

Without giving away too much, there will be mystery as to who your character is, what role they play in the developing war, and what can eventually become of them. There will be new NPCs, new areas, new villages, cities, and new mysteries to explore.

The main story takes place in West Gate and the surrounding areas of the Dragon Coast.

All of this would, of course, require a lot of work, and I would need help...a lot of help. If you think this is a valid idea, and you've had experience in creating mods for SOA/TOB, I'd appreciate your help. I need help with everything, as this is too large of a project for one person.

At the very least, if you've read this post, let me know what you think of the idea. Granted, I haven't told a lot of it because I don't want to give away too much, but if you like what you've read let me know. Even if you don't like it, let me know why. Feedback is important.

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Really really big.
As in massive.
And would take ages. Lots and lots of ages. A TC is just gonna take the hugest amount of work. What ure proposing is just wow....
If u actually got enough experienced modders involved then maybe it would work. But i think tbh this is tooo big...

#194403 BGII:SOA Familiar Mod

Posted by Child on 21 March 2005 - 03:30 AM in IE Mod Ideas

I have noticed that in Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn, your familiar does not improve as your character does.  Instead it remains the same mediocre little pesk, following you around while waiting to die and cost you a valuable point of constitution.  I have tried the various familiars, and have found that, while they will work acceptably in the VERY early stages of the game, later on they are merely a hindrance and burden, constantly needing healing, while adding almost nothing to the party.  I was wondering if perhaps someone might care to look into this, and work on a mod to improve familiars and have them improve along with the character, perhaps including some changes based on wizard specialization/multiclass.  This would be greatly appreciated, as I feel that it is an area that was rather neglected and could have been greatly improved upon.  I would prefer something that works either with or without the Throne of Bhaal expansion, as not everyone (ie, me) has the expansion.  If such a mod already exists, please tell me where I can find it.

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It's already being done.. :D by me..
Already made a leveling-up script.. where your familiars gain powers each time you level up.. It's general leveling-up for now.. will make specific soon...
Haveing them leveling up based on wizard specialization/multiclass was a new take on it, we'll see what I will do with it...

Other features:
- The choice of familiar is now selected by PC, still based on alignment.
- Adds new familiars. (Rat, Bat, Wolf, Baby Wyvern, Spider, Squirrel)
- Restricts familiars to mages and mage multiclasses (UAI won't work) :P
- Removes the dialog option to put your familiar in your pack.
- No con loss or hp bonus... :P
- When not in combat you will have no control over the familiar.

Being done:
- Tweaking of the new familiars
- adds banthers/interjects and quests

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Have u actually released this yet, or is there an alpha/beta version available?

#209951 BGIII

Posted by Child on 13 June 2005 - 12:08 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

What about a prequel that focused on the city, rather than the events in bg1/2.
I wanna know what happened to Balduran either before or after he sailed into the sun. He always struck me as a bit cool. :D

#209953 BGIII

Posted by Child on 13 June 2005 - 12:15 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

Actually, whilst I'm throwing out ideas left right and centre:

i) what about focusing on another Bhaalspawn? (go on, I dare you. Come up with one problem for that that i can't come up with a solution to ;) )

ii) What about Gorion. How did he start out? How did he become so dam powerful? And why does his magic missile spell rox more than yours ever can? (*sob*)

#209956 BGIII

Posted by Child on 13 June 2005 - 12:31 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

And one final thing: where is this information available on the web? I wanna find somewhere that this is "Official." There have been rumours kicking around for YEARS. I want conformation before i start buying party balloons. Especially as I'm donig A levels atm. Don't want sleepless nights in the middle of exams for nothing....

#210055 BGIII

Posted by Child on 14 June 2005 - 12:36 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

Hmm. Ok..That article appears all over the place, but Atari don't have anything on their website, and neither do PCGamer. So is this all the info we have? That was what, nearly a year ago? And they still haven't announced who they have working on it?

Hmm...if it comes out it will be a miracle...people have been clamouring for it for years...and as long as they don't turn it into a cash cow, then things should be ok...I just hope that whoever is in charge of it has the sense, if it is not nearly as good as it should be, to put the lid on it and say: no more!

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And that was me, but I'm a muppet and my computer account has crashed, so I forgot to sign in.

#194039 Darth Nihilus (spoilers!)

Posted by Child on 19 March 2005 - 11:23 AM in KotOR Series

Thank you.

So , the masters were right?I am doomed to become a planet eating freak just like him? Or is there a way to heal it?

(.... I said "I". Must have been playing too much...)

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Darth Nihilus. Um. My latin isnt that good cozits ages since ive done it, but isnt that Darth Nothing??? LOL....coz in that case maybe its a subtle in-joke? (or a not-so-subtle injoke?)

#205643 Dungeons and Dragons

Posted by Child on 20 May 2005 - 06:33 AM in Delusions of the Mind

My long-ago boyfriend taught me to play pnp.  Then he married me.  Then he sired three children on me.  And we *still* play D&D every weekend.  Usually he DMs, but I do on occasion.

We play a 2.5-ish edition.  Basically it is 2e with some feats.  :^^:


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Sounds like the perfect romance to me, a dream come true   ^_^

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IT just wouldn't be the same without DnD would it?
LOL..im guilty of being oneof the people who is too busy with my life to play PnP....it takes place on a sat afternoon here at my college, so im often doing sometihng vaguely sporty, and when im not its too far int he campaign to pitch up....:D But at least there r people who play here...some of u people sound starved :(

#201813 Err...Drizzt Romance Mod anyone?

Posted by Child on 23 April 2005 - 06:05 AM in IE Mod Ideas

hmm...well in the newer books there is this new elf chick he has fallen for so he must not be THAT in love with Catta Brie.

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i) So how do u get rid of the new elf chick that he HAS fallen in love with???

ii) ARGH! Can't u put *DRIZZT SPOILER* in there or something :(

#205660 Fall From Grace's script

Posted by Child on 20 May 2005 - 07:54 AM in Planescape: Torment

You could always turn off Party AI.

Show the baf, then.

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Yes but its really annoying to be losing in combat, and just as your about to die, realise that because you turned off party ai half your chars have just been standing around watching.

#205642 Fall From Grace's script

Posted by Child on 20 May 2005 - 06:28 AM in Planescape: Torment

I've been modifying Fall From Grace's script to make her less of a pain, and a more effective character. Her script was a mess but I think I have it working alot better now. Can anyone do some testing for me? I'll post a list here of what was wrong, and what I did to fix it if needed.

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My PS:T game is buggaed atm, and im in the middle of A levels, so i can't guarantee quick results, but if you can't find anyone else willing to test it I will....it will be a while tho....

#193531 Goto

Posted by Child on 17 March 2005 - 09:28 AM in KotOR Series

lol no its not against the rules :)

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We obv have very sensible moderators here. Or they're all male :P

#193446 Goto

Posted by Child on 17 March 2005 - 05:41 AM in KotOR Series

haha, or a crafted chest-piece or whatever you called those. I should post the full length picture though, but I would be seriously going off-topic and you guys are equally guilty of going off-topic as me. =)

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:P Well we could move this discussion to a new thread. :P Besides, I never claimed to be on topic. I've never even played KOTOR2 :D I just spam :D

#193387 Goto

Posted by Child on 17 March 2005 - 12:32 AM in KotOR Series

thank you child. :P

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actually its pretty modest compared to some Soa avatars i've seen... :P :lol:

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You mean she's at least wearing clothes in the avatar compared to the SOA ones?

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I dont think you can call those clothes. I mean where's the evidence? It might just be a realy elaborate necklace :D Honestly! No imagination :P

#193153 Goto

Posted by Child on 16 March 2005 - 03:38 AM in KotOR Series

I still hate that flying fatball of junk, but meh, I hated the ending totally :-\

BTW Celestine, is it just me or is your new AV bordering on the scandalous? :P

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haha.. yeah, I like it too, :P but seriously if that's against the board rules, please let me know.

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If it is, I think the board rules need changing :P
Its nice. Not as good as the lat one, quite, but still v.nice :D

#193142 IWD beginning

Posted by Child on 16 March 2005 - 03:06 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Rather limits class choice, if you actualyl mean the pc to be a barbarian. And you'd have to do justice to the story, becoz ud be ripped apart if you made a hash of it. But that sounds cool. Although, no real surprise as to the ending. And the big boss at the end would provide a problem, as it isnt u that does it...

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You really just fight demons charging at you, while Jared has time to look at Tempos and charge into the portal.

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Exactly...a bit sucky. think about the complete lack of ending to iwd2 and realie that that sort of thing can make or break a game...my suggestion? have the story intimately linked with that one, but dont have the pc at the actual fight....have some climactic ending which allows Jared the ability to charge the portal.