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There have been 103 items by Ascension64 (Search limited from 16-June 23)

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#558709 Saving Throw Fix causes bugs

Posted by Ascension64 on 30 May 2013 - 04:11 AM in ToBEx

Disable Saving Throw Fix.

#558760 Saving Throw Fix causes bugs

Posted by Ascension64 on 31 May 2013 - 05:30 AM in ToBEx

Not really. Just wait for the next version.

#558985 Installation Order and Compatibility.

Posted by Ascension64 on 07 June 2013 - 06:20 PM in BGT Archive

I've installed BG2+ToB on my Ubuntu 13.04 system and I want to take advantage of all WeiDU seems to offer. I'd like to install the G3 tweaks as well. Any idea as to how to proceed correctly ? I haven't been so succesful at WeiDU installs so far

Well the BGT-weidu is a PC only unfortunately, among the hurdles is the fact that the BG1 data needs to be transferred... and the only Linux BG1 is the EE, which the BGT won't cover so far. Ascension64 would need to make that compatible and that's a try he hasn't said a whisper about. Well as far as I know.


This assertion by The Imp, I think, is incorrect. BGT-WeiDU is not PC-only. It has compatibility to install on both Linux (Wine-tested) and MacOS (unclear if tested). It is noted to install fine on Wine.


However, a linux user would be most appropriate to chip in here and say whether other Linux OSs support BG1 and BG2, because I don't own and test on a Linux system, I cannot say. I'd not jump to conclusions as The Imp has over this.

#559390 Opcode 183 Apply Effect Itemtype

Posted by Ascension64 on 22 June 2013 - 03:52 PM in ToBEx

Did ToBEx really fixed this opcode? :)

A player mentioned this here at G3, and with a quick search I found out AndreaColombo at BGEE says here that both 182 and 183 have been fixed...so, I looked at Modder Reference again and found out it seems true (not sure why I never noticed it before - is it recent?).
Yeah, it has been there a while. :)
1) how does it work the 'Type' field? Does it reference an IDS or 2DA? Or does it simply pick from item "category" entry (e.g. Armor 2, Plate Mail 64, Full Plate 65, etc.)?
This is the item type as described in IESDP ITM V1.0 0x1c field. Yes, your examples are correct.
2) I'm not sure I understand this: "Limitations: the effect is applied again if an already equipped matching itemtype is used to force-attack a target via the quickbar." So, if applied to a weapon the effect is re-applied if you select the weapon?
Essentially, be very careful about using permanent timings with incremental change (e.g. heal when equip itemtype) stuff.
Example: Let's say A equips an amulet of heal (the amulet heals 3 HP every equipping event of itemtype mace). Now I equip A with a mace -> heal 3 HP. While the mace is still equipped, if I decide to use F2 to quick-select the mace from the quick-bar (even though the mace is already the weapon currently being equipped), A will heal 3 HP again.
3) What if the itemtype is not equipped anymore? Does 183 work as a repeating EFF which checks every x time if the item is still equipped? Or is it a "one time only" check?
Can't remember exactly, but whenever the inventory state of a creature changes, the list is re-checked and effects re-applied (since the itemtype effect list forms part of the same structure that stats are stored).
Hope that helps.

#559426 Opcode 183 Apply Effect Itemtype

Posted by Ascension64 on 23 June 2013 - 03:40 PM in ToBEx

Yeah, it should work fine with that.
If you want to try and test the limitation, you can repetitively re-equip said shield (e.g. sword and shield combo) via quickbar and see if the creature's AC keeps getting better. If the AC sits correctly at +x better than the previous AC, then it should be fine.

#559450 Bandits holding the fibula of Silvershield did not spawn

Posted by Ascension64 on 24 June 2013 - 04:39 AM in BGT Archive

In vanilla BG, Kagain simply gives up as soon as you enter the area. BG1UB 'restores' this such that when you get close to a group of abandoned caravans, there will be some bones and Kagain will initiate dialogue. As far as I remember, there were never any bandits where you find Kagain's "lost child' using BG1UB.

#559636 Public test release feedback

Posted by Ascension64 on 30 June 2013 - 03:10 AM in ToBEx

Thanks for the feedback - it is terribly difficult to fully test this kind of mod.

#560134 Bug report: Transfer to BG2 (BGT)

Posted by Ascension64 on 18 July 2013 - 12:40 AM in Valerie

The mod probably doesn't add anything in the way of BGT transition for the NPCs, in which case the default BGT behaviour is to treat them like multiplayer characters (keep them in the party).

#560135 WeiDU 1.18 Install Path Error

Posted by Ascension64 on 18 July 2013 - 12:40 AM in BGT Archive

You need to type in your Baldur's Gate I installation, not 2.

#560291 Spell flags with spells cast from items

Posted by Ascension64 on 23 July 2013 - 09:44 PM in ToBEx

Should be possible. Have you also asked on the BGEE forums?

#560305 Spell flags with spells cast from items

Posted by Ascension64 on 24 July 2013 - 05:35 AM in ToBEx

Probably both - I have not looked into the cast spell opcode for a while, so I can't go into the specifics. The question to consider is how many of the parent resource flags should the cast spell opcode obey? Are there duplicates? Are there any undefined behaviors?

#560356 [BUG] BGT-WeiDU version 1.18 corrupts 2 AI script files

Posted by Ascension64 on 25 July 2013 - 03:06 PM in BGT Archive

Good catch! BGT replaces agen and apass with its own versions, but this is a bit old because it destructively replaces these scripts. The idea is to add ActionListEmpty() trigger to each block to allow item shattering to function correctly. I'm not sure why loading the games result in the scripts automatically being set to none, though.

#560366 How to change how BGT transfers NPCs during the transition to BG2

Posted by Ascension64 on 25 July 2013 - 09:35 PM in BGT Archive

If you are into any kind of WeiDU/Infinity Engine modding, have a look at the Import more NPCs into Shadows of Amn component of BGTTweaks, which will have a basic outline of the code you need to 'import' your NPC into Shadows of Amn. Alternatively, the Dark Side of the Sword Coast compatibility section of Setup-BGT.tp2 will also have your answer.

If you need more guidance than this, then either someone will need to do it for you or, as mentioned above, some modding knowledge is in order.

#560385 Bug & Typo Reports

Posted by Ascension64 on 26 July 2013 - 05:00 AM in Isra

*cough* ARAM00.BCS *cough*

#560432 How to change how BGT transfers NPCs during the transition to BG2

Posted by Ascension64 on 27 July 2013 - 07:32 PM in BGT Archive

@Rhaella, yes it is. The character import code (or rather, the character running away code; the import codes are in the specific areas you want them to appear in in BG2) is contained in this script. The empirical approach would be simply to pilfer the necessary script blocks and change the script names to reflect Isra.

#560667 Crash when accessing the Bridge

Posted by Ascension64 on 05 August 2013 - 12:28 AM in BGT Archive

Try emptying your cache. An attempt at decompressing some file failed.

#560749 Reasons for disabled fixes in .ini?

Posted by Ascension64 on 06 August 2013 - 11:01 PM in ToBEx

Certain mods 'force-disable' some components, I think due to past instabilities. I think with the latest release of TobEx, you can re-enable them as you like.

#560892 Help with BGT Installation

Posted by Ascension64 on 11 August 2013 - 04:06 AM in BGT Archive

A search would probably have revealed your answer; http://www.shsforums...lation-problem/

#560937 Help with BGT Installation

Posted by Ascension64 on 11 August 2013 - 11:35 PM in BGT Archive

Can you try deliberately using an older version of WeiDU to install BGT?

#560952 Help with BGT Installation

Posted by Ascension64 on 12 August 2013 - 02:53 PM in BGT Archive

Make sure you don't have any newer WeiDU versions in the installation folder, because WeiDU likes to self-auto-update.

#561352 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 24 August 2013 - 03:49 AM in ToBEx

Will pop them on the list to have a look at.

#561394 [BGT] CTD when getting waylaid

Posted by Ascension64 on 25 August 2013 - 03:59 AM in Mega Mod Help

One of the biggest disadvantages of 1PP is it doesn't introduce error-checking in the code. Hence, lots of potential bad crashes for missing/bad animations. Screws me over all the time when I try to load other peoples' saves on my puny minimalist install without 1PP.

#561395 Assertion failed CGameArea.cpp line 5504 (trying to enter Crooked Cran

Posted by Ascension64 on 25 August 2013 - 04:00 AM in Mega Mod Help

Some area file is of size 0 or the dimensions fields are corrupted. Probably need to clear cache.

#561489 [Release] BGT Tweak Pack version 11

Posted by Ascension64 on 28 August 2013 - 11:14 PM in BGT Archive

I no longer sticky because it is no longer being actively developed. You can still find it in stickys as part of its listing as a BGT-WeiDU at the BGT-WeiDU Mod List (http://www.shsforums...weidu-mod-list/)

#561527 [Release] BGT Tweak Pack version 11

Posted by Ascension64 on 29 August 2013 - 10:04 PM in BGT Archive

I believe this is an outstanding IP Board issue - it normally shows correctly as it is HTML.