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tobex crash

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#1 -Blind-

  • Guest

Posted 15 May 2017 - 09:56 PM

Hello. I don't know if this forum is still working but I thank in advance for any help. I installed BWS and tobex is crashing (the game works if i disable it).


So I set the debbug options to "1" and the following error appears:


InitUserPatches(): FindFirstFile() failed (erro code 183)

AREA-TRANSITION CInfGame :: SetVisibleArea

---Start Logging Session ---

Assertion Warning. Return Adress File UIControlButtons.cpp line 5637 Expression: FALSE Message: CreateUIControl: nCtrlIdx out of bounds in GUICG panel 7 (mage book).


I tried hours of fixes and hits but got nowhere. What should I do? Thanks!