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#189649 Raise Dead

Posted by Child on 22 February 2005 - 05:14 AM in Dragon Age Series

hmmm....i dunno what u guys think, but xp penalties for raise dead sort of solve the problem....esp if u have dead chars not gaining any xp for a battle.... Er...but in bg2 it was too easy to resurrect....

#211618 Raise Dead

Posted by Child on 22 June 2005 - 03:49 AM in Dragon Age Series

Or just use the option that Raise Dead drains one level permanently untill more xp is gain.

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I think Archmage's idea is better, simply because, if it drained ability scores, I know I wouldn't actually ever use Raise Dead.....I try and buff my chars as much as possible....so that would make it silly...

#211667 Raise Dead

Posted by Child on 22 June 2005 - 11:46 AM in Dragon Age Series

Or just use the option that Raise Dead drains one level permanently untill more xp is gain.

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I think Archmage's idea is better, simply because, if it drained ability scores, I know I wouldn't actually ever use Raise Dead.....I try and buff my chars as much as possible....so that would make it silly...

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     I concur. It won't be so costly, but it would be a sacrifice nonetheless.

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Altho, from playing NWN, tbh I would just load anyway...even the smallest of XP losses made me wince....

#210133 The villains

Posted by Child on 14 June 2005 - 06:57 AM in Dragon Age Series

I'd like to debate the H man more, becoz i could at least find a bit of good in him, but anyway....

Right..back on topic..

So, when they say a not obvious light vs dark, what do u think they mean? Are they simply blurring the lines. BEcause you could make it civilisation vs barbarism, and that would still be opposites opposing.

Or, by ambiguous, do they actually mean that there will be sides, and extents. For example, could i subscribe to one point of view, become disillusioned, and subscribe to bits of the other, and then take the middle road? Presumably they are gonna bottle out and make two diametrically opposed sides, and just not align then to good or evil?

#210072 The villains

Posted by Child on 14 June 2005 - 01:57 AM in Dragon Age Series

Um...Nazie-fying villans? Surely Hitler saw what he was doing as righteous and justified? He wasn't evil for the sake of being evil. And neither were the German people.............

#210549 The villains

Posted by Child on 16 June 2005 - 12:52 AM in Dragon Age Series

Well, Irenicus was an usual self-centered power-mad type of villain. He was punished justly for an act which could have destroyed a whole elven city and even more. His only motivations (his trait from the start or innoculated to him by his sister, does not matter) is a crazy lust for power and vengeance for totally selfish reasons. It became a little bit repetitive.
  As well, the villain is evil to the core. None of them does not show any restraints. That became a stereotype too.

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The problem with restraint is:

I've killed 30 people. I need to kill this one to. BUT IT'S GONE TOO FAR!!! I MUST STOP NOW. *gives self up*

Or, to put it another way, where is the fun in combating a villain who, when it comes to the crunch, decides against going through with his plan. Why would he show restraint on lesser issues, and then still go through with the big plan? It would be no fun zonking Irenicus if, at the Tree of Life, he suddenly decided he had gone too far and gave himself up.

#210827 The villains

Posted by Child on 17 June 2005 - 08:17 AM in Dragon Age Series

You're absolutely right.
Politicians and CEOs who embezzle from the public purse and abuse trust should not be put to death, or jailed.
They should just do some community service instead.

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Nah, ure getting me wrong. They should be reduced to living in poverty... but its not worth carving through monsters to do it. Its just so common and expected of politicans that its almost a requirement...

#210808 The villains

Posted by Child on 17 June 2005 - 05:11 AM in Dragon Age Series

Yeah but once you have killed 1 person, killing another is not quite such a big deal, if you acted selfishly the first time...so things snowball. After 2000, whats another 40 hey?
And in ideas of restraint: I'll only kill 35 people..any more and it has gone too far?

In addition, a villain who only commits fraud isn't much of a villain. Certainly not worth going around bashing thousands of monsters to catch up with.

#193829 Romances in DA

Posted by Child on 18 March 2005 - 05:44 AM in Dragon Age Series

No, its not this year. Its bloody miles away as you put it.  :D  IIRC NWN 2 is 2006 and DA is 2007 or 2008, currently no fixed date announced.

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Ah. I thought so. Optimisim is limited in its value. Well, as long as NWN2 isn't as generally poor as NWN was, and DA is on the level of BG2, I don't care how long it takes to bring them out. :D

#193447 Romances in DA

Posted by Child on 17 March 2005 - 05:42 AM in Dragon Age Series

Sorry...Are you sure that NWN2 and Dragon Age ARE coming otu this year. I was under the impression that both are bl00dy miles away from completion

#194039 Darth Nihilus (spoilers!)

Posted by Child on 19 March 2005 - 11:23 AM in KotOR Series

Thank you.

So , the masters were right?I am doomed to become a planet eating freak just like him? Or is there a way to heal it?

(.... I said "I". Must have been playing too much...)

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Darth Nihilus. Um. My latin isnt that good cozits ages since ive done it, but isnt that Darth Nothing??? LOL....coz in that case maybe its a subtle in-joke? (or a not-so-subtle injoke?)

#202400 What can change the nature of man?

Posted by Child on 27 April 2005 - 12:13 PM in Planescape: Torment

Betrayal makes people harder

#205643 Dungeons and Dragons

Posted by Child on 20 May 2005 - 06:33 AM in Delusions of the Mind

My long-ago boyfriend taught me to play pnp.  Then he married me.  Then he sired three children on me.  And we *still* play D&D every weekend.  Usually he DMs, but I do on occasion.

We play a 2.5-ish edition.  Basically it is 2e with some feats.  :^^:


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Sounds like the perfect romance to me, a dream come true   ^_^

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IT just wouldn't be the same without DnD would it?
LOL..im guilty of being oneof the people who is too busy with my life to play PnP....it takes place on a sat afternoon here at my college, so im often doing sometihng vaguely sporty, and when im not its too far int he campaign to pitch up....:D But at least there r people who play here...some of u people sound starved :(

#192209 Baldur's Gate III: The Bane of Bhaal

Posted by Child on 09 March 2005 - 01:23 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I'm tired of waiting for BG III, so I thought maybe it's time to introduce an idea I have for it. It will be a 2 part mod. The first part will be an NPC for SOA/TOB that will introduce hints of what's to follow after TOB ends. Once TOB ends there will be a total conversion game that finally concludes the story of the Bhaal saga that actually began in the Time of Troubles. Its roots run much deeper than Candlekeep and Gorion's Ward.

The idea I have is entitled: Baldur's Gate III: The Bane of Bhaal. After the end of TOB, you'll create a new character who is thrown into a battle for Faerun that is being waged between Gorion's Ward (TOB will have to be edited so mortality is not an option), Cyric and Bane. Depending on the path taken the main character will have to eventually face first the minions of the three and then all three...hence, this one will take you from a 1st level character all the way through to becoming a god of gods...if you can make it.

I always thought it would be interesting to take on whatever character I'd spent all that time building up. What might be even better is to have your party from the Bane of Bhaal take on the party you'd used in SOA/TOB.

Without giving away too much, there will be mystery as to who your character is, what role they play in the developing war, and what can eventually become of them. There will be new NPCs, new areas, new villages, cities, and new mysteries to explore.

The main story takes place in West Gate and the surrounding areas of the Dragon Coast.

All of this would, of course, require a lot of work, and I would need help...a lot of help. If you think this is a valid idea, and you've had experience in creating mods for SOA/TOB, I'd appreciate your help. I need help with everything, as this is too large of a project for one person.

At the very least, if you've read this post, let me know what you think of the idea. Granted, I haven't told a lot of it because I don't want to give away too much, but if you like what you've read let me know. Even if you don't like it, let me know why. Feedback is important.

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Really really big.
As in massive.
And would take ages. Lots and lots of ages. A TC is just gonna take the hugest amount of work. What ure proposing is just wow....
If u actually got enough experienced modders involved then maybe it would work. But i think tbh this is tooo big...

#194403 BGII:SOA Familiar Mod

Posted by Child on 21 March 2005 - 03:30 AM in IE Mod Ideas

I have noticed that in Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn, your familiar does not improve as your character does.  Instead it remains the same mediocre little pesk, following you around while waiting to die and cost you a valuable point of constitution.  I have tried the various familiars, and have found that, while they will work acceptably in the VERY early stages of the game, later on they are merely a hindrance and burden, constantly needing healing, while adding almost nothing to the party.  I was wondering if perhaps someone might care to look into this, and work on a mod to improve familiars and have them improve along with the character, perhaps including some changes based on wizard specialization/multiclass.  This would be greatly appreciated, as I feel that it is an area that was rather neglected and could have been greatly improved upon.  I would prefer something that works either with or without the Throne of Bhaal expansion, as not everyone (ie, me) has the expansion.  If such a mod already exists, please tell me where I can find it.

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It's already being done.. :D by me..
Already made a leveling-up script.. where your familiars gain powers each time you level up.. It's general leveling-up for now.. will make specific soon...
Haveing them leveling up based on wizard specialization/multiclass was a new take on it, we'll see what I will do with it...

Other features:
- The choice of familiar is now selected by PC, still based on alignment.
- Adds new familiars. (Rat, Bat, Wolf, Baby Wyvern, Spider, Squirrel)
- Restricts familiars to mages and mage multiclasses (UAI won't work) :P
- Removes the dialog option to put your familiar in your pack.
- No con loss or hp bonus... :P
- When not in combat you will have no control over the familiar.

Being done:
- Tweaking of the new familiars
- adds banthers/interjects and quests

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Have u actually released this yet, or is there an alpha/beta version available?

#211425 Tamoko Mod

Posted by Child on 20 June 2005 - 09:01 AM in IE Mod Ideas

The Tamoko pic is really nice (if only because Devon Aoki is kinda cute...)..and it is pretty hot stuff as a baldurisation...but LOL at the armour vs lack of sex appeal idea.........
You can just see the argument:
Should i wear my full plate +2 which may save my life today, or should I go with the slinky chainmail, so i can look sexy?

Actually, knowing some of the girls i do, thats a total nobrainer... :blink:

#205220 Tamoko Mod

Posted by Child on 17 May 2005 - 11:04 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Is it just me of has the Tamoko mod idea been kicking around for ages? Isnt it one of these things that never gets done? Its a nice idea...so keep me posted if someone starts to work on it.... :D

#211879 Ring of Gaxx

Posted by Child on 23 June 2005 - 11:10 PM in Delusions of the Mind

Or perhaps Kangaxx might have been an unfortunate victim of the ring, with he renaming himself to something containing 'gaxx' out of obsession of the ring.


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One ring to rule them all...

#211610 Ring of Gaxx

Posted by Child on 22 June 2005 - 01:09 AM in Delusions of the Mind

Actually, it would be almost worth to make these changes to the BG2 version... it could become a most interesting (although less useful) item that way. :rolleyes:

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Can someone post a copy of the original rules/description?

#189788 should i buy it?

Posted by Child on 23 February 2005 - 02:50 AM in Icewind Dale Series

It's alright..not as good as bg2 though... or even bg. The problem is that the story line is a lot more general, rather than centering around you, and there is no true "you" character, as all 6 chars u create are given equal weight. There are also annoying ;little things, like the chars in combat taking a swing, then just standing back, looking around, until it is time for them to take their next swing...there is no sense of them being in combat...only an anim problem but still...all in all good, but not as polished as BG2. 82%


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That was me :D

#190047 should i buy it?

Posted by Child on 24 February 2005 - 07:39 AM in Icewind Dale Series

And if you've got a few extra (insert currency here) then pick up the pack with both IWD and IWDII.  It's cheaper than getting both seperately, and has bonus features.

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IWDII over IWD tho, despite IWDII's hopeless lack of ending

#190861 should i buy it?

Posted by Child on 01 March 2005 - 01:40 PM in Icewind Dale Series

This has prob already come up, but is there a mod, a fix or whatever, that stops IWD chars looking round in a gormless manner in between the anims for weapon usage...its such a minor point but it annoys me so much that when I'm playing, and my char attacks something, he jabs, looks around in a totally neutral stance, jabs again, gets hit, looks around again as though nothing's wrong....

#190378 should i buy it?

Posted by Child on 26 February 2005 - 11:28 AM in Icewind Dale Series

I recommend IWD series and now you can get them all in one box ( IWD, HoW, IWD 2 )  at most stores. The Icewind Dale Collection is well worth the price (which isn't too high).

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IS IWD 1 worth playing? I kept getting bored about 1/3of the way through... (around the point of killing the "strange looking kid.") Is it worth me going back to it, esp as i didnt like IWD2 that much (dam lack of ending)

#201813 Err...Drizzt Romance Mod anyone?

Posted by Child on 23 April 2005 - 06:05 AM in IE Mod Ideas

hmm...well in the newer books there is this new elf chick he has fallen for so he must not be THAT in love with Catta Brie.

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i) So how do u get rid of the new elf chick that he HAS fallen in love with???

ii) ARGH! Can't u put *DRIZZT SPOILER* in there or something :(

#205217 Something to think about

Posted by Child on 17 May 2005 - 10:57 AM in IE Mod Ideas

I'm not fully up to speed on AD&D lore, but isnt geas an absolutely uber spell? Given that most PCs are circa lvl 14/15 when they depart for spellhold, if that, wouldn't that make it kinda silly?