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#180641 alignment

Posted by Caswallon on 11 January 2005 - 03:54 AM in Dragon Age Series

And again - it should be up to the player to keep to his role.
I don't like it at all when a game/DM forces a particular way of doing things on me.
A LG character should have all the options - but he should choose only the one freeing her, and that is the player's duty, who chose that certain role. If not, there might be repercussions in some way or the other, preferably in how people react to him, but I don't like to force the player to stay in his role.

#180478 alignment

Posted by Caswallon on 10 January 2005 - 11:28 AM in Dragon Age Series

Scrap alignment. :)
It has its place in a general "What is roleplaying, and how do I do it?" introductory section in a guide for players, where it is but one of several possible pseudo-psychological systems. It has absolutely no place in game mechanics.

I play PnP regularly, with a system without alignment, and it works just as well. There is absolutely no need to cram a good-evil/lawful-chaotic scale into the rules. How to play the character, should be up to the player, within the restrictions of his role. If the character has been trained as a thief, but gets "reformed" and behaves just, heroic and never lies or steals - why not? After some time, he'll not really qualify as a rogue anymore, of course, and will develop other skills. (That counts as changing class in DnD-speak, I guess.)
I do not think that players need the crutch of an alignment in the background. It may help an individual player to orientate the actions of his character on a certain alignment in the sense of a simplified pattern of human behaviour, but I don't see the need to force that particular system onto each and every player.

That said, I don't like character classes that much either, but that's another thing. :)

Reputation with various power groups and factions is another issue, and imho wholly independent from alignment. How people look at you depends on what they know or think about you (and the factions/groups you belong to), not some abstract categories of behaviour.

My 2 ?-cent, or so. :)

#159428 finding strings is a like finding....

Posted by Caswallon on 03 October 2004 - 11:02 AM in IE Help

Yep, the "index" in IE is the TLK string number.

For finding the correct area, use an area list like the one at IESDP.

#156139 Area script not running

Posted by Caswallon on 24 September 2004 - 04:26 PM in IE Help

NI should be able to do this...

#156136 finding strings is a like finding....

Posted by Caswallon on 24 September 2004 - 04:21 PM in IE Help

IE is quite good for just browsing things (loads faster than anything else, and is dead easy to navigate), and imho still not beaten for viewing areas.

For finding the dialogue of a specific creature, I do that with IE, too:
Open its area, look it up under NPCs, go to the AI tab of the creature, and click its dialogue.

#156129 More Elder Scrolls IV

Posted by Caswallon on 24 September 2004 - 03:56 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

FAQ on TES IV: Oblivion:

It sounds as if they took the "lifeless NPCs" critique seriously.
How it turns out, remains to be seen.

More life to NPCs is always good.
Generally, however, I'd prefer to have the "just look around, story is optional" approach of MW preserved.

#150444 Want to make NPC Mod! (Last Ditch Effort)

Posted by Caswallon on 07 September 2004 - 04:03 PM in IE Help

Fading to and from black:

202 FadeToColor(P:Point*,I:Blue*)
This action, although some of its parameters are unknown, is frequently useful. It can be used in cutscene situations, and especially for masking undesirable calculations or character movements on the screen. The parameters, however, are strange. The Point parameter is still taken in the [x.y] format, but x specifies the number of AI updates rather than an actual point. For example, using FadeToColor([20.0],0) would fade to black in 20 AI updates. Parameters besides the x are undefined and could use some investigation.

203 FadeFromColor(P:Point*,I:Blue*)
See above. The only difference this has is that it fades back to normal rather than black.


#149689 Want to make NPC Mod! (Last Ditch Effort)

Posted by Caswallon on 06 September 2004 - 01:14 AM in IE Help

Nice. :)
And congratulations for managing to learn all that stuff. :)

#149623 What does your MW main character look like?

Posted by Caswallon on 05 September 2004 - 02:49 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

Nice one. :)

BTW, it'd be a good idea to brighten indoor and night screenshots a bit.
The screenshots don't take in-game gamma correction into account, and are rather dark to begin with.
I can't see much on your second picture, for instance...

#148976 Map Makers

Posted by Caswallon on 03 September 2004 - 02:06 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Lack of response doesn't always mean lack of interest - it can also be lack of time, as in my case.
Creating areas is, from my experience, a time-consuming business. :)

#145832 Love Talk for Torment?

Posted by Caswallon on 26 August 2004 - 07:04 AM in Planescape: Torment

Though I fear that an actual diary done by a mod would be a huge letdown for everyone (well, for me at least :D), as everybody has different ideas of what would be in that book... The main reason for the interest in this diary is that no one knows what's in there; and after you reveal it, a secret isn't one anymore.
So - while expanding on the PS:T NPCs is a good idea, I'd think it best to refrain from spelling out Grace's diary. :)

#145754 Want to make NPC Mod! (Last Ditch Effort)

Posted by Caswallon on 26 August 2004 - 03:18 AM in IE Help

Errm... just who used "simple" and "WeiDU" in the same sentence?  :blink:
I wouldn't consider WeiDU to be simple... :D

For ConText to be more than NotePad without word wrap, you should install the "highlighters" that provide colour-coding for your dialogues and scripts:
TP2 files
Dialogue files
BAF files (scripts)

In your ConText folder, there is a subdirectory called "highlighters"; put the files there.

Sorry, I haven't seen the protrait before.

#145594 help!

Posted by Caswallon on 25 August 2004 - 03:55 PM in Delusions of the Mind

What do you want to know about shit? :blink: :wacko:

#145283 Want to make NPC Mod! (Last Ditch Effort)

Posted by Caswallon on 25 August 2004 - 12:37 AM in IE Help

Name of the character and names of its scripts, dialogues and even death variable aren't really connected.
You can have a character called Lancelot, his dialogues arthurp, garethj and bginevra, and his death variable galahad... ;)

Assigning the DV: Open the CRE in NI. There is a field called "death variable" (scroll down). You just fill in what you want to have as DV, and save the CRE.
Compiling is only needed for scripts, and WeiDU-Dialogues.

How do you want to have October finding her item? You'll most probably need some form of script, yes, though it depends on what you want to do. :)


#144491 Gods!

Posted by Caswallon on 22 August 2004 - 02:49 PM in Delusions of the Mind

I assure you that the ability to view our futures can become a bore. Even to be thought of as a god, as I certainly was, can become ultimately boring. It has occurred to me more than once that holy boredom is good and sufficient reason for the invention of free will.

Leto II Atreides (Frank Herbert, "God Emperor of Dune") :D

#144408 WeiDU install strings Translations

Posted by Caswallon on 22 August 2004 - 09:58 AM in IE Help

Ah, thanks.
Could someone please post it here when it works? Thanks. :)

#144382 GuI help

Posted by Caswallon on 22 August 2004 - 06:22 AM in IE Help

1.) I couldn't seem to find the .wav file of the tooltip (when the scroll opens up).

In BG1 it is PAPER.WAV.
Probably the same in BG2.

#144374 WeiDU install strings Translations

Posted by Caswallon on 22 August 2004 - 05:47 AM in IE Help

note 2: nevermind! they say this doesnt work! yet?

What doesn't work yet? :)

#143676 Gods!

Posted by Caswallon on 20 August 2004 - 01:55 AM in Delusions of the Mind

The "For Duty and Deity" adventure is available for download at the WotC site:

#143562 CON 1, 2, and 3

Posted by Caswallon on 19 August 2004 - 01:13 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

Sadly, CON3 is on indefinite hold:
Thread on the ES forums.

#143287 Infinity Engine Modlist

Posted by Caswallon on 18 August 2004 - 03:00 PM in IE Modding Discussion

Am I the only one questioning on why this thread seems to be less important than the thread about the new version of EE?


Am I the only one in questioning why every thread and then one has to turn into bickering by oh-so-witty snide remarks?
It's getting pretty boring. :zzz:

#143234 What does your MW main character look like?

Posted by Caswallon on 18 August 2004 - 01:21 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

Shaarilla, Archmagistra of Great House Telvanni. ;)

Posted Image

#143003 Species and classes.

Posted by Caswallon on 18 August 2004 - 01:41 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

on a seemingly random note aparently bethseda has anounced that it is going to do fallout 3, though a don't know how true this is

Not only apparently; they have.

#142743 Morrowind performance

Posted by Caswallon on 17 August 2004 - 05:23 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

Because MW's engine isn't optimized for the highest possible performance, to allow for the current plugin system.
A lot of pre-defining lines of sight and clipping invisible objects etc. that is common in shooter game levels to max out performance can't be done in MW, because the layout of the "level" can change anytime with the addition of some plugin. You basically have to render everything in-game, you can't determine level layout and visibility beforehand.

However, I run MW on a 1 GHz machine, 384 MB RAM, with a Radeon 7200 card (32 MB), and I get between 8 and 12 FPS in Balmora, view distance about 80%, Shadows off.

#142741 Of Mods and Problems

Posted by Caswallon on 17 August 2004 - 05:16 AM in Elder Scrolls Series

The "XXX.esm has changed" message is Mostly Harmless ™; I've never heard of anyone having issues because of that.
The cause is as Silver said: The plugin was created with an earlier version of Morrowind (before the latest patch, without Bloodmoon, or anything).
In 99%, plugins are compatible backwards; that is, MW-only plugins also work with Bloodmoon and/or Tribunal installed. I've never encountered a plugin of the remaining 1%, either, but it's at least theoretically possible.

Ziggy: What happens if you uncheck betterheads.esm from your launch list?
Anyway, the whole point of Better Heads is overriding the original NPC heads.