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#602159 Roxanne and her multiple accounts scam

Posted by Creepin on 01 May 2018 - 12:49 AM in IE Modding Discussion

It seemed indeed rather obvious, but I hope this public pillory won't drive a much-needed active member from a shrinking community... Whatever floats their boat, I guess?

What if precisely that is intended?


A modder who promotes EET and new BWS and large mods must be a thorn in the side of Beamdog. With the big game installations she.enables, players can spend months and months exploring the Baldurs Gate world.


This keeps them away from purchasing additional products about to be released.


The ones that come under false disguise are those that call themselves modders in a community forum or moderators while their names appear in the end credits of industry games. Their company's interest is to sell more games and not to have people to stick to a single large modded game.


That's what I call obvious.

My, my, Roxanne, pretending to be a voice of the people in the attempt to sway public opinion in the very thread explaining why is that bad? Have you really no shred of decency? At the very least you should have thought how dumb your accusation would sound in the thread made by one who hate EE, as you're perfectly aware.

#602144 Roxanne and her multiple accounts scam

Posted by Creepin on 30 April 2018 - 11:46 AM in IE Modding Discussion

No, it's deadly serious. Think about it: half of the people we have all come to trust and cherish here turn out to be Roxanne.

Of that, you should not worry. Roxanne only started her clumsy subterfuge few months ago, clearly not enough time to start to cherish someone, especially a guest. However with time, if not uncovered, it could indeed have led to a good members starting to doubt each other, that is exactly why I referred to that as "poisonous to community".


As for the rest of your post I scarcely got it's meaning, but I'll be generous and blame that on my dubious knowledge of English.

#602139 Roxanne and her multiple accounts scam

Posted by Creepin on 30 April 2018 - 11:03 AM in IE Modding Discussion

How do you determine something like this? IP + timestamp comparison?
Sorry for not going into details on that - sadly I might need those in the future - but rest assured that I've listed only those alts which I have absolutely no doubt about.
Am I Roxanne?
Was going for a witty comeback but then I remembered this is not a joke-worthy issue.

#602135 Roxanne and her multiple accounts scam

Posted by Creepin on 30 April 2018 - 08:03 AM in IE Modding Discussion

It has come to my attention few weeks ago, thanks to the tip of neighbor forum friendly administration, that a check on Roxanne posting might yield some interesting results. I have spent some time to run this check, and the results were indeed... surprising, to put it mildly. Turns out there's quite a number of posts she made under pretence of being other persons, posting, at least, under the names of PaulaHillm, PaulaM, Rasmon, stewart, verlaine (all posting as guests), Blackblade and a number of nameless "guests".

It is my personal belief that doing so was cowardly, dishonourable fraud, both highly poisonous for honest, open and meaningful interaction between fellow members of the community, and extremely rude and disgraceful towards actual members in the good standing who perceived, considered and even replied to this drivel while been intentionally mislead to believe they are dealing with real persons. Your appraisal of the issue might vary, but one thing is certain: people who has been fooled by Roxanne has all the right to know about it, and since almost none of Roxanne's alts was registered I had to provide full list of established fake posts in case anyone wondering whether he was talking to a real person or a puppet. You will find this list at the bottom of this post. The list will be expanded upon new findings.
The investigation is not closed. Right now, the main candidate to add to the list of Roxanne's alts is another guest poster going under the name of Sogdiane, who seems to break all records by having 84% of her posts either directly aimed to or answered by Roxanne. Also, this versus this surely enough to warrant raised eyebrows.

With that said, I'll keep a close watch for any further developments and would welcome any expertise on that community might have to root out any possible Roxannes alts I could have missed. Until then, a discretion is advised when reading any posts aimed towards her or her mods made by both guests and recently registered accounts.

I am sorry it has come to this.

P.S. You can read other angles to this story on neighbouring sites:

Gibberlings 3 thread
Beamdog thread


#602085 Entangle Slowdowns + Aggro, Weird Enemies?

Posted by Creepin on 28 April 2018 - 03:35 AM in Mega Mod Help

The most worrying thing is that whenever an enemy casts Web or Entangle, the computer slows to a crawl and the spell effects refuse to end

Had that once, long ago so my memory is a bit fuzzy on the cause, but I think it was Galactygon's SpellPack. Do you have it installed?

#602045 NearInfinity

Posted by Creepin on 26 April 2018 - 09:04 AM in IE Modding Tools

Parameter 3 is located at offset 0x60 (EFF v2 only).

And it is also honestly marked as such in NI. Shame on me :) I checked embedded EFF (EFF v1), saw none of it, and decided it's a mystery to solve :whistling:

#602042 NearInfinity

Posted by Creepin on 26 April 2018 - 06:42 AM in IE Modding Tools

Argent77, that's super cool, thank you! With that option on and Gwendolyne's hint about +4 for param1 and +8 for param2 everything is clear, like pieces of a puzzle falling into place. To fully close the issue, how much should I add to opcode offset to find field for parameter 3? I remember it's used somewhere...

#602040 NearInfinity

Posted by Creepin on 26 April 2018 - 06:20 AM in IE Modding Tools

If it is a EFF v1 : parameter is 0x4 after opcode field, and parameter 2 0x8.
If it is a EFf v2 : parameter 1 is 0x1c after signature, and parameter2 0x20.

Sadly, NI doesn't allow me to see raw data of effects, so I can't count 0x4 or any other within NI. I'm sure it will come handy in WeiDU though, so thanks for letting me know!

In fact : opcode, target, power, parameter1 (whatever the name used in NI), parameter2...

Aha, that's cool. Simply saying I should in any case use 4th field for parameter1 and 5th field for parameter2? As in, in case of the attached, I should put 1 in "value" field and 0 in "Unused" field event though it is, well, unused? :)

Attached Images

  • screen.jpg

#602037 NearInfinity

Posted by Creepin on 26 April 2018 - 05:13 AM in IE Modding Tools

It bug me for a long time that there's different names of fields for effects in NearInfinity and IESDP. In most cases I was able to draw a correlation by a guesswork, however his time I stuck.

So, # 22 Luck. IESDP says following:

#22 (0x16) Stat: Cumulative Luck Bonus
Parameter #1: Statistic Modifier
Parameter #2: Type

continuing with explanation of parameters.

IESDP on the other hand has fields like "target", "power", "value" and so on, the usual. Let's say I want to put 1 in Parameter #1 and 0 in Parameter #2, which fields in NI should I use? Or, better yet, how in general I could figure out on my own which fields should I use?

#601885 Creepin's various WeiDU questions of varying silliness

Posted by Creepin on 20 April 2018 - 01:35 PM in IE Help

@1000 = ~\([Bb]asilisk\)\|\([Mm]edusa\)~

Hmm, do I get it right that I should put that (or rather translations thereof) in .tra files of my mod?

UPD. Indeed, forum software acting up lately :(

#601883 Creepin's various WeiDU questions of varying silliness

Posted by Creepin on 20 April 2018 - 12:56 PM in IE Help

Argent77, I have no words, this is so cool, and I wouldn't hope to attain this ability to manipulate files even after a months of study! Thank you so very much :clap:
Not sure I understand every quirk of it though: for example why do you apply patch if "STRING_CONTAINS_REGEXP ~\(basilisk\)\|\(medusa\)~ = 0", should not it be "STRING_CONTAINS_REGEXP ~\(basilisk\)\|\(medusa\)~ = 1", as in, a hit?

As for subtledoctors good point about languages, I wonder if
READ_STRREF 0x272 race

PATCH_IF (~%name1%~ STRING_CONTAINS_REGEXP ~\(basilisk\)\|\(medusa\)~ = 0 ||
~%name2%~ STRING_CONTAINS_REGEXP ~\(basilisk\)\|\(medusa\)~ = 0 ||
race = ~BASILISK~ || race = ~MEDUSA~) BEGIN
would work as a temporary solution?
And you can add a check on MEDUSA race or animate.ids for an incoming mod. ;)
Haha, I remember that, that's why a cared to bother with Medusas (Medusae?) at all ;)

#601869 Creepin's various WeiDU questions of varying silliness

Posted by Creepin on 20 April 2018 - 05:59 AM in IE Help

Ok folks, this one is really hard, and I'm certain I will need help from some of you WeiDU ninjas because the thing is way beyond my understanding of WeiDU.
I need to implement the following logic:

for each creature having inside its name letters "basilisk", "Basilisk", "medusa" or "Medusa" (no matter if in the beginning or in the middle)
	for each its weapon having projectile = "gaze" inside weapons item ability AND save type = "paralyze" inside such item abilities current effect 0
		add to such item ability two effects that must become effect 0 and effect 1, in that exact order, shifting all previous effects down by 2

I believe I might figure out how to do so if I'll spend a month or two learning WeiDU, but I would be really happy to have help from someone for whom this is a matter of a 10 minutes to write :rolleyes:


P.S. Hooray for my 1000th post in the last 14 years... damn how the time flies :crazy:

#601604 The Old Gold

Posted by Creepin on 08 April 2018 - 06:20 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

You know, if you did actually show those 5 items the mod has to offer and maybe tell us how they are available in-game, people might be more interested in testing.

Right now, all the information you give is "this mod has 5 items". Not very much to go on...

You are correct, and thanks for the hint, but then again - what surprise would that be if I did so? And what are mods for if not to be surprised a little bit (and hopefully in a pleasant way) in a game you know inside out? :) Not to mention I have already fixed a bug of compatibility with 1PP, so I would rather have not over-exposure this until 0.2, which is 60% done by now.


BTW, two of these are actually shown in the logo ;)

#601603 Protection from undead races vs. UNDEAD General

Posted by Creepin on 08 April 2018 - 06:12 AM in IE Help

One more post anyone (me including) find impolite will be your last post on this forum. Just letting you know.