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#285793 Challenge #1: Player Character

Posted by Minarvia on 11 March 2007 - 03:00 PM in Fanart Challenge

Here's a picture of Gavin, when he was a PnP cleric. We weren't playing in a Forgotten Realms setting, so he was a cleric of Pelor.

This portrait is very old. I never dated it, unfortunately, so I can't say how old it is. Had to have been after 3rd edition rules, though, to have been Pelor. Edit: couldn't have been much after it first came out, though, because I was deep into my crew-cut phase at that point.

That's too funny! I had to view it from the top down and I was wondering what the heck was happening. The last bit then hit me and made me laugh out loud. Yep, that's our Gavin, all right!

#258520 An update on Sir Kalthorine's situation

Posted by Minarvia on 23 July 2006 - 10:28 PM in Chrysta

So good to hear that he's well. :)

#283007 What would be your install?

Posted by Minarvia on 21 February 2007 - 10:16 PM in Mod for the Wicked

Finally being able to actually roleplay an evil character.  I would install everything.

Took the words right out of my mouth!  I would install everything.

Glad you've come back!

#283272 An update on Sir Kalthorine's situation

Posted by Minarvia on 24 February 2007 - 04:07 PM in Chrysta

Yes, welcome. And don't worry, like Berelinde said, BG2 won't be going away any time soon. And there will always be us die-hards who are eager for a great new mod.
Glad you're well!

#263695 Lich and Co.

Posted by Minarvia on 09 September 2006 - 04:38 PM in Edwin Romance

er, um, I have not installed this mod, because, well, i like good parties. Just could never get past that my NPCs are happy when I get caught being a theif and killing people I don't need to...

But, almost every place I have ever been you can get away by leaving the zone. If you are in Athkatla, leave the zone, buff up however you need, and go right back to fight the battle on your terms. If you know your entrances and exits, you can probably set it up so you also get to use the "fringe" effect to only see one new enemy at a time (that can be done only work on Waukeen's promenade and the docks).

You're right about the zone, but in this case you are trapped in one room and there is nowhere to escape to to buff up or use the fringe effect. :) That's what makes this battle so challenging.

#263428 Lich and Co.

Posted by Minarvia on 06 September 2006 - 02:09 PM in Edwin Romance

Reloading is cheating, huh? Okay, it's a simple fact that if the Bhaalspawn pc dies in BG2, he or she turns into a pile of dust on the ground. I doubt there's a single person out there who hasn't reloaded at some point in the game.
To get the Thayan nights to target your fighters, you move your fighters to the front as soon as you warp into the room. 9 times out of 10, your fighters are targeted. I wanted to summon a bunch of monsters and stuff too, but that's really hard to do when the entire room is filled with that death fog. If Edwin is dying because of the litch, it's because he doesn't have enough spell protections on. I had the following protections on Eddie: stoneskin, mirror image, vocalize, fireshield blue and red, improved invisibility, resist fear, speed, spell deflection, protection from magical weapons, and minor spell turning. I decided if the enemy mages could cast improved invisibility and avoid being targeted by spells, so could we! The only time I had to worry about Eddie dying was if his spell protections began to wear off. I had him memorize some extra spell protections, so he was able to re-cast those when we got to that point. Nalia had similar protections, although since she wasn't quite as advanced as Eddie, she had to have lower-level protections. She still had improved invisibility cast though, so she was just about as safe as Edwin. BTW, it also helps to cast a couple fire balls at the enemies in the very beginning of the fight. Not all of them are completely protected from fire. I found that one of the knights was particularly vulnerable to melf's minute meteors, as well.

About the reloading - I totally agree with that. I've often thought the very same thing when people get on others for their occassional reload. I can't believe anyone NEVER has their pc die.

I like these battle ideas. I usually just begin with immediately having Anomen (or Viconia) and Eddie cast Skeleton Warriors right next to the closest mage and they become the first targets. I then pick and choose my strategies from there. I tell you, I am SO glad that my skeletons are the targets of the Time Stop and Horrid Wilting and my party is not hurt so badly. I then have time to pause and plan each step of the way.

#266530 hmmm... romanceable?

Posted by Minarvia on 15 October 2006 - 03:05 PM in Brythe

Brythe will be a hard character to romance, I think; due to various events in his past which will be hard to get past.

I personally can't wait to see more of Brythe - and I hope Shfelliot turns up sooner rather than later! :)

No kidding. I like this guy and I've been checking here all the time hoping to see some progress. :)

#273928 hmmm... romanceable?

Posted by Minarvia on 12 December 2006 - 08:22 AM in Brythe

I personally think that a romance with Brythe would be awesome, cuz there's not too much choice for a romance with a female PC. He would be the most intriguing character to try and have a romance with.

Well, there is Edwin, Tsujatha, Kelsey, Solaufein, Kivan and Xan. If you haven't tried them you may want to. They can keep you busy for the time being!

#286002 What character class of NPC would you like to see made?

Posted by Minarvia on 12 March 2007 - 06:20 PM in IE Mod Ideas

i guess i would like to see a barbarian. actually what i want to see most is not a class but a race. why are there no half-orc NPCs?

I think Ariena is a half-orc. She's at the Mod for the Wicked here at SHS. But maybe she's an orc, I don't recall for sure.

#286003 What character class of NPC would you like to see made?

Posted by Minarvia on 12 March 2007 - 06:22 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Kindrek took a fair amount of heat because his inventory items couldn't be moved.

I would avoid unmovable items unless they were absolutely plot essential, and even then, I would keep it to one or two. If you want to fill up her inventory with *movable* custom items, usable only by her, that would be your choice, and I don't think anyone could complain, since they can just go ahead and equip something else if they don't like what she has.

I 100% agree. I HATE more than one, or two at the very most, unremovable items. That is one reason I ditched Kindrek early on. All that unremovable stuff irritated me too much.

#285280 What character class of NPC would you like to see made?

Posted by Minarvia on 08 March 2007 - 05:19 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Anyways what was the final decision? Was it fully decided she'd be a mage?

Hi Kael,

Umm, let me just say that I believe the decision that was made will make her a more complete and fun character to have in your party!   :devil:

Keldon   :new_thumbs:

I'm sure I'll find her fun no matter what her class is.  Oh, and if she is easy to pick up early on.  You won't stick her in Firkraag's Lair, will you?    :unsure:

#284048 What character class of NPC would you like to see made?

Posted by Minarvia on 01 March 2007 - 07:59 PM in IE Mod Ideas

As Kulyok hinted, those are your three apprentices, for the mage stronghold

Yes, they are, and we are well into SOA on this mod by now (I'm helping with writing) and we hope to make the player want to take all 3 along as they all have stories, quests, and personalities.  

As for the new evil female, I don't really care what she is as long as she has a good story and the mod will actually be completed.   A cleric would be nice, imho, or a monk.  But I would play her regardless of class if you make her!

#286483 What would you like to see?

Posted by Minarvia on 14 March 2007 - 01:16 PM in Brythe

Alternative portraits is always interesting since a picture says more then a thousand words right? It can give a really different feel of the character.

A couple of banter samples would be nice. I am really curious about Brythe's character and manner of speaking, and how he will relate to party members.

#287759 Alternate Edwin Edit

Posted by Minarvia on 19 March 2007 - 09:29 PM in Layers of Reality

You made Edwin even more sexified. <3 ^^

No kidding! Eddie is the love of my life! Bmps please!!!
He's just gorgeous!

#287856 Alternate Edwin Edit

Posted by Minarvia on 20 March 2007 - 10:45 AM in Layers of Reality

Lovely!  I prefer the danglies...but both are beautiful.  Thank you!

#262066 Just another tragic soul.

Posted by Minarvia on 21 August 2006 - 06:32 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Not liking to fail and always trying to please I have made another stab at the portrait.

I used your portrait above as a reference for the look.  I can add tattoo's if thats what you really want!

Ooohhh, this is nice!   :)

#245470 Brythe NPC Tolerability, Poll 3

Posted by Minarvia on 31 March 2006 - 12:22 AM in Brythe

I voted for Aerie because I think she can't believe that once someone has done such evil could be trusted or redeemed. Plus, I think she would just plain be afraid of him.
I think that Keldorn could tolerate Brythe because, as a paladin, he believes in law and since Brythe has paid his penalty he can be given a "clean slate" so to speak. Well, clean enough that he could atone for his deeds, at any rate.
Of course, I'm probably alone in this opinion and as much as I love BGII I am not as much a "deep thinker" some other players are.

#269599 Houri Mod

Posted by Minarvia on 12 November 2006 - 01:51 PM in IE Mod Ideas

Hee hee!   :D  I LOVE the sound of this!  I think she will be one of my fave "rough" types right up there with Willie Bruce.  I can't wait!  I really really hope this mod will not be too long in the making, tho I understand quality takes time.   Forums are looking slower these days and I would hate to see a promising project not have much of an audience left when it comes out.  
Those spell names crack me up.   :lol:

#255746 Sir K is lost in the desert!

Posted by Minarvia on 28 June 2006 - 06:20 PM in Chrysta

Sorry but it's been some months now - is his sense of direction bad enough for his being lost to continue?

:ROFL: I've wondered the same thing!

#275532 Fade artwork

Posted by Minarvia on 22 December 2006 - 07:51 PM in Fade

I really like them all, but the Christmas one and the thief one are really terriffic. And, welcome to SHS, by the way!

#284049 Ajantis in BG2

Posted by Minarvia on 01 March 2007 - 08:01 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I'd love to see Ajantis in BG2.  Of course, I haven't finished his BG1 romance so I don't know if he turns into a jerk or not.  If he does and I'm too mad at him, I may just kill him myself in BG2!  Oh, wait, I already do!  : )  
Seriously, I would like to see this project completed soon!

#246083 Tattoos and a Shaven Head

Posted by Minarvia on 04 April 2006 - 04:22 PM in Edwin Romance

Thanks so much, Ilmatar! It is lovely! Eddie is, as usual, positively yummy!

#255747 No more Humans or Elves!

Posted by Minarvia on 28 June 2006 - 06:29 PM in IE Mod Ideas

I know this topic is kind of old, but just in case anyone didn't know, Nethrin has a dwarf cleric NPC over at Chosen of Mystra.

#256293 Thanks for the flirts, Laufey!

Posted by Minarvia on 04 July 2006 - 08:27 PM in Edwin Romance

I used to belive squee means something like... glee. >.> kinda.

Hee!  Thanks!  Okay, the flirts make me all "squee" inside, too!  Gotta love Eddie even more now.  :wub:

#256195 Thanks for the flirts, Laufey!

Posted by Minarvia on 03 July 2006 - 05:22 PM in Edwin Romance

[quote name='Hishi' date='Jul 3 2006, 03:34 PM' post='256172']
xD I didn't play the whole Xan mod through, though I intend too once I have finished a new run-through with Eddie, yush. I just got tired of all the dialogues that basically went:

Charname: Oh Xan...
Charname: Oh Xan...

I hear ya.  After a while I killed him myself and kept his Moonblade as a souvinir.  Eddie carried it along with our other souvinirs!

You get the idea. But anyway! To steer this back on topic. ER makes my soul go squee inside... and I also eagerly await Edwina flirts. ^^

I'm not a teen, nor have I been for many years.  But I have to know, what does "squee" mean? Does it mean, sort of, that you go all mushy inside?

And about Eddie being a father...I love the idea that he would also be very protective of Charname.  I've no doubt he would suddenly be the best bodyguard in the Faerun!  :D