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#602424 Sarevok Romance updated to version 1.3

Posted by Creepin on 13 May 2018 - 11:12 AM in Directives from the Director

After a long while, Aeryn's Sarevok Romance is now officialy updated to 1.3.  The new version includes handle_charset function, Polish translation by Astharoshe (member of CoB's Stars of Mystra), EET for game check and WeiDU update.
About the mod: "Sarevok Anchev has been many things. Once a murderer, deceiver and despised enemy, he has become an unlikely ally to a PC facing an uncertain future. Though many facts about both his past and his former plans are common knowledge, little can be determined about his current motivations now that life has been returned to him. Has death shaken his perceptions, or merely hardened his resolve to ruthlessly seize whatever power he can take for himself? Is it possible for mortal foes to becoming something more than reluctant allies?"
Thanks to Lava Del'Vortel for the update and K'aeloree for the green light to update it.

#605131 Rylorn

Posted by Creepin on 24 November 2018 - 09:18 AM in Mega Mod Help

Rylorn is here (or here for that matter) but far as I see it doesn't have version number in tp2 and marked as being 1.0 in readme, so I'm not 100% sure this is exactly what you're looking for.

#602364 Roxanne and her multiple accounts scam

Posted by Creepin on 08 May 2018 - 01:45 PM in IE Modding Discussion

I am not going to post any proofs publically to not give the buggers any ideas. However, any forum member in a good standing is welcome to ask me in PM for that proofs.



My my, and here I was thinking only Roxanne has the habit of talking with her alts. Or IS it Roxanne as well?

Now I will only say two things: that, if this trend continues, you can all expect dozens of "my" accounts, and probably everyone else's, posting in all sorts of topics, and that if Creepin was wrong about me, he might very well have been wrong about Roxanne.

It's fascinating to watch people show their true colours: one crook "bargains" to deprive us of her "invaluable" bugfixes if she won't be allowed to keep lying to us, and another threating to overrun the forum with spam if he will receive due repercussion for his cheating, useless, swinish actions. Meh.

#602135 Roxanne and her multiple accounts scam

Posted by Creepin on 30 April 2018 - 08:03 AM in IE Modding Discussion

It has come to my attention few weeks ago, thanks to the tip of neighbor forum friendly administration, that a check on Roxanne posting might yield some interesting results. I have spent some time to run this check, and the results were indeed... surprising, to put it mildly. Turns out there's quite a number of posts she made under pretence of being other persons, posting, at least, under the names of PaulaHillm, PaulaM, Rasmon, stewart, verlaine (all posting as guests), Blackblade and a number of nameless "guests".

It is my personal belief that doing so was cowardly, dishonourable fraud, both highly poisonous for honest, open and meaningful interaction between fellow members of the community, and extremely rude and disgraceful towards actual members in the good standing who perceived, considered and even replied to this drivel while been intentionally mislead to believe they are dealing with real persons. Your appraisal of the issue might vary, but one thing is certain: people who has been fooled by Roxanne has all the right to know about it, and since almost none of Roxanne's alts was registered I had to provide full list of established fake posts in case anyone wondering whether he was talking to a real person or a puppet. You will find this list at the bottom of this post. The list will be expanded upon new findings.
The investigation is not closed. Right now, the main candidate to add to the list of Roxanne's alts is another guest poster going under the name of Sogdiane, who seems to break all records by having 84% of her posts either directly aimed to or answered by Roxanne. Also, this versus this surely enough to warrant raised eyebrows.

With that said, I'll keep a close watch for any further developments and would welcome any expertise on that community might have to root out any possible Roxannes alts I could have missed. Until then, a discretion is advised when reading any posts aimed towards her or her mods made by both guests and recently registered accounts.

I am sorry it has come to this.

P.S. You can read other angles to this story on neighbouring sites:

Gibberlings 3 thread
Beamdog thread


#602349 Roxanne and her multiple accounts scam

Posted by Creepin on 08 May 2018 - 03:38 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Well well, if it Mr. Trigger-happy-with-his-delete button. :D

Hey man, I hope they are paying you well for offering to be a security guard and monitor this forum 24/7 :)

Tell me temnix, is that hard to be an asshole AND a coward at the same time? Logging off each time you want to insult someone and then logging back each time you want to ask someone for help? Not too tiresome hopefully.

#602139 Roxanne and her multiple accounts scam

Posted by Creepin on 30 April 2018 - 11:03 AM in IE Modding Discussion

How do you determine something like this? IP + timestamp comparison?
Sorry for not going into details on that - sadly I might need those in the future - but rest assured that I've listed only those alts which I have absolutely no doubt about.
Am I Roxanne?
Was going for a witty comeback but then I remembered this is not a joke-worthy issue.

#602179 Roxanne and her multiple accounts scam

Posted by Creepin on 01 May 2018 - 10:49 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Well, damn, one of her alts suggested she was fired from Beamdog and the other denied this right away. This is ridiculous, really.

Yeah, and again here... http://www.shsforums...-15#entry600450


I see you've found my favourite part! Have you seen that place where she talk with herself 14 posts straight (with 1 post from real person caught in the crossfire)? Or where one of her alts quotes another? It is almost like she holds SHS for her personal stage and all of us for grateful audience who come here only to admire her escapades, good thing we haven't been asked to pay for the tickets yet!

#602144 Roxanne and her multiple accounts scam

Posted by Creepin on 30 April 2018 - 11:46 AM in IE Modding Discussion

No, it's deadly serious. Think about it: half of the people we have all come to trust and cherish here turn out to be Roxanne.

Of that, you should not worry. Roxanne only started her clumsy subterfuge few months ago, clearly not enough time to start to cherish someone, especially a guest. However with time, if not uncovered, it could indeed have led to a good members starting to doubt each other, that is exactly why I referred to that as "poisonous to community".


As for the rest of your post I scarcely got it's meaning, but I'll be generous and blame that on my dubious knowledge of English.

#602346 Roxanne and her multiple accounts scam

Posted by Creepin on 08 May 2018 - 03:23 AM in IE Modding Discussion

By now guest posts in this thread has already played their part: proving that guest posting doesn't benefit community. From this moment on I will remove any guest posts, as well as any posts done by accounts created later than 20th Apr. 2018. Exceptions may be done for posts that are mature, useful and well substantiated. Other than that - don't waste your breath, the discussion is for members of the community, not some cheating alts or anonyms abusing their status to be assholes.

#602159 Roxanne and her multiple accounts scam

Posted by Creepin on 01 May 2018 - 12:49 AM in IE Modding Discussion

It seemed indeed rather obvious, but I hope this public pillory won't drive a much-needed active member from a shrinking community... Whatever floats their boat, I guess?

What if precisely that is intended?


A modder who promotes EET and new BWS and large mods must be a thorn in the side of Beamdog. With the big game installations she.enables, players can spend months and months exploring the Baldurs Gate world.


This keeps them away from purchasing additional products about to be released.


The ones that come under false disguise are those that call themselves modders in a community forum or moderators while their names appear in the end credits of industry games. Their company's interest is to sell more games and not to have people to stick to a single large modded game.


That's what I call obvious.

My, my, Roxanne, pretending to be a voice of the people in the attempt to sway public opinion in the very thread explaining why is that bad? Have you really no shred of decency? At the very least you should have thought how dumb your accusation would sound in the thread made by one who hate EE, as you're perfectly aware.

#602352 Roxanne and her multiple accounts scam

Posted by Creepin on 08 May 2018 - 04:04 AM in IE Modding Discussion


you really have NO clue what you're talking about. I'm not temnix. And I'm not Roxanne. They both have nothing to do with me. Don't do anything stupid like punish them for what I say/do.

If you would care to read OP carefully you would have noticed I wouldn't throw accusation like that without having a rock-solid proof.
I can't believe temnix decided to use an invisible minion irl
Call it occupational hazard. You know: if you stare long enough into an invisible minion... ^_^
After I read page 5 of this enlightening topic ( now deleted ) I really think it is time to lock it down.
Thank you, I somehow overlooked the idea myself. I guess anyone having an opinion on the issue has plenty of time to voice it by now. So, much as I liked the final twist, thread is locked until any further development.

#602381 Roxanne and her multiple accounts scam

Posted by Creepin on 09 May 2018 - 10:05 AM in IE Modding Discussion

I second the thread not being locked. Actually, this one could be merged with the Roxanne one.
Merged. And unlocked. Let's see if we'll have sudden influx of civility and coherence now that guest posting is gone.

#602403 Roxanne and her multiple accounts scam

Posted by Creepin on 10 May 2018 - 10:35 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Enough is enough.

temnix has been banned for repeatedly breaking the rules by trolling, personal attacks and being rude to other forum members. He has been repeatedly warned about unacceptability of such behaviour, and after he received a final warning that his next personal attack against other forum member will result in his ban he chose to continue his attacks by posting under alt, first as a guest, and then as a registered account. Of course, the alt is banned as well.
As a tribute to the old days where such action has any meaning, I am also banning the IP address that temnix used to post from under as temnix, as -me- guest and as me. registered account.

#605063 PS BAM

Posted by Creepin on 19 November 2018 - 02:20 AM in IE Modding Tools

Sam., can you please explain why would one want to compress bams at all especially considering hindrances you mentioned in the readme? Bams that are bmps made with photoshop and converted with Miloch's BAM Batcher, are they not compressed? Is it a bad thing? Why? :)

#605069 PS BAM

Posted by Creepin on 20 November 2018 - 12:36 AM in IE Modding Tools

Thank you for this exhaustive explanation Sam! :)

#601603 Protection from undead races vs. UNDEAD General

Posted by Creepin on 08 April 2018 - 06:12 AM in IE Help

One more post anyone (me including) find impolite will be your last post on this forum. Just letting you know.

#602275 Placing an item on a map

Posted by Creepin on 06 May 2018 - 08:38 AM in IE Help

My two cents:
- I think dropped items marked as game critical doesn't vanish with time, but they can't be sold
- I also think there was the sole case of a free-lying item in vanilla games - that axe in IWD 1 somewhere in the snake caves, but even if that is true there's surely no macros in WeiDU to add free-lying item so you'll have to code it old-fashioned way, with, like, 30 lines of code
not that it is of great help but still.
Edit: hmm, wasn't there also Heartstone Gem lying on the floor in NeJ part 1? If so, its code should be helpful.

#602842 Ooze's Lounge now available at SHS

Posted by Creepin on 19 June 2018 - 01:56 AM in Athkatlan Grounds

And it has glowing mushrooms too! Ahem... I meant, congrats on that release Lava :)

#605673 NTotSC v3.1.0 with Angel's rebalancing fixes

Posted by Creepin on 05 February 2019 - 01:31 PM in Directives from the Director

Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (BGT, BG:EE, EET)

The mod adds several quests to the BG1 part (with TotSC) to the game and is compatible with BGT, BG:EE, and EET. Some are minor encounters with no further impact, but some are larger quests that are also partly connected to each other.
One large quest is given to you by Duke Eltan (before you go to Candlekeep). One of the longest quests also starts before Candlekeep: Talk to the lady outside the Sorceror's Sundries. One quest can be started by talking to Yness in Ulgoth's Beard.

Version 3.1.0 comes with rebalancing fixes by Angel, and some more fixes and minor tweaks.
Angel's rebalancing fixes:
    -Officer Tytus, Haeball, the Black Hand cultists and General Ghotal now have appropriate stats for their levels, especially in HP and AC
    -Haeball has been given a proper spell list and script
    -General Ghotal will now actually be able to hit back much more often than once every two rounds
    -Tytus will no longer have guaranteed hits every round as his THAC0 has been fixed.
    -removed some items (one robe that was just too good for BG1, a potion that was utterly useless in BG1, and the duplicate ankheg plates),
    -added a few new ones (one original, the rest IWD imports)
    -tweaked a few existing ones (mainly those in Firewine).
    -included a few fixes for install issues on Linux, mainly the installer not being able to install tilesets properly on EE, resulting in black lines between the tiles.
jastey's bugfixes and changes:
     -Giving Ordolath his candle will now give exp, always
     -added reply option to decline Lobar's offer eben though the PC has the gold
     -several traps are now detectable (flagg was missing)
     -added ntotsc.ini

Download at SHS (Windows)
Download at SHS OSX
Download at SHS (Linux)

Discussion Thread at SHS

Download NTotSC latest Release from GitHub

#604026 NTotSC for EET (and BGT and BG:EE) - Bugthread

Posted by Creepin on 12 August 2018 - 10:57 PM in NTotSC

Well it's clearly error on Sandrah part - that mod relies on the old and unsupported version of NTotSC - so it has nothing to do with NTotSC and should be reported on Sandrah's forum.

#602444 NPC Interaction Expansion Project - all mods are now updated

Posted by Creepin on 14 May 2018 - 10:57 AM in Directives from the Director

Do you know Interaction Expansion Project? It was created with one purpose - to give even more life to the existing NPCs. The project adds new friendships, interjections and banters to fill the game with new interesting dialogues. All were created with high quality in mind.

We are happy to announce that all the Interaction Expansion Project mods are now up to date. Here is the list of all changes:

IEP Banter Pack (update from v.4.1 to v.5.4):
-Added French translation (provided by Isaya)
-Added Chinese translation (provided by merzbau)
-Added EE/EET compatibility
-Fixed Aboleth talk variable
-Fixed Minsc-Anomen script blocks
-Isaya's .tra and .tp2 fixes

Imoen Friendship (update from v.2.1 to v.3.3):
-Added French translation provided by Isaya
-Added Spanish translation provided by Clan DLAN
-Added Chinese translation provided by Merzbau
-Adeed BG2EE/EET compatibility with tranlation support
-Fixed hell talk
-Isaya's .tra fixes

Mazzy Friendship (update from v2.1 to v.3.2):
-Added German translation provided by Kerzenburgforum
-Added Chinese translation provided by Merzbau
-Added better EE/EET compatibility
-Fixed a missing token in one of the dialogues
-Implemented Lollorian's fixed for ToB talks

Sarevok Friendship (update from v.1.0 to v.2.3):
-Added Chinese translation provided by Merzbau
-Added French translation provided by Isaya
-Added Polish translation provided by Astharoshe, member of Stars of Mystra
-Added better EE/EET compatibility
-Changed readme path to the up to date one
-Added translators to tp2

Viconia Friendship (update from v.3.2 to v.4.3):
-Adeed Russian translation provided by Fess, Aldark, Silent, Cutter and Prowler of arcanecoast.ru
-Added Chinese translation provided by Merzbau
-Added better EE/EET compatibility
-Isaya's .tra fixes

Yoshimo Friendship (update from v.3.1 to v.4.3):
-Added French translation provided by Isaya
-Added Chinese translation provided by Merzbau
-Added better EE/EET compatibility, along with UTF-8 converter
-Shadow Thieves talks won't appear if working for Bodhi
-Isaya's .tra fixes

Updates: Lava Del'Vortel along with help of SHS users and K'aeloree, who gave the updates the green light


#603418 No download...?

Posted by Creepin on 15 July 2018 - 02:20 PM in Isra

I think OP was referring to that [D/L] button right under forum name: it was broken indeed, so I fixed it. Thank you for the report SkeleTony! :)

#605012 NearInfinity

Posted by Creepin on 13 November 2018 - 10:28 PM in IE Modding Tools

Using VEF files is an awesome way to play complex visual effects with opcode #215. ;)
Thank you for mentioning that Gwendolyne! I am building a (relatively) complex animation right now with the use of multiple nested effects, and I had no idea there's already a format just for that. However there's no single VEF in BG2, do you know where I could get one to use as an example and template?

#605640 NearInfinity

Posted by Creepin on 05 February 2019 - 12:31 AM in IE Modding Tools

Is this in the original or the EE games ? Cause I would remember something like this to be in the EE games.

Original of course :)


I have no hits on "GGT(" neither for BGII nor BGII:EE. Could you give a script name? And I feel silly for even asking, but might it be a mod added script?

I noticed that in a BWS' dplayer3.bcs, so yes, it's absolutely mod added  :D  What puzzles me though is that while such truncation could indeed been used in baf, why is it still visible after being compiled into binary and decompiled back?

#602042 NearInfinity

Posted by Creepin on 26 April 2018 - 06:42 AM in IE Modding Tools

Argent77, that's super cool, thank you! With that option on and Gwendolyne's hint about +4 for param1 and +8 for param2 everything is clear, like pieces of a puzzle falling into place. To fully close the issue, how much should I add to opcode offset to find field for parameter 3? I remember it's used somewhere...