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#438762 Disk Images

Posted by VIIIofSwords on 22 February 2009 - 02:33 AM in KotOR Series

If KoTOR does the same thing that the BG games do, then it is looking for the play disc from the same drive where the game was installed from. So if you installed from an actual drive and are attempting to play from a virtual drive, then it won't work.

#396236 Some 4th Edition Realms Changes

Posted by VIIIofSwords on 26 May 2008 - 10:58 PM in Delusions of the Mind

This news saddens me. All the more reason for me to stick to playing In Nomine and the old World of Darkness, I suppose.

#396234 Where do you get your images?

Posted by VIIIofSwords on 26 May 2008 - 10:54 PM in Layers of Reality

Depends entirely on what I need and/or want.
For anime images, I delve through the following links: E-Shuushuu, moe.imouto.org, konachan, Anime Mahou

For most non-anime needs, I just use deviantart and photobucket. Occasionally, I get good wallpaper-size shots of things from the monthly wallpaper thread over at MegaTokyo Central. Two sections of Boyis.com, the fodder section and graphic CG, have nice selections, but the site is exceedingly hard to navigate and anyone not interested in anime or anime-style art is best advised to keep away, despite the number of gorgeous gems there.

And, not to offend the ladies here, but if I feel the need to decorate my thoughts with a beautiful woman, there's always Beautiful Newsmakers.

If all else fails, if you're truly desperate, and you're willing to sacrifice your sanity, there's always 4-chan. No, I am not linking to that malignant cancer of a site.

#389758 Opinion Poll: Friendships, Romances and Banters

Posted by VIIIofSwords on 28 April 2008 - 05:34 PM in IE Modding Discussion

1. Approximately how long does it take you to play through Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn in hours? (or if you have two types of play, post both times!)

Around 10 to 15 hours, when playing good or neutral. My evil PCs tend to go through the game a lot faster, clocking in at around 5 or 6 hours.

2. How much time do you prefer between romance/friendship dialogues?

Around 40 to 45 minutes is good.

3. How many dialogues is optimum for a friendship, in your opinion?

Depends on the character, but I'd wager 8 to 10 would be a good range.

4. How many dialogues is optimum for a romance, in your opinion?

15 to 20, depending on the character.

5. How many banters do you like per NPC pair?

3 or 4, but that may vary depending on the pair.

#389128 Should this download really take a long time?

Posted by VIIIofSwords on 25 April 2008 - 01:50 AM in Classic Adventures

Have you considered using a torrent instead if the size starts to get really big? Internet connections where I come from (and where a lot of others come from, I'm sure) might not be up to the task of downloading something this big in one go.

#389109 Congratulations!

Posted by VIIIofSwords on 25 April 2008 - 01:26 AM in Ninde

Ooh, she sounds positively my type. :devil:

#388100 How is the Kelsey romance?

Posted by VIIIofSwords on 20 April 2008 - 09:49 PM in IE Modding Discussion

@VIII Of Swords - Hmm I guess you mean the romance progresses but the character does not develop significantly?

Something like that, yeah. Then again, it has been a while since I had Kelsey in my game. My memory of how I viewed his character and the development thereof may be a little less than perfect.

#388098 OMG Chibis!

Posted by VIIIofSwords on 20 April 2008 - 09:42 PM in Layers of Reality

First row:
No idea, no idea, Imoen
Second row:
Sarevok, Jaheira, Aerie
Third row:
Yoshimo, Anomen, Mazzy
Fourth row:
Edwin, Nalia, Keldorn

#388077 How is the Kelsey romance?

Posted by VIIIofSwords on 20 April 2008 - 08:39 PM in IE Modding Discussion

Personally, while I admire all the work that went into the mod, I found Kelsey himself to be rather tiring. The fact that I got tired of him faster than I did any other NPC (mod or not) surprised even me. He has his moments, but I'm not a big fan of the character overall.

#388076 The best Jade Empire NPC!

Posted by VIIIofSwords on 20 April 2008 - 08:34 PM in General Gameplay

Went with Silk Fox, though I generally don't understand what about this particular character appeals to me.

#388075 The best BGII NPC poll!

Posted by VIIIofSwords on 20 April 2008 - 08:32 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

Sarevok, but Immy is a very, very close second.

#387100 Writing Style Test

Posted by VIIIofSwords on 15 April 2008 - 11:31 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

Because I've convinced myself that no sane human being is going to want to willingly read through all of it. I've personally decried it as "The literary equivalent of a slice-of-life show. A really bad slice-of-life show." If the quality doesn't put people off, the length will.

Yet I can't stop writing it.

#387065 Writing Style Test

Posted by VIIIofSwords on 15 April 2008 - 05:04 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

Holy crap...

I know. A little on the extreme side.

The saddest part is that nobody's ever going to read it.

#386913 Who are Mister and Mistress Bhaalspawn or any other PC?

Posted by VIIIofSwords on 14 April 2008 - 08:50 PM in General Gameplay

Varies with each time I played. The last male PC I had was a human berserker-cleric by the name of Maadri. The last female one (which is far more recent) was a half-elf fighter/thief. Alanais, I think, was the name.

#386912 Writing Style Test

Posted by VIIIofSwords on 14 April 2008 - 08:47 PM in Scribbles on the Wall

Narrative. Not surprising, considering the story I'm working on now is running 600+ pages and is only just barely past the halfway point.

#385976 BG2 : 3-man party is where it's at

Posted by VIIIofSwords on 10 April 2008 - 04:19 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

I've never been one for small groups. Like Zyraen, I tend to either go with a full party or go solo. I tried a three character party once, but I got bored after a while and decided to throw in the first three joinable NPCs that I ran into.

#385974 50 ways to kill your Saemon

Posted by VIIIofSwords on 10 April 2008 - 04:15 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

Ctrl+Y. Quick and easy.

Otherwise, the Silver Sword you get from the Gith.

#384336 Top 5 games

Posted by VIIIofSwords on 02 April 2008 - 07:38 PM in General Gameplay

1. Metal Gear Solid - the one game I can honestly claim to have never gotten tired of, despite having played it more times than there casinos in Vegas.

2. Final Fantasy VI and Final Fantasy IV- greatest. Final Fantasy. games. ever. And no, I'm not about to let any FFVII fanboys tell me otherwise.

3. Dungeon Keeper - a game where you're unequivocally, undeniably the evil villain. What can I say? It appeals to the sadistic monster in me.

4. Metroid - while it isn't all that special compared to more modern games, I remember this fondly because it was my first game.

5. Planescape: Torment - this one should require no explanation.

#383938 DeviantART!

Posted by VIIIofSwords on 31 March 2008 - 07:05 PM in Layers of Reality

Here I am!

Don't have much in it, though. I barely even touch my account, even though I keep telling myself to upload my current fiction project to the site at least twice every hour.